Chapter 46

" Hello, can we please sign in? Under the name Lloyd?" Lloyd asked wearily, glancing back at his dad, who had all five of the others on leashes. Lloyd could feel all eyes on him and his dad and the other ninja. But he didn't care. It had been a loooooooong evening.

After they had jumped onto the cars, the hypnotized ninja decided to go to a bouncy house. 

" Father, where are they now?" Lloyd had asked after he picked his father up.

Garmadon had checked his phone ( or, tried to. He kept holding it upside down. But Lloyd helped him).

" They are..... in bouncy Avenue."

" Bouncy Avenue?!" Lloyd had shouted. " But that's..."

" The most bounciest place in all of Ninjago and beyond! We have to go now!" Garmadon had replied.

Long story short, after finding the others, they decided to go away again. To a tower. So Garmadon bought leashes and dragged them to the urgent care. Now, they sat down in chairs as everyone gawked at them.

Then, Lloyd heard a bag drop. He turned, to find Rumi, standing in the doorway, confused.

" Lloyd... what happened with.... them?" She asked.

Lloyd rubbed the back of his head.

" That's a long story."

" Well, thankfully, we have a long time. Hold on. Let me get into my uniform." She quickly pointed at a room for them to go in, then hurried to the break room/ office._


Lloyd slumped into the chair in the room Rumi pointed to, his head throbbing. The other ninja, still under the chaotic influence of the spell, bounced and fidgeted in their leashes, occasionally letting out excited yelps. Even Garmadon looked exhausted, his usual stoicism replaced by a weary grimace.

He noticed Rumi disappear into a room labeled 'Staff Only' and stole a glance at his father. Garmadon, uncharacteristically quiet, was staring intently at a nearby wall. Following his gaze, Lloyd saw a photo – a picture of the entire ninja team, laughing and posing together. Beside it, another photo caught his eye – a picture of him and Rumi, their faces beaming as they held hands, framed in a heart.

Garmadon cleared his throat, startling Lloyd. "Son," he began, his voice surprisingly gentle, "it's time to think about your wedding."

Lloyd choked on a surprised laugh. "Wedding? Dad, are you serious? We've been through a lot tonight, but..."

Garmadon held up a hand, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I know, I know. This is hardly the ideal time for a wedding proposal talk. But seeing that picture..." He gestured to the photo, his eyes softening. "It made me realize how happy you are with Rumi. And after everything you've gone through... well, maybe it's time for some normalcy, some happiness."

Lloyd stared at him, speechless. Garmadon, the Lord Garmadon, talking about normalcy and happiness? The world was definitely tilting on its axis. But as he looked at Rumi's office door, a warmth spread through him. Maybe his father was right. Maybe, just maybe, amidst the chaos and the battles, there was room for something more – something real and lasting.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing Rumi in her nurse's uniform. 

" So, what was the long story you wanted to tell me?"

Lloyd took a deep breath, stealing another glance at the picture of him and Rumi. He knew this would be a long story, but for the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of hope, of excitement for the future. He smiled back at Rumi.

"Let me tell you about the most ridiculous, chaotic night of our lives."

And so he did. Lloyd launched into his tale, regaling Rumi with the absurd details of their night. He described the discount store spell, the mud bath, the accidental home invasion, the stolen car joyride, and finally, their arrival at the urgent care.

Rumi, initially wide-eyed with disbelief, couldn't help but laugh as Lloyd recounted the ninja's antics. She listened as he described Kai's disastrous chariot ride, Cole's soapy snack mishap, and Nya's mischievous glee at the whole situation.

Meanwhile, a different kind of chaos unfolded across the hall. Garmadon, still sporting the leashes (much to his displeasure), found himself surrounded by the ninja. Jay, still under the spell's influence, had somehow acquired a bag of colorful makeup and was attempting to give Garmadon a makeover.

A bright blue streak adorned one eyebrow, a layer of sparkly pink lipstick covered his lips, and a mismatched array of eyeshadow painted his eyelids. Garmadon, initially stoic, sputtered in outrage as Jay enthusiastically dabbed more glitter under his eyes.

"Jay! Enough!" he roared, his voice muffled by the lipstick. "This is preposterous! Do you have any idea how ridiculous I look?"

Cole, giggling uncontrollably, held up a handheld mirror. Garmadon, catching a glimpse of his reflection, let out a horrified gasp. "Son!" he bellowed across the hall, his voice muffled by the makeup. "Tell them to stop! I look absolutely hideous!"

Lloyd, in the midst of describing the bouncy house incident to Rumi, couldn't help but grin at his father's plight. He turned to Rumi, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Speaking of chaos," he said, "it seems Dad has encountered some... creative makeup artists."

Rumi, stifling a laugh, excused herself and headed over to the spectacle unfolding across the hall. She found Garmadon, his face a canvas of mismatched colors, glaring at the giggling ninja. With a sigh and a smile, she ushered the still-enthralled Jay away, gently removing the makeup tools from his grasp.

"Alright, alright," she said soothingly. "Makeover time is over. We need to get these leashes off before chaos truly erupts."

The ninja, their playful energy waning, looked at Rumi with confused expressions. The spell's influence seemed to be wearing off. One by one, Rumi removed the leashes, directing them to sit on the waiting chairs.

Garmadon, finally free of both leashes and makeup, approached Lloyd and Rumi. He looked disheveled, his face still faintly shimmering with glitter, but a hint of amusement lingered in his eyes.

"Well," he grumbled, "that was certainly an... eventful evening."

Lloyd chuckled. "Tell me about it, Dad. Tell me about it."

Rumi, ever the professional, cleared her throat. "Alright everyone, it looks like the spell is wearing off. We'll need to get you checked out, just to be safe. But first," she said, her gaze shifting to Garmadon, "perhaps someone needs to wash that... interesting makeup off."

Garmadon shot her a playful glare. "Perhaps someone does."

Then, turning to Lloyd, he said, " Lloyd, you'll need a ring, a suit-"

" Holy moly! Please, for the love of all Ninjago, can we please discuss this AFTER you wash that makeup?!" Lloyd interupted.

Garmadon, taken aback, sighed, nodded, and walked to the bathroom to wash it off.

Lloyd watched Garmadon trudge towards the restroom, the remnants of glitter catching the fluorescent lights. A tired smile tugged at his lips. It wasn't every day you saw your supervillain father sporting a garish makeup job courtesy of a hyperactive ninja.

Rumi, sensing the shift in the conversation, tilted her head with a knowing smile. "So," she started, her voice teasing, "wedding bells, huh?"

Lloyd flushed. "Well, uh, Dad kind of sprung it on me."

Rumi chuckled. "Typical Garmadon," she said, then her smile softened. "But honestly, Lloyd, looking at that picture on the wall..." she gestured towards the photo of them, "it made me think the same thing recently."

Lloyd's heart skipped a beat. Was she...? "You did?" he stammered.

Rumi stepped closer, her eyes sparkling. "Maybe. But hey, maybe after this little... incident, we can discuss it properly. No discount store spells, no mud baths, just you and me."

Lloyd couldn't help but grin. The night had been a whirlwind of chaos, but amidst the mayhem, a sliver of hope had bloomed. "Sounds perfect," he said, reaching for her hand.

Suddenly, a loud groan echoed from the bathroom. "This stuff is like ninja glue!" Garmadon's voice boomed.

Lloyd and Rumi exchanged a glance, then ran into the bathroom to take it off. It was stuck to him like glue. Lloyd and Rumi rushing in, determined to take matters into their own hands (and hopefully avoid any further makeup mishaps). Garmadon, meanwhile, was wrestling with a particularly stubborn patch of purple eyeshadow, muttering under his breath about discount store quality and the indignity of glitter.

First, Lloyd pulled the mask while Garmadon pulled the other side. The mask just slapped Lloyd's father on the face.

" Ow!" He groaned, glaring at Lloyd, who shrugged helplessly.

Then, Rumi and Garmadon pulled while Lloyd ran the opposite direction. Garmadin just went flying out the window and onto a trampoline.

" This is exasperating!" He moaned, shaking his head. Rumi and Lloyd helped him back inside.

"Alright, let's see this," Lloyd said, surveying the situation. He saw a tub of face wipes on the counter and grabbed them, offering one to Rumi. "Here, you take one side, I'll take the other."

Rumi nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. Together, they positioned themselves on either side of Garmadon, ready to launch a full-scale glitter removal attack. Garmadon, sensing their approach, braced himself.

"Just a gentle wipe, okay?" Lloyd warned, brandishing the face wipe like a weapon.

Garmadon snorted. "Gentle is not a word I'd associate with this situation."

But before anyone could react, Rumi lunged forward, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. Instead of wiping his face, she gave him a playful smear of the face wipe across his nose.

Lloyd stared at her, jaw agape. "Rumi!"

Garmadon, momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter. The tension in the room dissipated, replaced by a wave of lighthearted relief.

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, wiping the white streak off his nose. "Maybe gentle is the way to go."

They finally managed to remove the makeup, albeit with a few more playful swipes and a lot of laughter. Garmadon emerged from the ordeal looking a little worse for wear, but with a twinkle back in his eyes.

"Well," he said, surveying the remnants of glitter clinging to his clothes, "this is hardly a fashion statement."

Just then, a loud thump resonated from outside the bathroom window. Lloyd peeked out and saw Garmadon sprawled on a giant, rainbow-colored trampoline, blinking in surprise.

"What the...?" he muttered, struggling to his feet.

Rumi joined Lloyd at the window, a bewildered expression on her face. "Is that a... trampoline park outside the urgent care?"

Lloyd couldn't help but groan. As if the night couldn't get any crazier, they now had a glitter-covered supervillain stuck on a trampoline.

"Looks like our adventure isn't quite over yet," he sighed.

"Nope," Rumi agreed, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let's go get your dad down."

Garmadon, though, did not need rescuing.

" Check on the others," He said. " They need you more than me."

Lloyd and Rumi exchanged surprised glances. Garmadon, usually the one to demand immediate assistance, was suggesting they help the others first?

"Are you sure, Dad?" Lloyd asked, his voice laced with concern. "You look like you could use a hand getting down from there."

Garmadon huffed, brushing a stray strand of glitter from his now-clean hair. "I can manage. Besides," he added, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "a little bouncing might be just what I need to work off this... ridiculous experience."

Lloyd couldn't help but grin. Maybe the discount store spell hadn't been all bad. It seemed to have loosened Garmadon up a bit. He squeezed Rumi's hand reassuringly. "Alright, Dad. But if you need anything, just yell."

With a final, playful wave, they left Garmadon to his impromptu trampoline therapy and headed back inside the urgent care. The waiting room presented a scene of utter chaos.

Kai, his hair now a singed mess of red and black, was attempting to explain the concept of fire safety to a very confused goldfish in a bowl. Jay, the spell's influence seemingly fading, was staring at his hands in bewilderment. Nya, ever the prankster, was attempting to braid Cole's hair into a series of elaborate knots. Cole, for once, sat still, a sheepish grin on his face.

Rumi, ever the professional, took a deep breath and stepped into the room. "Alright everyone," she announced calmly, her voice cutting through the cacophony. "Let's get you checked out, one by one."

Kai, who was giving tips to a goldfish,  turned, his singed eyebrows forming a confused V-shape on his forehead.

"Rumi?" he said, his voice slightly higher than usual. "Uh, can this goldfish wait? I think it needs a serious talk about fire safety."

Rumi, trying her best to maintain a professional smile, shook her head. "Actually, Kai, it can wait. Let's get you checked out first. What happened to your hair?"

Kai sheepishly ran a hand through his burnt locks. "Discount store spell, long story. Just... don't ask about the mud."

Rumi sighed inwardly. This was going to be a long night. She gestured for Kai to follow her, leading him to a curtained-off area for a quick examination.

Meanwhile, Lloyd made his way to Jay. The ever-enthusiastic ninja was staring at his hands, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Jay? You okay?" Lloyd asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Jay looked up, his eyes wide and unfocused. "Whoa, dude," he said, his voice slower than usual. "My hands are, like, the key to unlocking... something. But I can't remember what!"

Lloyd exchanged a worried glance with Rumi, who had just finished with Kai and was now approaching them. "Unlocking what, Jay?" she asked gently.

Jay squinted at his hands, his brow furrowing further. "It's on the tip of my tongue... like... the secret to ultimate... spinjitzu... waffles?"

Rumi bit her lip, trying not to smile. This was clearly an after-effect of the spell. She decided to play along for now.

"Spinjitzu waffles, huh? Interesting combination," she said. "Maybe we should have some after we check you out and make sure you're okay."

Jay's face lit up. "Waffles? Sweet! But first... I gotta unlock the secret!"

Rumi ushered Jay over to another examination area, gently explaining that the spell was wearing off and he'd remember soon enough. As she went through the motions of checking him out, she couldn't help but notice a faint blue shimmer on his fingertips.

Across the room, Nya was attempting to braid Cole's hair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Cole, for once, sat uncharacteristically still, his face a mask of sheepish resignation. His normally jet-black hair sported a series of elaborate knots and twists, some adorned with brightly colored hair clips that Rumi suspected came from the receptionist's desk.

"There," Nya declared proudly, stepping back to admire her work. "Masterpiece complete!"

Cole winced as he tried to turn his head. "Uh, Nya, this is... impressive. But maybe a little much?"

Nya smirked. "Don't worry, Coley-bear. Rumi will have it all out in no time, right Rumi?"

Rumi looked at Cole's head, then back at Nya's smug grin. A small smile played on her lips. "We'll see what we can do," she said, already reaching for a bottle of detangling spray.

As she worked on Cole's hair, Rumi listened as Lloyd filled her in on the missing details of their night – the mud bath, the accidental home invasion, and the stolen car joyride. She couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief, a mixture of amusement and concern blooming in her chest.

By the time she finished with everyone, the fading spell had left the ninja team exhausted but unharmed. They sat quietly in the waiting room, a sense of camaraderie settling upon them despite their chaotic evening.

"Well," Rumi said finally, "you all seem to be okay, just a little shaken up. I'll get you some clean clothes and some water. Then," she said, glancing out the window at Garmadon bouncing gleefully on the trampoline, a helpless chuckle escaping her lips, "we can figure out how to get your father down from that... thing."

" You mean this fun bed?" Garmadon called.

Lloyd rolled his eyes.

" Yes, dad." He called. " That."

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