Chapter 11

In the sterile white confines of the hospital room, tension crackled in the air. Vania, her face etched with worry, paced restlessly beside Cole's bed. Kai, ever the impulsive one, couldn't contain his frustration.

"This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "How can we just sit here while Mia, Nelson, and Blackie are out there who knows where?"

Nya, her brow furrowed, shook her head. "We've tried everything, Kai. Zane can't get a signal on their communicators, and there's no trace of them on any Ninjago security feeds."

"Maybe they found some lead on Wu," Pixal offered, her voice laced with uncertainty. "Perhaps they went off the grid to follow it up."

Kai stopped his pacing, a flicker of hope igniting in his eyes. "That's possible. Mia wouldn't leave without a good reason."

But the hope was short-lived. Zane, who had been unusually quiet throughout the conversation, cleared his throat.

"There's something you all should know," he began, his voice hesitant. "Based on a faint signal I managed to pick up earlier, it's unlikely they're still in Ninjago."

A collective gasp filled the room. Kai slammed his fist on the table, his face reddening with anger.

"Out of Ninjago? Why didn't you say anything, Zane?"

Zane met his gaze, a flicker of sadness crossing his features. "Because I... I wasn't entirely sure myself. And I didn't want to cause any unnecessary panic, especially with Vania's condition."

Vania, who had been listening quietly, spoke up, her voice weak but firm. "Zane did the right thing. We need to focus on getting better, all of us. Then, and only then, can we figure out where they might have gone."

Her words, spoken with a quiet strength, settled over the room like a calming balm. Kai, his anger simmering down, nodded curtly.

"Vania's right," he conceded, his voice gruff. "But as soon as we're all back on our feet, we're going to find them. No matter where they are."

A determined glint shone in Cole's eyes. "We'll find them, Kai. Together."

The sterile quiet of the hospital room shattered as Dr. Chen, a woman with sharp eyes and a brisk manner, swept in. "Alright, Mr. Stoneheart," she announced, her voice clipped but professional, "time for your vitals."

Cole, his face etched with worry, barely acknowledged her as she bustled about, taking his temperature and blood pressure. His gaze remained fixed on Vania, who lay pale against the stark white sheets of the side bed. Her breathing, though shallow, seemed steadier than before.

Kai, a restless blur of orange, couldn't contain his frustration. He paced the room, his every movement echoing the turmoil within him. His thoughts, once consumed by the mystery of Mia, Nelson, and Blackie's disappearance, had narrowed to a single, burning concern: Cole.

Their friendship, forged in the fires of countless battles and childhood adventures, was a cornerstone of Kai's world. The thought of Cole, strong and dependable Cole, lying vulnerable here, filled him with a helplessness he hated.

"Easy there, Sparky," Nya said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Pacing won't help."

Kai stopped abruptly, his jaw clenched tight. "But how can we just sit here? We have no idea where Mia, Nelson, and Blackie are, and Cole..." His voice trailed off, the raw emotion in his eyes a stark contrast to his usual fiery demeanor.

Nya squeezed his hand gently. "I know, Kai. But worrying won't bring them back any faster. We need to be strong for them, for Cole, for Vania."

Her words struck a chord within him. Shamefaced, Kai sank into a chair beside Cole's bed. He knew Nya was right. His impulsiveness wouldn't solve anything. He needed to channel his worry into something productive, something that would help them all.

Dr. Chen finished her examination, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Mr. Stoneheart seems to be stable for now," she announced, her voice softer than usual. "The rest will depend on his body's ability to fight off the infection."

Cole, who had been mostly unresponsive during the examination, stirred slightly and mumbled something incoherent. Kai leaned closer, straining to hear.

"Master Wu..." Cole rasped, his voice weak. "We have to... find him..."

A pang of guilt shot through Kai. In his worry for Cole, he'd almost forgotten about their mission, about the whispers of Wu's whereabouts that had led them to the harbor.

"We will, Cole," he promised, his voice firm despite the lump in his throat. "We'll find Wu, and we'll find Mia, Nelson, and Blackie. Together."

A flicker of recognition seemed to spark in Cole's eyes. He offered a weak nod, then drifted back to sleep, the promise hanging heavy in the air.

Then, sirens wailed in the distance, a stark reminder of the city's ever-present chaos. A news report flickered on the television in the corner, a newscaster's voice cutting through the sterile silence.

"Breaking news," the reporter announced, her voice laced with urgency, "reports of a robbery in progress at Ninjago City Museum. The notorious Mechanic is suspected to be behind the break-in."

Kai, who had been lost in a worried contemplation of Cole, jolted upright. The Mechanic? Here, now? This was no mere coincidence. This felt like a calculated move, a deliberate distraction.

"The Mechanic?" Nya echoed, her voice sharp with suspicion. "Zane, isn't that the same villain you mentioned might be connected to Wu's disappearance?"

Zane, who had been unusually quiet throughout the day, his brow furrowed in concentration, finally spoke. "Indeed," he confirmed, his voice filled with a metallic tremor. "The Mechanic is known for his technological prowess and... disregard for historical artifacts."

Kai, his temper flaring up, slammed his fist on the table. "There's no way that's a coincidence! The Mechanic's up to something, and it's probably connected to Wu and our teammates."

Nya, despite her concern for Cole, nodded in agreement. "He's right. We can't just sit here while the city is under attack."

But a weak groan from the bed silenced their arguments. Cole, his eyes fluttering open, looked at them with a pale but determined gaze. "Don't worry about me," he croaked. "Go. Ninjago needs you."

Vania, ever the voice of reason, reached out and gently squeezed Cole's hand. "We'll be here, waiting for you to get better. But Jay, Zane, Rumi, Lloyd, you need to go. We can't let the Mechanic get away with this."

Lloyd hesitated, torn between his loyalty to his friends and his duty to the city. But Cole's words, coupled with the weight of responsibility, steeled his resolve.

"Alright," he finally said, his voice firm. "We'll go. But Kai and Nya, you stay here. We need someone to watch over Cole and Vania."

Kai who had been listening intently, stepped forward. "Don't worry, Lloyd. We'll hold down the fort. Go get 'em."

With a determined nod, the other ninja exchanged a look. Pulling on their signature ninja suits, they turned to Zane, who had already donned his sleek nindroid armor.

"Go teach the Mechanic a lesson," Kai declared, a spark of his usual fire returning to his eyes.

Zane, ever the strategist, adjusted his mask. "Indeed. But first, a quick scan of his location and possible motives wouldn't hurt."

As the four ninjas, cloaked in their masks of mystery, raced out of the hospital room, the sirens wailed even louder. An uneasy feeling gnawed at them – a sense that this was just the beginning of something much bigger. But for now, they had a city to protect, a villain to stop, and a mystery to unravel. The Mechanic's move was a gamble, and they were determined to call his bluff.

The hospital doors whooshed shut behind Lloyd, Zane, Rumi, and Jay, leaving them bathed in the orange glow of the setting sun. The city sprawled before them, a symphony of honking horns and flashing neon signs punctuated by the wail of distant sirens.

"Ninjago City Museum, huh?" Jay cracked his knuckles, his usual playful demeanor tempered with concern. "The Mechanic's got a taste for the finer things in crime. Maybe he's after that golden scarab exhibit I saw advertised?"

Rumi, ever the pragmatist, shook her head. "Doubtful, Jay. The Mechanic usually goes for gadgets and technology. Historical artifacts aren't his usual MO."

Lloyd, his green eyes narrowed in concentration, chimed in. "Zane, any intel on his location or why he'd target the museum?"

Zane, his metallic fingers tapping against his mask in thought, accessed the Ninjago City security network. "Intriguing. Security cameras show the Mechanic entering through a ventilation shaft on the museum's east side. However, there are no signs of stolen artifacts, only a trail of deactivated security measures."

A collective frown settled on the ninjas' faces. The Mechanic wasn't after a physical object, but disabling security? It didn't make sense.

"Maybe he's after some classified information," Rumi suggested, her voice laced with suspicion. "The museum might have some secret historical records the Mechanic could exploit."

Jay's eyes widened. "Like blueprints for an ancient superweapon? Or a map to a hidden ninja temple full of forbidden Spinjitzu techniques?"

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Maybe, Jay, maybe not. But we need to stop him before he finds whatever he's looking for."

With a determined glint in their eyes, the four ninjas took off, each one utilizing their strengths. Lloyd, the Green Ninja, launched himself into the air with his Golden Power, scouting the city for any sign of the Mechanic's escape route. Zane, the Nindroid, followed a trail of deactivated security protocols, his metallic body gliding silently through the night. Rumi, the Master of Stone, phased through walls, her keen eyes searching for any hidden passageways the Mechanic might have used. Finally, Jay, the Master of Lightning, zipped through the cityscape with a crackle of blue energy, his eyes peeled for any sign of the villain's getaway vehicle.

Their search led them to the bustling museum district, a maze of towering buildings and brightly lit signs. As they converged on the Ninjago City Museum, an imposing structure with a gleaming glass façade, a glint of movement caught Rumi's eye. High up on the museum wall, a figure clad in black was scaling the building with surprising agility.

"There he is!" Rumi shouted, pointing towards the figure. "The Mechanic!"

The four ninjas, their movements a blur of color and motion, launched themselves into action. Lloyd swooped down, attempting to cut off the Mechanic's escape route. Zane, his robotic arm extended, fired a grappling hook, aiming to snag the villain mid-climb. Rumi, phasing through the pavement, surged upwards, hoping to intercept him from below. And Jay, zipping through the air like a bolt of lightning, aimed a powerful electric blast at the Mechanic's feet, hoping to disable him.

A cacophony of ninja and metal erupted as the team converged on the Mechanic. Lloyd, a blur of green, nearly collided with Zane's outstretched arm as the Nindroid fired his grappling hook. Rumi, bursting out of the pavement just beneath the fleeing villain, startled him into a wild swing, throwing his balance off.

Jay, his electric blast crackling in his hand, miscalculated slightly. Instead of disabling the Mechanic, the electricity arced towards Lloyd, catching the Green Ninja on the shoulder with a jolt.

"Oof!" Lloyd yelped, tumbling through the air before landing with a thud on top of a surprised Rumi.

The Mechanic, momentarily stunned by the chaotic arrival of the ninja, lost his grip on the building ledge. With a yelp, he plummeted downwards, only to be snagged by Zane's grappling hook mid-fall. He dangled precariously, his face a mask of fury.

The rest of the team, sprawled in a heap on the ground, groaned and disentangled themselves.

"Great teamwork, everyone," Jay grumbled, rubbing his singed shoulder with a wince.

"Sorry, Jay," Lloyd mumbled sheepishly, offering a hand to Rumi. "Looks like my reflexes are a bit fried thanks to your lightning show."

Rumi chuckled, brushing dirt off her robes. "No worries, Lloyd. At least we managed to snag our metal friend."

The Mechanic, dangling upside down, glared at them with a sneer. "You meddling ninjas! You always have to spoil my fun!"

"Not this time, Mechanic," Zane declared, his voice firm. "Tell us what you were doing at the museum. And why you disabled the security."

The Mechanic, despite his predicament, cackled maniacally. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, nindroids! But let me tell you, your little hospital friends won't be safe for much longer!"

His cryptic words sent a shiver down their spines. What did he mean? Was this all a distraction for something bigger? Before they could press him further, a high-pitched whirring sound filled the air. A sleek, black helicopter materialized from the shadows, its rotors kicking up a dust storm.

A figure emerged from the open hatch – a tall, slender woman with flowing purple hair and a smirk as sharp as her twin katanas strapped to her back. It was Nya, her samurai armor gleaming under the city lights.

"Looks like the party's already started," she announced, her voice laced with amusement. "Care to explain why our resident villain is dangling like a spider, Zane?"

Zane, surprised by Nya's sudden appearance, stammered out an explanation while Lloyd groaned. "Seriously? Now we have to deal with Nya scolding us while we're hanging upside down?"

The Mechanic, however, seemed genuinely surprised. "Nya? What are you doing here?"

Nya's smirk widened. "Let's just say I have a few questions for you, Mechanic. Questions that involve a missing airplane, a missing team, and a very suspicious flight path leading out of Ninjago."

Turning to him, she barked, " Where's Mia, Nelson and Blackie?"

The Mechanic's eyes widened in genuine confusion. "Missing airplane? Missing team? What are you babbling about, ninja?" His voice held a hint of suspicion, but it seemed genuine.

A tense silence hung in the air. Was the Mechanic truly clueless, or was he playing them? Before they could delve deeper, the villain cackled once again, a sound that sent shivers down their collective spines.

"Looks like you nindroids are a bit short-handed," he taunted, his gaze flickering between Zane and Nya. "Two ninjas down, and the rest of you... well, let's just say your teamwork skills leave much to be desired."

He was right. The team, disoriented from their earlier collision, looked less than formidable. This realization seemed to spark a devious plan in the Mechanic's eyes.

With a swift movement, he reached into his utility belt and produced a small, innocuous-looking sphere. Before anyone could react, he crushed it in his hand. A pungent, green gas erupted, filling the air with a stench that could only be described as a combination of rotten eggs and overripe gym socks.

Jay, known for his sensitive nose, was the first to succumb. He let out a strangled cry, his eyes watering uncontrollably, and promptly fainted. The others, though momentarily stunned by the stench, scrambled to cover their faces.

"Ugh! What is that horrible smell?" Lloyd gagged, clutching his mask to his face.

Rumi, ever the pragmatist, shouted over the cacophony, "Stink bomb! We need to get out of here!"

But it was too late. The Mechanic, taking advantage of the chaos, reached for a hidden compartment in his boot. With a flourish, he produced a small, remote-controlled drone and sent it buzzing upwards.

"Later, nindroids!" he cackled, his voice muffled by the gas mask he'd somehow donned amidst the confusion. He activated the grappling hook release on Zane's device, sending him plummeting towards the ground (thankfully, with enough slack in the rope to avoid serious injury).

With a final, mocking laugh, the Mechanic activated his jetpack, hidden beneath his coat, and propelled himself towards the hovering helicopter.

Nya, momentarily blinded by tears streaming down her face, could only watch in frustration as the villain disappeared into the night sky.

"No!" she roared, her voice muffled by her mask. "We can't let him get away!"

She landed beside a groaning Jay, fanning away the lingering stench. Lloyd and Rumi stumbled over, their eyes watering and hacking coughs escaping their lips.

"That was... unpleasant," Lloyd wheezed, wiping his eyes.

Rumi glared at the retreating helicopter. "And he escaped. Thanks a lot, Jay, for being so sensitive to smells!"

Jay, slowly regaining consciousness, sputtered indignantly. "Hey, it's not my fault the Mechanic decided to play a game of olfactory warfare! Besides, can you imagine what Mia would do if she found out we let him get away because of a stink bomb?"

The thought of facing their fierce feline companion's wrath sent a collective shiver down their spines. The mission had taken a turn for the worse. They were two ninjas short, their quarry had escaped, and they were left with a lingering stench and a growing sense of unease.

One thing was certain – their fight for Ninjago, for Wu, and for their missing teammates was far from over.

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