The Son of Lilly
Grief-Bringing shrieked, shaking the whole mountain. I watched in horror as he joined the Skull Sorcerer in fighting Cole.
"Destroy the others. I will take care of this one personally," I heard the Skull Sorcerer command to the dragon.
"Prepare for the dragon!" I screamed across the battlefield, calling the others ninja's attention.
"Stand your ground!" a female Munce ordered, "In the name of Milly!"
Greif-Bringer flew down towards us, spewing green flames. "Take cover!" Lloyd shouted, and we ducked and jumped out of the way.
I let the other ninja focus on Greif-Bringer while I continued against the skeletons along with the Upply. We were destroying the warriors left and right, but the skeletons were reviving fast. It was getting harder and harder to fight them off.
Korgran and I worked on a ground assault as Plundar, Fungus, and Adam fought on a ledge above us.
"Korgran! Celine! There are too many!" Fungus's voice called from above us.
"May I suggest a rapid retreat?" Plundar asked.
"No retreat!" Korgran grunted, though skeletons were piling on him and me fast.
"IN THE NAME OF MILLY!" Came a scream. Munce and Geckles stormed out of a tunnel in the cave led by the same Munce that had rallied the creatures earlier. We were relieved on the battlefield for a moment as the fresh troops joined the fight. But with more fighters on our side, came more skeletons, and they seemed to be becoming stronger and stronger. Reviving faster, taking more effort and energy. We were growing weary.
Just as I was feeling myself begin to give out, a shout echoed through the cave.
"The army!" Kai shouted. I watched as Wu flew into the cavern followed by the entire Shintaro army and Vania. A fresh burst of adrenaline and f*** you energy pumped through my veins.
I squinted my eyes in rage towards her, "You." I raced over to where she had landed as she attacked a few skeletons. "Hey!" I called, grabbing her attention.
"Oh, not you again," she glared
"Miss me?" I took up a defensive stance, staring her down.
With a shriek, she threw herself at me, naginata flailing, but I was able to dodge her. She had no pattern or skill. I fought back hard, dodging her blows, landing some of my own. It was an ugly grudge match, and I was winning. A slice across my face caused me to stumble. I touched my cheek, my hand coming away red and sticky. As I made the mistake of taking my attention off the fight, Vania managed to get the upper hand, backing me into a wall.
I staggered back and she pointed her blade at my neck, "No one will believe you. And when you're gone, no one will remember you."
I smirked, "No, no one will remember you." I grabbed hold of her spear and yanked it to the side throwing her across the ground. I pointed my own sword towards her chest, "Even if no one believes me, I still know the truth. That's a hill I'm willing to die on."
"Then die on it you shall!" Vania launched herself at me again, but I simply stepped aside, watching as she crashed into the ground. We continued to fight one another, neither seeming to take the lead, until the entire cave lit up in an explosion of orange light. We both turned at the same time towards it, seeing the Skull Sorcerer standing in front of a tornado with Cole in the center.
"The Burst," I murmured, "he did it!"
The Skull Sorcerer was thrown back against a boulder by the force of the Burst as Cole rose up, glowing with power.
An ear-splitting "NOOOO!" filled the cave as Cole, flying into the air, grabbed the Skull of Hazza D'ur and threw it into the tornado, destroying it once and for all.
A wave of energy shook the cavern, and at once, all the skeletons warriors fell to the ground, lifeless. As the burst came to an end, I sprinted towards Cole, Vania on my heels, barely making it in time to catch him as he crumpled to the ground.
Wu flew close by on Chompy, "Cole! Are you okay?"
I braced Cole slightly as he stood up, "Never felt better!" He grinned.
In front of us, the Skull Sorcerer transformed into Vangelis, "I yield! Forgive me!" He begged.
"Don't ask for my forgiveness," Cole answered stiffly, "Ask theirs," he motioned towards Vania, the Geckle and Munce below us, and me.
I sneered at Vangelis as he looked at me for a fleeting second. He cowered in fear before turning towards Vania, "Vania? My daughter? All I did, I did for the glory of-" Vangelis stuttered.
"Hailmar, get him out of my sight," Vania dismissed, but something about her tone seemed off...
Two guards approached Vangelis and grabbed him by his arms. "Unhand me!" He screamed as the guards flew him away, "I am your king! I am your king!"
"I hope he never sees daylight again," I voiced as I watched the guards take Vangelis away.
"I'll take care of him," Vania answered shortly.
"Princess, with Vangelis off the throne, doesn't that make you..." Wu began.
Vania changed expressions in the blink of an eye, "Yes. I suppose I shall be crowned queen tomorrow," she stated. A haughtiness in her voice, almost as though it was something she expected. And more than just, 'oh, I'm next in line after my father.' More of a 'my turn now suckers.'
"Celine, what happened to you?" Cole questioned, pulling me from my thoughts. I again, touched my cheek. The blood had dried and I could feel an indent along my cheek bone.
"It's nothing," I fibbed. "Nothing some tea can't fix."
We ascended again to the surface in a triumphant manner. At least the Shintarans did. The Geckle and Munce were overjoyed to see the sun again, dancing and frolicking around the place gardens. The scene was touching, but I couldn't celebrate with them. The pain of seeing Cole and Vania together soured what should have been a happy moment. As dusk approached, I slipped off to my quarters, drank some restorative tea, and went to sleep.
The following day was the coronation for Vania. All the Shintarans, those who dwelt on the surface and below, were packed into the throne room. The room was split in two down the center, providing a walkway for Vania and the guards that escorted her as she entered the throne room and walked towards the center. The Upply gave her encouraging smiles, but I keep my face straight and emotionless in an effort to hide the pain inside as I watched Cole watch her. Vania floated up to the throne and faced the crowd as Hailmar handed her a scroll.
Opening it, she read, "I, Princess Vania, of the Kingdom of Shintaro, do hereby solemnly swear to stand up to those that are cruel and unjust. To uphold the laws of the Kingdom and to protect and faithfully serve all who dwell above and below the mountain."
Cole grinned up at Vania as she made her speech. Next to me, Lloyd placed his hand on my shoulder knowingly. I took a deep breath and forced my mind to go blank. I wouldn't cry.
On the throne, Hailmar took the scroll from Vania and produced a fancy headdress, "Then it is my great honor and privilege to pronounce you Queen Vania, the rightful ruler of Shintaro!" He stated, placing the crown on her head.
Cheers erupted from the crowd, echoing through the throne room and no doubt the entire floating island. Across the room, Fungus shot fireworks into the air from his hat in celebration. I wanted to be happy, I really did, but everything was wrong. Vania was wrong. I mean, she tried to kill me, I had every reason not to like her. But I didn't want to ruin the moment for the rest of the team, so I held my tongue and suffered in silence.
Later that evening, we prepared to board the Bounty. It had been fixed by mechanics in the kingdom while we were in the mountain and was now in perfect shape. A female Munce, one that I recognized as a significant leader in the battle, was saying a sincere and emotional goodbye to Jay. I would have to find out more on that later...
"So, I guess this is goodbye," I turned at the sound Fungus's voice.
"I guess so," I murmured. "try not to get into too much trouble," I joked. They laughed, but fell silent for a moment.
"Can... Can you guys do me a favor?" I inquired suddenly.
"Anything, I mean yeah," Plundar piped up.
"The princess-" I began.
"Queen," Korgran interrupted.
"Whatever. Don't tell anyone this, but something is off about her." I touched the scar on my cheek. The wound itself was beginning to heal, but a sliver indent remained on my face. "Keep an eye on her, and if she does anything suspicious, please let me know," I continued.
"Of course, m'lady," Fungus answered, bowing dramatically. I chuckled at his antics.
Plundar scratched the back of his neck nervously, "So, can I get your number?"
"You're joking?" I deadpanned.
"Heh, not really?" he offered.
"Dream on," I slugged his shoulder, "but seriously, let me know if there's anything fishy going on," I remarked as I headed towards the Bounty.
"We will," the Upply chorused as they waved me off.
Just as I was about to board the Bounty, Vania caught my arm and pulled me in a hug, "I just want you to know that I wouldn't be here without you," she spoke, but her voice had a fake sweetness to it. I stood stiffly, confused, until she hissed in my ear, "If you so much as breathe one word about what happened in that mountain, I won't hesitate to have you killed in the most brutal and horrific way possible." She pulled away, smiling, "Come again soon!" She called after me as I slowly walked up the gang plank, studying her every move.
With an evil twinkle in her eye, she turned to Cole as he walked towards her, "Oh. I wish you could stay. I could use your help."
"You don't need me. You're one of the strongest and bravest people I know," Cole responded, taking Vania's hands in his.
"Well in that case-" I didn't wait to hear the end of the conversation. I descended the stairs to the bunks of the Bounty. I made it to the bunks and closed the door behind me quietly. I sank to the floor, back pressed to the wall, eyes squeezed shut. I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't. Not over this. But the pain was too much to bear. Hot tears trickled down my cheeks, one after another. I forced myself to stay silent, not wanting anyone else to hear me, but it was too late, a sob escape through my lips. Footsteps in the hall told me Lloyd heard me. The door opened cautiously, revealing the green ninja.
I swiveled my head away from the door, "Please leave," I murmured, trying my best not to sob.
Instead, Lloyd walked in and sat next to me, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Well I'm here for you if you do," Lloyd spoke. I leaned into him for support. I felt so mentally and emotionally exhausted. And empty. Oh so empty.
"I understand how you feel and I'm sorry you had to go through this," he said softly.
I sighed heavily, "I know." We sat on the floor together, two broken teenagers, both having a pain you can't explain, each understanding the other's suffering.
I began to stand up, "I'm going up to the deck. I don't want to spoil the party for anyone else."
We walked back up to the deck of the Bounty together. The cold air of the mountains shocked me slightly, freezing my tears for a while. Good. I noticed Cole leaning against the railing off by himself. A pang shot throw my chest, but I turned away from him.
Lloyd walked to the front of the deck, "Okay guys," he began, "take us home!"
Wu stepped back from the helm, "I'd rather not. I'd rather keep going."
"Go where?" Nya asked inquisitively.
"Wherever the wind takes us," Wu shrugged
"Wow, Master Wu definitely got out of his funk," Jay whispered to Kai.
"I am unfamiliar with that idiom," Zane voiced, seeming confused, "What does it mean?"
"It means we're about to go on another adventure, buddy" Kai said excitedly.
"Yes it does!" Nya squealed, jumping onto her brother's back with a laugh.
"Oh. Good! By all means then," Zane smiled, "wherever the wind takes us!"
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