The Real Fall

 We plunged down the hole, falling faster and faster, everyone was screaming.

Cole called out something indecipherable.

"What?!" Wu yelled back.

"I said are you guys okay!?" Cole returned.

"For the moment, yes!" Wu answered.

"Other than falling to my doom, I'm fine," I responded.

"Speed up! I can't hear you!" Cole shouted.

"We're falling as fast as we can! You have to float up!"

I tucked my limbs in, making myself more aerodynamic, and stretched out again when I was closer to Cole, "We're fine for now!" I called.


"Cole, try to use your elemental power to slow your fall," Wu offered.

"I guess," Cole attempted waving his arms to slow his fall, but it didn't work.

"Master Wu! Cole!" came a cry. I was able to roll onto my back, catching a glimpse of Vania flying down after us.

"Princess Vania?" Wu called.

"I'm coming, but you have to slow down!"


"Stretch yourself out as much as you can, try to catch an up-draft!" I offered.

"I've got an idea!" Cole shouted, twisting himself back over again and reaching for a vine hanging down the side of the pit. He grabbed a hold of it, only for it to break loose and come back, slapping Wu and I in the face.

"I need a bigger vine," he began, and reached for another vine, only for it, to, to break loose.

Wu dove down to Cole, "Quit fooling around and stay with me," he extended his hand to Cole, who took hold of it.

"Celine!" Wu called, and I, to, pushed downwards, grabbing Wu's other hand.

"Hang on, I'm almost there!" Vania yelled. We all rolled over and watched as she plummeted towards us.

"There's no way those wings will hold all of us!" I shouted.

"It's the only way. We have to try. Now reach!"

We all reached up as far as we could, catching onto her wrist.

"Gotcha!" The wings spread out, dragging in the air, lifting us up. But the weight of four people was too much, and the wings detached, causing us to fall even faster than before.

"Oh, I was afraid of that!" Cole wailed.

"What do we do?" Vania questioned.

"Firstly let me say you are handling the situation remarkably well," Wu answered.

"Thank you!" she beamed, "But I'm with you and Cole and I'm sure you've been in way worse situations."

"Oh my gosh," I grumbled.

"Uhh," Wu stammered.

"Nope," Cole stated bluntly.

"But I'm sure you have a plan?"

"Not a clue."

The princess went silent, then let out an ear splitting scream in panic. Suddenly, we were slowed by yet another spider web. But the weight of all four of us combined with the rate at which we were falling caused us to dive right through the web. We bounced off more webs that straddled the pit, each one slowing us by a small margin until we finally landed on an even bigger web. And a much stickier one at that.

Cole sat up and yelped in surprise as he caught a glimpse of the skeletons littering the web.

"This is not an improvement," Wu mumbled.

We were all stuck fast by the web, but we began straining against it, hoping to free ourselves.

"This isn't working. I'm just getting more and more stuck!" Cole lamented.

"We have to calm down and think," Vania stated, causing me to roll my eyes. She took a deep breath, "I read in a book by famed adventurer and explorer Clutch Powers, that the key to staying calm is to do vocal exercises lik- AHHHH!" she cut herself off with a scream as a spider, even bigger than the one we had faced before, clambered onto the web. We all screamed in terror as it hissed at us, showing of its huge fangs. It seemed to glance between us before grabbing Cole and promptly wrapping him up in web.

"Get me out of here!"

"Cole!" Vania and I yelled at the same time, I shot her a dirty look. "Try to remain calm!" She continued, before noticing a second spider also making its way onto the web. They began facing off against one another, presumably for us.

"I can't see anything!" Cole cried.

"That's probably for the best!" Wu replied.

"There are two giant spiders fighting over you!" Vania went on.

Meanwhile, I was still wiggling against the webs. I had managed to free one hand and slipped my pocketknife from my belt, beginning to chop at the threads of the web.

As the spiders began leg to leg combat, the first one dropped Cole, causing him to roll towards us. Just as things seemed to be getting ever so slightly better, a third spiders appeared from a tunnel higher up in the cave. The third spider calmly walked over and picked up Cole while the first two continued to fight one another.

Just as Vania screamed, "It's going to eat you!" I freed myself. I jumped up and made for the spider, knife in hand. At the same time, Vania grabbed a skeleton leg and hurled it at the spider, causing it to turn towards her. She somehow was able to pull herself free, launching another leg at the spider. It dropped Cole, but made for her. She succeeded in jumping out of the way of the spider. In the meantime, I ran over to the web Cole was encased in, carefully cutting away the web with my knife. Taking it off layer by layer as not to cut him on accident. I noticed Vania pick a shield and spear off of a skeleton and use them to attack the spider. Once I had Cole free, I quickly moved to Wu and cut him away from the web.

"Thank you Celine," he offered.

"Don't mention it."

I turned to see Vania lob the spear at the spider, only for it to deflect off of its tough exoskeleton. As the spider approached her, she threw her shield as well, which did not deter the spider by one bit. Now she was helpless. What an idiot. She scrambled up onto a small ledge, trying to shoo the spider away, but to no avail. I rolled my eyes, I can't believe I'm doing this. I raced towards the spider, knife in hand. Crawling underneath, I stabbed at its soft underbelly, causing it to turn on me instead. Vania jumped over the spider and back over to where Wu and Cole were standing. I barely dodged as the spider struck at me with its legs, scarcely wiggling out from beneath it, running to the others. The other two spiders stopped fighting and proceeded towards us, closing in around us.

"I have an idea, but I don't think you're gonna like it," Cole offered.

"I think I know where you're going," I responded, and handed Cole my knife. He dropped to his knees and plunged it into the web, causing us to resume falling once again.

Wu sighed, "We're falling again,"

"Beats being eaten alive," I shrugged.

"It's not the falling I'm worried about," Vania said, "It's the landing."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than we slammed into packed dirt, sliding deeper into the mountain.

"Grab my hand!" Wu yelled, "Before we get, separated!" He was cut off as we were, well, separated. Wu and I fell down one tunnel with Cole and Vania rocketing down the other. Screaming, we shot down the tunnel, crossing paths with the others just before entering another set of tunnels. The tunnels opened up after a bit, to reveal Cole and Vania sliding right next to us.

"Master Wu! Celine!" Cole called across the divide.

"Cole!" he returned, only for us to be split by rock again.

"Are you still falling?" I heard Cole's muffled yell.

"More like sliding!"

"Okay, just checking," came a response, "we are to."

The tunnels, again, rejoined and we were reunited with Cole and Vania. We continued to slide, before sailing off the edge into a giant river. We were all momentarily submerged before pushing up against the water.

"This is outrageous!" Wu outraged.

"There's nothing to hold on to!" Cole exasperated.

"Grab onto those rocks!" Wu pointed to massive rocks jutting out from under water.

Cole latched onto the rock, with me hanging on his waist, Vania on mine, and Wu on hers. But the current was too strong, and we were swept away almost instantly, dragged under by the rapids. How none of us managed to be injured by the rocks, I still have no idea. We surfaced again, and Cole and I were able to clamber up onto another boulder, this one bigger than the first. We heaved the other two up after us. We sat for a minute, catching our breath, before the rock trembled beneath us. Up from the depths came a massive, stony head. It appeared we had landed ourselves on some sort of giant reptile. It gave one look at us, and humped its body, throwing us off, and attempted to catch us all in its mouth. It missed, and once again, we were being swept uncontrollably down the underground river.

"We just can't catch a break," I gasped.

Falling down a waterfall, we landed in a massive whirlpool.

We bobbed up to the surface. Cole and Wu managed to stay together, but Vania and I were both pulled away from them. The effects of the healing tea were wearing off, and I could feel myself becoming weak again.

"Now what?" Wu questioned.

"It's like a giant toilet that's being flushed! Except in this case, we're the-" Cole called out.

"We get it," I shot back.

"Just swim!" Wu yelled.

I fought desperately against the current, but it was draining quickly what little energy I had left.

"Cole, there's a stalactite! Use your powers!" Wu pointed towards the ceiling.

"How? I can't reach them!"

"You can do it! You have to try." Cole lit his hands, grunting with effort as he tried to pull down the rock formation.

"Cole, you can do it. You are surrounded by earth," Wu encouraged. "Connect with your element. Your powers should be stronger than ever."

"Concentrate Cole!" Vania shouted.

The rock trembled, shaking the cavern.

"You can do it!" I called out. The rock glowed, cracking across the middle. It fell with a huge splash, plugging the bottom of the whirlpool. The water calmed and we were able to climb onto the top of the rock, collapsing in exhaustion, all of us breathing heavy.

"I think we are safe for now," Wu said.

"We just have to find a way out of here," Vania continued, "Let's just avoid going further down."

"How can we get any lower?" Cole exasperated, slamming his fists to the rock.

"Don't say that-" I began, but it was too late. The rock shattered, and the whirlpool was unclogged. We were swept underwater and down the hole, falling down, down, down. Everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes. Pain shot through my right shoulder and I recoiled. I suddenly fell a few inches from the ground. Looking up, I saw Cole collapsed on the ground. Vania and Wu lay next to me, both unconscious. I crawled up closer to him only to feel footsteps in the ground. I stood up too fast, holding my head from the blood rush, but quickly assumed a defensive position.

"Who's there?" I called. Cole opened his eyes and blinked up at me.

"Celine?" he asked.

"We're not alone," I whispered.

"Ah! Visitors from above." Cole bolted upright at the voice. In front of us, stood a middle aged looking man in medieval style clothing. He donned a wizard-like hat with moss growing all over it and a well-kept mustache.

"The good king Vangelis has cast you out, has he?" the man pulled Cole up from sitting. "Well, fear not weary travelers, for you are safe now. You are in Rock Bottom, where there is no further to fall." Two other men walked up from behind the man. One wore only a loin cloth and his hair grew unruly and unkempt. The other wore leather pants, a harness on his bare chest, a purple cloak, and a gray mask. Yet another spider dropped down from the ceiling in front of Cole, causing him to jump back in horror.

"Not again!" I groaned.

"Relax pal," the man with the cloak began, "That's just Adam. He's harmless." He spoke with the slightest hint of a New York accent.

"You are safe," The other man added, his voice was rough, but not harsh, "You are with us! The Lowly."

"Huh? What?" Cole asked, confused. I remained silent, studying each man closely. From appearance alone, they seemed to be alright.

"This is as far down as it gets," The cloaked one continued, "This is your new home now." A thud sounded from Cole's direction and I turned to see him passed out on the ground.

I stood stock still. I felt my heart rate rising, my breathing was becoming labored. With Cole knocked out, I was completely alone with three strange men I knew nothing about.

"Woah, are you okay?" The one with the mustache asked, concern in his voice.

"Who are you?" I demanded, sensing the panic seeping out of me.

"I am Fungus the sorcerer," the man replied, "This is Plundar the thief and that's Korgran of Metalonia," he pointed to the man with the mask, and then the one with the crazy hair.

The spider from earlier made a squealing sort of noise, causing Fungus to sigh, "And that's Adam."

"Korgran is pleased to meet you!" Korgran spoke, his voice course but friendly.

"You got a name?" Plundar asked, "Or can I call you mine?"

I whipped around towards him, my eyes daggers, "I'm Celine. Don't call me anything else."

"Leave the girl alone Plundar," Fungus said calmly. Plundar raised his hands in defense and backed up a step.

"Sorry," he offered, "Just trying to be friendly."

"Clearly she is under some sort of stress."

My eyes darted from man to man, studying every inch of them, searching for clues as to their intentions.

"Are you alright?" Fungus repeated, reaching out to touch my arm in an attempt to calm me, but it riled me up more. I yanked my arm away.

Leveling my voice, I managed a "Please don't touch me."

Fungus stepped backwards, "I am sorry m'lady."

"Just Celine is fine," I glowered.

"Apologies, Celine. I'm not sure what is wrong, but we are going to move your friends away from the edge of the lake. If you don't mind," Fungus said.

I nodded, and watched as the three carefully moved Cole, Wu, and Vania away from the edge of the lake. I scrambled up onto a nearby boulder, feeling somewhat out of reach of the men.

"Now, would you be willing to tell us what happened?" Fungus asked as the trio approached me.

I stared off across the lake, considering the request. "As you said," I spoke, "The good king Vangelis cast us off. But not after... Doing some damage..."

Fungus looked me up and down, seeming to just now notice the cuts and bruises that still riddled my body.

"Did he..." Plundar began, but trailed off, seeming to put my actions together.

"Yes," I answered bluntly. "I don't want to talk about it."

"We will do whatever we can to make you comfortable and feeling safe."

"Korgran will protect you from the evil king," Korgran offered.

"If that's the case then I would appreciate it if I was left alone."

"As you wish." The men retreated away to the other side of the lake, presumably discussing us. Their presence still made me uncomfortable and on edge. Suddenly feeling extremely exhausted, I searched for somewhere out of sight to lay down. Finding nothing, I glanced at the rest of my group. There was no way I was going to lay next to Vania. If I was with Wu, that could be weird. I figured Cole was the best option, so I curled up against a rock a few feet away from him. My eyes began to drift close and I soon let sleep overtake my tired and bruised body.

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