
It had been another busy weekday at the noodle shop. Most of the lights inside were turned off as Skylor and I closed up. We chatted about the day and swapped stories about creep customers. We were both caught off guard by a knock at the door.

"We're closed!" I yelled, and returned to my mopping, but the knocking persisted. After a few minutes, Skylor marched over to the door to chase off the stubborn customer.


I dropped my mop and walked over to the door.

"Hi guys," Lloyd said in a hushed voice, "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure," Skylor answered, and held the door for him. He took a seat at one of the booths and we joined him.

"We got a strange letter today. An invitation to the birthday of the princess of Shintaro. No one has set foot on the floating islands in years and it's a rare occasion for outsiders to be invited."

"Wait, you mean the Ivory City?" Skylor exclaimed. "I thought that place was only a legend!"

"We did too," Lloyd continued, "But something feels off about the whole thing. No one ever hears from the kingdom. And I mean, yeah, we're the ninja, so it would maybe make sense for us to be invited, but still. I have a gut feeling that something is wrong. I think it would be really cool to go, and Sensei has been acting weird lately and he needs to get out. Celine, would you come with us? None of us know what to expect and we could use your healing teas."

"Would that be allowed?" I questioned, "You just got done saying that it's rare for outsiders to be invited..."

"Please," Lloyd implored, "You would be really helpful. And like I said, something doesn't feel right, and I know you're good at finding things out. Besides, I don't think the king would mind one more person."

"If you're sure..."


Once Lloyd left Skylor shooed me out of the shop. "You need to pack! Now get out before I drag you out myself!"

I laughed at her reaction, "Ok geez. It's really not that big of a deal."

"Yeah, you're only going to visit the Ivory Kingdom!"

"I really could care less about that. I'm only going because Lloyd asked me to."

"Yeah, sure. I'm positive there's not a certain ninja you want to be around," Skylor joked, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"You sound like a middle schooler!" I countered.

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Just get home safe and get ready. I want to hear all about this when you get home."

When I arrived home I pulled out my duffel bag and threw in some clothes, hoping that the weather would be similar to the mainland. I also grabbed a few bags of tea. There was no telling what the situation could turn out to be. After mixing up a few teas, I took a quick shower and packed a few toiletries. Lloyd said he would come by at first light to take me back to the monastery. I rolled into bed, setting my alarm for 4, and fell asleep.

The blaring of my alarm pulled me from sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I turned my alarm off. Throwing on jeans and a t-shirt, I pulled together a few more belongings that may come in handy, made myself some coffee, and waited for Lloyd. Within a few minutes, there was a small knock at the door. Grabbing my bag and tugging on a sweatshirt, I opened the door.

"Good morning," he smiled, "All ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied half-heartedly. "Are you sure it's okay that I'm coming along? What will the others think? Do they even know you asked me to come?"

Lloyd hesitated, "N-no. I didn't think to tell them. But it'll be fine. What's one more person?"

"If you say so," I sighed.

"Before we go, I wanted to give you this," Lloyd handed me a paper wrapped package. I took it hesitantly. "Open it!" he encouraged.

I carefully removed the paper to reveal a black gi with turquiose accents. My jaw dropped, "Lloyd... I... I can't accept this," I began, attempting to give him back the package.

"No, it's yours. I would like to officially ask you to join the ninja team. I know you don't have an elemental power, but you have helped this team so much. It's only fair you are considered part of it."

I hugged the package to my chest, "I can't thank you enough Lloyd," I smiled.

"No need to, let's just get back to the monastery before anyone misses us." With that we headed towards the city. I hopped on the back of Lloyd's motorcycle and we were at the monastery in 10 minutes. We reached the bottom of the mountain and began the ascent. By the time we reached the top, we were both out of breath.

"Shouldn't you be used to this? You're a ninja and all, plus you must do this fairly often," I questioned.

"You never do get used to the amount of stairs. And there's the change in altitude." I shrugged, and we pushed open the giant doors leading to the courtyard. Inside, the rest of the Ninja were hurrying around, still packing. When they saw me, everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Celine!" Nya called excitedly, "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, Lloyd asked me to come with." Everyone turned to look at Lloyd. I couldn't help but notice the inquiring look Cole shot at Lloyd.

"Uh, Nya, can you show Celine where to put her things?" Lloyd asked.

"Sure!" She beamed in response.

Over her excited ramblings, I overheard Cole pull Lloyd aside, "Why did you bring her?" He demanded.

"We need her Cole. This whole situation seems sketchy. Plus, we might need some healing tea. You have to admit, none of us know what to expect."

"Whatever," he huffed in response.

"What's his problem?" I asked Nya.

"Honestly, I have no idea. He's been acting weird lately. He just seems easily annoyed," she shrugged as we walked to the garage. We climbed on the Bounty, and Nya lead me to the sleeping quarters.

"You can have my bunk unless you want to sleep on the floor, your preference," Nya spoke as we entered the bunk room.

"Floor is fine," I smiled.

"So," she smirked, "You only came because Lloyd asked you to?"

I rolled my eyes, "Geez, why is everyone on my case?" I groaned.

"Because we know that something is going on between you and Cole," she smirked in response.

"There is nothing going on between us, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come one, I've seen the way you look at him."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I turned away, feeling my face heat slightly. "There's nothing between us. Never was, never will be."

Nya sighed in defeat, "Whatever. I gotta go finish packing, so just make yourself comfortable." With that she left me alone.

In truth, there was something between me and Cole. Or rather, something in me towards Cole. I didn't understand what I was feeling, all I knew was I couldn't look at or talk to him without my insides doing flips.

Half an hour later we were air born. I had changed into my new gi and was sitting on the deck of the Bounty, enjoying the wind in my face. I heard footsteps approaching. Though my eyes were closed, I could tell it was Lloyd by the feel of the steps. He sat down beside me. Without turning, I spoke, "Hey Lloyd."

He sat silent for a moment, perhaps stunned, "How'd you know it was me?"

"I could tell by your footsteps," I answered without turning towards him, "It's a strict parent thing."

"Oh," he was quiet for a minute, before he continued, "Thanks again for agreeing to come. I really appreciate it."

"It's really no problem. I mean, I'm not here for the trip itself, I'm here for this team."

"Well either way, I'm glad you agreed to come with. It makes me feel better about the whole situation."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the clouds roll by. After a while Lloyd stood up, "I should go see how things are going on the deck. I'll see you around Celine."

I smiled and waved as headed towards the bridge. I figured I should head in now as well. Being higher in the atmosphere, the air was thinner, and I didn't want to catch a cold.

I made my way back to the bunks, hoping that no one else would be in the room and I could relax undisturbed. Upon entering the room, I noticed Cole fiddling with his hood, reclining on his bed.

"Great," I muttered under my breath. He looked up at me, those dark brown eyes I used to be able to look into for hours. I dropped down to the floor and riffed through my duffle bag.

He sat up from his bunk and looked me in the eyes, "What brings you with?" he questioned.

"Because Lloyd asked me to."

"So you just do what he tells you?"


He stood and walked over to me, leaning in close, "Then what made you come?"

I sighed, "Because I care, Cole."

"Oh do you now?" He smirked wryly at me.

"Lloyd thinks there's something fishy going on, and I aim to find out what it is. We don't need a repeat of the SOG take over."

He huffed, "Why is that relevant?"

"Because royalty can't be trusted."

"You don't know that."

"You know I'm just trying to help you," I countered.

"Oh really?" he pressed.

"From what I've heard from Lloyd, the circumstances make me nervous. I don't know what the situation is in this stupid kingdom, but if anything puts any of you in danger, including you Cole, I will not hesitate to destroy the entire place."

His expression changed ever so slightly to one of concern, "What makes you say that?"

"Because I lost one family, and I'm not going to lose another. I would die for this team, and it would take a heck of a lot to make me change my mind."

Cole stood stunned for a minute. Satisfied that I had made my point, grabbed my phone and earbuds and walked out the door.

I strode into the living room to find Jay and Lloyd playing Prime Empire. I sprawled out on one of the couches, popped in an earbud, and watched the two battle one another. After a while, they got up and wandered towards the kitchen. I continued to lay on the couch listening to music. Within a few minutes, I heard Kai's footsteps outside the door.

"Celine?" he called in.

I sat up from lying on the couch, "Yeah? What's up?"

He grinned, "You gotta come see this!"

I stood up and walked to the bridge where the Ninja were all standing with Nya at the helm. I shivered in the cold as I gazed at the landscape. The snowcapped peaks showed we were in Northern Ninjago. I leaned against the doorframe to the control room, watching as the ninja exclaimed over the landscape. Sure, it was nice, I guess. Jay summed up the view as 'totally super cool.' Wu was moping about, which was unusual for him.

A shriek suddenly rang through the mountains, jolting the Bounty. I threw my hands out to the side, steadying myself. "What was that?" Jay stammered.

Zane flipped through a book he was holding, "There is something you should know. Early accounts of the mythical city of Shintaro claimed that the mountains surrounding it were home to a vicious species of bat, called the Dire Bat."

"Dire Bate?" Cole interjected.

"There is much debate among historians as to whether dire bats are real or fiction," Zane continued.

Just as Jay was making a smart alec remark, a pair of huge talons reached down and picked him up off the ship, screaming out for help.

"Yeah, well, I don't think they're a myth," I yelled.

"Jay!" Nya shouted. She ran to the balcony, only to be knocked across the deck as the bat flew by. Another bat landed on the deck in front of Nya. Lloyd jumped down on top of it and began to fight it off. Looking up, I noticed two more bats attacking the sails. Kai and I looked at one another and nodded. We both jumped into action. Kai leapt towards the sails and shot fire towards the bats. I ducked into the control room and grabbed the nearest weapon, a bow and arrow. Aiming, I fired towards the bats. The arrows barely scathed their tough hide, but it was enough to knock them off the sails.

Cole called out to Jay and threw himself onto another bat, chasing after Jay. The bat holding Jay abruptly tossed him towards the ground, but Cole caught him. The second bat, however, soon bucked off both of the boys. Kai, who was standing on one of the masts, shouted to them and threw them a rope. Jay and Cole caught the rope as it swung around the ship and landed them back on the deck. The bats continued their barrage against the ship.

"What do we do? How do we stop them?" Nya cried over the screams of the bats.

"Use your powers!" Wu answered.

I established my place at the helm with my bow and continued to shoot at the bats. "These stupid arrows," I cursed under my breath.

"Master Wu!" Lloyd screamed, as a bat hurdled towards him. Zane threw himself at Wu, knocking him out of the way just in time. Wu might have been saved, but the bat rammed into the main mast, sending it falling with Kai on top. The ship began to roll. I dropped my bow and, using all of my strength, spun the helm, trying to right the ship. The bats flew off as the Bounty turned completely on its side.

"Celine!" came a cry from below.

"I'm trying!" I returned through gritted teeth, throwing my entire body weight into moving the helm.

"Brace for impact!" I heard Lloyd yelp as we hurdled straight towards a mountain.

I groaned as I pushed with all my might against the helm, squeezing my eyes shut, when suddenly, the ship turned upright. Opening my eyes, I realized the helm hadn't budged. I glanced around, confused, as the ship returned to its normal upright position.

"What the-?" I murmured. Looking up, I saw a man flying, yes, flying, down to the deck. He had sickly looking white skin, gold armor with purple accents, and... winged eyeliner?

"Greetings, honored guest!" he exclaimed. I padded silently down from the upper deck towards the ninja. "I am Hailmar. Right hand of King Vangelis. I welcome you to the kingdom of Shintaro." He bowed to the ninja.

"You just saved our lives!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"It is the least we could do. The dire bats are a plague. They are one of the many reasons we discourage visitors, for their own safety," Hailmar continued.

I scoffed quietly, which earned me a sharp elbow from Cole.

"But come," Hailmar went on as we ascended above the clouds, "let us put our woes behind us and welcome you to the Kingdom of Shintaro!" He swept his hand in front as the Ivory Kingdom appeared from the clouds as if on cue. A gasp of awe shot up from the Ninja. I stared at the kingdom, unsure of how to respond. It was beautiful, but I was wary. A slithering cold feeling of uncertainty made its home in my gut. Something wasn't right, and I was going to find out what it was.

Author's Note

Hi everyone! 

I know everyone hates author's notes, so I'll make this quick. This is my first time writing something like this, so don't be too judgy lol. I take constructive criticism, so if you see something that doesn't make sense or sounds funny, feel free to point it out and I'll see if I can fix it. For the most part, this entire story is written out in a Word document, so I only need to proof read it before I upload, which I will try to do regularly (once a week). 

Check out my Instagram and TikTok if you want 🙃

Instagram: that.ninjago.girl

TikTok: that.ninjago.girl

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