As we were back at the warehouse I look at friend saying she wasn't doing so good having been shot by an arrow and with the help of Vive that era has some bacteria at the body's trying to fight it
Since Lieberman was giving her antibiotics which is not doing anything till I get that arrow out of her
Since Lieberman went to get Curtis
Ellis mercer: Vive how is Francine doing so far
Vive: she's not doing so good Ellis we can't wait for them to get here we're going to have to do this on a own
Ellis mercer: alright I understand
I vibrate my hand to get the arrow from the back as I successfully removed the arrow from Francine's body
As I got the arrow out of her I then put it in the tray
I pulled out my futuristic syringe with light energy inside
and then i injected it in her arm which she gasped after being injected with light energy as the energy started going her system and body which was healing and closing up the wound
After that was done I sensed that Lieberman and Curtis were in the building as I sat done next to my wife and wait for them to get in room
I then hear them entering the room as I see them going to the room we were in they were shocked that she's all better now but after Curtis saw me he was shocked that I was still alive
Curtis: Ellis how are you still alive you were gunned down as well as yours and Francine's kids
Ellis mercer: as much as I want to explain all this but I might as well show you my memories
I put my hand on his head and showed him all my memories on what I went through in my life and my past old lives i played as
After I was done showing him my memories I put my Anti Hero uniform back and mask on as I opened a portal and left
After I left the warehouse I continued going around New York and killing all sinners in the city
I decided to kill dr otto octavius as I saw a future were he was going to take control of Petra Parker body and I wasn't going to allow to happen to her
The meta: vive see if you can find dr otto octavius he needs to be punished for his sins
Vive: understood meta finding his location now
Actually looked for Octavius is location she found it
Vive: right now he's in his lab and Spider-Woman is there if you can get there in time you can prevent spider woman's fate from being hated buy New York and the other Heroes sending you his location now
As vive gave me the coordinates at where Octavius lab is at
I then started running the Octavius lab Hideout before it's too late
3 minutes later
As I continued running I made it to Octavius lab I was about to go inside but I got another idea I told vibe to shut down the power in the building leaving them alone in the dark
She did as I told her as the power in the building was shut down I then started to go in the building
3 minutes before the power in the building was shut down
(Spider Woman pov)
Dr octopus: give up spider woman you won't be able to break through restraints with this machine i will transfer my consciousness to your head I will make the entire city hate you now let's begin
As I saw the machine was ready and powered up with Doc Ock on the other table connect his mind to mine I tried to break free but couldn't as the machine was ready the transfer his conscience to mine the building's power was shut down as well as doc och machine and by the look on his face he was angry
As I was strapped down on table and I couldn't break free
As we both heard evil demonic laughter
By then both me and Doc Ock we're now scared whatever was in the building with us it was not human
As Doctor Octopus got up from the table you started walking around
(Ellis mercer)
As I he started walking around the room to find a flashlight or light source of any kind to see where he's going I pulled my knife out of its sheath holster and pulled my gun out and loaded with normal bullets
And then I shot him in the leg he screamed in pain he then started attacking where I was at but moved away since Dodge's attack as I got behind them and slashed his leg with my knife I continued moving around and continue doing the same process over and over again can you stop doing it overnight and over again
As he then started begging for mercy
I then told vive to turn the power back on as soon as Spider Woman and Octavius saw me they were shocked As she so the smoking barrel of my gun and a bloody knife
The meta: oh sinner did you really think I wouldn't know too bad for you I got here just in time before you can take control of spider woman's body and using her body to make the whole city hate her I wasn't going to allow that to happen as of now you need to be punished for your sins
I remove the magazine clip for my glock and loaded it with Darkness energy rounds as I point the gun to his head
Dr octopus: please I'm sorry I promise I will never do this anymore I'll go to jail and stay there and try to reform myself I promise please don't kill me
The meta: I know you're lying you're going to go back to doing breaking out of jail and trying to harm and kill innocent people and tried to harm and kill Spider Woman as of today you are Beyond God's forgiveness as he lost all forgiveness in you
He started begging but I didn't listen as I pulled the trigger shooting in the head with a darkness and around blowing up his entire head
As I was done I looked over to Petra Parker as I walked over to her I used my strength to break the restraints her arms and legs
As I was done I was about to leave as I sensed her about the shoot her web at me I stopped time and walk behind her and let time resume
As she looked around I'm where I went since her web didn't hit me
The meta: you know I pretty much prevented the whole city of New York and the X-Men The Avengers and the Fantastic Four because if it wasn't for me the whole city would hated you as well as the rest of your friends
Spider Woman: no they'll listen to me they'll know that I wasn't in control
The meta: I guess I should show you your future if I didn't prevent this from happening
I then started showing her a timeline what could have happened if Otto Octavius got into her body as he ruined her reputation as well the rest of his friends The Avengers Fantastic Four and the X-Men as well as her friends betrayed her and her Aunt May betrayed her and the rest of New York hated her I think of her as a menace
As I was done showing her future of what could have happened as I can tell the look in her eyes through her mask she was shocked I'm pretty much I can tell she was about to cry
The meta: hey it's okay let it out you need it no need to Hold it in
After I said this to her she was now started crying knowing that her reputation went down the drain and everyone hated her I then started to hug her I then told by the shutdown the cameras in the room have them explode as she did that every camera in the building was fried and exploded
I then started to remove her mask and saw how beautiful she was
The meta: I was right you are a beautiful woman Petra Parker
She then a bright red that I called her beautiful again
Perta Parker: why did you remove my mask are you going to tell everyone my secret identity and why do you call me beautiful I'm not like other women and there are way beautiful then man Aunt May
The meta: I wasn't wrong when I said you are beautiful and I cared about who you are not about your body or even looks you're a beautiful passionate woman you are Petra Parker and like I said you will find someone cool love you and your Aunt May and like I said before when we met me revealing your secret identity I would gain nothing from it only bring more death and destruction which I don't want in my conscience
Petra Parker: do you really think So Meta will I really find someone who loves me and Aunt May
The meta: I know you will find someone trust me you will also don't hate your friends I know I really wouldn't forgive them and never trust them if they betrayed me I wouldn't forgive my Aunt May or The Avengers the X-Men or the Fantastic Four
She was confused on when I said that and wondering what I meant
Petra Parker: what do you mean your aunt may
The meta: well let's just say in a different Universe I was Spider-Man and in that universe I was Peter Parker when dr. Otto Octavius took control of my body he ruined my reputation having the rest of the city and heroes hating me as well as may Parker The Avengers the X-Men and the Fantastic Four the whole city hated me and it wanted my head after that I was in his body have an awoken yet since he was still in control
She was shocked on what I said I went through so much when I was Spider-Man having the whole city of New York hating me as she continued to listen on what I have to say
The meta: after the whole city hated me and may Parker hatting me the ones I considered loved ones and who I wanted to love betrays me and slept with the other Heroes after he went through so much pain he committed suicide after that his soul left his body and entered the true heaven after his soul left his body I took control after I got my memories back on who I truly am and who I really am after that I erased that worlds of New York's powers removing them of their intelligence they're beginning Powers their Godly powers and their abilities if they really didn't deserve them and here's the kicker in that Universe of New York there were no such thing a sacred gears quirks semblances auras chakra it was just normal just mutants people with powers and as well as spider powers there was no such thing as Union Academy in that Universe it never came to exist
She was shocked again that there's a universe none of these other powers never came to exist not New York
The meta: I know the look in your eyes you're sorry on what I went through don't blame yourself on what I went through it wasn't your fault so don't blame yourself
I'd move my mask up a bit as I kissed Petra Parker on the lips
She put her arms around my neck as she was enjoying the kiss so much as we continue kissing for 10 minutes as we broke the kiss to get some air
Petra Parker: Meta I have to tell you something I love you I love you so much you're the first person who loves me for who I am and not because of my body Meta will you be my boyfriend as well be as my Aunt May's boyfriend as well
The meta: I need to ask my wife about this you need her permission to Let be your boyfriend
She was shocked that I was married but she was determined that should we gain Francine's permission to let her have me as her boyfriend
Petra Parker: meta can you do me one favor can you remove your mask so I can see your face so I can really know who's behind that mask
I was hesitated at first but if I want her to trust me I have to do it as I started removing the scraps on my mask as it was done she saw my face her whole face was a bright red and she was shocked on who I really am
Perta Parker: your Ellis Mercer the one who owns Mercer Corporation and lives in holy city
Ellis mercer: I must be really famous that the Great Amazing Spider Woman and knows so much about me
Petra Parker: and I have to say you are quite handsome indeed
Ellis mercer: well thank you for the compliment well I got to go
As I was about to leave again Patrick Parker grabbed my hand stopping me as I turned around and looked at her she look like she wanted me to fuck her
Ellis mercer: Petra why are you stopping me from leaving
Petra Parker: please I want to show you how much I love you
As she started taking her costume off as she started taking off her bra and panties off as well
Ellis mercer: Petra are you sure about this once we do this there's no going back
Petra Parker: I'm sure Ellis
(Lemon coming up skip it if you want just to let you know this is my first time riding a lemon in the story)
After she said that I stopped time and use my powers on Petra Parker to make sure she wasn't affected when time stopped as it was done she looked around she asks what I did and told her I stop time
I started taking off my clothes as well as removing removing both body Armor's as I was naked as she was shocked and saw how big my dick was as it was 10 inches long
I then started licking her pussy as she started moaning in pleasure
I continued licking her pussy and started to go faster now
She continued moaning
Ellis mercer: you must be really enjoying this a Petra
I then started licking inside her pussy she couldn't stop moaning in pleasure
I started to go faster now and getting all of her sweet spots
I continued doing this and she told me something
Petra Parker: Ellis I'm going to cum soon
Ellis mercer: then cum Petra
As I continued licking her pussy non stop and then she came and I drank all of her cum
As she continued Cumming i continued drinking a of her cum as she finally stopped
After she was done Cumming and told me something
Petra Parker: Ellis i want you to fuck me right i can't wait any longer
I nodded as she got on table and I saw her wet aching pussy
I put my dick inside her pussy as it was fully I saw the pain in her eyes as I can tell she was a virgin
Ellis mercer: I see your giving your virginity to a grown man you must really love me so much that you wanted to do this
I waited for her to get adjusted until she was ready to continue
After she done adjusting to the size she told me to continue
I started fucking her slowly as I can hear her moans pleasure
I continued fucking her slowly as she told me to fuck her faster be rough with her body i did as she told me as I started fucking her faster and rougher
As I did this she told me how much she loves me and said she would do anything for me
I continued fucking her non stop as I was about to cum soon
Ellis mercer: Petra I going to cum soon
Petra Parker: do it cum inside me cum inside my pussy don't worry i took a birth control pill
I nodded I continued fucking her and then I came inside her pussy she moans in so much pleasure
(A/n: end of lemon)
After I was done I pulled my dick out of her pussy as it was starting to leak out of her I Cleaned her up as put my clothes and anti uniform back on along with my mask
As I was finished putting my uniform back on I turned around as she finished putting her bra panties and costume back on
Petra Parker: thank you so much Ellis for loving me for who I am
Ellis mercer: you're welcome
As she tried to get up she couldn't because she couldn't feel her legs
Ellis mercer: since you can walk you might as well take the day off a Spider-Woman and go back home
Petra Parker: yeah and again thank you so much for loving me for who I am and not for my body and for being my boyfriend
Ellis mercer: you're welcome
I opened a portal to her home as I pick her up Bridal Style and walk through the portal as a close behind me
As I was in her home I placed her on the bed as I was done I walked up to her window
I pulled my mask down and looked at her and said goodbye and left
After I was far away from her house I let time resume again
As Time resumed again I continued going around New York and killing every last sinner in New York
20 minutes later
As I continued killing sinners in New York I sensed someone was following me after I sensed this Evil dark presence I flew outside of New York to avoid any innocent Souls from being killed
As I continued flying away from the city I still sense the dark presence following me as I was far away from New York I was outside of New York City I then flew down and landed on the ground
I open my pocket Dimension and pulled out my sword
After I got my sword out I unsheathed blade I got into a stance and got ready
(A/n: this is how he's holding the sword right now)
As I got into my fighting stance I saw a ship which I can recognize perfectly
It was ventress ship as her ship landed she got out and ignited her lightsabers
Ventress: meta you will come with me
The meta: I don't think so ventress I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to your master or Palpatine also known as Darth Sidious
Ventress: then I might as well try to beat you to submission
She then ran up to me and try to hit me with your lightsabers I blocked her attack with my sword she was shocked that her lightsaber didn't cut through my sword
Ventress: what how come my lightsaber doing cut through your sword
The meta: I made my sword very special that not even your lightsaber can cut through my sword
I've then used force push her away from me
I got a few swings on her I managed to cut arm legs stomach chest and her face
Ventress: come on meta use your anger given to the dark side
The meta: you want me to use my anger fine
I then used my darkness rage as my eyes turn black and my pupils turn gray as my teeth began to get pointy and sharp when's I activated my darkness rage black Flames appeared on me with a bit of yellow up the tip of the flame
When I activated my darkness rage ability my mask that was once a black it started to Glow it and showed my gray eyes
She was shocked that my eyes weren't the eyes of a Sith but my rage my anger and hatred this wasn't the power of the dark side this was something more evil and demonic
I then rushed at her again when I activate the darkness rage It increases strength my Speed and Agility by 99999999999X
I've then through my sword aside I then started punching her kicking her in her face or body
As I continue doing this she was all bloody broken and beaten to near death as I can sense her fear
She then started begging me for mercy I now had a choice to make As Time stopped I need to think of what to do with her
Path a of light
Path of dark
Path of darklight
I first check where is the path of light would take me
Future ventress: why did you spare me
Future The meta: I spared you because you were going to be betrayed
the meta: By sparing her and when I show her the future where it would lead when Count Dooku betrays her she would betray him immediately and join me
Future count dooku: Ventress has betrayed us master
Future Darth Sidious: go find The Meta and kill him
The meta: by sparing her the siths will come after me and ventress and the rest of the people of Earth but I will do what I must protect the innocent and punish the guilty
After I was done seen with the path of light will take me by then check the path of dark light would take me
Future the meta: join me Ventress and you will get your vengeance on Dooku and sidious
Future ventress: I will join you master meta
The meta: by sparing her and I offered her to join me she would become an excellent angel of Vengeance and Punishment she would be a master of both light energy and darkness energy it would make her be one of my generals
Future obi wan kenobi: we must go to this planet to see who this meta really is and have him join the Jedi Order
Future Anakin Skywalker: it'll be done master come on Asoka let's go to this planet
The meta: but knowing this the Jedi Order will come after me and I'll try to hunt me down it make me join they're Jedi Order but that's not going to make me stop doing what I do best and I will continue being an angel of Vengeance and Punishment
After I was done seeing the future where path and take me I done looked what the path of Darkness will take me if I do make this choice
Future ventress: please don't kill me I beg of you
Future evil meta: I will not spare you but I will devour your heart and blood
The meta: making this choice will make me become a Darkness demon knowing that if I take the path of Darkness the darkness in me will almost have full control over me and I will be praying on the innocent and God would hate me
Future innocent people: run run the meta is killing people
Future news reporter: as of today the med is no longer considered a hero and is now considered a villain and he must be taken the jail
The meta: knowing this the people will hate me and they will deem me as a threat knowing that all the hard work I did will go to Waste for picking this certain path
After I was done seeing where path of Darkness with take me I then decided to take the path of light
After I was done choosing the path time resumed again as I pulled out another syringe filled with light energy as I injected into her arm as she gasps as the energy is going into her body and system as the cuts bruises and broken bones are starting to heal as the bones were put back together
After it was done she was fully healed she looked at me questioning why I spared her
Ventress: why did you spare me
The meta: I didn't want to kill you plus you have a pure of heart sure you've done some bad things but God sees that you can be redeemed and reformed but first let me show you something before you leave
I then showed her the future onward lead to her betrayal and her trying to kill Count Dooku asking soon later join me to help the innocent and punish the guilty
After I was done showing her future didn't know what to say you ain't all that going to happen to her future then look at me
Ventress: why are you showing me this what do you get out of it
The meta: all I want is for you to no longer prey on the innocent and only Punish those who truly deserve it it's best that you leave now don't go back to your master find out that you fail won't know what you might fail again
I used the force to grab my katana and and put the katanta into the sheeth and put it back into my pocket dimension
As I open my wings I looked at her one last time I said goodbye and left
Ventress pov
After seeing the meta left I didn't know what to think my master was going to betray me I do not know what to think knowing what's going to happen to me in my future and I was going to go through that and I wasn't going to allow that to happen to me I then got back into my ship and flew away from the planet I can't go back to my master from now on I'm done maybe in the future I will join the meta and having helped me kill Count Dooku I then got into hyperdrive and left the planet
A/n: wow that took me awhile well anyway hope you enjoyed the story but have a good day if it's night where you are at then goodnight and goodbye
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