Chapter 58
The sound of mumbling and restless tossing woke me. I glanced over at Tim as he fidgeted in his sleep, clearly having a nightmare. It wasn't uncommon but this one did seem particularly bad- or perhaps I just wasn't sleeping as well as usual.
I moved closer and carefully shook him, not wanting his movements to hurt his injuries. "Tim... Tim, wake up."
My whispering grew louder until I felt him calm down. He gave a sound of discomfort as he moved and I shifted away again. His voice was groggy and seemed confused about what was happening. "You're alive..."
"Well I hope I am." I mumbled, though a feeling of dread settled in me at his words. "...Why wouldn't I be?"
"You fell... I couldn't- I found you dying just like everyone else... It stopped me from helping you just like Jay..." He was already trailing off again as he began falling back asleep.
"It's going to turn out differently this time." I settled back down again. "Will it really? Can three of us really do anything against those things?"
Arms wrapped around me and I felt him reposition on his side so my back was protectively pressed against his chest. His deep, slow breathing already indicating he'd fallen back asleep. I felt my face warm up at the thought of Jay coming in a few hours from now to make sure we were awake and seeing this.
"It'll just prove his point even more that Tim 'needs me'." I scoffed and began dozing off again. "He dealt with it before... surely he could again, right? He looked like a wreck the first time he thought I died... and the second... I can't do that to him again."
I glanced back at him, guilt rising in my chest. "What if he dies? Or if this doesn't work? ...What if I end up making things worse- or end up killing him like... like I killed Zac? Hell, I could be leading both of them to their deaths..."
Anger flooded my mind at the thought. Those things had taken everything from me, Tim, and who knew how many others. "The least I can do is repay the favor!"
Eventually I managed to doze back off again, my mind slipping in and out between being aware of my surroundings and the visions of the violence soon to come. I felt like it was only a few minutes rather than hours by the time I woke up and got ready.
"Ready?" I walked out to where Skully was standing off to the side of the room watching Tim smoking outside.
He jumped slightly at my voice, as if I'd disrupted him from his thoughts. "Huh- Oh, yeah... you sure you can do this?"
"Just let me get some painkillers in me and I will be."
There was silence as I got the pain medication out and took some. Looking back at him, I saw Skully quickly backing away from the window. Moments later Tim came back in and shot him a glance before seeing me.
"I'm guessing I can't change your mind?"
"This ends today." I nearly growled the words. "No more distractions. This is something we should've done long ago."
"I have the car ready... Let me grab my pills and we can go."
As soon as he was out of hearing range Skully got up and walked over to me. "We can't let him come with us. He'll ruin the plan."
"I trust him to help. He wants this to be over just as much as us- maybe moreso."
The mask's eyes bore into me. "Are you sure? Seems like it's a little more than just trust to me."
"What?" As soon as the word was out of my mouth I knew what he meant. A scowl crossed my face; this wasn't something I wanted to discuss, especially not with him. "The plan is fine. Besides, Tim and I aren't... together like that. It just helps with nightmares..."
"Sure." His stance relaxed. "I just want to make sure you both get out alive... Tim- he's the type who'd put himself in danger, possibly get himself killed, for people he's close to. Which isn't many, obviously. Given the chance... I know he would've taken that bullet for me."
"Let's just get to the car." I moved around him and grabbed my mask from the other room as I walked out the door.
The tunnel loomed over us as we stepped into its shade. Immediately, I could feel the temperature drop and felt a shiver go through me from the sudden cold. Tim's breath could be seen as he stood next to us and looked around tensely.
"They know we're coming." I muttered. "...This won't be easy."
"Well, it wasn't going to be easy to begin with."
Skully shifted next to me and sat his camera down somewhat reluctantly and took the gasoline from Tim. It wasn't something we'd need if Alastor had been right about how flammable the ARK was but it was better safe than sorry for something this dangerous.
"We'll probably only get one chance at this..."
"Sure this is worth it? You said this would only stop them temporarily... What if there's a better way?" Tim spoke up as he stared at the other end of the tunnel.
"What? Like some magical weapon that can kill god-like beings?" I shook my head. "I wish... but this is the best we have."
"I'm not staying out here while you risk your life- especially with him."
I turned around to face him. "Put up the marking around the area and make sure nothing follows us in. If this doesn't work then maybe those will keep them from passing through this way... If we aren't back by morning... don't do anything stupid."
The need to argue against the plan was clear on his face but thankfully Skully spoke up first. His voice, like mine, muffled by his mask. "I'll make sure she gets out."
The fact he spoke in front of Tim- let alone to him- surprised me. Skully quickly backed away with me following after him. Tim had plenty of chances to run and stop us before the end of the tunnel began to blur to signal we'd hit the entrance to the ARK. All I could do now was trust him to do his part and not follow us to our very possible deaths.
The distortion came to an abrupt halt and I stumbled from the sudden change in landscape. After recovering from the dizzying sensation I turned to look over at Skully. "You know this part of the ARK best, make sure it gets burned and get out."
"What about you? Your area is a lot bigger and you'll have to get through the fire here." He was merely repeating the same response he'd given the day before.
"I'll manage. Besides, there are other ways out." Despite the painkillers I'd taken earlier I could feel a headache starting to form. "If anything goes wrong we ditch the plan and get out."
Skully nodded and began running deeper into the Operator's section of the ARK. I stared after him for a moment before running off in the direction of the misty forest where Slenderman was no doubt waiting. The closer I got the more I reminded myself of the small folding knife in my pocket. I could only hope I wouldn't have to use it.
"Worse, I might lose control and turn on them."
I began setting the area on fire as soon as I hit the denser section of trees. The spark from the lighter alone was nearly enough to set the place ablaze. Soon enough, the chilling mist was mixing and being subdued by the smoke. The traces of azoth in the air carried the flames faster from tree to tree and spread out around me.
"Going better than I expected... for now." I was already sweating under my mask as I sprinted through the trees to get around the worst of the fire.
The smaug from the burning wood was blinding me to roots, which I inevitably tripped over. Pain shot through my shoulder as I landed on it but I quickly rolled back to my feet and kept going. Breathing became difficult and I lifted my mask up as a coughing fit hit me. Each one made pain shoot through my skull. Squinting, I continued making my way back to the exit as fast as my deteriorating condition allowed.
"Ash!" I froze as Tim's voice cried out through the haze behind me. "Ash, where are you?"
"Tim?" I took a hesitant step in the direction of his voice. "Dammit!"
For a few seconds there wasn't a response... Then came a sound of pure agony. I bolted in the direction of the shout instantly, fear sinking teeth deep into my heart at what I might find. "Tim! I'm coming!"
Once again I was slowed by a coughing fit before staggering to a stop as I heard his voice close by. Turning in a circle I tried to pinpoint which direction to go. "Come on... give me another call Tim..."
An ear splitting sound made me cry out and fall to my knees as I grabbed my head. Looking back up I could see a white, faceless entity staring at me through the flames. Slenderman watched as I tried to block out the ringing and struggled to get to my feet. Hatred seeped through me and I pulled out the knife. It wouldn't do much against him but that didn't mean I wasn't going to let him get away without a scratch.
"I won't let him stop me. This is all his fault." Pawn growled the thought as a violent echo of my own displeasure.
He was gone before I could even get close. I growled in frustration and spun around, searching the hot flames for his form. My breathing grew shallow as the smoke continued getting thicker. I swayed and dropped the weapon.
"I need... need... to get out..." I took several wobbling steps before falling once more. Pawn's commanding snarl rang through my thoughts. "You should've listened... Now get up!"
A laugh came from beside me and I saw a figure reach down and pick up the knife I'd dropped before crouching down in front of me. "Did you really think you could take on a god? Heh, fucking halarious!"
Terror kept me silent and I couldn't help but start trembling as he pressed the tip of the knife against my throat- Pawn going still within my mind. "Let's play a game. I'll see how many times I can cut you open before the fire gets you, and you get to see how loud you can scream, and beg for me to have mercy."
I flinched away and tried to stand. "N-no... I won't... I won't give you t-the satisfaction..."
Malice reflected off his eyes, making them appear even more demonic as the fire reflected in them. "A little late to act brave."
His growling undertone paralyzed me and I cringed as he stood up and kicked me onto my back, his head tilting to the side as he grinned down in amusement. "You were nothing but an experiment... Forgotten for a time but with this display... Perhaps next iteration I'll introduce you to some of my other rabbits."
HABIT plunged the blade into my already injured shoulder as he moved to kneel over me. I squirmed and choked back a scream, biting down harshly on the inside of my lip until I tasted blood. Not even a second later my cry broke free as he twisted the knife harshly. A cruel smile crossed his face as he ripped it out and pulled off my mask to expose my face.
"That's better... and azoth won't save you this time." His sadistic, amused expression only grew as I feebly struggled to get away. "Even with this toothpick you call a knife."
I went limp aside from my shaking as he dug his nails into my shoulder. Tears pricked my eyes from the pain. At the moment, it was becoming the only reason I was still awake, as the lack of oxygen from the smoke continued suffocating me slowly. HABIT stood once more and pulled out his machete, tossing my smaller knife aside.
"It's fine... this is fine... I finished... finished what I came here... to do... I... I'm sorry Tim..." I blurrily watched as HABIT raised his weapon and I closed my eyes as I flinched, anticipating the sharp blade piercing my skin. Even Pawn seemed to know escape was impossible.
Gunshots rang out. I heard a body slump to the ground near me. Cautiously, I turned my head to see HABIT on the ground, blood leaking from the bullet wounds to his head and chest. A red frowny face looked down at me, the gun still in hand and aimed at my face. Hoodie stared for a moment, as if contemplating pulling the trigger.
"If he's in here... then what happened... to Tim...?" I felt sick from the suspense of waiting. "Is this even real?"
A ragged, dark laugh came from HABIT and I watched in horror as he began getting back up. Hoodie's attention was instantly on the real threat, though he was poised to flee at any moment. Taking the chance while I had it, I struggled to my feet and limped as fast as I could through the burning, falling trees. Part of me regretted leaving the hooded man back there to die but another part knew if I didn't I'd end up just like he would.
"Better him than us." Pawn urged me to keep going, causing me to stumble momentarily.
I pressed a hand to my shoulder, instantly feeling it become slick with blood. Behind me, I heard several more gunshots... and then a scream echoed loudly through the area.
"If something can make Hoodie scream like that..." I did my best to pick up my pace, though between avoiding falling branches, blockades of fire, and trying to remain conscious I doubted HABIT would have a hard time catching up to me.
Not long after, I felt my legs give out. I didn't even get the chance to catch myself before hitting the ground. A wheezing cough escaped me as I fought to catch my breath and collect my strength to get up again.
The sound of someone yelling my name caught my attention and I tensed, remembering what had just happened when I thought I'd heard Tim. The voice was closer when it called out again but I saw nothing amidst the burning forest around me.
"Is... Is it real? He could... help me get out of here... but it could be a trick- Slenderman..." My vision was wavering, darkening as I continued to succumb to the smoke and blood loss. "Maybe... I'm just... hearing things..."
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