daddy jen gives her babies what they want
also I know we can get to 20 comments I just know it
Six weeks pass. Louis is twelve weeks pregnant and having no fun.
The morning sickness has died down, sure, but not as much as he would like it to (he wants it completely gone).
But he also has a little tummy that Harry is literally obsessed with. It's adorable, however, so Louis doesn't mind.
"Can you make me some tea?" Louis croaks, clearing his sore throat and sighing. The morning sickness always makes his throat raw, and the only thing that seems to help is tea.
Harry nods. "Of course," He hums, walking over to the cabinet and opening it. Louis walks up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Harry's shoulder.
"Morning," He says quietly. Harry smiles, leaning his head back so he can peck Louis' lips.
"Good morning!" Harry says cheerily, starting to pour water into the tea kettle that was resting on the counter. Louis hums and presses a soft kiss to the nape of Harry's neck.
"Why so happy?" Louis grumbles, but there's a lightness to his tone because, well, how could he not be happy with Harry?
"I don't know," Harry admits, shrugging happily as he sets the tea kettle on the stove. "How are you, though?" He smiles wider. "How's baby?"
It's Louis' turn to shrug. "Good and good," He assures, squeezing Harry's waist a bit. "Growing, I guess. I don't know. I think you've been paying more attention than I have."
Harry giggles. "The size of a plum!" He reminds, making Louis laugh with him. Harry turns in Louis' grip, putting his hand against his husband's chest and pressing a kiss to Louis' lips. "I love you."
"I love you too, babe," Louis says, a bright smile on his face. Harry then fake coughs and wrinkles his nose.
"Go brush your teeth!" Harry teases. "Your morning breath is gross!"
Louis reaches over and pinches Harry's bum before walking toward the washroom so he can follow Harry's orders. He can hear Harry let out a yelp as he walks away, making him smirk.
The tiles on the washroom floor are freezing cold when he steps onto them in his bare feet. He shivers slightly, grabbing his toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste.
Louis looks in the mirror as he brushes his teeth because, well, who doesn't? He notices something different about his face though. It's glowier than usual. His jawline is slowly disappearing as well, looking a bit rounder than before.
He doesn't hate it. He just doesn't know if he can get used to it. After brushing his teeth thoroughly and spitting the toothpaste out, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and walks back out to the kitchen.
Harry immediately hands him a hot cup of tea, making him smile. "Thank you, baby," He says, taking a sip. Harry smiles, sitting down at the kitchen table and unlocking his phone.
"We should drive up to my mum's later, tell them the news," Harry suggests, and Louis nods. He's so lucky Anne loves him, because the feeling is mutual. And Harry wants to visit them so often, it'd be awful if Louis had to go there all the time and not like them.
"Okay," Louis agrees, taking another sip of his tea.
"Oh, I've missed you lot!" Anne says, holding Harry in a tight hug. Harry smiles, hugging her back and laughing when she starts to pepper his face with kisses.
Anne then moves on to Louis, giving him the same treatment. Louis laughs as she kisses his face the same way she kissed Harry's.
"Come in!" Anne urges, pulling them both in. Harry giggles at her enthusiasm.
"Is Robin here?" Harry asks, and Anne shakes her head. Harry pouts at that, wanting to tell everyone at once. Oh well. Anne will tell him anyways, the blabber mouth.
Anne then smiles. "I just made lunch, though," She mentions, clasping her hands together. "Are you boys hungry?"
"Starving," Louis nods with wide eyes. Anne smiles warmly.
"Good! I know you like pork, Louis. I'll make you a sandwich," Anne says before walking to the kitchen.
All of a sudden Louis feels an overwhelming rush of emotion. His eyes fill with tears and his lip wobbles. He grabs onto Harry's arm, making Harry turn toward him. His eyes soften when he notices a tear run down Louis' cheek.
"What's wrong?" He asks. Louis shrugs and sniffles, wiping his eyes.
"She just assumed what I w-wanted," Louis cries, leaning over and crying into Harry's chest. Harry's eyes soften as he puts a hand on Louis' back. He knows it's hormones–Louis almost never cries.
"It's okay," Harry mumbles, not really knowing what to say. Louis just sobs into Harry's chest, making Harry furrows his eyebrows.
"Hey, it's okay," He says, a bit more reassuringly this time. "You like pork, don't you? It's okay."
Louis nods, sniffling and wiping his eyes. He's a bit embarrassed, honestly, but he can't help it. He thinks, no, he knows it's hormones. Fuck. Something tells him this won't be fun. He's just glad Anne didn't see.
Harry, seeing Louis has calmed down, smiles and presses a kiss to his forehead. "See? It's okay."
"Yeah," Louis sighs, blushing a bit. He grabs Harry's hand and leads him to the kitchen where Anne is making the sandwiches. Anne turns her head and glances at them when she hears footsteps, smiling warmly.
"Boys, I love seeing you," She says as she starts to make a second sandwich. "You know I do. Just–why did you come today?"
Harry bites his lip. Louis admits, "We have something to tell you."
Anne raises her eyebrows at that, obviously intrigued. "Is that so?" She asks, pausing before rolling her sleeves up to her elbows. Both boys nod, Louis' a bit more confident than Harry's. Harry has always been more scared of disappointing his mum, though he knows Louis being pregnant won't disappoint her.
Louis uses his free hand to tug at the bottom of his Nike t-shirt, though it's pointless. He should've chosen a baggier top–this one is right around his stomach. Anne seems not to notice, however.
"Well, what is it?" Anne asks, fully turning her body and leaning against the countertop, crossing her arms. Her expression is impossible to read, though to Louis it looks somewhere along the lines of nervous and excited. Just like Louis is right now.
Harry and Louis look at each other, and Harry looks incredibly scared, but also a bit excited as well. He's so precious–Louis loves him so much.
"Do you want to tell her?" Louis asks softly, and Harry shakes his head–a reply that Louis expected. Louis turns to Anne, and says with a small smile. "'M pregnant."
Anne's eyes widen. She smiles as well, though, so they know she's not mad or disappointed. "Are you serious?" She asks, clasping her hands together and holding them up to her face. Harry nods, suddenly very enthusiastic from his mum's reaction.
"Oh my lord, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Anne lets out a high pitched laugh, rushing over to the boys and hugging first Harry, then Louis. "I'm so happy for you two! Oh my god, you're going to be such wonderful parents!"
Harry giggles at that, his face turning a light crimson. Louis, as always, is endeared. He smiles fondly as Harry beams with rosy cheeks.
"Louis' pregnant?" Anne confirms. They both nod. "I always...I always thought it would be Harry." She obviously wasn't going to say 'I thought Harry bottomed!' because that is a conversation no son wants to have with his mum.
"I can't," Harry confesses, biting his lip "But we found out Louis could and he offered to do it! Get pregnant, I mean. Not, like, you know. But-"
Louis winces and covers Harry's mouth with that. "You're rambling, love," He chuckles, and Harry's face turns pink all over again. Louis then looks over to Anne, "But, yeah, I'm happy to, obviously.
Anne nods. "I knew there was something different about you the moment you walked in–you're absolutely glowing!" Louis rolls his eyes with a smile on his face, a reaction Harry giggles at. "Any morning sickness, though? I remember mine being dreadful both times."
Louis shrugs. "It's calmed down, still happens though," He admits. Anne nods, eyebrows furrowed like she's thinking.
"Remind me to give you some remedies–I still have some saved from when I was carrying Harry," Anne shakes her head. "He was the worst."
"Mum!" Harry whines, and both Louis and Anne have to laugh.
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