Chapter 2 Part 1 - Meeting up

A/N - "Did you just rewrite Chapter 2 all over again?" Deadpool asked me.
"Yes! I did!" I replied, "It was a fucking mess and I hated it. So, I'm starting from scratch!"
"Damn... that bad, huh?" Deadpool asked, "I mean, it was shit, but still,"
"Just shut up and let us continue on." I told him. "I don't own any of the Marvel nor Capcom characters. Same goes for the Sonic, Kingdom hearts and Pokemon characters. Enjoy,"

For the past five hours, X was able to find some survivors out there, though some reluctant than others such as that Miles Edgeworth fellow, but Captain and Chun-Li was able to convince him to come despite his distrust over the others. He also found some weird animal creatures, with one white hedgehog named Silver that stands out to him because of his psychic powers, which is super helpful for rescuing civilians from rubbles.

He also found some terrifying monsters running amok such as a pink, fire breathing dinosaur with black fur, and a blue, massive wolf that produces electricity. Thankfully, they were able to take both of them down while able to keep the civilians alive thanks to Silver.

Now, X finally arrives at the centre park, where he notices a massive group of people gathering here. He looks around and sees two certain reploids...


"Z-Zero! Axl!"

Zero and Axl rushes up to me as Axl hugs me while Zero just snickers and says, "Glad you're alright, X,"

"Ha Ha, thanks Zero," X replied back and looks around the place, "There's so many people here..."

"Yeah, it's very overcrowded," Zero commented, "I already contacted HQ to calm down the civilians."

"That's good to know," X commented.

Suddenly, the trio hears very loud arguing from the crowd. Much to their horror, they were a massive cluster fuck as the civilians are panicking, children being confused and the Pokemons are going insane.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Mummy! I want a toy!"

"Not now!"

"Can somebody please explain what's going on?!"

"I just want to go home!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Daddy! When are we going home?!"

"L-later sweetie!"

"Hey! Calm down everyone!" Huntress called out as loud as she can, but to no avail, where one guy screamed.

"Shut up, you blue haired freak!"

"F... freak...?" Huntress muttered as her face turns pale.

"Oi! You can't say that to my partner!" A brunette woman with goggles told him off.

"Shut up! Just shut up!"

The civilians starts getting more aggressive and unstable, which forces the heroes to try to calm down, but sadly, nothing successful. Axl groans and mutters, "Damn it... where's Iris' Milotic when you need it!?"

"Wait... did... did you just say Iris?" Zero asked in shock.

"Yeah, why?" Axl asked.

"..." Zero becomes speechless. "No... I... I'm sure he meant a different Iris! Y-Yeah, a completely different Iris! Obviously not the Iris I knew... because... I... she's dead... and... and... I... I..."

"Zero!" X called out to his best friend, as he immediately notices his invisible distress, "It's going to okay Zero... I'm here for you," 

"... Thanks..." Zero muttered.

"Ahem... did... did I do something wrong?" Axl asked worriedly.

"No Axl, you did nothing wrong," X ensured him softly. "Zero... please..."

"... Fine, but after this," Zero told him.

"Thank you," X replied.

"Hey buds! Are you coming to help those idiots or nah?!" Wolverine called out angrily.

"We're coming, Jerkass!" Zero called out.

"No need!"

Everyone looks up to see two Togekiss flying to the ground, where one is holding Iris, Dante, a bald man with an eyepatch, and a dark-skinned white haired man, and another one holding a beautiful, blonde woman and a very muscular man with wild hair. Huntress and two more people; the brunette girl and a muscular brunette man, yells out, "Admiral! Commander/grandpa!"

"Well, well, if it isn't my favourite bunch," The muscular man named Admiral joked. "And thanks for the lift, Cynthia,"

"It is no big deal," The woman named Cynthia replied as she takes out a red ball, "Now... MILOTIC!"

Cynthia summons the same beautiful creature Axl saw before. While everyone stares at Milotic, which Iris does the same as she shouts, "You come out too, Milotic!"

Iris' Milotic pops out of her Pokeball too and their two Milotic sing to their hearts' content; calming down the rowdy crowd. Meanwhile, Zero and X stares at Iris while Axl raises his eyebrow and asks, "Ahem... you okay, guys?"

"... Oh! Ahem... yeah," X replied nervously, and glances at Zero, who is still staring at her. "Psst... Zero! Psst... Zero!"

"..." Zero starting to breath more heavily as he stares at Iris. "It can't be... is that... no... that's impossible... she... she should be dead! How?! How is this possible?!"

"Hello Avengers..."

Everyone quickly snaps out of their thoughts as they look up in the sky, where a screen pops out of nowhere, showing a large group; silver humanoid robot, a man with darkish tanned skin, yellow eyes, long white hair and a black coat, another man with dull eyes and blue spiky hair. Behind them are a white clothed assassin looking man, a demon with a flaming head, a blonde little girl with a red riding hood outfit, a purple demon and finally, one that stands out the most as he stands next to the silver robot is a very tall robotic humanoid with purple scars over his eyes, which instantly turns the trio of the Maverick Hunters' faces pale.

"... Si... SIGMA!!!?" X shouted at shock.

A/N - "You bringing Sigma... FOR THE ELEVENTH TIME!!!?" Deadpool asked me rudely, "Why not Redips? Or Lumine? Or any other villains other than Sigma!"
"Look, I don't want to bring Sigma back from the dead either," I told him.
"Than why did you bring him back!?" Deadpool asked me.
"Because for plot reasons!" I told him.
"... That's your excuse?"
"Yes!" I replied. "I'll explain more in the next part!"
"You better cuz I want to bust some heads!" Deadpool complained.

"Than go play Doom!"
"I will!" Deadpool said as he quickly starts playing Doom.
"... Anyways, I hope I did Chapter 2 well," I said. "I know I have no excuse; but it's very difficult for me to give all the spotlight to everyone. So... I hope you guys enjoy it all the same. Aqua and Deadpool out!"

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