Chapter 1 Part 1 - Attackers (X's side)

A/N - I don't own any of the Marvel nor Capcom characters. Same goes for the Sonic, Kingdom hearts and Pokemon characters.

X teleports into the centre of Abel city, where his eyes are widen as he sees the chaos going on.
"What... on Earth!?" X thought in shock.

Abel city looks drastically different, yet the same at the same time; it looks like it's normally futuristic buildings are being merged with 21st century buildings and some plants as well, especially weird looking berries and plants he never seen before. Suddenly, his comlink buzz a bit and he responds the call.

"X, can you hear me?" Alia asked through his helmet.

"Copy," X replied. "Abel city looks like it's transforming or merging with 21st century buildings and forests,"

"Wait, forests? 21st century?" Alia asked in shock. "How?"

"I don't know, but I'll get to the bottom to it." X told her.

"Alright, just be careful, X," Alia told him.

"I will," X called off and continues on his mission. "Send some rescue squads to make sure the civilians are okay."

"On it. Over," Alia called off.

X rushes out to the mission where he hears a crying out in fear, so he stops and runs to the source, where he found a boy cuddling a strange looking blue cup barking at three, small black creatures with yellow eyes.

"Get away from that boy!" X called out as he transform his arm into his X buster and start blasting at those monsters.

While it did damage them, for some reason, he couldn't kill them off. The creatures turn their attention to him and runs towards him. X continuously shooting them, but those things just wouldn't die! One of them hop onto him and suddenly...


A powerful blast of flames strikes them and accidentally, him. The creatures suddenly turns into pink hearts and floats away. A teenage boy with spiky brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin while wielding a key shaped blade rushes to X and apologises, "Sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! I was meant to hit those heartless. My bad!"

"It's okay... ahem...?" X said.

"Sora!" The boy introduced himself. "You?"

"X. Megaman X." X told him as he manages to get up.

"That's a weird name," Sora commented.

"Yeah. I'll explain more later," X told him, "Now let's check on the boy."

"Yeah!" Sora agreed with him.

The two calmly walks towards the boy, who is still crying and the cub is still barking at them.
"It's okay. We're not here to hurt you..." X told him softly, "We're here to rescue you."

"Wh... who are you...?" The boy sobbed.

"My name is X. I'm a Maverick hunter," X told him.

"What's... a Maverick Hunter?" The boy asked.

"He doesn't know what a Maverick hunter is? Weird," X thought, but says, "We take down bad guys and protect people like you."

"Really?!" The boy asked excitedly, "Like a superhero!"

"Y-yeah," X replied. "Now, let's focus on escorting out of here."

X starts calling Alia again and Sora kneel down as he asks, "Who's this little cutie?"

"This is Shinx," The boy told him cheerfully, where Shinx manages to calm down, but still has a pouty face. "He's my best friend."

"Aww, he's so adorable!" Sora cooed as he's about to pet him.

"Wait! Do-"

But, it was too late as Shinx bites his hand, which Sora gasps and screams, "OWWW!!! What was that for?!"

"So sorry!" The boy apologised, "He doesn't like strangers, especially those who tries to pet him."

"Ah, got it..." Sora groaned as he notices his hand is bleeding a bit, "What a nasty bite..."

X calls off and tells, "Okay. My navigator, Alia, is sending two of the rescue squad members over here. Sora, I want you to protect the boy till they arrive while I continue to search for more civilians."

"Wait! How do I know if they're the rescue squad?" Sora asked.

"They're reploids," X told him. "Oh! They're robots with emotions and thoughts, in case you're wondering. They usually wear white armour, so you'll notice."

"So cool!" Sora fanboyed, "I can't wait to tell Donald and Goofy about this!"

"Yeah..." X replied as he runs off, "Be careful! Catch up after they arrive! I'll be around the centre!"

"Got it!" Sora replied back.

X runs off ahead for his mission while Sora protects the boy and his Shinx.

"I hope there's none of those monsters again or else I'm doomed," X thought.

A/N - "Don't tell me this fanfic is gonna be just as confusing as Kingdom hearts?!" Deadpool asked me.
"It wouldn't!" I replied confidently, "I'll always make sure I fill in the plot holes as much as possible! I don't like illogical shit,"
"Bitch! I'm the embodiment of illogical!" Deadpool complained, "Have you MET me?!"
"You know exactly what I meant!" I replied. "Also, I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, Aqua-"
"Hey, you asshole!"

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