Assassin - Part 10 - Scott x Reader

"When did you set this up..........?" Scott asked, as he watched (Y/n) light the torches and then spread the blanket out over the grass.

He had been surprised to find himself back at the Avenger's compound. His beautiful date dragging him away from the buildings to the lake. Scott wondering what was going on, as (Y/n) pulled a bottle of champagne and two glasses out from a hollow in one of the trees. The female Avenger placing the bottle in the water, before making her way back to him. Chuckling as she saw the confusion on his face.

"I actually come out here a lot in the evenings." The assassin began, as she took a seat and patted the spot on the blanket next to her. Smiling as Scott joined her.

"Really, I just sit here and look out over the water and listen to the silence. Even at the best of times, the compound can be a little chaotic; and wherever you go, there seems to be someone. If I want to sit and read a book, I find Loki is looking down his nose at me, coming out with some snarky comment. He nearly got the complete works of Shakespeare thrown at his head the other day. In the gym, well, that's usually filled with the boys; and even with Bruce, the sound of the noise of the machines can make my teeth itch. That, or Tony sees me and finds me something to do. So, that's when I come out here. Admittedly, I don't always keep a bottle and two glasses out here; but I did hope that some time this evening, I would be able to persuade you to join me." The assassin explained, as she dipped her hand into the water, and pulled up the already cooler bottle.

"So........I took a chance and left it here............" She continued, as she ripped off the foil and unscrewed the cage. The female Avenger popping the cork, before pouring the sparkling liquid into the glasses that Scott was holding.

"Is there nothing that you don't think of................?" Scott smiled, as he passed her a glass.

"No.......I always cover all my bases." The female Avenger replied, as she tapped her glass against Scott's. The handsome man having no idea that that was what made her so good at the other job that he and the others didn't know about. That covering all her bases was how she had survived, and the deaths of her victims, had always been put down to natural causes.

"And................" Scott began, as he moved a little closer to her, before taking the glass from her hand and putting both of them on the ground.

"What base do you think I might be able to get to, tonight..........."

"Well, why don't you kiss me, and we'll see how many you can steal..........." (Y/n) replied with a chuckle. Her eyes closing, and her fingers making their way into his hair, as Scott finally placed his lips on hers.


(Y/n) hummed happily, as she started to wake. She could still feel his arms around her, his breath on her skin. The sound of his beating heart, as she lay with her head on his chest, bringing a smile to her lips. Scott hadn't got a homerun the night before but had got damn close; the two falling asleep in one another's arms on the blanket.

Suddenly she sat bolt upright, Scott quickly waking as the woman that had been in his arms, looked at her watch.


"What........what's wrong...............?" Scott asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as (Y/n) jumped to her feet.

"It.......its nothing important.........I'm just late for something. I have to see someone; but I shouldn't be long. I'll see you later, yeah..........?" The assassin said, as she leant down and kissed him.

"Er........yeah, yeah........of course............" Scott agreed, still not quite sure what was going on, as (Y/n) kissed him on the nose before disappearing into the woods that surrounded the lake.


(Y/n) made her way into S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. She knew that she and Fury hadn't agreed on a time for a meeting; but whatever time she got there, she knew that he would say that she was late. That he would have something to say about their conversation on the phone from the night before, too. But to be honest, she was used to it; she and Fury had always had a strange relationship. It wasn't that she didn't like the director; it wasn't that she didn't think that he was a good man, it was just that sometimes he pushed just a little too much. Fury seeming to forget that she wasn't just his secret assassin, but an Avenger too. And to call her up after she had only just seen off her last target, with yet another job, was most certainly pushing it a little. Especially when it had almost ruined her night with Scott.

"Morning, Hill.............." (Y/n) said, as she made her way into the room. Maria looking up from what she was working on.

"Oh, hi (Y/n). You here to see the director...........?"

"Unfortunately............" The assassin replied with a chuckle. The deputy director smiling, as she got to her feet.

(Y/n) had always found it a little strange that Fury had never let Maria in on what it was that she actually did for the director. Always presuming that he had his reasons, that he would tell his right hand, when he thought the time was right. But to be honest, whatever went on between Fury and Hill, was not her concern. All she wanted to do was get this over with; all she wanted to do was find out who she had to kill this time, and then get back to Scott. The assassin following after Maria, as she made her way to Fury's office. Hill knocking before opening the door. (Y/n) nodding in thanks, before making her way into the room.

"You're late............." The director said, not even turning to look at her. The assassin simply nodding, before taking a seat. 

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