Chapter 2: The Itsy Bitsy Spiders Crawled Up Through the Raft
Peter Quill opens his eyes and groans, pressing the button by his ear to make his mask fade away. The only light in the room is being emitted from the glowing purple Gem in his hand. "Ugh... teleportation is not my favorite way to travel."
"Do we have the Gems?" Adrena sits up and holds her head with one hand, trying to cure a headache that's starting.
"Just this one." Star-Lord holds up the Gem so that everyone can get a good look at it. "The others must have been scattered to who knows where."
"That must be the Space Gem." Gamora's eyes widen as she gazes on the purple artifact. It's perfectly oval shaped, not chipped anywhere that she can see. "Which means we can be anywhere in space."
"Quill, shine that Gem around so we can figure out where in the universe we are." Drax says as if he was ordering Quill around.
"I am Groot." Everyone looks over at Groot when he says this.
"You can? Then do it!" Rocket says as if it's the most obvious thing ever. Groot opens his hand and many yellow lights fly out of it. They look like fireflies, blinking softly as they float in the air. With the added light, the Guardians can now tell where they are. "Really, we save the most precious items in the known galaxy, and we are the ones in prison?"
All six guardians are crammed into one holding cell. Instead of bars, the exit is sealed off by a solid holographic door. Agent Virgo examines one of the other walls, seeing that it's made of weak cement. "If we combine powers like we did to break that Kree generator, we should be able to break out."
"Great idea." Gamora nods and readies her sword. Everyone raises their preferred weapons and Star-Lord puts his mask back on. "In three, two, go!"
"Hahaha! No cell can hold us!" Drax laughs as the cement crumbles to the floor.
Everyone steps out into the dark hallway. Quill puts the Space Gem in his pocket since there's Groot fireflies lighting up the path. "Alright, we are free. Let's get out of here."
"Door's locked on the other side. Seems the power in this place is completely turned off." Adrena flies up to the exit to see it blocked off by a type of metal she's never seen before. "There might be a power station on the other side of the hallway."
"In here, Princess!" Rocket is already on it, tuning on the terminal and hacking into the system. "Repairing the door accessor and... there!"
Just as Rocket finishes, the door opens and the lights on the ceiling turn on. Gamora walks behind Agent Virgo and tucks a loose green strand behind her ear. "We can finally get out of here."
"Yeah, and gather all the Infinity Gems before that evil lady and her minions get to them first." Star-Lord anxiously speed walks to the end of the next hallway and shoots the control panel with his element gun. The panel smokes up, causing the door to open. "Once we get all the Gems, we need to rescue Rider."
Adrena hasn't seen Quill this shaken about something for a while. The last time he was this beat up was back when he was betrayed by his father. "He'll be fine, Star-Lord. Nova is a tough nut to crack."
When the Guardians enter the next room, they are no longer met with a hallway lined with empty cells. Adrena has to duck, which makes Drax get hit in the face with a flaming ball of lava. The hot substance drops off Drax's face, and the tough Guardian isn't fazed by it at all. In the room is a bunch of weird looking people all dressed in orange. On the back of their shirts has the word "RAFT" spelled out in black. All of them are yelling and punching one another.
"I am Groot."
"I hear ya, pal. This feels a lot more like home." Rocket gets his gun ready as some of the people turn and notice the newcomers.
Quill tries to say something like, "We come in peace! We have no idea where we are," but Drax rushes into the fight and trades fists with some lava creature. Rocket doesn't help matters by turning his gun to stun mode and goes to town. Groot sees his furry friend engaging and follows suit. Gamora and Agent Virgo do the best they can to attack the people in orange without hurting them too much. Star-Lord uses his rocket boots to fly above everyone and trap the rioters in a freeze trap.
The Guardians understand what Star-Lord is doing, and they help him round up the attackers. "Everyone just needs to chill out!"
"Are you kidding me with that, Quill?" Adrena charges up her blasters at her side, itching to shoot Quill out of the sky. She ducks as a man with metal fists throws a punch at her face.
"What? It's funny!" Quill turns to Adrena and looks down at her, smiling under his mask. He shrugs innocently before continuing to freeze the orange clothed people.
"I do not get the joke." Drax grunts as the magma man punches him in the side and engulfs the top part of him with his own body, smothering Drax in lava.
The Guardians try to help Drax, but every time they try to get close, the magma man splashes lava everywhere. Quill manages to dodge most of the attacks, only getting burned a few times, and uses both of his element guns on ice mode to freeze the lava man. Groot wraps his branches around Drax's legs and pulls his torso out of the ice. "I am Groot."
"Many thanks..." Drax is a bit out of breath from being suffocated in the mixture of ice and lava.
The magma man's ice prison starts steaming, and the Guardians all start to back away. Rocket points his gun at the door and blasts it open. "I'm not staying here long enough to come face to face with Mr. Igneous again. Let's beat it!"
"Wiser words have never been spoken!" Gamora yells as she runs and leads the group out of the room. "Oh, this is not good."
The Guardians all stop in their tracks when they get right next to Gamora. In the next room is an even bigger riot happening amongst the people in orange. One of the guys notices them and goes to throw a punch. Gamora ducks, but she didn't need to. The man's fist stops its swing right before it could connect with her face. What looks like a spiderweb wraps around the man's arm and pulls him up to the ceiling.
More webs shoot down and completely wrap around the bodies of the people, pulling them up. Some of them get stuck to the ground in the sticky substance. The Guardians all look up to see a red and blue clothed man of some kind crawling on the ceiling. His voice practically screams quippy, "Usually delivering prisoners to the Raft is a bunch of boring paperwork, but this-" the man points his hand at an escaping prisoner, his ring and middle fingers tucking into his palm as webs shoot out of his wrist "-is a total riot!"
Spider-Man: Peter Parker. The comeback king. Villains seem super attached to him for some reason.
"Really? Not even a smile from the tree?" Spider-Man lands on the ground after hanging upside down.
"Great, another Star-Lord." Gamora sighs and holds out her hand for Spider-Man to shake. He seems nice and on their side, hence he was able to take out all of those rioting prisoners. "The name's Gamora."
"Oh yeah, I've heard of you." Spider-Man shakes her hand, both of their grips unusually strong. Count Gamora impressed. "Buckethead's dad nagged me with stories about a talking raccoon, a tree with many words, two technicolored ladies, a short Hulk, and a really cool space lord who makes jokes. So, what are the Guardians of the Galaxy doing back on Earth?"
"Buckethead's dad? You mean Nova!?" Adrena waves off the comment about him calling her a technicolored lady.
"You know Richard Rider?!" Quill attaches his guns to his belt and, as quick as lightning, he grabs Spider-Man's shoulders. "You have to help us! He's been captured by a blue woman with a golden spear looking for the Infinity Gems!"
"Riiiight..." Spider-Man pauses and gently takes Quill's hands off his shoulders. He backs up a bit, scared that Quill might go crazy on him or something. "And I know a guy dressed as a green clown who rides a hoverboard and carries around exploding pumpkins."
"He's being serious." Gamora crosses her arms and her voice is stern.
"So am I." The Guardians can't tell if Spider-Man really is being serious or not.
"Yeah, sure, kid. We believe you." Rocket raises his eyebrows and dramatically winks. He thinks that Spider-Man can't see the gesture, but it's painfully obvious.
Ignoring the sarcastic wink, Spider-Man's shoulders slump and he looks up at the ceiling. "I am so over that 'kid' phase."
"Should we not be focusing on the task at hand?" Drax asks and pulls the purple Gem out of Star-Lord's pocket. "See, Spider? This is one of the Infinity Gems my colleague spoke of earlier."
"First of all, don't call me 'Spider'. Only three people call me that. If need be, call me 'Spidey'." Spider-Man points at the gem, now starting to believe them. "Secondly, if Buckethead's father really is in trouble, then count me in. Now that I have all these guys wrangled up, we should leave right-"
"HEY, SPIDER-BRAT!" Spider-Man turns around and sees the four members of the Wrecking Crew standing on the upper level. Three of them start unlocking more cells while the leader, which Peter has dubbed 'the Wrecker', snarls and swings his wrecking ball over his shoulder. "Now that I've got your undivided attention, let's dance!"
The Wrecking Crew: Loads of fun. They like to mess things up.
The Wrecker jumps off the second level over the railings, and Peter catches the wrecking ball with both hands before it could land on his head. "I'd love to, but choreography has never been my strong suit. Somehow I always find myself standing on the ceiling."
The Wrecker has nothing to say back as he gets way too angry to form words. He punches Spider-Man in the chest and the arachnid goes flying back. Using his super flexibility, Peter lands on his hands and backflips so that he's on his feet again. He shoots webs out of his wrists and they catch the Wrecker's hands. He yanks them back to make the Wrecker lose his balance. Peter jumps and flips over the Wrecker before he could slam into him. "You're lucky my sister isn't here or she'd beat you to a pulp. Why are you guys letting these lovely prisoners out of their cells?"
"Big mouth over here has a sister?" Rocket groans as he shoots one of the prisoners.
Spider-Man puts a hand over his heart and tries to sound as hurt as possible. "Big mouth?! I am appalled! If the powers and the suit didn't give it away, I'm obviously Spider-Man! And yes, I have a sister. She's outside trying to contain the prisoners from there."
"Uh oh."
"It's the lava creature again!" Drax yells a warcry and charges at the magma melty-thing.
Molten Man: Mark Raxton. Living embodiment of lava. Better keep your distance.
"Spider-Man, how do we fight that thing?!" Agent Virgo tries to shoot beams at the monster, but he just absorbs the energy. Drax is the only one that can get close without being harmed by the lava oozing onto the floor.
"That's Molten Man. He doesn't like me that much." Peter ducks just before lava could be sprayed onto his face. Molten Man must have noticed him. He turns to the Guardians and points his thumb at an open cell. "Follow my lead."
Rocket, Groot, and Gamora nod, understanding the plan, while Drax continues to go all out. Agent Virgo and Star-Lord just know they have to keep the creature occupied. "Over here, Moltey!" Spider-Man catches his attention and Molten Man becomes furious. His head starts steaming and he marches toward the arachnid, spraying lava from his hands at Peter. Spider-Man yelps and tries to dodge the smoking hot substance. "No touching, but keep walking this way!"
Molten Man seems to be ignoring all the attacks sent to him by Drax as he creeps toward Peter. At the last moment, Peter jumps up and the Guardians all use their weapons to push Molten Man into the cell. Spider-Man closes the door and smiles under his mask. "Now that's what I call a- OOF!"
A wrecking ball slams into Peter's back, knocking the wind out of him. Groot becomes extremely angry and grows his arms so they're long enough to reach the Wrecker. He yanks the chain from him and swings the wrecking ball around. The Wrecker is knocked into a cell, and his three friends cowardly run into one as well so they're safe from Groot's wrath. "I am Groot."
"You okay?" Quill puts a hand on Spider-Man's shoulder as the arachnid starts shakily standing up.
Peter takes a deep breath, which hurts his lungs but he knows it was necessary. He stretches out his shoulders and only winces a bit. "Broken this, bruised that, what else is new?"
"At least we got the prisoners back where they belong." Adrena tries to reassure everyone and they all agree.
"Exactly, but I'm not sure how many more prisoners the Wrecking Crew managed to help escape. We should meet up with my sister and help her outside." Spider-Man webs the ceiling and starts swinging, leading the way to the exit.
They get through another set of doors and Peter has to start running since the ceiling is too far up. He goes up a circular ramp, the far walls of the rooms holding caged prisoners. They scream and throw things at the heroes, trying to break out of their cells. Rocket dodges an empty bottle before running up to Spider-Man's side. "Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't a prison have, you know, guards?"
"That's what I was wondering when I first got here. Everyone was gone except the villains themselves." Peter explains. It still bugs (hehe, bugs) him that he wasn't able to find any police or security officers around.
They all reach the top of the room and Peter scans his hand to open the door. The sun shines on everyone's faces, temporarily blinding them. The heat feels good though, it's not too intense like when they were fighting Molten Man. Star-Lord in particular sighs in relief. "Ahhh finally, some fresh air. That prison was starting to smell worse than Rocket's bunk."
"Now, onward to sweet freedom!" Drax raises one of his blades, almost stabbing Spider-Man in the back. Thankfully, Peter's spider sense told him to dodge it.
"Yeah... it's not going to be that easy." Putting his hand on another scanner, Spider-Man is able to open another door. When this one opens, an inch of water wraps around everyone's feet. For some reason, the entire floor is covered in water. "My sister should be here-"
"SssSSssppPiiDddEeeEErrrR-MmMaaAanNnnN!" All of the water on the ground gets sucked into the middle of the room and raises up, taking shape into a man. His entire body looks like water, and his voice gurgles like he is trying to speak from beneath the ocean. "YyYooOuuU ppPuuuUUttT mMeeE hHhheErrrE! AnnNddD ssShHHeeE llLoOoOooOcCCkKeeeeDDdd mEeEee iiiNnNnn aAA ddDaAArrrKkkK cEeell ttOooO dddDDrrroOOowWWwnnNn iiiNNnnN mmMmYY mmMMiiiSSSsseEeRrryyYy! NnnNoOooWwW I'mmmM gGggoOOiiinNnggG ttTooO dRrroOOooWwwWnnN YyYyyoOOooOuuUU!"
Hydro-Man: Morris Bench. Not the most stable person. Doesn't work well with oil.
Hydro-Man laughs and glances over at the corner of the room behind him. "OooOnNnEeeE ssSspPPiiiDddDeEeErRR, ttTTTttwwWWwoooOO ssSspPPiiiDddDeEeErRR." The water man then lunges at Peter who has to quickly jump.
Spider-Man looks over at where he saw Hydro-Man glance and sees a cell. It's the cell Hydro-Man should be in, but who's there instead makes Peter's heart skip a beat. "Sis!"
Peter jumps again to dodge a splash and runs over to his sister who is locked in the cell. He tries to unlock it with the hand scanner, but he doesn't have access for some reason. "Aww, what?! That's not fair!"
"Don't get all whiny on me, Spidey. Remember, I'm the younger sibling."
Spider-Woman: Jillian Parker. Just your friendly neighborhood, well, you get the gist.
"Hydro-Man most likely changed the coding. And you'll never guess who actually put me in here." Spider-Woman crosses her arms, angry at herself for getting caught and shoved into this cell. The blue and red colors of her suit switched places with Spider-Man's, and her brown hair hangs in a ponytail through the back of her mask. "Give you a hint, he can fly."
"Who can't these days?" Peter retorts, making him and his sister laugh. Before he can confirm his suspicions on who helped Hydro-Man take Jillian down, the man himself swoops down from the sky and snatches Peter by the back of his suit. He flies quickly, making sure Peter has no chance to pull him down.
Vulture: Adrian Toomes. Sucks the life out of the party. Craves a younger style.
"I knew we could lure you out of there by catching your little sister, Spider-Man!" The Vulture cackles and starts flying upward instead of level to the ground.
Peter tries to think of something fast, and his prayers are answered when he gets an idea. "You know, Toomes, locking Spider-Woman up only gets her more angry."
Quickly switching the mode on his web shooters, Peter digs his wrists into Vulture's arms and thwips. Taser webs shoot out, shocking the Vulture and making him drop Spider-Man. The arachnid switches back to his regular webs and shoots them at a wall as he falls. He performs a dramatic swing and kicks through Hydro-Man who was giving the Guardians some trouble. Peter lands gracefully and turns to his comrades. "We need to take them both out. Virgo and Lord, you're with me since you can fly. The rest of you, try to keep Hydro-Man contained!"
"First Molten Man now Hydro-Man. Who's next, Electricity-Man?" Rocket rolls his eyes and starts trying to fix up his gun so it will work against the water being.
Peter crawls up a wall to get closer to Vulture and pauses to rub his head. "Well, you're not entirely wrong."
"You're kidding me. There's more of these guys?" Adrena turns her wings and jet boots off just before Vulture could grab her. She falls just a bit before turning them back on again.
"I'm sure they're safe and sound in their cells, so let's just focus on these guys for now!" Spider-Man isn't so sure about his enemies being locked up like he said, but he's always the optimist.
Spider-Woman pounds on the holographic door that's keeping her trapped, trying to get the attention of the seven heroes. "Guys, I have an idea! Guyyyyys!"
No one hears her, however, and the fight continues. The Guardians on the ground are getting absolutely nowhere with Hydro-Man. Every attack goes right through him, and he is kicking the snot out of them as well. The number of times they've almost drowned is way too high to count, well, for Drax that is. The Vulture vs. Spider-Man, Agent Virgo, and Star-Lord fight isn't going any better. He is so fast that even Adrena can't catch up to him. If only there was a way everyone could just leave Hydro-Man alone and focus on the Vulture, but Morris would never let that happen. Jillian Parker, for one, is getting fed up with seeing her brother and his teammates get creamed by two B-Level villains.
"ATTENTION, THIS WAY! LOOK AT ME!" Spider-Woman screams, making everyone turn toward her for a moment. Gamora is the first one to react and get over to her.
"You have an idea on how to take these guys down?" Gamora asks, out of breath from fighting Hydro-Man. "How'd you do it last time?"
"Last time we had help. A special kind of help." Spider-Woman lowers her voice so Hydro-Man and Vulture can't listen in on what she's going to say. "He's not the best guy in the world, but he's our only chance. There's another prisoner in here that can defeat Hydro-Man."
"Where is he?" Gamora doesn't think bringing another prisoner into the fray is the smartest idea, but her team is getting overwhelmed out there. If someone can match the power of Hydro-Man, she'll bring them in no matter what.
Spider-Woman points to an area over Gamora's shoulder. The green alien turns around and sees part of the wall on the other side that looks like a door. The female arachnid quickly explains, "You have to destroy the scanner and wrench the door open. Just let him see what's going on and he'll know what to do."
Gamora nods, takes a deep breath, and grips her sword as she starts running across the room once again. She jumps and spins, kicking some water away that Hydro-Man throws at her. Thankfully, Drax, Rocket, and Groot keep him distracted long enough for her to reach the other side. Not thankfully, the three heroes in the sky notice what she's doing. Star-Lord in particular yells, "Hey, Gammy! I don't think you should open that up!"
The villains turn and smirk as they understand what Gamora is trying to do. Vulture swoops down and snags Gamora off the ground, while Hydro-Man turns into a wave and splashes over to the door. He guards it as if to dare anyone to try and open it.
Spider-Man slaps his forehead and webs Gamora's back, yanking her free from Vulture's talons and letting her drop to the ground. "No, we need to open that door. Spider-Woman is a genius!"
"How are we supposed to get past the Man of Water when we can barely fight him in the first place?!" Drax complains, a bit angered that Quill opened his big mouth.
"Oh, do I have a solution for you! Sweetie, get down here!" Rocket yells up to Adrena who turns off her wings and lands right next to him. She lands on one knee while the opposite hand forms a fist on the ground.
"Yes, love?" Adrena blows some strands of hair out of her face.
"Rhebian Quartz, please." Rocket holds out his hand.
Adrena pauses a moment before taking the rainbow crystal off one of her gauntlets. Everything from her gauntlets to her wings to her boots power down, but she hands him the quartz anyway. "You better give it back this time."
"I'm no animal." Rocket winks and gets to work. He pulls out the bomb he pocketed back on the Kree ship and opens up the middle. He takes out the core and inserts the quartz instead. After refiguring a few wires and buttons, the device turns on. Now he has to program the timer.
Adrena kneels down beside Rocket, watching him work. She points out a few things and helps him figure out how to connect the quartz into the bomb itself. When it's completed, they put the two halves back together and the bomb glows red.
Spider-Man swings by Star-Lord and gives him a high five. The two work their magic, distracting Vulture while Rocket and Agent Virgo start their plan. Gamora, Drax, and Groot do the best they can to keep Hydro-Man occupied, which is only a little difficult. Finally, the three of them retreat, and everyone looks at Rocket and Agent Virgo when the talking raccoon says, "Bombs away!"
The device is thrown into Hydro-Man, but the villain has no idea why he should be worried. Everyone waits a few seconds and then-
The bomb explodes, spraying droplets of Hydro-Man in all directions. The puddles on the ground quickly combine again and form the being of Hydro-Man, but he is unable to do anything as a hand made of sand bursts from the other room and grabs him. "Heard you're causing trouble again, Morris."
Sandman: Flint Marko. Nominated 'villain of the year'. Trying to make up for his old ways.
"Flint, back from the docks already?" Hydro-Man laughs, making Sandman's grip around him tighten. "One elemental to another, come on, Flint! Just like the old days!. We can wash these Spiders out of our lives forever!"
Flint closes his eyes and faces the ground, remembering back to when he was a full on criminal. The Spiderlings saw good in him and gave him another chance as long as he proved himself in the Raft. "I'm done with that life, Morris. It's because of you that I'm this way!" Sandman opens his eyes and looks at his free hand as sand falls off of it. "And it will be your downfall!"
"No!" Hydro-Man sprays water out of both hands and it barrels toward Sandman, but he manages to mold away from it. Sandman uses his other hand to punch Hydro-Man, stunning him for a moment.
Everyone knows that this is now their opportunity to deal some damage. Rocket gives the Rhebian Quartz back to Adrena who puts it back on her gauntlet. Rocket with his gun and Adrena with her blasters, they both shoot at Vulture. Gamora and Groot rush toward Jillian's cell and get ready, while Drax stays behind to protect Adrena and Rocket if needed. The Vulture becomes distracted by the blasts while flying away from Star-Lord, and doesn't pay attention as Spider-Man swings up to him from the front and webs his eyes. The Vulture screeches and tries to get his sight back, but as a result he plummets to the ground. He lands right in front of Spider-Woman's cell. Groot lifts Vulture's hand and puts it on a scanner, which opens the cell door. Spider-Woman jumps out right as Gamora and Groot throw Adrian inside. Seeing his opportunity, Sandman also chucks Hydro-Man into the cell. Jillian presses a button that closes and locks the door.
Spider-Woman tackles her brother right when he lands, and Spider-Man hugs her back. "Thanks, Spidey."
"It's what brothers are for." Peter breaks the hug and gives his sister a noogie. "Molten Man and the Wrecking Crew are behind bars thanks to the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy."
"You mean the ones Buckethead's old man told us about years ago?" Jillian asks, a bit surprised that Nova's dad of all people was telling the truth about their 'space friends'.
"Why do you keep calling him that?" Adrena crosses her arms, a bit ticked that Nova's son is being called names behind his back.
"Rider's son, Sam, has been one of our best friends since we were teenagers. It's our nickname we gave him back in the day. It's to help distinguish Sam from his dad since they both took the hero name 'Nova'. He's totally cool with it." Spider-Man waves off the comment and turns to his sister again. "Sis, Rider has been captured by these evil people who are looking for the Infinity Gems."
"That is a problem." Jillian states the obvious and then puts two and two together. "So, I'm guessing you guys managed to get your hands on the Space Gem, which then transported you through space to here, while the other Gems were sent somewhere else?"
"Uh, yeah, pretty much." Star-Lord, surprised, scratches the back of his head.
Spider-Woman nods and then completely changes subjects by turning to Flint. He is now in his striped green t-shirt and dark grey pants. She puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles under her mask. "Thanks, Flint. Couldn't have done it without you."
"It's you who trusted me. I'll be in my cell, just call if you need anything." Sandman waves at everyone before turning around and going back to his cell, the door now blown to bits.
"Why is he a prisoner here? He's so nice." Drax asks, a bit saddened that a respectable man like that is kept locked up here.
"It's a very long story." Spider-Man scratches his head and sighs. "It took a lot of convincing from us, but we were finally able to explain to the guards that Flint is a good guy at heart. He's saved us before."
"Don't worry about him. His parole is coming up." Spider-Woman reassures everyone that Flint won't be here forever. "What we do have to worry about is getting out of here."
"Right. There's a forcefield around this whole place." Spider-Man walks up next to Jillian and puts an arm around her shoulders. "And, unfortunately, the Raft is home to many of our enemies. They're either trying to break free, or to break us." Spider-Man gestures to himself and his sister. "As long as the forcefield stays up, the villains can't escape, but..."
"Let me guess. Neither can we." Rocket crosses his arms and Spider-Man nods.
"That tower up there gives access to the Raft's security gates. If we make it there, we can open a hole in the field and set a timer so we can escape." Jillian keeps hope alive in everyone's minds by giving them the information.
"Well, at least we have a goal. What are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!" Star-Lord says, getting everyone amped up.
The next room has a bunch of prisoners all wearing orange Raft uniforms out of their cells fighting one another. All the heroes have to do is go forward, cross the bridge to the left, and then keep going until they exit the room. Knowing they don't have any time to waste, everyone rushes through the mob and only attack when they need to. The Spiderlings jump across the walls and web up any prisoners that are getting too routy.
Jillian puts her hand on the scanner and they all enter the next holding unit. This one looks like it was made for special prisoners. The room is big and round with four cells on the walls. However, all of the cells are open and their prisoners are waiting inside. Scratch that, only three of the prisoners are there. The fourth one must have escaped. Anyway, the three present villains notice the newcomers and stand up, block the exit, and amplify their powers.
Venom: Eddie Brock. Sinister symbiote. Lethal protector.
Electro: Maxwell Dillan. Really re-volt-ing. Better watt-ch out. (I could do these all day.)
Shocker: Herman Shultz. Shockingly powerful. What? He is! A real juel - okay I'm done.
"You know, I was joking when I suggested the possibility of there being a guy who could control electricity." Rocket wants to literally rip every single one of his hairs out, he's so frustrated.
"You all amuse me. Make this fight interesting, and I'll decide if you live or die." A very creepy, deep voice sounds over the speakers in the room.
Spider-Woman clenches her fists and glares at the ceiling. "Green Goblin, I knew he was behind this. He usually is."
"Green Goblin?" Gamora raises an eyebrow, waiting for someone to say something against being the color green.
Peter, sensing the tension, tries to reassure the alien. "Remember when I said I wasn't joking about there being a green clown that throws pumpkin bombs?"
"There's practically a huge fan club made just for me and my brother." Jillian starts explaining, but then she gets blasted by vibration waves courtesy of the Shocker.
"Less talking, more frying!" Electro uses his powers to exaggerate his jump. When he lands, the entire floor becomes electrocuted. The Spiderlings stick to the walls to avoid getting shocked, Rocket climbs onto Groot, Star-Lord lifts Gamora into the air, Agent Virgo flies up, and Drax is the only one who gets shocked. Let's just say, the blast is more powerful than he expected. Drax might be immune to Molten Man, but he is no match for the power of Electro.
"Come on, Zappo, can't we just talk it out? You know, Spider to Crazy Electric Maniac." Spider-Woman jumps off the wall, spins in the air, and punches Electro across the face. "Becoming a barbecued spider is not on my chore list today."
"No way, I've been locked up for too long!" Electro can't seem to stop smiling even as he barely misses hitting Spider-Woman. "Now it's my turn to spark things up!"
"How many times do I have to tell you that quips are a spider thing?" Jillian webs over to the opposite wall in order to dodge a huge blast of electricity sent her way.
"Hun, you really need to learn when to keep your mouth shut." Jillian's spider sense goes off just in time for her to dodge shock waves sent by the Shocker.
"Oh, hey, Herman! Guardians, I could use a little-" Spider-Woman's eyes widen when she realizes everyone minus her brother is locked up in the four cages surrounding the room. "Alright, pause! Can we rewind this for a moment?"
Turns out while the two spiders were distracted, Venom used the power of his symbiote to spread out and quickly toss all the Guardians in the cells and lock the doors. Now, he stands on top of a bridge just above the exit door. Jillian is flanked by Electro and Shocker with Peter on the outside. "Great. Now that I know what happened, we can get back to the fight."
Peter shoots webbing at Jillian who grabs it and pulls herself to him just before Shocker and Electro could use their powers to hit her. Instead, they end up hitting each other. Peter swings into the ceiling and lowers himself so he is hanging upside down. "So, Shocker, Electro, who has the better powers?"
"We know what you're trying to do, bug!" Electro gets up quickly, grunting through the pain, and snaps his fingers. A bolt of electricity shoots from the ceiling and through Peter. "You can't talk your way out of this one."
Not caring how reckless it is, Jillian runs up to Electro and jumps, kicking him in the head. She grabs his arm while he's dazed and flips him over her shoulder. Her spider sense tells her to dodge something, but she doesn't react in time. Shocker's shockwaves knock her to the ground. Then, the Shocker does something that is actually smart for once in his life. He folds his fists onto the ground and uses his gauntlets to make the shockwave flow through the ground. The vibrations are so powerful that Peter, Jillian, and Electro get completely shaken up by them.
"Y-you idiot!" Electro growls and stands up, swiping electricity out of his hands horizontally and hitting Shocker in the chest.
"Wasn't my fault you were in the way." Shocker grumbles, glad that his specially made suit was able to absorb most of the voltage.
"Why you little-"
"Enough!" Everyone turns to who said that and sees Venom jump down from the bridge. His long tongue almost reaches the floor and his head swivels from Electro to Shocker. "You two lack... harmony. Unity is a beauty none of you harness. But, with my help, unity you will possess!"
Two giant globs of goop jump off Venom's shoulders, and engulf around Shocker and Electro. After a moment of agony, the two smile, now with long tongues and more potent powers. "Spider-Man, what do we do?"
"First, we think of a way to defeat the Venoms. Second, we cry." Spider-Man dodges a strike by Electro Venom and then lunges at Shocker Venom. Then he quickly jumps off, knowing he doesn't want any Venom goo on himself. Last time that happened, he did some regretful things.
"Right, think. Thinkity think think think..." Jillian hops on the wall then immediately jumps off, webbing the real Venom's back and landing behind him. Then, she pulls on her webs and flips him over her shoulder. "Maybe if we beat the symbiote instead of the host. Don't think you're fighting Electro and Shocker, just think of it as Venom."
"You're right. Electro or not, the symbiote is still vulnerable to sonic waves." Spider-Man climbs up onto the bridge where Venom used to be and flips open the sound box. "If I can trigger the alarm system from here, the symbiote will hear it and fall apart."
"Bro, you're banking all on one thing." Spider-Woman swings on the ceiling and kicks Shocker Venom in the head. He tries to shoot her with his gauntlets, but her momentum is too fast. "You think I can distract all three of them!"
"It's the Sinister Three." Peter jokes, knowing full well the reaction he's going to get.
"Remind me why I like you again?"
"I'm your brother. You're stuck with me."
Spider-Woman does the best she can to distract the three venomized villains. She tries at some points to free the Guardians, but she can never get close enough or stay long enough for the scanner to read her hand. Peter has to hop over to the other side of the bridge where there's another power source so he can take out that battery and disarm the security in this room. That's right, as long as the security is on, the alarm can't go off. There's a sound canceling agent applied to this room specifically because Venom was being trapped in here. If the alarms went off in the prison, it wouldn't hurt Venom because this room was made especially for him. Sure, it's a prison, but they're not savages.
Finally Peter disables the security and is about to turn the alarm on. Just in time too, because Jillian is thrown up against the wall by Electro Venom, his hands squeezing around her neck. Once the alarm sounds, all three Venoms scream and get to their knees, holding their heads. The goo around them scatters and starts breaking apart. The venom around Shocker and Electro lets go of them and goes back to its real host. As a plus, the cell doors unlock and vanish, allowing the Guardians to walk out.
Peter turns off the alarm once Electro and Shocker are back in their cells. Venom whimpers and struggles to stand, but Peter jumps down and helps him stabilize his stance. "I know this guy looks like a scary, metal band version of me, but under all that slime is someone who wants to do the right thing. Usually."
"You would trust us?" Venom squints his eyes, not knowing where this is going. Jillian and Peter nod, knowing they have to trust him. It would be one more person on their team and one less on the Goblin's. The spiders just know the Green Goblin is up to something. "Then we will follow you, little Spiders. But, if you don't approve of our fighting methods, don't expect help from us!"
"Eh, we'll take what we can get." Spider-Woman shrugs and opens the door that will take them deeper into the Raft. "This way. The control tower is the most heavily guarded spot in the facility. Unfortunately, that means there's a bunch more cells near there that house more powerful villains."
"Oh, so that wasn't the toughest?" Rocket asks sarcastically.
"It was a warmup." Peter teases which makes Rocket groan. Peter laughs and keeps walking next to Jillian. "What? You guys didn't even help out back there."
"Yeah because your friend thought it would be hilarious to lock us up and face you two alone." Adrena makes a 'tch' sound with her tongue as she nods her head toward Venom.
"It was pretty hilarious." Venom grins more than he usually does and laughs, making saliva fly everywhere.
Spider-Woman shudders and flicks some spit off her shoulder. The group starts walking up another ramp, the distant walls around them filled with locked up Raft prisoners. "We all have our own version of humor. Okay, this next room shouldn't be bad. It's just another containment room for regular Raft prisoners."
"Perfect. I'm tired of fighting all these Led Zeppelin wannabes." Star-Lord smooths over his blonde hair with one hand.
"No way, dude I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter brightens up and Jillian rolls her eyes playfully under her mask. She scans her hand, opening the door, and the group steps inside.
There are, of course, people rioting. It's become an expectation now. What isn't expected is a very tall, muscular man in a bright yellow shirt and jeans throwing the rioters back behind bars. The man turns to the heroes and cracks his knuckles. "You better be here to help because I'm running out of empty cells."
Power Man: Luke Cage. Bulletproof skin. Hero for hire.
"I'm just kidding ya. How's it going, Spider-Buds?" Luke smiles and gives Spider-Man a fist bump, making the arachnid shake his hand in pain afterward. Spider-Woman braces for impact as Luke goes in for a hug. Thankfully he doesn't break her ribs, unlike last time, and she's able to hug him back.
"Luke, these are the Guardians of the Galaxy... and Venom. Need some help in here?" Spider-Man asks as his sister and Luke break their hug.
Luke groans and rolls his left arm to stretch his shoulder out. "Yeah, it'd be nice to finally have some back-up. This is my second time rounding them up. For some reason, they keep being let out by someone. I can't find out who's doing it, though."
"We caught the Wrecking Crew, so maybe these guys will stay put this time." Spider-Woman says, giving Power Man some confidence.
The team takes down the rioters easily with the new addition of Luke Cage. All he has to do is get close enough to pick them up and chuck them into a cell. "Been a long time. How's it been, Spiders?"
"The usual. Swinging around Brooklyn, sometimes Manhattan, a bit of Bronx, catching bad guys and bringing them here." Spider-Man casually says as he makes a net with his webs. Once it's done, he catches a bunch of prisoners with it and throws them behind a holographic door.
"Miss working with you, though." Spider-Woman softly elbows Luke in a teasing manner and kicks a prisoner in the gut before he could punch her. "We should team up again sometime."
"Well, I'm free after this. The three of us could get a pizza or something." Luke offers, secretly eager to spend time with his old friends.
"Actually, there's a bit of a problem." Spider-Man explains everything that he and his sister figured out about the Guardians and why they're here. Luke follows along until he hears the part about Nova getting kidnapped.
"Nova got caught?! What happened to the human rocket?" Luke wipes sweat off his forehead and becomes worried. "Damn, he always bragged about being the fastest one out there. What are we going to tell his son? We grew up with Sam, and we know he won't take it well."
"We are going to let Rider tell Sam all about the adventures he had with us after we've rescued him." Spider-Woman becomes super defensive. She refuses to believe that Nova is going to kick the bucket and leave them. No, he'd never leave his son. "He's coming back, Luke. I'm making sure of it."
"This just became personal." Luke throws the last of the prisoners into the cells and points at Jillian's chest. "I'm joining your little fiasco. A Spiderlings and Power Man team up to save our best friend's old man."
"Thanks, PM. That really means a lot to us." Peter puts a hand on Luke's shoulder and smiles. Even though Luke can't see it, Peter knows Luke has learned to know when he smiles under his mask. The Guardians either want to puke or their heart is going to explode from the cuteness, depending on which Guardian it is, but before anyone can do anything else, the doors open again and let the prisoners out.
"Come on! You have got to be kidding me!" Luke clenches his fists and punches a poor prisoner in the face. "This is the third time! I thought you said you caught the Wrecking Crew!"
"We did! It must be someone else letting all the prisoners out." Spider-Man doesn't care about the cells anymore and just starts webbing enemies to the ground. "But, who-"
Peter cuts himself off because a knife with a holographic, red blade flies right by his face, barely missing his nose, and stabs right into the wall. Peter turns to the direction the knife came from and sees the silhouette of a man leaning on a wall in the shadows. "Oh no, my spider sense only sometimes works around this guy."
"Yeah, he always gave us problems, didn't he?" Power Man pushes Peter and Jillian behind him, lowering his eyebrows and taking his iconic chain whip out of his pocket.
A thick, Russian accent cuts through the shadows as the man twirls another glowing knife between his fingers. He steps out of the shadows so everyone can see his face. "Sometimes my traps do not aim to kill, but to capture. The joy was always in the hunt, after all."
Kraven the Hunter: Sergei Kravinoff. Hunts unique species. Don't get on his list.
"Kraven, we've had our good times and our bad ones. Why don't we just take a break and - OKAY WE WILL NOT TAKE A BREAK!" Spider-Woman tries to walk up to Kraven, but he slashes at her with his knife. "Watch it, man! These suits cost more than you think!"
"Hey, Kraven!" The man in question turns to Luke just in time before he slams him in the chest with his shoulder. "Remember me? White Tiger sends her regards."
"Don't speak of that cretin." Kraven quickly takes out his spear, a red glowing blade on both ends. "She's next after I kill the Spiders!"
"You lay one hand on her and you're gonna wish I haven't been exposed to tons of colorful threats, because I will use some of those ideas on you!" Spider-Man lets himself fall off the ceiling to land a powerful kick on Kraven.
Unfortunately, Kraven dodges the attack and whips out a remote. "I knew threatening the girl would lure you out, Spider-Man."
Kraven presses a button on the remote, making a net raise from the ground and trap Peter in its tangled mess. The material is extremely advanced, meaning it's got an extra umph to it. This particular net is laced with metal which so happens to be a conductor of electricity.
Jillian helps the Guardians put away some loose prisoners, but then her spider sense goes off. She turns around and sees Spider-Man instead of danger. "Spidey?"
Spider-Woman peeks behind her brother's shoulder and is confused when she sees Spider-Man trapped in a net on the other side of the room. The thing that snaps her out of her questioning state is when the Spider-Man in the net starts screaming. She immediately attacks the Peter in front of her, going all out with kicks and punches. There is only so much the copy can do, however, and Jillian easily takes him down. The copy falls in a sitting position and Jillian presses her foot against his chest. "I think I've had enough of this, Chameleon."
"You got me."
Chameleon: Dmitri Smerdyakov. Master of disguise. The silent type.
Chameleon changes back into himself and smirks. Jillian understands that this was just a distraction, but she also knows that Kraven and Chameleon didn't expect her and Peter to have this much backup. "Show's over."
Venom throws Chameleon into a cell and turns over to Kraven. Thankfully, Luke managed to tie up the hunter with his chains. Venom shoots out some symbiote spikes at Peter's electrocution net and the arachnid falls to the ground, only slightly shaking. Jillian jumps over and helps her brother stand up while Luke tosses Kraven into the last cell. "Th-thanks..."
"Don't mention it, Webhead." Luke slaps his hand on Peter's back, making him stumble forward a bit.
The Guardians step toward the group and Star-Lord nods at Luke. "I think we should keep going before these guys find a way to break out again."
"Yeah, now that Kraven has been caught, getting through the Raft is going to be a breeze." Luke smiles and leads the group forward. Peter and Jillian only look at each other, not bothering to tell Luke what they had to go through in order to get to this point. They're not letting their guard down just yet.
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