The Chosen One!
He's cool, he's hot like a frozen sun He's young and fast, he's the chosen one! People we're not braggin' He's the American Dragon!
God that theme song slaps hard! Anyways this story idea was supposed to go first BEFORE Kid Cosmic.
Anyways it's weird how Jack doesn't protect the entire us and only New York? But I guess they have their reasons for that. Let's get onto the story!
Normal text = to explain the story and for characters that are talking.
Bold text = For someone who is speaking in a different language.
Italic text = if someone is thinking or it is addressed as written on the walls.
Underlined text = Change of time and location.
"If you were to tell me, that I'll become some hero who kicks supervillain butts. I'll probably laugh at you."
A red winged figure stood out amongst a destroyed small section of a city. Hunks of robots destroyed and now littered the battlefield with it's dismantle parts.
"But if that day ever happened. I'll ask you how to prevent such a thing from happening."
Opposite of the red winged figure was a bald moustached man in a red lab coat, sitting in some round floating vehicle. The scientist looked enraged that some mere winged stranger is trying to stop them from doing nefarious deeds.
"But I can't believe that there were signs of such a thing happening. It was like a domino effect of my life falling into chaos."
The Red winged figure and the Enraged scientist glared at each other, hatred filling their eyes. "Red wings" takes the sky and opens their mouth, a Reddish-orange hue slowly forming in their mouth and the scientist barely managed to dodge out of the way, nearly getting a full serving of a wave of the figures fire breath.
"I guess I never knew that I needed this change of pace in my life. Since Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 7 is coming out and the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Heroes united movie is also coming out. I'm surprised that I'll have to....I just went off-script didn't I?"
Rearing up in anger, the scientist retaliated by pulling out a large technological looking Plasma cannon and sending a wave of pink energy directed towards the Red wings who uses their forearms to block the attack, risking injuring their arms.
"Now this all started roughly three days? No I think it was a week? Nevermind let's go with a month. Yea it all started roughly about a month ago when I came into contact with something that changed my life...For better or worse that is!"
The two growled at each other and decided to charge at one another. Before they can collide into everything they have left, time stopped before they could even punch each other.
"Let's rewind it fellas!"
The sound of a few buttons pressed is heard, as time goes in reverse, showing everything happened before the chapter even started. It continue to rewind until-
Roughly a month before incident!
A small peaceful neighbourhood is seen as nothing looks out of the ordinary. Quite peaceful as the innocent lives of people walk without any trouble in mind.
"PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" A voice shouted in mixed terror and fear.
"That request is sadly denied, prepare for humiliation." A robotic voice replied to the frightened voice.
Well one individual who shall not go by unnamed for long was currently getting their ass folded like an omelette.
"Please don't spam gigantic charge! That attack is going to clean two of my health bars!" The fearful voice begged for mercy.
Although the robotic voice wouldn't mind throwing the match. But-
"As humans say, "Cope, then seethe and mald". So please kindly do that request for me immediately." The robotic voice was taking sadistic pleasure in torturing her opponent.
"MY POWER IS GROWING! OVERFLOWING!" A large spiked green haired man roared after defeating his opponent. It seems the two voice's were playing a game known as, "Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 6".
"I hate you!" The fearful voice growled in annoyance. The fearful voice got up and pats down their pants to rid any dust.
"And I platonically love you as well." The robotic voice replied with a grin.
A figure enters the room and looks to see they had finished with the game they were playing.
"Sup vin? You here to rub your sister's victory in my face?" The boy annoyingly asked and Vin shakes his head and holds up a telephone.
Vincent Vision
"It is theoretically impossible to rub my sister's victory in your face. The possibility to do so requires a-" a hand was held up, which indicated for Vin to stop talking.
The boy looked at the telephone in Vin's hand and held out his hand, "Alright who wants to speak to the awesome Y/n Long!" The boy spoke with a grin.
Y/n Long
Vincent hands the telephone to Y/n, who gladly takes it out of his synthzoid friend's hand and puts it to his ear.
"Yo! This is Y/n long speaking, how can the coolest skateboarding champ of Chinatown help you!" Y/n asked as he fiddles with his nails and looks at them as if they were the most important thing in the world.
"Y/n Long! YOU DIDN'T MAKE UNCLE COFFEE!" A voice shouted in Chinese and Y/n immediately became fearful.
"Oh. Uncle how are you?" Y/n asked in chinese and got a quick reply within seconds, "WITHOUT COFFEE! UNCLE CAN'T SENSE EVIL! YOU DISHONOR YOUR UNCLE! YOU PLAY SILLY GAMES AND RIDE BOARDS TO SKATE AND NOT HELP UNCLE WITH HIS SHOP!" Your uncle angrily shouted and began to rant about how irresponsible you are.
"He loves to listen to his voice doesn't he?" Was the thought that went through your head. Honestly uncle was a crazed man who can "sense" evil approaching and it was up to "you" to stop evil.
Your uncle stopped his rant and shouted, "Get to uncle's shop! You deliver package or evil will destroy us all!" And with that you heard your uncle slam the phone and beeping was heard from the other end of the line.
You frowned and handed the telephone back to Vincent. Walking over to your skateboard, you picked it up and grab your helmet.
The robotic voice quickly asks "Does your uncle request your presence?" And you couldn't help but let out a few incoherent curses roll off your tongue.
"Apparently I bring dishonour for not providing him coffee, so that he can sense evil." You started and you noticed that they were confused, "He wants me back at the shop viv." You clarified and looked at the female synthzoid.
Vivian Vision
"That request is highly illogical. To sense evil with the usage of caffeinated drinks cannot do that." Viv explains and thus goes down into her long line of explaining how it should work and not work.
Heading downstairs you caught a glimpse of your friends parents conversing. Feeling like someone was watching one of them looks up to face you.
The Vision
"Heading home?" Vision asked and you nodded, clicking your helmet on and ready to head outside to skate to your uncle's shop.
"Would you like one of us to drive you back home?" Vision's wife asked and you quickly replied.
"No thanks Mr and Mrs V! Besides I ain't the master of skateboarding for nothing!" With a arrogant smile, you leaped onto your skateboard and dashed off to Chinatown.
"What a wonderful but arrogant child?" Vision remarked and smiled.
"He treats us and our kin like we're the most normal people in the universe." Virginia added and brought a cup of coffee to her lips.
"Which I am forever internally grateful for." Vision said praising the Chinese-American boy.
Location Changed.
Inside a Chinese themed museum was a woman, who was trying to put something on her arm. Her grunts and annoyed gasps indicated she was pissed....and I do mean VERY pissed.
"I have guarded and trained my body to face down evil, why am I still not worthy!?" The woman shouted in Chinese and threw the item to the ground out of frustration.
Rubbing her eyes in frustration, the woman made a few hand gestures and blue strings miraculously appears to pick up the thrown item off the ground. Now the item was back in her possession, she quickly looks at the text that resembles chicken scratches.
I shall choose my champion, you don't choose me. The strings of fate falls into the hands of bright green flames and the rolls of six numbered dice shall announce its arrival.
What does this mean? The thought was the only thing going through the woman's head.
Bright Green Flames?
Does she- Does she need to make a bonfire and having it be green flames and then toss it in there?
Shaking her head, "No! That's-." The woman started scolding herself for such stupidity.
Maybe another hundred years, then maybe she'll be worthy by then.
With that thought in mind, she puts the item onto a pedestal and walks away. Her heels clicking soundly in a rhythmic pattern.
She is also expecting a delivery as well. So she'll pass the time through doing some paperwork.
Location Changed.
Arriving at your uncle's shop, you entered through the front door and to see a VERY angry uncle.
"Where were you nephew? You must be wasting your friend's time to leave your uncle to die!" He scolded and repeated to smack your head with a rolled up newspaper.
"Ouch! Okay, Okay, I'm sorry!" You growled out in Chinese as he stared at you for a few couple of seconds.
Only to quickly stack three boxes in your arms. Feeling your legs barely holding on to keep your added weight.
Uncle began to list the three items inside each box and reminding you that they are very fragile!
With a huff of your sore arms, you asked, "So where should I deliver this?". Your uncle stops speaking and looks at the checklist and answers the question.
"That house that functions as a museum owned by that creepy pale lady." Your jaw dropped like never before. "The Samadhi museum!? B-But that's five blocks down the road!?" You shouted with nervousness slowly sweating your body.
Your smiled evily, "Why else would I want you to go?" And with that he quickly pushes you out of the store and locks the door.
"If you fail this simple task, it shall bring great dishonor! And remember evil will arise so you must battle evil!" And with that said and done, he shuts the blinds and his footsteps walking away echo inside the store.
"This can't get any worse!" You shouted at nobody in particular.
Until it started to rain the moment you spoke those five words.
"I hate my life." You said drenched by the abrupt change of weather.
Location Changed.
The Chinese woman was currently writing a couple of documents for the lantern rite festival.
The Samadhi museum shall be closed on the lantern rite festival.
She stares at the printed text and writes some unimportant and important tasks.
"Hello? Special delivery from Jade antiques!" A young voice called out from below level.
Ah, it seems that her delivery has finally arrived, bout time.
Standing up from her seating position, she begins to walk out of her office.
Only to notice the item she was trying to wear was mysteriously gone.
"What in the devil!?" She shrieked in chinese and began looking around for the item. She swore she put it where she could see it.
"Hello? Is anybody here, because this place is really creepy when storms are brewing outside!" The young shouted and her shoulders slouched.
She has to deal with the delivery boy.
With that thought in mind, she puts on her white furred coat on her shoulders and makes her way downstairs.
Location slightly Changed.
You had to use your precious skateboard to carry the three boxes.
"Yo this place is the bomb!" You awes at the beauty of the interior design. You gotta explore this place.
"Can I help you?" A voice growled out in annoyance and you shrieked in terror.
"Will you quit that obnoxious screaming!" A hand quickly covers your mouth and you body froze, paralyze by fear.
"Ifm here to liva picage" your muffled out with your mouth covered by her hand.
Her eyes narrowed and she releases her hold on your mouth and stands back a few.
"Are you Qi Xiaotian?" You asked the mysterious woman.
Qi Xiaotian
She nods and looks at the three boxes on top of a skateboard, "Weird way to deliver, but nonetheless you are on time." She praised with a icy cold tone directed towards you.
Approaching the top box, she picks it up with ease and opens it to dig inside it.
"Child have you heard of the dark general known as lord garmadon?" She asked cryptically.
"No. But he sounds like a cool guy." you answered nervously and she gives a few seconds to glance at you and pulls out a sharp golden object.
Stumbling back for a bit, your jaw drops to see this massive badass weapon pulled out of a small box like a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat.
"How much will this cost?" She inquired without looking at you and you stood straight as a tree.
"About two hundred fifty grand?" You answered nervously and she sighs. Putting the box down, the woman begins to walk away to another room before facing you.
"Don't. Touch. Anything." She warned with that cold tone, that feels like someone impaled you with an ice shiv.
Staring at you for a few moments she leaves into a different room, her heels clicking loudly as you stared anything that wasn't the owner of the clicking heels.
You stood there in complete utter silence, wind blows loudly outside, heavy rain hits the pavement and you can only whistle a tune.
"I'm going to explore." You said and began to wander through the Samadhi Museum. Not caring if she comes back because she'll find you someway.
Location Changed
Qi walked through the hallways of her museum with check in hand. Her eyes looked at the items she has collected throughout her life. A smile and chest filled with pride as she names each one.
The legendary Z-Sword.
A staff owned by a god of geo and contracts.
A nichirin blade owned by a Hashira.
A strawhat worn by a legendary pirate king.
A kunai owned by a blonde shinobi.
And finally two golden horns belonging to a legendary dragon.
A massive hole in the front entrance of her museum.
"Wait what?" She said in Chinese as she stared at the destroyed entrance as if some large beast smashed it's way through.
Someone started screaming in terror and that caused the woman to run towards the commotion.
Location slightly Changed.
"Get it off me! Get it off me!" You shouted. Prying the weird item that suddenly latches itself on your arm.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Qi kicked the doors open with rage visible in her voice as she marshes towards you.
"Wai-Wait! Before you jump to conclusions this thing! Latched itself onto me, like it had a mind of it's own!"
A mind of it's own? Qi questions thoughtfully and stares at the item that wouldn't let go of your arm.
"It chose you?" She spoke in Chinese as you looked up at her with confusion.
"It...It chose me?" You asked about and she nods.
"It's called the Wuji gauntlet." She tells the boy it's name and they both look at the artefact.
Wuji Gauntlet
"I need context of why it's called that?" You were puzzled by it's odd design, it felt weird as if it wasn't on your arm but you can clearly see it.
"Wuji means 'Without ridgepole', meaning 'Without limit'. It has limitless potential to unlocking one's Dormant powers." She explains it's name and meaning.
You nod over and over, listening to the strange woman who was once cold towards you, now acting warm and gentle towards you.
"Quick question? You said that it chose me and there's possibly evil dudes gunning for this gauntlet?" You asked as Qi nods and you smile. "Cool....So that giant wolf is one of them right?" You pointed out something behind Qi and she faces behind her and her jaws drops to see-
"A GRIMM!?" Qi shouted as you both dodge one of it's clawed hands that attempt to grab one of you.
"What is that thing!?" You screamed out as it lunges towards you and only you, but it was quickly restrained by blue glowing strings that restricted it's arms. Qi held her hands out and pulled the strings and begins to explain what the monster is, "A monster, they are creatures of darkness and lack a soul. They're attracted towards negativity." She looks around and continues, "And probably the energy of the artefacts around us!" Qi threw her arms to the left with all her strength, causing the strings to throw the monster to ground. She looks out of breath and must've used alot of her strength just to throw a heavy beast.
"It's probably either after you or the Wuji gauntlet!" She exclaims as she catches her breath and looks at the gauntlet on your arm. "Probably the latter of things." She added and summons a polearm to her side and gets into a combat stance. You clutch your arm in fear, this would never of happened if you just stayed at the entrance.
"What should I do!?" You shouted in fear and the hound reared it's head in your direction causing a startled shriek.
Suddenly the Wuji gauntlet started glowing a reddish-orange hue. Looking down at the gauntlet, you can hear whispers echoing in your head.
"I think I know what to do." You said to Qi as she looks at you with confusion before gasping seeing the gauntlet come to life. "The Wu-Wuji gauntlet!" Her eyes sparked with wonder and awes at it's glowing beauty.
The grimm wasted no time and charges towards the two as the young teen walks towards the Grimm.
Raising your armoured arm above your head, eyes gaining a golden colour, flames dancing around your feet like the wind.
"Dragon up!"
Your body went under a transformation, wings sprouted from your back, a tail grew from your tailbone and a your head morphed into a beast that was known to be a legendary beast in Chinese Mythology as smoke covered the boy.
The Grimm threw a punch towards the silhouette of a child only to be grabbed by a black claw and red scaled hand.
"Yo fool, didja actually think you can get the drop on the most awesome dude in the world?" A cocky voice taunted the Grimm as a tail quickly strikes the grimm in the face sending crashing into a wall by the sheer power of the voice's tail.
"Cause I think you need a good beatin, and what's a good beatin is only given by the coolest dragon!" The smoke was blown away by the voice's wings flapping it away.
Y/n long (Dragon mode)
The grimm gets to it's feet and let's out a pained roar, it's arm suddenly began to transform into that of sharp armed swords. You took a step back and point at the weaponize beast with a single claw.
"Lady dawg, we in it's second boss phase? Or is that not supposed to happen?" You asked as Qi got to her feet and spun her polearm around and aimed the sharp end to the monster.
"Grimm can't alter their physical forms. Something is up with that....that....that thing!" Qi answered and you put your fists up in front of you in a boxing stance. "I never got into a fight, so play nice yo!" You asked jokingly as the grimm aimed it's left sword arm at you.....and smiled.
"Nah dawg, you come at me!" The grimm growled and charges forward, quickly you pulled an amateurish sidestep that nearly cleaved your pointed ear.
"You almost clipped me ugly dawg! Time to face the Mack Daddy Dragon!" You proclaimed and threw a pathetic punch which impressively connected with the Grimm's face and cause it to stumble backwards.
"Look out, here I come!" Qi shouted appearing from behind the Grimm and charging towards the beast with her polearm in hand and uses it to catapult herself to it. Feeling her fist she summons a sharp dagger and plunges it deep into the Grimm's back and leaps off it and gritted her teeth.
"Detonate!" She shouted in Brazilian as the dagger glowed and spontaneously exploded creating a huge gaping hole in its back as Qi smiled.
The grimm turns to face Qi only to be sparten kicked through a wall as you shouted at the Grimm, "Focus on me dawg! Not on lady dawg!" With a smile on your face, you began to approach the Grimm.
Only for it's arm to suddenly outstretched itself and embedded you into a wall cracking it.
"Are you alright!" Qi shouted only for the Grimm's other arm to outstretched and embedded herself in the wall cracking it. "Another trick up it's sleeve!"
The Grimm got up and started to approach the two, it's heavy footsteps cracked the tiles on the ground as it let out huffs of pained grunts.
"You...lady Bone Demon!" Qi froze at the Grimm suddenly had the ability to speak. That also impossible for these creatures to speak.
"Listen fool! I don't know what you mean by this Lady Bone Demon. But tell her that I don't find her that interested you parasite!" You insulted which the Grimm's head suddenly was consumed by a black mass.
"PARASITE!?" A blue striped and black tar like sharp tooth monster took over the grimms head and looked enraged.
"We are Razor! We are not parasite!" Razor shouted as they spat slobber on you both. "We are united, we are powerful thanks to the Lady Bone Demon!" The blue striped monster shouted in unison.
"A symbiote!? Why is a symbiote bonding with a Grimm!" Qi questioned as the symbiote roars in laughter. Razor tightened their grip on you and Qi.
"Razor and hound are perfect, stronger than any symbiote and Grimm!" Razor proclaimed and laughs in a roaring manner.
"We are undefeatable!" Razor spoke with a crazed look.
"And we're finishing this!" Qi shouted and blue strings wrapped around both the hounds arms and with a tug of her fingers, she sliced them clean off.
"And we're going to toast your buns!" Taking a deep breath you unleashed a wave of fire, which causes the symbiote to retreat inside the hound.
"Oh no you don't!" Qi summons a bell and a wooden stick, "Take this!". Using as much might as she could she banged the stick onto the bell which unleashed a loud high-pitched noise that causes razor and hound to screech in pain.
"No! We! Are! Stronger! Together!" Razor shouted as they were forced out of the Grimm's body. Razor quickly tried to return to the hound's body, but it leapt away and charges towards you.
"Oh yo! Let's go dawg" You shouted as you dodge the swiping of it's claws and responded with a right hook of your clawed fist that stunned it temporarily.
"Time to flambe this hound to hell!" Grabbing it's head, you inhaled some oxygen and unleashed a powerful blast of fire.
"No! Don't hurt us!" Razor shouted trying to get back to their host's body.
The grimm smacked your grapple and quickly choke slams you into the ground and slamming it's foot onto your chest causing you to spew leftover flames into it's face, which causes it to try and put out it's burning face. Razor leaps towards hound and Qi appears before him holding a small bottle made of clay.
"Evil will be contained!" Qi spoke in Romanian as a vortex appears sucking razor inside the bottle, which she quickly seals the cap on.
"Don't worry the symbiote is conta-" Qi was cut off by hound punching her into the ground as it repeatedly sends a flurry of punches which were being shielded.
"Without razor to control hound, it's nothing but a wild beast!" Qi muttered under her breath as you tackled the Grimm and put it into a headlock. Getting up the woman summons a bow and five quivers of arrows and aims them at hound and fires away.
Taking notice, the hound grabs your arms and uses you to smack the projectiles away and throws you at Qi.
Qi dodge's and you crash into a few museum displays and got to your feet, "This ain't cool, we're literally giving everything we had at this fool!" You grumbled and the hound roars so powerful it causes the windows to rattle.
"Even if we deal as much damage together, it'll just tank it!" Qi added and summons duel blades that were strapped to her arms. Hound looks between you both as it unsheathed it's claws with a loud Shing!.
"Why don't we overwhelm it, I mean this mutt gotta get tired?" You suggested and the hound started to walk left to right as if deciding who to attack first.
"If we throw out what could possibly be our strongest attacks, we'll get tired as well." She theroised and turns her duel blades into knuckle busters. "But to hell with it! Let's show this bastard what's for!" She shouted and you couldn't help but smiled at the older woman.
"Well then, I'm all fired up!" And with that you both charged at the same time as the hound roared charging a bit late but nonetheless threw a curved uppercut which you gladly shielded with one of your arms as Qi slided from below and delivered a uppercut of her own which the hound caught with one of it's arms.
A swift swipe of your tail sent it stumbling back and letting Qi fist go and leaps for a punch that struck it's head sending it's entire body falling to the ground.
Raising your left foot, you attempted to crush it's head, only for hound to roll out of the way and you crushed the ground with a heavy stomp. Growling you glare at the Grimm that rushes towards you as you both intertwined your claws and began to push each other back.
"Now lady-dawg!" You shouted as Qi appeared from up above and summoning a sickle in one hand and a curved blade in the other.
"Go to hell!" She hooked the sickle in it's head and using the curved blade around it's neck, she reels her hand and slits it's neck and it started to grab it's throat and got a swift kick to the chest by you.
"Now this is it!" You shouted as you both charged forward and unleashed a barrage of heavy attacks that was doing impressive damage to the hound.
With a combined punch from you and Gi, it sent the injured Grimm flying into wall crashing through and causing massive property damage.
"Alright we're at the homestretch, nothing is going to stop us now!" You shouted with a exhaustion slowly catching up to you both. Qi nods and holds up the knuckle busters and decided to unsheathed hidden blades.
"May death not grant your soulless form no paradise in the afterlife demon!" She spat in Chinese as the grimm stumbled into the room, it's body littered with cuts, scratches and bruises, it's skull mask now broken and cracked.
"It looks like it's not going to continue the fight." You pointed seeing it stumbled around trying to keep it's balance.
Deciding to walk up to the hound, you pull back your scaled fist and decked it to the ground. It couldn't muster the strength to get up to its feet as it notices Qi dragging a large bladed axe. "See you in hell demon." She raised the axe and smashes the blade right on it's head, splitting it open and slowly started to become ash.
"Is that it?" You asked Qi.
"Yea....I think?" She wasn't too sure about herself.
Looking at her destroyed museum she sighs and de-summons her weapon and pulls out a flip-phone and speed dials someone.
"Hello? Can I help you Lady Qi?" A man speaking in Russian asks as Qi begins to relate everything that transpired when you arrived, leaving out parts about your existence and the wuji gauntlet.
"Okay! I'll repair the damages the Grimm must've left." With a small thank you for Qi she hangs up and puts the phone in her pocket. A flash of gold light envelopes you and you were back to your human self.
"Come by at the end of the week for your training." Qi spoke in Chinese and you looked at her confused.
You got so many questions! Was the thought was going through your head.
"Uh. Sure?" You replied back in chinese as you watch a slab of concrete fall off of a hole you were once flung into.
Qi wandered through a cobblestone hallway, her hand wrapped in a blue glow as it illuminated the darkness around her.
Arriving at secret library filled with dusty books, she approaches a particular one and opens it.
Her eyes wandered through the ancient text appearing it to be japanese instead of chinese.
Found you! Was what went through her mind as she glares at the image before her.
"Lady Bone Demon."
To be continued.
Hoped you enjoyed this first chapter of the American Dragon.
What's going on happen next? And who's this Lady Bone Demon?
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