Captain Marvel *Spoilers* Not edited
I know I said this would have been out later but I immediately opened Stardew after I posted the last part. This will eventually be edited.
So as I said in the spoiler-free review it was more than I expected because I like to go into Marvel movies with so that I do not get spoiled.
*Pulls up notes and group chat messages because it been so long*
Captain Marvel answered some questions that I had in the Marvel universe but left so much more to answer.
Also, note that I'm writing this 3 days before I'm going to see End Game
Captain Marvel as any common sense person could tell was not going to give you any closure from Infinity War. The plot of the movie, in a nutshell, is Carol Danvers a human that was in the U.S. Air Force went on a mission with Dr Wendy Lawson. This mission leads to an explosion occurring that Carol absorbed. Now the energy that she absorbed was created from the tesseract (which is the space stone) which leads her to have the power of flight, superhuman strength and energy bursts. Now, this in itself gives me questions that I will talk about later. So Carol is taken by the Kree the people who shut down her ship which lead to the crash and explosion. She from then on is known as the Vers and is told that she is a Kree as she has no memory of her life before but she does get flashbacks of her previous life.
Carol is trained to be a warrior and embarks on her first mission against a race called the Skrulls who can shapeshift. During this battle, Carol ends up captured and the Skrulls mess with head to go through her memories to see if they can find out if she knows where the Tesseract is. Carol eventually escapes and ends up falling through a 90s Blockbuster on Earth which I found funny? If it was not in the trailer I think it would have been even more hilarious, but the conversation with the security guard that she had afterwards was delightful but the light was ruined when they tried to make a RadioShack joke.
Shield shows up to arrest Carol and here is where we met young Agent Phil Coulson and Nick Fury, and can I just say the de-ageing CGI made me believe that this was filmed years ago when they were young. In this movie, it shows us a version of Fury before he was a director or even had a decent level of clearance (He was 3 in the movie if my memory corrects me). So in a short Fury and Phill end up tracing down Carol as she took off after a Skrull after it had shot at her. During this chase scene Fury notices that this isn't the real Phil as he had called him Nick (note that Carol had told the two about the Skrull and that they only know recent memories), this leading to a fight and Nick crashing the car, killing the Skrull. Fury continues to try and catch up to Carol who he had last seen jumping on top of a train. During all of this Carol has an amazing fight scene in the train fighting different people who the Skrull has turned into which led to her beating up an Old Lady and people trying to pull her off, I found this scene hilarious and so intriguing that I could watch it a few dozen times.
Eventually, Fury catches up with Carol they have a conversation, Carol meets her old life and Shield. There is a scene where Fury beats the shit out of a Skrull disguised as the current Shield director. They meet the best cat in the world named Goose (who is played by 4 cats believe it not), who Fury has a soft spot for which brings to us a new light to the straight face Fury we know.
I'm just trying to not make this summary long as shit.
The plot twist in this movie was well it kind of becomes expected when Carol starts finding out who she really is but it was well executed anyway. The scene where Carol was supposed to meet Yon-Rogg who is the Kree who had shot down her plane and trained her to be a Kree warrior. The scene before us showed Carol with Monica (will talk about later) who is her best friends daughter helping her pick out new colours for her suit. When I saw Carol in her blue and green Kree colours I was like wait what, then it was revealed to be the Skrull scientist.
So during all of this Carol, Fury, Carols best friends whose name I have forgotten and can't be bothered to go through the cast list and Talos the Skrull leader venture out to the Lawson (the scientist from the beginning who is a Kree) base where she has the tesseract and the plans to other things. When the gang arrives in the bunker they find a whole load of Skrulls including Talos' family. So it turns out that whatever Lawson was trying to do was to protect the Skrulls and stop the Kree. The find the Tesseract and put it into a lunch box (got to remind the viewers that its the 90's with some nostalgia), eventually as all plot lines go the Kree end up in the bunker to wrap this final act up. Carol decides to take the empty lunch box that the Kree saw the tesseract in and leave the actual tesseract with Fury. Fury being Fury refuses to just hold it in his hand so Goose takes matters into his own hands and eats it. Fury immediately drops Goose as he did not believe that he was an alien.
Yon-Rogg and Captain Marvel had one of the best villains vs superhero fights because Yon-Rogg was near done and starting yelling at Carol about what he told her in the beginning of the movie that her powers can't win every fight and that she has to fight with her fists. This is the point in every movie when the audience was like don't be dumb. I myself yelled really as soon as he said that, but ooh how I was brought joy when she just stared him dead in he eye and shot him straight in the face. I had a call with my marvel people and we just rejoiced to this.
So everyone remembers Ronan the guy who controlled and convinced Loki to attack Earth, the guy that was defeated in Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 1, well he showed up but as soon as he saw what Captain Marvel could do and she was fighting and staring him in the face in space he said he will come back.
The end credit scenes weren't much just Fury showing how he came up with the Avengers initiative and Goose throwing up the tesseract.
Issues and Questions.
Now here is my issue or my questions.
If Ronan knew about Captain Marvel then he would have told Thanos about her so why did he not go after her instead of getting Loki to get the space stone. Like does this mean that Thanos knows about Captain Marvel. My other problem is Captains Marvels powers are sourced from the space stone and Vision from the mind stone. So is Captain Marvel technically not a holder of the power of a stone that could be used in End Game. Scarlet Witches powers in the movies were created from the mind stone and that made her able to be able to destroy it (lets not talk about that), so can Captain Marvel destroy all of the stones except reality, bring everyone back then destroy the last stone. I want to know how Fury explained the fact the tesseract just 'showed' up. Back to my Thanos part of my rant Korath that black Kree, is apart of Thanos's crew in Infinity War so did he not tell Thanos about Captain Marvel and what he can do. His picture will be bellow
Yes the Kree were mentioned briefly in Guardians but other than that are they still dicks? And before I found out that the Skrulls were Skrulls, me in the movies was just like is that Malaketh. No they wouldn't do that. Some people did not like dark world so if they did no one would notice. I almost forgot about this but Monica the little girl in the movie is going to be important in future phases at least I hope so. In actual comics she is Captain Marvel, I was thinking and by this time she would be in her 20s so she may be a bit too old to be the new Captain Marvel as Carol would have to die and we just got her. There is a chance that she could be Riri Williams (Whom I was told I look like) who is the new female Iron man, she's not as liked as Miles Morales but there is a chance she may be someone maybe an agent or someone in Spidermans circle (Doctor Strange fucked up the timeline so they may as well).
My favourite things about the movies.
It shows/reminds us that every plants are called differently such as the Midgard from the Asgardians, Terra by the Guardians and Nova Cops etc. And Planet C-53 by the Kree. The Goose and Fury relationship is amazing.I'm not even going to say how but the way they show how Fury lost his eye compared to what he told Coulson is such a Fury thing to do.
So in a short Captain Marvel is a good movie it's not your normal Superhero movie but it is a good movie. There are some clichés as there are in every movie, the jokes were not over done but I had one issue with the soundtrack, it's not bad it's just everything something is happening like the end battle the song is a bit too feminist that it makes Captain Marvel producers feel like they are overdoing it with the feminism. The last can I say frame showed that Captain Marvel will return in End Game (note this was before the End Game trailers came out), which was obvious and I cannot wait to see what brie Larson does. I was going to talk about why people either like or dislike her but I'm not going to fuel anyone.
(wrist is in pain and no I do not have carpal tunnel and wtf is wrong with my display driver because I see like a millisecond of a flash)
I am going to see if I can get my last thought and theories for End Game before its worldwide release. The Red Carpet and premiere was last night and I am staying far from twitter and Pinterest and sticking to gameplay and kill count YouTube videos.
Palpatine is coming back my dudes.
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