12: Bucky Barnes - The Florence Nightingale Effect (Lemon)
Warning! This oneshot contains sexual content!
Note: This one is set during WW2 (as made obvious by the header...)
- 1943 -
Penny, Eliza, Midge and I were the only four girls on the camps of the 107th, all of us being nurses to aid any injured soldiers. There were many of them, after all we were very near the front line and a lot of our soldiers were deployed to fight direct. It was hard and we saw some intense injuries but we managed to get through, supporting each other.
We mostly patched up wounds and sewed up cuts, but occasionally we had to deal with things more serious. Soldiers often came with bullets lodged in them that we had to extract, and some even came back with missing limbs. Those were always the hardest to deal with as it drained us physically and mentally.
A set of troops were returning from the front line but thankfully there were very few serious injuries. The four of us immediately got to work, me heading to the bedside of a soldier who was sat on the hospital bed clutching his side. "What have we got?" I asked him simply as I approached him.
"Hello to you too," he said, raising his eyebrow, then wincing and holding his side tighter.
"Fancy answering my question?" I sassed.
"A bullet grazed my side," he said and I pulled his arm away. He had been stemming the bleeding with a dirty rag and I was worried the wound would become infected.
"We need to strip off your uniform," I informed him, pulling tools from my pinafore.
"Shouldn't we at least be introduced first," he smirked handsomely and I folded my arms.
"Do you want me to clean that wound or would you rather I let you bleed out?" I had had enough of soldiers sassy behaviour.
"Yes ma'am," he stripped off his top, blood having stained his skin around the wound. I laid him down and focused on my work but I knew his eyes were on me. I wiped clean the wound and sterilised it with alcohol which made him hiss in pain. I had warned him it was going to hurt, especially as I had to sew the wound shut. "Fuck," he growled under his breath every time I pierced his skin with the needle but I simply rolled my eyes.
"What's your name?" I asked in an effort to distract him.
"My friends call me Bucky," he said, wincing as I threaded the needle again. "You're Nurse (y/n), right?"
"That's me, how did you know?" I asked and he smirked.
"A lot of guys speak about you," he laughed and I raised my eyebrow.
"Really? And what do they say?" I asked and he averted his eyes awkwardly. I simply rolled mine and focused on my work until it was done and I cut the thread. "You're all sorted Bucky. You'll need to come back tomorrow for a check up... you won't be put back on the front line for at least a week. It's going to be quite tender so avoid anything strenuous until I give you the all clear," I informed him and he nodded. I helped him put his uniform jacket back on, and when he stood up I realised he was a fair few inches taller than me. Now that I could see him properly I realised just how handsome this man truly was.
"Thanks (y/n)," he whispered and I felt my cheeks turn involuntarily hot.
"You're actually one of the least problematic patients I've had to deal with. Most of the guys see a needle and cower away," I laughed and he smiled.
"Well you're helping them, even if they don't appreciate it at the time," he said softly. We simply stared at each other for a moment before Penny walked by, coughing to distract me.
"You'll need to rest... I think the cook has nearly finished food for everyone," I said, taking a step back from the handsome soldier.
"You think I can rest in here?" He asked, there being a few spare beds including the one we had just worked on.
"I- sure... but if we need this bed we'll have to kick you out," I said and he smirked.
"No problem. Thanks (y/n)."
- Timeskip -
After our first interaction, Bucky became a frequent visitor to the medical bay and not necessarily because he was injured. He always wanted to check up on me, to make sure I was okay as he knew I was head nurse which meant I was usually in charge of the more serious injuries. There were plenty of times I had to treat him for injuries, after all I had learnt from the other soldiers that he was one of the best, seemingly hitting his target every time so he was deployed often.
For some reason I was always worried when I had heard he had been deployed. He had done something to me, as butterflies fluttered around my stomach whenever he was near. "Hey nurse," he winked at me as he wandered into the medical bay, clutching his arm.
"What now?" I asked, smiling a little as I was glad to see him.
"Grenade knocked me backwards into barbed wire," he said, pulling his hand away from his arm and I saw multiple deep scratches oozing blood. I sighed, taking his hand and pulling him towards the bed. The medical bay was empty thankfully, which was rare but I was glad I was able to have some truly alone time with the handsome soldier.
"Are you injured anywhere else?" I asked, knowing grenades were serious.
"Guess I got a bit of a headache but I'm alright otherwise," he said as I got to work, cutting the material away and sterilising the wound. He had gotten so used to it that he didn't even wince as I applied the rubbing alcohol.
"Stitches again," I said and he shrugged, wincing slightly.
"Could be worse," he said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Was there anyone else near the grenade?" I asked but he shook his head.
"Just me thankfully. It could've been worse," he pointed out and I nodded. I felt his sparkling blue eyes on me, as well as his handsome smirk which made my heart beat faster but I tried my hardest to focus on the job at hand. Once he was all sewn up and I placed all of my tools in the small bowl ready to be disinfected. "Thanks (y/n). Seriously," he said softly catching me by surprise.
"You're welcome," I whispered, gulping a little as he stood, the two of us standing close together. "You know, you come in here quite a lot... is there a particular reason?" I asked, hoping the answer was me.
"There may be one specific reason," he cupped my cheek and my heart stopped. He leant in and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I happily returned the gesture, wanting to feel more as it had been such a long time since I had received any form of affection. I knew that would be the reasoning behind this kiss on his end, but right now I didn't care. Feeling the warmth of his lips was enough to keep me satisfied.
Suddenly however he pulled away and smirked at me before walking towards the door. My heart hurt a little, not expecting this sudden departure but knowing it was for the best until I heard the sound of the lock being turned. I whirled around and saw he was still in the room, having just locked the door. Soon enough he was back on me, this time it being ten times more passionate.
He had me pinned to the bed, my heart racing and my lips having trouble keeping up with his affections. Already I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter, as I also felt his erection poking at my thigh. It had been a long time since either of us had received any action, and we were both craving it so we let each other do what they wanted.
Soon my cap had been torn off and my hair had been pulled out of its updo. He untied my apron and threw it away, me then quickly pulling at his uniform wanting to see him topless. I bit my lip when I saw him, but I didn't get the chance to stare for too long as he dove into my neck, sucking at my skin harshly. With one hand holding him up above me, his other crept under my skirt, teasing my thigh and getting closer to my womanhood. I whimpered under him, wanting to feel that contact and merely a second later he was rubbing his finger against my underwear.
"B-Bucky," I moaned, my jaw dropping as he knelt up to use his free hand to open the buttons on the top of my dress, revealing my chest and bra. He was staring hungrily, the tent in his trousers twitching. It was clear he was desperate for more, as was I.
"You're beautiful," he said before pressing his lips against my cleavage, pulling down my bra to reveal more. Using his hand that was teasing my womanhood he pulled my underwear down, now able to push his fingers inside of me. I threw my head back against the pillow, having to bring my hands to my mouth in an effort to stop my moans from echoing around the room. I moaned his name softly, clinging onto the bedsheets as he made me feel good. His fingers slid in and out of me easily, but he suddenly pulled away making me pout. "You want more?" He asked, undoing the button on his trousers.
I gulped. "Yeah," I agreed without even needing to think, and I watched whilst biting my lip as he lowered his trousers and boxers to reveal his member. I was breathing heavily as I glanced from it to his face and back again. Bucky grabbed the skirt of my dress and properly lifted it so it was around my waist, then he tucked his hand under one of my knees and brought my leg up. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as he lined himself up and I had to try hard to control my voice as he pushed himself in.
I threw my head back against the pillow, my back arching a little. "Fuck," he growled, having to stop as soon as he'd pushed the entirety of himself in. The grip he had on my thigh made it clear he was trying hard not to release too early, as being in the barracks meant it had been a long time since either of us had seen any action.
"Please move Bucky," I begged, staring into his blue eyes. This was all the motivation he needed, and he began to put his hips to work. I tried hard to keep my moaning at bay but it was hard, especially with the sexy looks he was giving me as he delved deeper and deeper inside of me. My heart was pounding, my whole body having been overtaken by lust and desire.
The way he scrunched up his nose and growled deeply told me he was feeling good, his sharp blue eyes staring at me as though I were his prey. "Doll you feel good," he growled, our faces close.
"S-so- do you," I breathed, my legs now wrapped tightly around his waist, my nails digging into his back. He was pounding into me, getting rougher by the seconds but we were both craving comfort and the touch of another so I happily welcomed it. "Bucky- I'm about to-," I breathed, sweat dripping from my temples as my high suddenly hit. He had to slam his lips against mine to stop me from being too loud, our tongues intertwining in a heated kiss.
Suddenly he pulled away and pulled out, cupping his hand over his member as he came against his palm. I was thankful it wasn't inside. We were both smiling in the aftermath, having relieved each other. I handed him a tissue to wipe his hand clean, him then doing up his trousers but that was when I noticed something. "Bucky, your arm!" I hissed, seeing my stitches had fallen out.
"Aw hell," he growled. I quickly sorted myself out, the two of us laughing about it a little as I fixed him up once more. When he was fully sorted I helped him slip his uniform shirt on again before I walked him to the door he had locked earlier. "Listen, (y/n)... fancy doing that again sometime?" He asked and I had to bit my tongue as I threatened to laugh.
"Yeah, I'd like that Bucky," I assured him. I was caught by surprise when he leant down and kissed me passionately one last time before he left the medical bay, leaving me behind all hot and flustered.
- Timeskip -
Penny had just helped me extract a bullet from one of the soldiers, it being an intense bit of surgery and we only had a handful of tools at our disposal. Finally it was a task we had managed to complete, but not before our aprons were covered with the soldiers blood. Penny wheeled the soldier's bed to the far end of the medical bay, and I leant against the tray holding our minimal equipment feeling a little sick at the intensity of the operation. We weren't sure if he was going to make it, but we didn't want to give up.
Two hands held my waist making me jump, and I whirled around to see Bucky stood there, his soft smile immediately turning to concern when he saw the state I was in. We had been seeing each other on the down-low for a month now, but no form of relationship status had been decided by either of us. My feelings were running away with me however, as I always felt myself get warm and feel happy in his presence. Butterflies would flutter in my stomach, when he touched me, my heart would stop when he kissed me and my body filled with desire whenever we were intimate. He was also a very caring man, surprising me whilst I was on duty and making sure I was okay, now being one of those times.
"(y/n) what's wrong?" He asked quickly, seeing the tears in my eyes and my bloodstained white nurses uniform. These words caused the flood gates to open and he quickly took my blood-stained apron off before pulling me into a tight hug. "It's okay doll, it's alright," he comforted, running his fingertips through my hair comfortingly. His tight hold on me made me feel safe and loved, even if we were just fooling around. He sat me down on the bed and wrapped his arm around me tightly, letting me cuddle against his chest. He kissed my head through my hair from time to time, waiting for me to tell him what was wrong and when I finally did he comforted me sweetly, cupping my cheeks and pecking my lips. "You've done all you can-,"
"What if it's not enough?" I whispered, my lip wavering and he sighed.
"I don't know... but it won't be your fault," Bucky assured me but I was having a hard time believing him. "Sorry doll, I've got to head out. I'll see you soon though," he said, sending me a wink. I put on the most convincing smile I could and watched him go, but I found myself crying yet again. It didn't take long for Penny to see me in the mess I was in, and she immediately rushed over.
"Sorry Pen- I'll get back to work-,"
"No, you'll tell me what's wrong," she said firmly and my lips trembled.
"I'm in love," I whispered and her eyes widened in shock.
"With Sergeant Barnes?" She asked.
"H-how did you know-,"
"Oh please, I could tell you two have been somewhat together for the past month. He's always asking to see where you are," she teased but my saddened look told her that this was a serious matter. "You love him?"
"Yes... but he doesn't feel the same," I whispered.
"How do you know?"
"Because all I am is a girl in these damn barracks he can screw whenever he wants to!" I shouted a bit louder than I should've. "Sorry," I muttered.
"You can't jump to conclusions, you never know these things-,"
"I know that whatever it is it's inappropriate. We're at war. These men haven't been with women in a while, that's the only reason, at least it's the only reason for him... I may love him but I'll only ever be a... a toy for him to use."
"Don't say that," Penny said firmly but I shrugged.
"It's true isn't it?" I said.
"I don't know. If it were then I'd be surprised he turned up now just see how you were," she pointed out but I still wasn't really believing it.
"I think I just need a break from him to try and loose my feelings," I said sadly and Penny sighed.
"Only if you think that's the right thing to do," she said comfortingly. I smiled, glad I could have a friend like her.
With the help of the other nurses I had been doing a good job at avoiding Sergeant Barnes, after all there were a lot of other soldiers that needed attending to and with only four of us so it was quite easy to execute my goal. Between tending to other patients and checking medicine stocks I spent my downtime in the nurses chamber, reading a book and staying away from anywhere where Bucky may linger.
Now however I was at the back of the medical bay tent, rifling through some of the recent crates we had received from the USA which contained various hospital equipment and medicine. A clipboard in hand I went through the contents of each crate, making sure things had arrived correctly. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you've been ignoring me," Bucky's smooth voice sounded and I whirled around to see him stood, leaning against one of the crates with his arms folded.
"Looks like you don't know me as well as you think you do," I said, perhaps a little too bitterly as there was a slight look of pain on his expression.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, but was cut short when one of the superiors were calling all the soldiers to gather up.
"No... no you didn't," I admitted.
"Well there's something wrong," he said, stepping closer to me and out of sight of the rest of camp.
"Soldiers! Fall in!" The head of the camp yelled.
"Look, I really need to talk to you about something alright? When I get back. It's important," he said assuredly and all I could do was nod as I watched him run back towards the main camp. I stepped out from behind the medical camp and watched as he sent a smirk back to me, then lining up with the rest of the soldiers. I hid back behind the medical supplies and attempted to carry on my job, but my mind was clouded with the thoughts of what it was that he wanted to talk to me about.
- Timeskip -
As most of the troops were away, I was taking the opportunity to change the bed linen on the hospital beds the USA had sent us. Bucky's words had been playing on my mind endlessly, wanting to know what he had to say to me. He seemed so sincere and it was obvious it was important and I was craving to know what it was. This distracted me from the voice that was calling my name, but I was snapped away from my minds distraction by a panicked Midge. "Midge... what's wrong?"
"It's the troops... they've been..." she gulped and my heart stopped.
"What are you talking about?" I demanded.
"All of those deployed have been captured and- probably killed... including Sergeant Barnes," she whispered and I stumbled backwards, collapsing onto the bed as my legs felt like they had turned to jelly. I shook my head, trying to convince myself she was wrong but Penny and Eliza came in shortly after and looked at me with sad expressions.
"No- no that's impossible," my lip trembled as I thought about the man I had fallen in love with. Immediate regret at not telling him my feelings rose within me, as well as regret about choosing to ignore him. I burst into tears on the spot, the girls immediately around me offering me hugs and tissues but nothing could numb the pain I was feeling. 'Why couldn't I just tell him how I felt? Why did I ignore him? Why didn't I just be happy with him? What did he want to tell me?' These were all questions rapidly flying around my brain, as did the image of the charming man himself.
The emotional pain was unlike any I had felt before. Knowing he was captured, and most likely killed or worse: tortured to death. That night I prayed to God desperately to get him back, for him to bring Bucky back to me healthy. All I could see was Bucky's charming face, his gorgeous smirk and sarcastic attitude which always made me laugh. I craved a night with him, I craved his touch, his hold, his romantic kisses and I would forever hate myself for choosing to ignore my feelings for him when he was still with us.
- One Week Later -
Work still needed to be done as there were still troops that needed to be tended to, troops who had been on other duties. I kept myself as distracted as possible but there were times where I'd find myself needing to seek solace from one of the other nurses as the tears threatened to spill. Mine and Bucky's 'relationship' was only known to the other nurses so I had to try and pull myself together otherwise the superiors on site would most likely penalise me.
I found myself where I usually found myself - in the medical bay of the barracks. I was sat on the bed Bucky and I first made love, fiddling with my skirt and thinking about the man I loved. Every night I prayed to God to bring him home, but he was yet to deliver. I tried to stop my brain from thinking negatively but it had been a week, in other words it was likely he was dead.
From outside I heard a lot of commotion, what sounded like cheering but I didn't pay much attention, instead curling up into a ball on the bed and making use of what little alone time I had to cry and let my emotions out. This time was soon interrupted however, but the door to the medical bay opening and in stormed Midge, a shocked look on her face. I stood quickly, her lips forming a smile and she nodded her head. My heart stopped and I looked out the window to now see a large crowd approaching the barracks, the cheering being that of the remaining soldiers on the camps.
As quickly as my feet let me I ran outside with Midge and fought my way to the front of the cheering soldiers where I would've collapsed if Midge hadn't caught me. I saw the hundreds of soldiers that had been deployed a week ago now returning, but my eyes were on the front of the march. He looked a little rough, battered and bruised but it was him and he was alive. Bucky Barnes was alive. Before I could stop myself I ran through the crowd towards him, him spotting me instantly and a beam came to his face.
I crashed into him, my arms wrapping around him tightly. He dropped the gun he was carrying to the ground and held my waist tightly, burying his head in my neck. The cheers from the returning soldiers and the 'welcome back's from those who had stayed on site were now drowned out as I felt as though I was in my own little world with Bucky. "Did you miss me, doll?" He whispered and I almost choked on my tears, having never thought I'd hear his voice again.
"Shut up," I hissed and he chuckled and pulled away from me, but kept a tight grip on my waist.
"That thing I needed to tell you when I was back?" He brought up what had been haunting me and what I thought would haunt me for the rest of my life. "I love you."
My lip trembled in utter relief. "I love you too," I whispered, staring into his sharp blue eyes that were looking at me so softly. I pulled him in for a deep kiss, the two of us smiling against each others lips. When our lips pulled apart we were both beaming brightly, so glad to be back in each others hold. Around us friends were gathering, people were giving each other brotherly hugs and the whole scene was making me quite emotional. The barracks thought it had lost far too many good troops, but now each and every one of them had been returned safely.
"Hey!" Bucky shouted out, catching the attention of the people around us, his arm still around me tightly. "Let's hear it for Captain America!"
Loud cheers erupted around us and I smiled brightly as the man in the blue uniform slapped Bucky's back, the two of them acting as though they were brothers. Bucky kissed my forehead lovingly, this situation almost being unbelievable but I knew for a fact that I was never going to take advantage of any day with this man, and that I was always going to make sure our love for each other was strong.
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