27. He's My Luxury.
Chapter 27
Adith's POV:
Flashback continues...
I went the Coimbatore the other day and visited Mr. Anand in his office not wanting to meet him in his residence. I just wanted to know his reaction first and plan accordingly before revealing our love story to our family.
I wasn't nervous, I didn't know the need to be, I love his daughter so I had to tell him but his wish doesn't matter whether he like it or not, approve it or not I love Krisha and I would definitely marry her no matter what?
"What a surprise? The great Adith Srinivas is here to meet this poor man. What's the matter that you decided to grace me with your presence? " he asked me with sarcasm dripping in his tone.
"So you want me to get out of your office as soon as I spelled the beans. Am I right?" I asked him with a smirk.
"You are smart and brilliant unlike your dad. " he told me arrogantly.
"It will be better if you don't drag my dad into this because your are right I'm more smart and brilliant than my dad and you wouldn't want to know more about me. " I told him in the same tone he used.
"Why did you come here?" He asked finally.
"I love your daughter and she loves me too. We are planning to get married and she wanted me to inform you that. " I told him.
"Stop joking." He said smiling.
"Well I'm not. We are getting married soon with or without your consent." I said folding my arms.
"How dare you? Huh... I know my daughter she will not turn to such lowlifes like you. She will never love you." He told me determined. I showed him a picture of Krisha and I where she was leaning on my shoulder.
"We clicked this right after we decided to get married. Can't you see the love for me radiating through your daughter's eyes? My soon to be father in law. " I taunted.
"You scoundrel...." He yelled and grabbed my collar "How did you do that? How did you flattered my daughter with your false self. She is my everything how dare you came close to her. I will kill you." I pushed him and fixed my wrinkled shirt.
"Excuse me... False self? Do I carry a false self? It's you, Mr.Anand. You are a false person who acts in front of everyone like a gentle man but got a most ugly character and personality. Hell... I don't want to talk about you and I'm least interested in you. I love your daughter and my love wanted her father to know so I came to tell you. If you didn't give your daughter to me I will take her myself because she is mine. My love. " I told him my decision.
"I will never ever let my daughter marry you. It is my prestige issue and my daughter will never disrespect me. " he told me snapping his fingers.
" Let's see Mr. Anand. I will make your daughter my wife soon and will meet you. Mark my words." I challenged him.
"Let me see what wins? My twenty one years brought up or your two months filthy love, you son of a shit." He spitted out venom.
I suppressed my anger and left for the airport, Krisha called me but I told her that I would tell everything once I reach Chennai and I had to switch of my phone while traveling.
Once I landed in Chennai I dialed her number but she didn't pick up. So I decided to go to her house. Her house was locked and I stood there confused.
Then, I was totally worried about Krisha. Was she fine?
All on a sudden, few policemen came and pulled me into the car, I was taken aback because I didn't know on what allegations they were arresting me.
I was imprisoned with the false accusations of molesting Krisha and attempt of rape. The temper I had has no limits. But why didn't Krisha come for me? Was she okay? Were they torturing her?
After two whole months I was proved innocent with the help of Manohar sir and I got to meet my parents. The first thing I did was to travel Coimbatore. I didn't see my love for almost two months and my heart started bleeding. She must have been shattered without me.
Her house was decorated for the wedding and I got to know it was Ishaan's wedding. I went straight to see Krisha, she was all dressed up like a doll. My one death glare was enough to send all the people out of her room.
I was rotting in prison while she was enjoying her brother's wedding, the feeling I had was beyond anger and that was unexplainable.
Before I could utter a word a hard slap fell on my face and many followed. "How could you? Huh.... How could you? " she shook me.
Wasn't it my dialogue?
"Why did you play with my feelings? You wanted revenge from my father? And for what.... For insulting your dad? You played with my heart and love just to seek revenge? How could you?" Krisha was a crying mess.
I couldn't see my Krisha writhing in front of me, That man knocked me out in the prison and spun such a story in front of Krisha proving my love was all an act.
"Then what about your love? You loved me isn't it? Then how could you be so happy and enjoying your brother's functions ? " I asked her the one question nagging my heart.
"Wh...who are you? Why should I answer you? You are a cheat. You cheated me in the name of love. "She cried sitting on the floor making my heart werech in pain.
"Love my foot.... Loving you was my mistake I don't want to put my father's life in stake because of my bloody love. He was ready to die. He wanted me to marry Vijay, I chose my loving father instead of your false love and lies. " I came to knew how hurt my Krisha was.
I closed my eyes and tried to get some air for respiration. I sat down next to her and made her look at me. "Just go away. You already killed me with your fake love. Don't make it more difficult for me to marry someone else my dad choose. Please go." She cried.
"You are not marrying another man." With that I crashed my lips on her's pouring all my love, all my frustrations and all my energy. She was my lady love and I would never let her slip from my life.
"Look into my eyes and tell me. Don't you think my love is true." She was a club mix of emotions. "Then why did you leave me?" She hicked up.
"I... I left you? Why would I leave you." I asked her in a unbelievable tone.
Didn't she trust me?
"You le...left me. You went to America spoiling my life. You didn't attend any of my calls and you told me yourself over a phone call that you hate me and all you wanted was revenge. It was your number and your voice. Please don't fool me again in the name of love." She cried hard and it was difficult for me to hide the few tears escaped my eyes.
I pulled her towards my chest and hugged her tight ignoring her protest. Once she was calm with no energy left in her I told her my part of story.
I told her how I was sent to prison and how I spent my horrible days without seeing her in jail. She looked confused.
"My...my daddy. He would never do that. He will not hurt me, he love me too much to lie to me. Stop blaming my dad." She tried to push me.
"So now, I look like a liar. Great. Then go... Go and marry that Vijay, but one day you will know the truth Krisha. And that day you will see hell and you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself." I told and turned to leave.
When I was about to open the door she hugged me from behind and started crying. J turned towards her "Don't go.... Please don't go." She pleaded.
"So you believe me?" I asked her happily but that happiness was short lived with her reply "My daddy would never lie and hurt me but at the same time I can't let you go. What Will I do Adi? What should I do?"
"So you trust your dad over me? Okay fine. Come let's go and ask him straight." With that I dragged her to the Mandap.
Everyone around us was shocked and all the blood dried from Ms.Shakuntala's face. Most importantly Anand looked like a devil.
"How dare you?" Screamed Ms.Shakuntala and marched towards us but I pushed her and went straight to Anand.
"Now ask him." I told Krisha.
"Krisha... That man is lying. Whatever he told you was not true. Don't believe him." He blabbered.
"Really.... Are you a man Anand? Okay fine." I told and held his hand placing it on Krisha's head I asked him to tell the truth. He was shaken, no true father would make false promise over his daughter.
"What are you thinking daddy. Tell me. Did you send Adi to jail? Did you lie to me? Tell me?" Asked Krisha.
"Yes. Yes, yes, I sent this bastard to jail and I made sure the shit of his parents wouldn't do anything about the problem. I made sure to keep him away from you and tortured him. I don't like him. He is just like his father, his dad took my sister away from me now he is trying to snatch my daughter. How could I leave him? Stay away from him Krisha that's your dad's order. Guards throw this dog out of my place. " yelled that heartless animal addressing me as dog.
"I will die right here if anyone try to touch my Adi. " told Krisha desperately.
"Are you out of your mind Krisha? " it was from Ms.Shakuntala. Krisha didn't bother to answer her and moved close to the terrified Anand.
"I never had any hopes about mom. But you are my everything daddy. I trusted you with my life. How could you cheat me? You didn't hurt Adi, you hurted me. You tortured the one man I was ready to die for. You always wanted my happiness isn't it? Then why can't you see my happiness is only with my Adi. Why did you took him away from me? Why?" She was so much emotional.
"Because he is not the right person for you. He cannot keep you happy Krisha. He can't give you the luxurious life u could afford my daughter." Anand bluffed but one thing stabbed my heart. I could not be able to give Krisha a very luxurious life she deserves.
"For your kind information daddy. My Adith is my luxury. Life with him is a boon and his love is my destiny. I thought you love me and you know me more but I was wrong. You are a typical high profile father who cares nothing but his reputation. I realized something today, You and mom are not different." Her words about me and for me made me feel it was worth spending my days in that hell hole for my women. She grabbed my hands and walked towards the exit.
"Stop right there Krisha... You are spoiling your brother's wedding. " said ms. Shakuntala in a cold tone.
"The wedding is already done mother, stop your emotional blackmail and go ahead with the rituals. I'm going with my Adi. " with that she resumed walking.
"If you take one more step Krisha I will no more consider you my daughter and you will not get a penny from me." Anand hreatened Krisha.
"Money... It never mattered to me and it will not in the future too. All I wanted was love from my family. Today I got to know only money matters to my so called family so I'm choosing my love over your money daddy. I will not come and stand at your doorstep for anything henceforth. Always Ishaan Anna was the best and most loved by both of you so it won't be difficult for you people to eliminate me from your so called rich royal life. Thanks for everything." With that she dragged me.
"I'm warning you Krisha, stop right there. If not don't show your face to us again. You are dead according to us." Told Anand. Krisha turned to him and smiled, a very mocking smile with her red puffed eyes and pink face then resumed walking along with me to my car.
She sat inside my car and closed her eyes leaning back on the seat. I wiped her tears but she didn't respond taking a long breath I started driving to Chennai.
Neither of us spoke and the atmosphere was totally silent. I stopped the car and asked her out for dinner but Krisha didn't budge and I didn't force her. I brought us both some sandwich and resumed driving. The food was untouched by both of us by the time we reached Chennai.
I stopped my car in front of our house awaiting another tsunami. I had to face my parents and I could read Krisha's dreadful face. It was my time to argue and fight for our love because they are my parents.
My mom opened the door and stood rooted at her place. She said nothing and went inside leaving the door opened. Krisha refused to enter my house leaving me all frustrated. "Why are you standing there Krisha. Come inside." Told my dad leaving both of us shocked.
"Why are you both giving me that look. I despise your dad I got a call from Coimbatore that you threw your dad away for my son. Where will I find a better daughter in law more than you? Come inside." Told my dad and pulled both of us inside.
"Don't mind your mom Adi, she will be fine with time she was just angry. Give her time." He told me.
"I know you both are famished. I'll get something to eat." He said but at the same time we heard a huge bang from the kitchen it was my mom she dropped a vessel. "Well.... I'll get something from outside." He left the house.
Krisha stood up, tried to get into the kitchen but I stopped her. "Don't baby. Give her some time. Go and refresh." I pulled her upstairs and left her in the guest room. I brought her a salwar, I bought for her earlier .
I saw her crying sitting on the bed. I sat next to her and wiped her tears and handed over her the bag. She gave me a look worth kissing and went into the restroom. After few minutes she came out but still couldn't stop her tears.
"Why are you crying?" I asked but he shook her head in negative and sniffed. We forced her and fed her dinner I was so thankful do my dad and his welcoming behavior was least expected.
Expected the unexpected, I thought dad would create a havok and mom would support us but everything happened in reverse.
"Day after tomorrow is a good day and we will get your wedding done. We can't keep Krisha in our house just like that, your relationship needs a license." Told dad startling both of us. Mom didn't even spared us a look and went into her room.
At night, I went into her room, as expected she was crying. I sat next to her and pulled her to my chest. I spoke rubbing her back "Stop crying love. Your tears are hurting me."
"I'm so sorry." She hiccuped.
"For what?" I asked her.
"For everything. I'm so sorry Adi (hiccups) You have to go through so much because of me. All the pain and mental stress. I'm the reason behind all this. Moreover I didn't trust you. I'm so sorry Adi. Please forgive me." Her tears wetted my shirt.
"I will not stop you from crying love. Cry all you want and forget everything, I'm here to hold you and I will till the end of my life. I knew, I could guess the torture you have gone through without me. So stop blaming yourself. We both suffered and we both are going to make it up for each other with a bright and beautiful future ahead. Let's get married." I told and hugged her for life.
The moment he tied my wedding chain, and gave me a million dollar smile, with so much promises shining in his orbs, I knew I took the right decision.
My Adith, my husband.
Assalamu allaikum and hello to all my lovely readers.
Now, please stop scolding me because only I know what I'm going through, when you have so much to think in your own life you couldn't imagine about writing a book, that too for an over thinking idiot like me. Initially, I was a carefree college going girl when I started AVOTL now I'm a grownup girl with many tensions and confusions.
But still, I'm genuinely sorry for making you all wait and I would expect all of you to pray for me and wish me good. Coz I'm in chaos. It was a big chapter I hope, enjoy reading. Will try and update soon inshaallah.
How was the chapter? Your comments means a lots. Do vote and comment they are my energy boosters.
Yours Sajal😞
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