2 months later.....

              "Please try and come back early else I'll be lonely" she said and pouted. "Don't worry, Insha allah I'll come back early today." He kissed her goodbye before leaving for his car. She watched him as he walked away in his khaki. She couldn't stop smiling. He opened the door and looked at her. He waved and she waved back.

         She went into the house looking around like she has never seen it before. She sashayed upstairs to her room, the same time her phone was ringing. "Hey Imsaal" sohana squealed through the phone. "We're outside" and with that she hung up.

       Sohana scrambled up and ran out of the room almost missing a step. "Oh my god! You guys!" She squealed and hugged each and every one of them. "I'm so happy to see you" she sniffed getting emotional. "Awwn baby we missed you too" Manahel gave her a bear hug.

      "Sooo tell us, how was your honeymoon." Imsaal winked. "Ina ruwanki (what's your own business)" Najwa gave her a slap on the head. "That hurts you moron" she whined. "What would you like to eat, mention anything and I'll cook it for you guys"

       "How about we cook together" arisha suggested. "Yes lets cook together!" Sohana squealed clapping her hands together. "Boring!!" Imsaal groaned making manahel to roll her eyes. "Soha this is your house and I don't think your husband will be.." before she could finish sohana cut her off "Oh please it's fine, it's not like he's going to come back anytime soon"

      "At least call him and tell him you have visitors. Sohana nodded "I'll do that right now." She excused herself and sauntered upstairs.

     "My star" that was the first thing that came out of his mouth as he received the call. She blushed and covered her face like he was there with her. "Salamu alaykum." He chuckled before replying "waalaykumus salam, missing me already?" He questioned. "Yes but a little" she joked. "Ouch! That hurts!" He said feigning hurt. "Awwn c'mon you know I miss you, a lot"

       "Baby, My friends just came over now I hope it's okay with you" she bit her lower lip nervously. "Of course it's okay. They'll keep you company before I come back" he said and smirked. "Thank you" she muttered. "You're welcome. Do you need anything?" He asked. "No I'm fine" she answered. "Ok Masha Allah I have to go now. I Love You" he uttered. "I Love You Too" she said and cut the call. Sultaan couldn't help but smile.

          She went back downstairs to meet them already in the kitchen. Imaal was mixing something in a bowl. While najwa and arisha were eating cookies. Manahel just sat there on a stool looking at them. "Hey guys" Soha waved as she walked towards the fridge. "What's popping?" She questioned opening a bucket of ice cream. "Popcorn" imsaal joked. "You'll never change" sohana rolled her eyes.

       "How's he treating you?" Manahel asked with concern. "Like A Queen" she smirked. "He better!" Imsaal said and snapped her finger. "Okay this girl is literally older than us and the only girl that's not married here" sohana said looking at Manahel and pointing her thumb at imsaal who was sending daggers her way.

      "She's too crazy and stupid to get married right now" Manahel said laughing. I know, right?" Arisha laughed. Imsaal poured the entire chocolate she was mixing in a bowl on sohana "oh my god! Imsaal are you crazy?" She yelled. Imsaal took two eggs and broke it on Arisha "what on earth is wrong with you?" Arisha groaned. "Okay I'm outta here" Manahel said laughing. "No you have to get your own share" Imsaal said chasing Manahel with the bucket of ice cream sohana was taking.

      "C'mon Imsaal baby I didn't say anything" Manahel said moving backwards when she couldn't run anymore. "Najwa didn't" her eyes twitching as she talked. "Please saal I'm begging you, don't!!!  Aaaah I hate you" she screamed as the ice cream rolled down inside her clothes. "You messed with the wrong bishh" Imsaal stuck her tongue out.

       As she went into the kitchen sohana poured a whole bottle of ketchup while arisha painted her face with flour. "Oh my god what on earth is wrong with you guys" Imsaal wailed. "Oh so it's not nice to get your clothes ruined" arisha grumbled.

       "I haven't gotten my revenge yet" Manahel said with an evil smile. She opened the fridge and bought out a leftover lasagne. "No... no please don't" Imsaal cried walking backwards. "You never stopped when I was begging you." She smashed it on Imsaal's head. "You're such a pig" Imsaal wailed.

      "Okay you guys it's enough please. It's time for group hug" sohana smirked at najwa who was busy video taping their shenanigans. "No please don't touch me. I'm the only one clean here." She ran out of the house through the kitchen door. "It's either you stay or we throw you into this pool and you know you can't swim!" Arisha warned. "No... I'll stay! Group hug" she opened her arms while she closed her eyes murmuring "I hate you all so much"

     " we love you too." they hugged each other before moving away. "Ok serious Imsaal that wasn't cool at all to just ruin our clothes. we're grown ups now" Soha stated as they traipse up the stairs. "She's a kid trapped inside a 25 year old lady." Manahel rolled her eyes and scoffed.

     After sohana gave them something to wear, they helped her clean everywhere they messed up. They cooked and had a lot of fun. She gave each and everyone of them gifts before they left.


       After praying isha, she cooked dinner and made dessert and set everything on the table. She had her bath and dressed up in a green straight gown ankara with off shoulder. She glam up her face and tied her head tie.

       He came into the room with salam. "Welcome back." She gave him a tight hug "I missed you" she muttered. "I missed you more." He kissed her neck holding her tighter. "Your food is ready" she announced. "You should take a shower before you eat" she added. "Oh lord do I smell that bad." She shook her head no laughing. "I didn't mean that seriously. Now you go take a shower while I go wait for you downstairs." She pushed him towards the bathroom before leaving.

    After having dinner together, they decided to go visit sultaan's parents and hers. She changed into a navy blue abaya with white flowers on the chest area and silver stones.

      She went downstairs and met him sitting on the couch waiting for her. He was dressed in a blue kaftaan. "You look beautiful, Masha Allah." She blushed covering her face with her palms. "You look handsome" she complimented.

    "Let's get going mi'lady." He has the most amazing British accent. They walked hand in hand to the car. He opened the door, she got in and he closed the door. He walked to the other side and got in. Throughout the drive to his parents house there hands were intertwined together as she narrated the whole thing that happened when her friends came.

       Sohana was really nervous to meet his parents even though they've met countless times. She just wasn't comfortable by the way his sister, maryam treats her. "Stop wasting your time on thinking about maryam. I know that's what you're thinking about right?" He looked to her and smirked. "Pfft no I'm not." They went into the house through the back door.

         They met halima and Khadijah baking cupcakes. "Aunty Soha." Khadijah hugged her torso. "Hey darling how are you?" Sohana asked as they broke the hug. "I'm fine" she replied shyly. "Welcome aunty" halima quick hug. "Thank you lieeey." Sultaan cleared his throat "over here" he waved his hand. "Ya sultaan. My favorite." Khadijah squealed and hugged him. "How is my Favorite sister doing?" He asked.

        "Pfft favorite sister" halima murmured. "Cmon you know you're my other half" he said giving her a side hug. "Ok now where is mama and abba?" He questioned. "Abba is out of town and I know mama must be in her room or living room" halima replied. "Let's go." He intertwined his hand with sohana's.

         They met maryam and Muhammad watching tv in the main living room. "Our wife" Muhammad beamed at Soha. "What do you mean by our wife" eyes wide open as he talked. "Haba mana ya sultaan she's our wife" Muhammad wiggled his brows at sultaan. "You're sick in the brain wallahi"

      "Good evening since you can't greet your husband again" Muhammad teased making Soha to chuckle. "Toh husband, good evening" she replied. "Don't even start this wasan kanin miji with my wife" he snapped. "Guy! Relax, it's not like I'm going to snatch her away. Perhaps I can! I mean look at me, I'm smoking hot and handsome" he claimed making sohana to laugh a little. "Uhuh! Handsome my butt!" Maryam spoke for the first time. She stood up to leave when Muhammad grabbed her by her wrist "da wa kike (who are you referring to?) am I your mate?"

       "Yaya I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to myself" she voiced out feeling  alarmed. He raised his hand to hit her when mama interrupted. "What is going on here? Oh fatima, come here." She gave sohana a tight hug before letting go. "How are you my dear?" Sohana smiled sheepishly "I'm fine mama. Ina wuni" she greeted squatting down to show some respect. "Oh common get up please. Lfy lau, hope he's treating you well" she spoke glancing at sultaan. Soha only nodded and smiled.

      "Hajiya ta (my) ina wuni." He greeted and gave mama a hug. "Lfy lau Mubarak" mama replied full of happiness. She was really happy to see them. "I heard abba traveled" he said sitting down next to sohana. "Yes he traveled to Boston about his container" mama replied.

         Halima came in with drinks and some of the cupcakes she baked. "This is specially for you aunty." She Kept the tray in front of sohana. "Thank you" she answered smiling. "Seems like I'm not needed anymore in this house" sultaan said feigning hurt. "Awwn my sweet yaya is hurt" she pouted. "Come lemme give you a kiss to make you feel better" she pouted again moving closer to him. "No I don't need yours, sohana's own is enough."

        Sohana felt like sinking when she heard what he said. Her head low as she blushed hard. "Oh ya Allah, Children of nowadays!" Mama chuckled shaking her head. "I'm telling the truth!" He grinned not feeling ashamed of what he said. "Khadijah is here you know" Muhammad stated pointing at Khadijah whose entire attention is on the tv.

           They chatted for a while before it was time for them to leave. "Fatima come, I have something for you." Mama stood up and followed the door she came out from earlier. Sohana followed suit. They went into mama's large room which smelled of bukhour.

      She gave her a white leather full of gifts and a box of diamond earrings. "Thank you mama. May Allah reward you. Thank you so much mama. I really appreciate it." Sohana squatted as she thanked mama for the gifts. "It's nothing my dear. Please be more patient with sultaan. You know how sometimes he can be" mama said. "Insha Allah mama I'll be on my best and I'll make sure I do everything right." Mama gave her some advice before they finally said goodbye.

     "Where are we going to next?" Sohana asked as sultaan drove out of the compound. "Gwarimpa." She gave his hand a tight squeeze before muttering a thank you. "You're welcome, my star." He kissed her hand.

       Sohana quickly alighted out and ran into the house calling out her siblings names. "Janaan!" She squealed and gave her a tight hug. "You have no idea how I missed you. Where's Umma and maama? Is baba around?" Janaan laughed. "One question at a time. And I missed you too" janaan hugged her again before letting go. "Umma is upstairs, maama traveled to maiduguri, and baba is in his living room"

       She went straight to Dr. Abdul Hafeez living room. She met baba with sultaan talking about something. She engulfed him in a tight hug. "I missed you so much daddy." Baba chuckled and hugged her back. "I missed you too my dear. How are you?" He asked. "I'm fine, Alhamdulillah!" She smiled sheepishly. "I'm going to go greet Aunty now" she announced and sauntered upstairs.

      "Umma!!" She squealed and jumped on Aunty. "Ya ilahi! Sohana what is wrong with you?" Aunty pushed her away. "Umma I just missed you so so much" she gave her a tight hug and kissed her cheek. "Oh Allah! Toh ina mijin naki yake (where's your husband?)" Umma asked.

     Right on cue, he came into Umma's living room with aliyu tailing behind. "Little bro." they high five "big sis. How are you?" He asked. "Obviously fine" she rolled her eyes. "You'll never change." He smirked.

         They all went downstairs to baba's living room. They chatted about random things before calling it a night. Sohana felt like crying when they left. Throughout the drive home sultaan kept glancing at sohana.  "What?" She asked giggling. "Nothing." He gave her a billion dollar smile.

     As they went into the house, sohana sauntered into the kitchen to get water. "We need to talk about something fatima" his husky, deep voice interrupted her. She kept the cup in the sink and stood in front of him "yes?"

        He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. She closed her eyes tightly. "Fatima, look at me" he gently spoke. "Open your eyes and look at me please" he added. She opened one eye and close making him to chuckle.

       "Ok here it goes! Each time I look at your gorgeous face, I feel my heart melt in your love. I just cannot stop thinking about you. The day you stepped into my life, you changed it into something so beautiful and meaningful. You are just so amazing to have around. I cannot stop myself from telling you everyday, how much you mean to me. I love you so much. My star." The only thing she could do was hug him tight. She thanked god for this loving and caring husband.

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