7: Young Soul


Good evening. I believe that you're in good health. I don't know why I'm writing this to you but I feel like I should make it known to you. You might have noticed and chose to ignore it, Mujaheed. Or maybe you might have not noticed it at all, but I like you. I know I'm too young to say this, that's if you can call a 19 years old lady young, but whatever it is, I really like you. You might be against this because of the financial difference between us, but please don't let this come as a barrier between us. I don't know how it will happen or how I will be able to convince my mother about you, but I will do everything it takes to make sure you're mine. Please don't ignore this letter like you've always ignored all the signs I've sent your way. I'll be waiting for a response from you. Thank you.

Asma'u Kamal Sardauna.'

He chuckled softly and shook his head, he had noticed, she needn't to point it out in a letter like this. What did she think she was doing? If not for the financial difference between them, he knew the age gap might not be a problem for her because for a 19 years old lady in Arewa, a 27years old man was the perfect match for her. But this wasn't going to happen, he could hardly remember her facial features if he would be asked. He just took her as the daughter of the man he worked for and nothing else.

And right now, Mujaheed wished he could back out from the promise he made to Nana. Because since the day she brought this letter to him, he hadn't brought it out until today. Before he began to read it, he thought it was a threat from Fareeda and nothing else, but seeing this, he had never thought Asma'u could go out of her way and write him a letter telling him she liked him. Despite all the way he ignored her signs, he once told her straight forward that she should stop giving things to Nana to bring to him.

He folded the letter and placed it in his bedside drawer before he stood up, he knew in any minute Nana would come banging at his door that they were ready to leave. How would he back out? Should he tell her he was sick or what? Because if he lied about being sick, Ahaji will make sure he was taken to the hospital, and hospitals were among the things he hated in his life. He hated being with people, he hated going out, he hated everything that will have him involved with more than two people. And among those two people, one should be Nana and the other can be anyone.

The knock came, and when he looked at the wrist watch in his hand, it was a few minuets pas 4 in the evening. Nana hardly ever did something late, unless it was time to go to school. He perched his cap on his head and walked to open the door for her, "Nana, what is it?"

Her mouth nearly dropped down and she giggled, "Ya Fareeda ought to see the way you look, Ya Allah!" She exclaimed and he came out of the chamber, locked it while he laughed at her.

"You're incorrigible, Nana. I've told you time without number that unless you have a death wish, you should stop speaking to Fareeda about me, didn't I?" He laughed when she stood in front of him with her hand supporting her chin as she looked at him from head to toe.

"Are you sure you're going out because of me or because of something else? Ya Mujaheed, you've never looked this good!" She exclaimed again and he moved forward to plant a hard knock on the crown of her head when she dodged it and began to laugh. "I'm sorry, but I wonder between the two sister who's going to drool first." And this time the knock landed right where Mujaheed wanted it to, and she sealed her mouth up seeing Asma'u and Fareeda as they walked toward the parking lot.

"Ya Fareeda! I thought I had to come inside and call you." Nana said as she winked at Mujaheed before she walked to where they stood.

"I had to wait for Asma'u to finish getting ready, Nana. Can we leave already?" She asked as she briskly looked at where Mujaheed stood, looking at them with an expression that was so hard to decipher.

"Ya Fareeda, can I join you guys too? I'm always bored at home." Dahlia said from where she stood, a reasonable distance between them all while she asked.

Nana's face immediately scrunched up and she turned to Mujaheed looking for help, he simply smiled and shook his head, to show her that he had no other way either. Fareeda looked at Dahlia and even though the little girl was like an exact replica of her mother, she didn't have the heart in her to leave her alone in this mansion when Ummah had left for a wedding.

"Sure, Dahlia, but you have to be a good girl. Don't cause any trouble between you and Nana, promise?" She raised her car key in a warning gesture and a slow smile graced her face.

"I promise, Ya Fareeda." One might thought she was cute and innocent, but Fareeda knew better. She was always together with Ummah unless they were going to school, and the reason why Ummah left her behind today and went to a wedding was beyond what she could think. And she simply decided to let it go.

"You all should get in let's leave." And they all hopped into the car. She had missed driving her car, even though Mujaheed was sitting on the passenger's seat, Fareeda didn't let that bother her. She turned to look at the girls sitting behind the car and softly winked at Asma'u, who had been nervous since when they walked out and she set her eyes on the dashing Mujaheed.

"Nana, don't you want to listen to some music? Dahlia, any suggestion?" She asked, the car was in a weird silence that she wanted to break it and even though she wasn't close enough to her sisters, she knew they loved music so much.

"Do you have Bad influence by Omah lay?" Asma'u spoke for the first time in the car and Fareeda looked at her through the rear mirror.

"Here's my phone, download it for us or connect your phone if you have it." She was trying to bring her phone out of her bag when Asma'u spoke.

"I have it, I'll connect with the bluetooth." She said and in a few seconds, the song began to blast in the car. Fareeda was surprised when she heard the girls chanting the song together and she chuckled softly.

"Why am I left on this, Nana? Even you know this song? But it's quite nice..." she let her words trailed off and listened more to the music. They arrived at the park shortly after with Asma'u playing more songs from her phone which Fareeda all loved and told her to send their names to her on WhatsApp so she can download them.

"Here, Asma'u pay for us before I park, okay?" She handed her her card and Asma'u collected without any grump as the girls hopped out of the car and walked to the main entrance. She loved it how obedient Asma'u had suddenly become because of Mujaheed, she might also use this to her advantage. She had a secret she had never told or showed anyone, but she loved her sisters dearly. Yes, she hated their mother because apart from Alhaji, Fareeda had never seen someone as evil as Ummah. But she loved the girls despite the way they treated her and also hated her, that's why she chose to hide her love and show them a bad side of her.

She successfully parked the car and turned to look at him, which made their eyes fall into each other's and she was quick at taking her eyes off him. "What? Why are you giving me that look? Alhaji knows I'm out, we're together with you, what more?" She knew he would definitely say something, because he was flashing her a critical look, trying so hard to look for a fault in her.

"Your hair, the edges are showing." She groaned in annoyance, she knew it. This man would make sure he spoilt her evening completely but she wouldn't let that happen, hell she would do whatever he wanted her to do because deep down she knew her reason for coming to this park today with the girls and him as well.

She softly brought the veil forward and covered her hair fully before she rolled her eyes at him, "What more? The way I talk or the way my glass stood on my face? You're just pointlessly looking for my fault. Let's go, they're all waiting for us." She groaned softly before they hopped out of the car together and walked side by side to the main entrance, where the girls were waiting for them. And for once, Nana wished she had a phone because she had never seen a more amazing sight like the one that was before her, Fareeda and Mujaheed as they stood beside each other with frowns on their faces. Even though they would have looked better with smiles on their faces, she was certain they wouldn't have looked any better.

They collected their pass from Asma'u and walked into the park. Fareeda inhaled and softly exhaled while a beautiful smile found its way to her lips. She had missed coming out to people. Where there would be no music, no tight clothes, no bad guys crashing on girls, no smoke of shisha and other drugs, she missed this life. Where children ran across a field, their laughter echoing through the walls, mothers smiling at them. Father's happily watching their families, friends having fun with each other, lovers having pure fun that was exclusive of all those bad things. Yes, she knew they were bad, but she had to do it as well.

Staring ahead of her at Nana and Dahlia that had already perched their butts on the swings as they began to play, she softly chuckled, feeling as an unfathomable feeling shook her heart. She suddenly realized that she had never been to a park with her family, none of them. And even though they were just coming, Fareeda was sure it would be fun. She would set her soul free and the inner child in her might finally laugh today.

"Nana! Dahlia! What do you want? I'll go get some snacks and drinks for us!" She called out to them as she walked to the swings they were already laughing out loud on.

"I just want ice cream now, Ya Fareeda. I'll take something later when I'm exhausted," Dahlia said amidst fast strides with difficulty to breath muffled with laughter.

"What of you, Nana?" She asked as she stared at Nana.

"Do they have hot and fresh cow milk like in Sardauna? I've missed taking it."

Fareeda threw her head back and laughed, "You can't get that here, Nana. I'll get yoghurt for you."

She moved to where Asma'u was standing, a few feet away from Mujaheed and nudge her shoulder. She handed her some cash, "I know, you have your own money to buy things for your boyfriend but I'm doing this as your big sister. Ask him what he will like to take and go get it for you two, okay?"

Asma'u heaved a sigh, "I'm nervous, Ya Fareeda." She softly spoke and Fareeda chuckled softly.

"You've never been nervous to be disrespectful to me, but since it's about a man, you're nervous, right? Will you do it or else, I'll make sure I break your bones the next time you do something to me." She chuckled and gave her an encouraging squeeze on her shoulder, "Come on, you can do this, Asma'u, you're Kamal Sardauna's daughter after all." And she left to the store.

Asma'u heaved a sigh before she walked to where he was standing, staring as Nana heartily laughed with a smile on is face. "What will you like to take? A drink or snack, anything." Her voice shook as she spoke but she wasn't going to let him realize that she was nervous. Just like Fareeda said, she was Kamal Sardauna's daughter after all.

He looked at her with a calm smile, "Anything will do." And she walked off to the store to get what she could think of for them. She came back shortly after that and handed him a cup of smoothie, "Here, banana smoothie, it's my favorite, I don't know if you'll like it."

He flashed her a thankful smile and collected it from her hand, he had found a nearby bench and sat down, so she sat beside him. "Thank you, I think I've tried it once, and it's not at all bad."

"Nana! This is crazy!" They both heard Fareeda's voice as she laughed at the pitch of her voice and their eyes immediately turned to where they were. She had placed down her handbag and hopped onto the swing with them, riding as fast as she could as they all laughed at how thrilled she was.

After a few seconds, Asma'u stole a glance at him before she placed down her cup between them. She had to do this once and for all. "Have you received it?" She asked, and he had to tear his eyes away from a crazily laughing Fareeda that kept swinging as if that was her first time and looked at Asma'u.

"What? Oh, sorry, yes, I have." He realized acting dumb wasn't like him. He had always wanted to be straightforward with things even though he hated talking.

She softly palmed her face and sighed, "I know it's not right for me to repeat it again here, but I like you, Mujaheed. Yes, there are a lot of obstacles, Abba wants you to get married to Ya Fareeda, the financial difference between us even though that is insignificant to me. But what's more important is how you feel. I can understand if you say no, but I'd crazily hurt."

"Let's get to the rollercoaster, Dahlia, are you sure it's fun?" She held their hands while she heartily laughed as they walked to the rollercoaster.

"We've been here times without number with Ummah, Ya Fareeda, it's so much fun, believe me." They ran to the rollercoaster that was about to be filled and quickly bought their tickets and hopped on. Nana was as frightened as Fareeda was, but they were so excited to try it out.

He had never seen her like this before, even when she laughed while on phone or with someone in front of him, he believed it was all a facade. Because her laughter couldn't have sounded truer than this, her smile, her excitement, everything looked so real. It felt like seeing her childhood self right before his eyes. Reminding himself that Asma'u was waiting for an answer from him, which if you asked him was ridiculous, he turned to look at her briefly before he fixed back his gaze on the cup he was holding.

"I understand your urge to say this out, Asma'u, and I respect you for that. But you see, I don't think something like this could ever happen between us, I'm sorry because I'm usually blunt. Even if I'm not getting married to your sister, which both of us don't like, I don't think I could ever do this. I appreciate that you like me in this way, but I've always seen you as the daughter of my employer if more, a little sister to me. You're only 19 years old, you're beautiful, I assure you that you'll find someone that deserves this from you..." She was intent as he went on and on about how he respected her and whatever it was men say when they wanted to reject you. She wanted to cry, but she wasn't going to do that in front of him, rather she smiled and spoke.

"I understand, thank you for being honest with me." And she quickly stood up, "I'll go and play with them, care to join us?" It was awkward, she was embarrassed, but most importantly, she wanted to cry.

He chuckled and shook his head, "I'll watch from here. Have fun and be happy, Asma'u."And she turned to her heels, feeling the weight of her heart with each step she took. It was too painful, too embarrassing for her to carry. But whatever it took, she would have to wait until she was in the confines of her room to cry it all out.

They were about to ride the moving horses when she walked upon them and Fareeda quickly placed her hand on her shoulder, "How did it went?" She asked with her heart brewing with hope, she knew it would be the end of the world if Mujaheed accepted Asma'u but she still hoped he would.

"We can talk about this when we're back home, now let's play. We've never done this together, Ya Fareeda." She flashed her a genuine smile for the first time in their lives, and somehow, Fareeda thought even if their plan didn't work out, she had felt something she had never felt in her life, and the effort was worth it all.

She had never had the kind of fun she did today and all thanks to the sisters she had never spent time with. The moment she knew was time to take some rest was when her glass nearly fell and she knew her heart would have to seize if she broke this glass. She left them playing and walked to the bench Mujaheed was seated on and sat down, gulping down her water.

"How old are you?" He asked out of the blue and her eyes immediately turned to him with the signature eye roll he had gotten accustomed to.

"And why are you asking me this all of a sudden? To see if you can marry me according to my age? Please say you can't, I'm already old."

"And what age is that?"

"23, I pray you have a problem with girls above 20, please." She really prayed he did.

"I don't, sorry to burst your bubbles. But seeing you play today, I doubt if you've ever let the little girl in you grew up along with your body." And that struck her harder than Mujaheed had ever intended it to. And it made her realized, she might have been a 23 years old lady, but her soul would forever be that of an 11 years old girl.

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