12: Burst Of Anger

With anger cutting each and every vein that was alive in her body, Fareeda cleared her tears and looked at him with the most outraged expression she had ever seen on her face. "Then, don't blame me when I do something wrong. Don't you dare say it's my fault, because we both know that I'm not living with you as a husband. I can't be married to you!" She thundered and stomped her feet angrily before she turned to leave when he held her wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked through gritted teeth and Mujaheed forced her to turn to look at him. She was furious, and if she was given the chance to, nothing could stop Fareeda from killing Mujaheed right at this instant. She hated him, and now the cool and relaxed smile she was seeing on his face was making it so hard not to want to kill him twice if it was possible.

"Where are you going?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes perfectly at him before she shrugged his hands off her wrist.

"One, don't you ever lay your hands on me ever again. Two, you don't have the right to ask me where I'm going or what I'm up to. I get it that just because of what happened in the mosque today in the morning you might feel you're entitled to me or my life, you don't have that right over me. Third, whether you accept it or not, you're going to divorce me, and that's a fact!" She thundered and turned the doorknob to get out when he pulled her back into the room with full force.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She thundered, her eyes clouded with rage that she barely saw the expression he had on his face.

"You can't walk out looking this way, okay? I'll call Nana and have her bring your hijab, stay there." He pointed at her body and when Fareeda turned down her bloodshot and heavy eyeballs, she realized what he was talking about and scoffed. So what? So what if her nightgown was cotton made and also it didn't reach her ankle? So what if half her hair was showing? Who the hell did he think he was in her life to already be dictating what she should do and not?

"You're really shy less, Mujaheed. So you already think you have that kind of right over me? And so what if I go out like this, what the hell concerned you about my body?" He cut her off even before she closed her lips with an anger filled tone.

"Because you're my wife, Fareeda! You can't go out when I'm quite sure there's a high chance of someone walking on you, don't you at least have some senses to think about this? Just take a good look..." He let his words trailed off as he pulled her turban to close the rest of her hair and she lost her balance and fell on his chest.

Mujaheed let go of the edges of her turban and pulled her to him for a hug. Despite the way she kept pushing him and trying to get out of his hold but he held onto her. He was angry, furious at her for what she said and what she did to him, but he didn't want to lose his anger on her. "Let go of me!" She screamed at the pitch of her voice and shrugged him off her body. "What did I just tell you now? Do I look like a nuisance to you?!" She clamored while angrily rolling her eyes at him.

"A nuisance, that's what I've always looked at you as. It's either you calm down and wait until I call Nana for a hijab or you aren't going anywhere out of this living room, Fareeda." He said with a tone of finality and brought his phone out.

Seeing that he got his attention on his phone, Fareeda was about to turn the doorknob when he held her wrist and brought her back into the room as he spoke through the phone, "Nana, will you please help me bring a hijab for Fareeda? She's in my chamber."

"Thank god, I thought she went somewhere, Ya Mujaheed. Will you please do me a favor? I don't know what to do and you know they won't listen to me. Ummah and Asma'u together with the maids are currently getting her things packed, that she should relocate her things to your chamber. If she comes back now, the way she left angrily, nothing could stop her from harming one of them, you know her." Nana was crying as she spoke, she didn't know what she was going to do. It was actually soothing when she heard that Fareeda was together with him, because all that came to her mind was that she had ran off from the house.

He was about to reply her when Fareeda bit his hand so hard that he had to turn is attention to her and when he did, for the first time Fareeda experienced his anger. "Will you just get a hold of yourself, Fareeda? What do you think you're doing? Have you gone insane?!" He thundered and her whole body shook but she wasn't just going to relent as well. She had to do something she was sure would anger him to the point that he would know for certain that divorcing her will be the best decision of his life.

"Nana, make sure you either call or come and tell me when things have gone back to normal, I need to take care of her crazy self right now." He spoke briskly with an angry tone and ended the call before he forcefully pulled Fareeda out of the way and pushed her into his room.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked just when he flung her on the bed and her frightened eyes looked up at him while her whole body silently trembled with fear. "I dare you to do something, have you gone out of your mind, Mujaheed?!" She clamored angrily and stood up but he pushed her shoulder and she fell back on the bed.

"Listen, I'll have to make myself clear to you. One, it's either you get back into your senses or I'll make sure you regret ever throwing a tantrum in your life. What the hell is wrong with you? So you listen to no one in your life but that foolish man you call a boyfriend? Have you gone nuts?" He yelled and watched as she flinched.

"Don't you dare refer to him as a foolish man! He's everything you could never be, Mujaheed! And yes, I don't listen to anyone but him, have you got a problem with that? Will you get out of my way before I lost everything on you?!" She yelled back at him and sat down staring angrily at him on the bed.

Mujaheed huffed out exasperatedly while he palmed his face. It was evident this girl didn't know what he could be like when he was angry, he could kill her without realizing he did until hours after he had calmed down. He didn't want her to see this side of him, no one even deserved to see that side of him because only him knew how terrible that could be.

He went to the chair in the room and sat down with his head in his palms and breathed out softly before he calmed himself down. His anger was the reason he made sure he stayed calm at every moment, it was the reason he would always force himself to be amused when she was being furious than let himself get angry at her as well. He looked at the way she was fuming even though she was shaking with fear.

"I'll be warning you for the last time, Fareeda, don't you dare set your feet out of here. Because I'm afraid of the day you'd make me angry to the point that I'll regret what I'll do to you after doing it to you. Calmly sit down there and wait until I ask you to leave, I won't do anything to you." He said in a raspy breath, still trying to control himself from the burst of his anger.

She softly shivered and looked away from his side, "My phone, I need to take my phone. I have to call Adam and let him know of what's happening." While she spoke, Mujaheed was jus staring at her as she stubbornly wrapped her hands around he chest, making sure not even a hair from her eyes was having a glimpse of him.

"You're married to me, Fareeda, you can't speak about another man in front of me. I'm very protective of what's mine, Fareeda, I don't want to hurt anyone because of you, yourself included. Because if you make me angry to the point that I can't control myself, I'd easily hurt you without me knowing. Get a grip of yourself." He immediately stood up and went to the door before he momentarily turned to look at her, "Don't even step a feet out of this chamber, Fareeda."

Fareeda stared at his retreating back and when she heard the main door closed behind him, she heaved out a breath she didn't know she was holding. What was that she had just witnessed? He looked like a total different person when he was angry. Times without number, she had seen the way he collected his anger and kept calm even though she was certain all he wanted to do was yell at her until she broke down in tears, but what just happened now and what he kept saying to her frightened her.

That was the least of her concern, what she had to fight off now was the fact that she got married to him. He was the one that betrayed her, she had every right to be angry at him and throw whatever tantrum she wanted. She felt her tears coming back to her cheeks in a rush. What was this kind of life? How could whatever she wanted slip away from her hold? Why would Alhaji do this to her? He was so aware of the fact that she hated Mujaheed, she had the one she loved. And the fact that he hated Adam didn't give him the full right to get her married to the gateman. Everyday, this terrible man kept giving her more than enough reasons to hate him more.

She wiped at her tears but more kept gushing down on her cheeks. She didn't know what she was going to do, it was fire in everywhere she was going to lean on. Asma'u despised her from the start, but this time around, Fareeda could see her hatred amalgamated with anger and thirst for revenge in her eyes. Ummah would only be worse, she would make sure she died as the gateman's wife and Alhaji? If there was a chance to get her married to him for the second time to strengthen the matrimony, he would do everything for that.

What bothered her was Adam, she was sure he might not easily understood her. Because she told him that she had solved the problem about getting married to Mujaheed long ago, by Allah she thought she did. But Mujaheed betrayed her trust and now all she was afraid of was for Adam to think that she betrayed him. And for Mujaheed not to divorce her. But whatever was going to happen, even if it meant taking her father to the court, Fareeda would do that, she would have to do whatever she could to get out of this bondage. She held her chest as she cried, and now what hurt her more was, no matter how much she wanted to rebel to his words and go out like he said she shouldn't, she couldn't go against his words. She didn't know why, but there was always a part of her willing to obey whatever command Mujaheed laid on her.

Mujaheed stared at Nana's crying face and smiled calmly at her, "Why are you crying, Nana?" He asked, looking at the way her shoulder shook as she held the tray firmly in her hands. He collected the tray and kept it beside them before he smiled at her once agin.

"Ya Fareeda, is she alright? When you called me I heard you shouting at her and I haven't seen her after that." Mujaheed smiled before he fondled her head.

"You're so lovely, Nana. She's fine, I told her not to come out because you said she might get into a fight with them, right? Where's the hijab?" He asked, seeing that she hadn't brought what he wanted her to.

"They couldn't let me get into the room, Ya Mujaheed, I don't know what to do. What I realize is, Ummah had finally agreed for Asma'u to get married to you, what they planned was Alhaji will give you a very good job and you'll be well off, that was yesterday night. And they both woke up to the news of your marriage tonight. But Ummah seems bipolar, she seems to be happy that Ya Fareeda got married to you, but when it's in the presence Asma'u, she acts all around about it. I'm confused about everything."

"You shouldn't get yourself worked up, Nana, okay? If you stress yourself, you'll grow grey hair, do you want that?" He asked, and she quickly shook her head.

"I want my hair like that of Ya Fareeda's, she promised to give me the products she's using." She grinned widely at him and looked at the tray beside them while clearing her tears, "I brought something for her to eat, it's past zuhr time and she hasn't even taken her breakfast, she needs to eat something."

Mujaheed smiled and pinched Nana's cheeks, "One would think she's your younger sister, Nana. Don't you want to go in and see her?"

She quickly shook her head, "I know she's still furious at everyone right now, I'll see her at night or maybe tomorrow. But don't let her come back into the house please, I'll let you know when they've left her side." He nodded his head and she turned back, "I need to go before they see me here." He watched as she walked back into the house before he took the tray with him and walked into his chamber.

He left the tray in the living room and walked into the room but what he saw made him nearly smiled. Nearly. She was curled into a fetus position on the bed as she slept soundly as though the baby her inner soul still was. He stared at her for a few minutes before he walked further into the room and sat opposite her, "Fareeda," he called her, but it loomed that she was far away from the land of the living.

He softly tapped her shoulder and she groaned softly before she kept mute again. "Fareeda, you need to wake up and pray, you haven't eaten anything also. Wake up."

"Please, I haven't slept all night. And also, my heart hurts, can you let me sleep more?" She mumbled sleepily and it was evident she didn't even know who she was together with.

"Just wake up, pray and eat then after that, you can sleep all you want, okay?" He said softly as he tapped her shoulder again and she groaned once again before she began to open her eyes and when she had her eyes fully opened, she nearly screamed.

"What am I doing here?" She asked while sitting upright before she remembered all that happened and immediately, tears came down to her cheeks, he palmed his forehead.

"Please, Fareeda, I just woke you up so you can pray and eat something, after that you can go back and sleep all you want. That's where your heart doesn't hurt, right?" She glared at him when her palms got in contact with her glass, she recalled she had slept with it.

"How's my glass? I've broken it, right?" She was afraid that if she did break this glass, then only one left and there was a higher tendency that she might break it in the next few days or months and then Dr Aisha will make sure she got an earful and she might even punish her before she got her new ones.

He watched as she brought it off from her face and hissed softly while she cleared her tears and took it back. "What am I thinking? It's not like I can see without it. Do you have a mirror?" She asked and he slowly shook his head at her.

"I don't have a mirror, but I can see. You haven't broken it, but you should be careful next time because you might not be this lucky again. I wonder how you can be able to sleep with something as uncomfortable as that."

She rolled her eyes at him and stood up, "I need to go back home, I've stayed too long here."

"You can't go back home now, Fareeda. The bathroom is there, get inside and perform your ablution, you haven't prayed. Nana brought your lunch, you'll eat after you pray."

She placed her eyes at akimbo and glared at him, "You can't be ordering me around, Mujaheed, I've told you that times without number."

Fareeda would forever be the most stubborn lady he'd ever have an encounter with, "I'm not ordering you around, and even if I am, it's only right because I'm your husband now. Just like you think I'm seriously getting on your nerves, you're getting on my nerves too, I'm just being more matured than you are. I'll call Nana to bring a hijab for you so you can pray, come out to the living room after you're done." Still, the air of command, of sophistication and if Fareeda wasn't mistaken, of power. He looked like someone he shouldn't be and sounded as though it was a sin for him to live the life he was currently living. Arguing with him would be pointless, and her bladder was so filled to let her do that in peace. And when she got into the bathroom, she wondered how a man could be so neat to have everything in its right place as though he were a woman.

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