

"Ha, you are definitely pregnant with twins and bet me!" Maysoon grinned extra widely staring at Suhayr who could only narrow her eyes in annoyance at her little cousin sister.

"Why do you want me to be pregnant with twins and where the heck did you get that philosophy from?" Suhayr glared at her simply irritated because of so many reasons standing right in front of her that she didn't want to believe.

Who would've thought she was going to fall pregnant when her son just clocked two years old?

Thank goodness Sa'eed was joking when he gave her the tickets to Mauritius a year ago and simply whispered they are going to make babies. Had that happened, she was sure she would've killed Sa'eed with her bare hands then bury him underneath a hill where no one can find him. How could he think she was going to fall pregnant just a year after giving birth to their first baby. She wonders how those women cope with giving birth with just little to one year interval, that is never her intention.

Ha, maybe because he doesn't understand the pain she went through even though they were together in the labour room. He will just have to stay with her this time around too for she will squeeze the strength out of him like his son did her years ago. She didn't get to see Sa'dan immediately because she fell asleep right after bringing him to the world. She never experienced such pain her whole life and she saluted to all mothers out there. Not even when she was beaten to death sometime ago in Chad, it can't be compared at all. She felt like she was getting splitted into half from everywhere, it hurts all over.

She just found out that she was pregnant minutes ago and that is when her beloved one day younger cousin decided to show up in her room while she was holding the pregnancy stick in her hand as she snapped it to keep as memory and also sent to her husband the positive two lines showing. He hasn't replied and it seems like he didn't see the message at all which annoyed her instantly. There is no doubt this pregnancy will come with nothing but mood swings, she's started feeling it as soon as she saw the positive sign. People around her need to brace themselves, moody Suhayr is not someone you want to be with.

But then, she remembered that he was actually in an important meeting with some foreigners yet again. This time around, they are the ones requesting that they invest in his new project that has been going for eight months. They were impressed with his hotel back in Lagos which they launched last year and so they wanted him to try out something new like an apartment complex. She is proud of her husband, extremely proud of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm a doctor and specialised in gynecology? Your husband already request that I should be your personal gynecologist whenever you fall pregnant and that is what I'm doing. If you would like, we can go to the hospital right now to confirm it." Maysoon featured her annoying set of white teeth in front of Suhayr again. She is closed to drawing the girl by her hair, angry that they look alike.

Maysoon is none other than her foster mother's real daughter, her Aunt Varisha. The one whom she abandoned and couldn't get her back because she got adopted before she could reach out for her.

She found Maysoon in Egypt when she went to visit and that is when she found her working in her brother's hospital, Farouk as an intern. He has never seen Maysoon in the hospital so when Suhayr saw her first at the hospital when she went to visit him, they were all flabbergasted. There was no doubt who she was upon dropping their gazes on her. And gladly, the people that adopted her didn't change her real name, the name Varisha gave to her child or they would've gone through a lot before locating her.

Suhayr has been looking for her ever since she gave birth to her son and because she didn't live in Nigeria, Egypt or Chad, it was difficult to find any record about a Maysoon. She lived her whole life in Morocco. Her name didn't change but her last name changed to El-Kabir, her foster father's. She had to change it back to her real father's because it is haram to change your father's or family name no matter what, she does not want Allah's wrath. Maysoon enthusiastically told them about who she was and what she has been doing for the past twenty years.

Suhayr told her all about her life and her mother, how much she's searched for her and loved her. Maysoon did the same by telling her how some Moroccans adopted her three days after she was taken to the orphanage. They also didn't hide the fact that they adopted her, they wanted her to know. They also don't look anywhere close or alike, it was uncanny they are not related. She searched for her parents for a little while then stopped when she came up with nothing about her family and real identity. It was as if she was all alone when she was born, not a trace was left even in Chad.

Her foster parents died in a car a accident few years back leaving her to tend to herself alone and she was already schooling in one of the best colleges in Morocco as a scholarship student. They weren't too rich, just average and enough for them as a family of three. They left her enough wealth to build her life and continue schooling without begging and making ends meet doing so many jobs like a headless chicken. They didn't have any family or children too, it was easy to live like that without burden. But she sometimes wished they gave birth so she can at least call someone her own then, unfortunately, her foster mother had miscarriages and then stopped trying after awhile.

When she was done schooling, she got admitted as an intern in Omar Farouk's hospital which was topping the number one best hospitals in Africa, she was honored so she quickly jumped on the chance. It was a life changing decision she was glad she took it then. She got to meet her cousins, her uncle and so many more. She's found out how her mother was, the memories her cousin shared with her and how her story is really one to write a story about. She has finally met her blood family!

And no surprising at all, they look ridiculously alike. She looks like Varisha, so does Suhayr and her siblings making them all look like blood related siblings. She left Egypt to come live with Suhayr as soon as she finished her internship because her words 'the men are boring and she wants to spend time with her favorite cousin' now that Aqeeb got married to Nafisa and spends most of his time with her. Everything had fallen into place like it was never there to begin with. The troubles they faced at the beginning, the hatred and egos are all left behind for the dumb one to piece together.

Najaah is reported dead five months ago when she couldn't cure her HIV in the village but gladly, Safwan didn't get infected by the deadly disease. The death touched the nooks of Suhayr's heart because the woman repeatedly asked for forgiveness from all of them when she visited once. Suhayr or any other person couldn't recognize the woman till she spoke out her name. She has changed in the most horrible way. Her skin tone turned a shade darker, she looks thinner and even her nails are dark and look unkept. Karma didn't take it easy on her but Allah did as she changed, became more religious.

She didn't forgive her till after hearing about her death, same goes to Sa'eed and Shaheed.

While her mother in-law on the other hand is still suffering in hands of her inmates because of her rude offensive nature. Suhayr looked for her trouble once and went to see how the woman is coping and if she will ever change and mend her ways. She didn't change neither had she mend her ways in troubles she has gone through by those sturdy inmates of hers. She could vividly remember what happened four months ago when she went to the prison like the troublesome she has always been.

"Mother in-law. Oh no, you demand that I should call you by your title. Your highness, how are you?" Suhayr mocked at the sight of her mother in-law who was accompanied by a female officer to the visiting room exhibiting a table and two chairs facing one another.

"What are you doing here, you vermin?" Hajiya Zainab's eyes were murderous because she knew it was all her doing that she ended up in jail. Had it not been for Suhayr, she would've enjoyed being a queen right then in the palace for her next plan was to assassinate the Shehu and his wife so her husband can take the throne without further ado.

"Now, now, mother in-law. Don't be like that after such a long time. Why are you being like this? You've been in jail for more than a year but still have that attitude fit for a queen?" She giggled mockingly and the woman was about the strangle her if not for the officer that stopped her.

Hajiya Zainab didn't say a thing but the roundness of her eyes told Suhayr that she'd be a dead meat anytime soon if she doesn't change her attitude and keep quite. Suhayr didn't find the joy she was looking for after jeering the woman so she stood up and made her way out of the room not before throwing more hateful words to make the woman guilty. She can't believe the woman gave birth to her husband if not that they look alike. Her son is also taking over their looks!

"You being a doctor doesn't mean you will know what I have inside of me whether girl or boy or twins. And the man that asked you to be my gynecologist should better check his phone right now or I slaughter him." Suhayr scowled at her cousin again then heard her son's laughter bouncing across the walls of their chamber which means he was back from Kashim's place.

"This is something you should know too. Your mother is a twin, your husband is a twin and your stepsisters are twins too! What else do you want to prove that you are carrying twins right now?" Maysoon gave her the 'you know I am right' look which Suhayr hated. The girl has always been right and there is no doubt about that.

"Whatever! Pay heed to my last sentence first." She grumbled before wobbling out of the room to get something to eat. She is already craving something like corn dog, maybe the maids can help with that like they did during her last pregnancy. That doesn't mean Sa'eed hasn't suffered, he did.

"What do you wish to have now, your Highness?" The chief of maids asked upon sighting Suhayr inside the kitchen. She never goes there except when her stomach is requesting something like that exact time.

"Some corn dog please." She answered then left the kitchen to tend to her son, he rushed into her arms as if knowing where she was which instantly brought a colossal smile to her lips.

He's been with his friend Kashim, Aunt Urshia's son in their chamber the whole afternoon.

"Momma, I play a lot with Kash." He excitedly told her whilst she bent down to scoop him in her arms touching his curls. He's becoming more and more like Sa'eed with each passing day and sometimes, he actually looks like the person with the name, Sa'dan, Sa'ad.

"Really? Where is Kashim now?" She strolled them both to their white living room which is still a wonder how it stays clean with their always up to something adventurous son. He took after her like Sa'eed likes to say.

"With Auntie." He pouted, sulking. He definitely wants to go back to their chamber and play but Maghrib is fast approaching so there is no way he can go back there.

"Aw, we can go there tomorrow, hmm? Daddy will be back any moment, what are you going to tell him today?" And she listened attentively with his bad English and in completed words nagging her about his day. He also tend to mix it up with Arabic once in awhile, it makes her chest bloom. It is too early for him to start talking like that, she got worried at first but was assured some kids are like that.

Tasneem, Thuraiyah and Urshia sometimes even his grandfather talk to him in Arabic so he is picking them small.

"Daddy!" He suddenly squealed and wiggled out of her embrace then ran to the door where his father walked in through featuring a gigantic smile. Fatigue marred his face but upon gracing himself in his chamber seeing his wife and son, he felt that vanished into thin air.

"Are you really pregnant?" He ran to where she is after sending off Sa'dan to wherever it is, maybe to go and disturb Maysoon like he always does when he wants to talk to her.

She can't help smiling at the sight of her husband, his eyes were twinkling and his smile is getting wider. He's removed his suit and is only wearing white button up shirt and his neck tie is nowhere to be seen. His tall figure loomed over her, his hair bushy because he didn't barb it in such a long time like she demand he doesn't. In her words, 'it's better dragging his hair in steamy moment than taking his head with her' and he stopped barbing all the time. It was funny when she confessed why she wants him to keep his hair, he couldn't stop laughing at his Lion.

"Duh, do I look like I'm kidding? You impregnated me and at the rate you always love spending your time on bed, you shouldn't be astounded." She crossed her arms over her chest, staring at him from the couch waiting for him to reach out for her which he did seconds later.

"I've been meaning to hear this news since a year ago! Ah, we are going to celebrate!" He scooped her in his arms like she weighed nothing, rained kisses all over her face eliciting loud giggle from Suhayr. Her arms are wrapped tightly around his neck, one of his arm is just below her butt and the other is around her back.

"Had you impregnated me a year ago, I would've left you for good. Do you know the pain of childbirth at all?" She is smiling, trailing her hand down his neck as he sat them back down on the couch with her still in his arms. He has always been able to pick her up like that, even while she was nine months pregnant.

"I know but I want to have so many kids with you. Don't you want more of Sa'dan around us? Isn't it a joyful feeling?! Besides, you are hot pregnant." He stared at her again with those loving eyes that always mushy her stomach and chest. It flutters for no reason with simple glance like that from him.

"I also love that but the pain, it's excruciating. And to think that little cousin of mine thinks I'm giving birth to twins simply because you had a twin, my mother and stepsisters." She shook her head, pushing her head into his neck smelling that tantalizing smell of sandalwood, Clive Christian perfume and pure manly scent. That scent immediately turned her on, it has to be the hormones, she groaned.

"Whoa, she is right!" His grin is so wide, he cupped her head from behind fisting a thatch of her hair in process, he swerved her so she is looking directly into his eyes.

She has the most beautiful onyx mane he's ever seen, long, silky, soft and just the perfect amount he could draw when he wants to kiss her. He use his fingers to remove the band that held the hairs together, letting it flow down on his thigh. His eyes then move to her eyes, those mesmerizing, like polished stones burning with embers. They are hypnotic, glittering all the time, sucking him in like a whirlpool. He wants to get lost in her eyes, deep inside their depths. Her eyes always speak volumes, enough to make his pants constrict and there is something inside at that moment that is burning, pumping his blood south.

While Suhayr on the other hand is also enthralled by what is happening again with her husband though it's an everyday occurrence. That is when they are not willing to be on each other's throat with troubles. She didn't notice when he inclined his head closer and enveloped her lips with his in a scorching saturating kiss rendering her knees weak. As for her heart, she is already used to the feeling of it soaring to the sky to dive around the stars whenever he is that close to her.

Her eyes closed on their own accord, watching the most gorgeous man she's ever seen her whole life. His kisses were mind blowing, his touches are explosive, his voice makes her knees weak, his scent, his pure manly scent turns her on instantly and his eyes, they bewitch you along with his possession that is just out of the world. It is earth shattering.

She was preparing herself for a kiss filled with the lust and desire she is seeing in his eyes, the punishing kiss that makes her aroused, expecting his possession to be brutal. But instead, his tongue is teasing, tempting, passionate, arousing and drawing out response from her. Her hands flew to his face, she started experimenting and caressing. Her fingers are touching his trimmed beard before they transported to his full hair, the kiss deepened. They pressed against each other some more, she is basically lying down on him on the couch. It was insatiable, urgent, until sanity prevailed.

"You see why I told you not to surprise them, huh? They always tend to make everything awkward and weird for people like me." They bolted away from one another listening to the voice from behind them, the door to their chamber and it belongs to none other than Rasha, her stepsister.

"Erhm, you kids are too young to watch this, turn around!" She heard Aqeeb reprimand then followed by giggles as they shuffle.

Suhayr blushed while adjusting her maxi dress which has ridden to her waist during their time together whilst Sa'eed help pack her hair again in the band acting like a doting husband. He doesn't care about them being caught, that's their home.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." She crossed her arms over her chest as she stood up only to be caught by surprise and she stumble behind in Sa'eed's arms.

Everyone is there and when she says everyone, she means everyone!

Her father is there, her brothers, stepsisters, Sa'eed's brothers and sisters, Sulaiman, Tasneem and Thuraiyah. What on earth are they doing there? She yelled in her head only to be answered by her husband from behind who bent down to nibble her earlobe, getting her to frisson. She match on his barefoot for trying to keep away her attention from what is going on at hand.

"Ugh, happy birthday, my lion." Her eyes widened at that, she totally forgot about her birthday!

"Happy birthday!" Everyone wished her right after her husband as if it was well planned which it was by her cousin who is a day younger than her.

"Thank you, everyone." She smiled gratefully at them after cutting the vanilla cake brought to her in a trolley by the head of the event, Dr. Maysoon.

This is what she calls family, the ones always there to stand by her and remind her just how special she is.


Some weeks later, she gave birth to two fraternal twins named Saaqib and Suhayla. All she could say is Alhamdulillah for everything, she is very fortunate to have such vast family when she thought she was all alone after her foster mother's death.


"Do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem, remember that every problem has a solution, never ever break someone's heart, you may not know when it will happen to you."

"To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors. We all know, how our parents cared for us for every little things. Love them, respect them, and care for them."

"True Love is Hard to Get. Love is all about giving to other person without greed of gaining anything in return, if other person rejects it, its him/her who will be losing the most important thing in life. So never feel dejected."

"We should be happy with whatever we have and not be greedy."

"Failure is a part of learning. We should never give up the struggle in life. You Fail not because you are destined to fail, but because there are lessons which you need to learn as you move on with your life."


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