85~ I Abhor Him So Much.


"What happened, dear?" Her father cooed, wrapping her in his arms like any loving father would. His heart is filled with joy when she rushed to him and gave him a tight hug, he has been wanting her to do that for a long time and she did albeit crying. It tore his him into half knowing he is powerful enough to crush anyone without as much as wasting his energy but his daughter is here crying.

Whoever it is that did this, will suffer greatly.

"I hate him, father! I abhor him so much, I don't want to see him ever again in my life. He, he sent me packing because of a stupid truth behind our marriage! He is not worth it." She cried to her father's chest for so many things that went wrong in her life for the past few weeks.

She didn't even get to cry for her biological mother's death with real tears, she didn't do that then but now, she can't hold the tears. She agreed that tears and crying makes us feel more human and sated when they are let out. So much has been trapped inside her already, she can't keep them in herself anymore, she is done. People keep using her even though she doesn't let her fragile side take over her senses which means they would've used her in the worst way had she been feeble and loving. With her martial art skills and everything, people are taking advantage of her weakened self but she never thought her husband would do that.

He would crush her feeble frail heart like that. The heart she sheathed away from the world only to have it shattered as soon as it got out.

He threw her away the chance he got without waiting to listen to her explanation. Just after she thought life is getting greater and better, he hits her more than anyone has ever. That's why she hates love, it makes you weak and easy target to get strikes at and that is exactly what happened to her. She has no one to turn to but her father, Hakim betrayed her too so there is no one better than her blood. They are the only ones she could think of, not even the best friend she thought betrayed her Tasneem. It is so heart wrenching thinking about stuff like that, it makes her heart bleed profusely.

She could vividly remember what has happened in the morning after she woke up. She thought she was going to see a bed filled with roses not that she is the romantic type but she expected to see something amazing after their confession and the beautiful passionate night that followed. She couldn't believe she's confessed her love for him so easily, she thought it was going to be hard but she was proven wrong. It was so heart lightening saying that to him after keeping it for so long, she felt at ease with everything around her. But then, everything got ruined the next morning like it was just a beautiful dream.

"Why do you look so tensed?" She asked Sa'eed who is brooding inside their bedroom in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers tempting her some more. She awoke with a robe wrapped around her and she knew he did that but seeing him pacing their room didn't sit well with her, she knew something was wrong. He doesn't have that loving smile or his casanova-ish lopsided grin.

"Why did you marry me, Suhayr?" The way he spatted her name, it was something she couldn't stomach. Something terrible is about to take place, very catastrophe.

"Because of a dare obviously, why are you asking me that question now?" Her brows furrowed in confusion, he never questioned her. What is it that happened? Is something wrong with him or is he doubting her or worse, he's found out about the truth behind their marriage? She only told her dead biological mother and... Hakim, please don't let it be.

It should not be what she is thinking.

"You are lying to me yet again. You married me for my money, isn't it? Why didn't you tell me about it? You think I won't ever find out if you lie to me and close it up? And I thought we were going to build a trusting relationship without lies webbing through. I'm so disappointed." Even though he appears to be calm, his words were like a poisonous snake's venom spreading rapidly throughout her body. There was no time to react and give it meaning, she jumped right back.

"There wasn't any lie behind it. I married you mainly because of the dare and later on I thought about using you for your money. It's obvious we hated each other at first and you don't expect me to be truthful to you right from the beginning, do you? Why are you disappointed? This is who I am, I don't do love but I gave you a chance because you changed th-" he cut her off with a glare and she narrowed her eyes. The guy is seriously testing her patience now, he is not listening to the sensible part of his head.

"I changed what? I don't think I did anything to someone who is selfish and only thinks about herself. You left me as soon as you realised your feelings for me, not caring whether I got hurt or not. You ran away from me after finding out your family is extremely rich, isn't it? Then you came back running when you heard that I married your best friend because your stupid ego couldn't take it. Don't play with my intelligence, I didn't drop out of highschool." His words were hurting, they were harsh and cruel to her ears, he is insulting her openly with a murderous glare.

"Fuck you! Don't insult me because you can't take the truth of being used by a highschool dropout. You are making a mountain out of a molehill and I can't deal with your tantrums. You are the one acting like the kid here. When you are done being so fussy, come back and talk to me like an adult." She huffed and crossed her arms underneath her bosom while flushing.

She don't want them to fight like that, she wants them to talk like normal adults do not teenagers that fight. The man is trying to rile her up from the looks of it. She knew this was coming, she was almost ready for the fight but he took her off guard by making it sound like something gigantic. They weren't in love when that happened neither do they understand each other, they were like strangers living in the same house which makes them housemates. So why exactly is he trying to cause trouble now after they get the happy ending they've always wished for?

"I don't fucking want to see you here when I come back. Pack up the only things you brought here and leave my home before I get back. You won't like what happens if I find you here later." And he banged the door to the bedroom leaving her shocked and flummoxed about the matter. Who on earth just spoke to her now? Was that the Sa'eed that made love to her yesterday?

This couldn't be, this is a monster standing in her husband's clothing and body but not him. He asked her to leave while packing the only things she brought with her. What does that mean? That everything that was given to her by his family should be left in there and she takes her sleaze things to wherever she goes? He is taunting her for being poor, huh? Has he forgotten that she is now richer than his family and him whole combined? Doesn't he know that she is a princess in Egypt? One of the most powerful countries in Africa? Has he forgotten about her background so suddenly in his fit of wrath? Has he forgotten who he is talking to? She is Suhayr Imraan Khalid!

She made a decision, she is going to leave him and never return for the stress is not good for her health. She's taken every blow coming from everyone around her and now, she only wants peace of mind and focus on building her life for better. The troubles she's caused her whole life is enough for her to keep living with the memories of, anymore from that can shook her brain like leaf. She never thought her life would reach the point where she was going to say goodbye to her troublesome self but everything has it's time. This is her own time to back off and enjoy all the goods life has of offer. From now on, she is going to focus on herself alone.

She is going to Egypt to catch cruise along with her family members.

"He asked you to leave because of that petty misunderstanding? I'm going to make him pay for this! He can't do that to my daughter and leave unscathed, not happening." Her father fitted after listening to what has happened. She has stopped crying for her energy is getting drained both physically and emotionally.

She hasn't cried like that in such a long time, it made her tired and utterly drained.

"No, father. Let him be, I don't care about him anymore and I will move on. Even though I know I'm not that beautiful now, I know it is his lost." She shrugged while holding her forehead as the sudden dizziness overtook her.

She wasn't well rested when the bastard horny man decided to take her and she didn't get much rest because he was pacing the room. Even with her heavy sleeping self, she could feel that something was amiss in their room and she woke up tired with sour muscles. He didn't let her like that but start talking, insulting and yelling at her for something stupid and insignificant. If she has it her way, she would've slapped him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. She really would've done that had be stood any closer to her.

"But this is wrong, I really want to punish him for this-" Her father's words were cut short when she fell down on the royal sofa in the royal living room. The stress is finally getting to her so she lost consciousness and slipped to the other world where nothing matters.

"How long?" She squint her eyes to shroud it away from the brightness that is surely behind her lids.

"Four weeks already which I don't understand. Four weeks was when she ran away which means she was pregnant even through all that has happened to her in Chad. This is ridiculous." Aqeeb shook his head, his fingers dragging inside his thick mane in anger and agitation. His crown is long gone on the bed beside his unconscious sister as he was anxiously waiting to find out what caused her sudden lost of consciousness.

"Pregnant? Who is pregnant?" She asked, her voice cutting through the air and keeping them quite and tensed all of a sudden. They totally forgot that they are standing right on top of her head.

"You are pregnant, dear, four weeks along." Her father broke the news that shattered her whole facade of trying to be happy. She don't want to worry them with their forlorn mood but this news really took her to the fathomless depth.

"Me? How is that possible?" She sat up but lulled back when a splitting headache tore from the back of her head. It gave her chills hearing the news and her head is still aching with excruciating pain.

"My point exactly!" Aqeeb's agitated voice boom from behind her and she turn her head to look at him not wearing any formal clothes or royal attire she's seen him with. He is wearing clean denim jeans and white polo shirt with onyx alpagartas.

"I got the beating of my life seven days ago and I didn't have any miscarriage? The doctors didn't say anything about me being pregnant too." Her head is throbbing harshly but she needs to speak and get her message across. She can't believe this is happening, this can't be happening!

"The child is lucky to have a mother like you, you are a fighter and you protected it from the world's harm." Her father smiled at her, his hand caressing her hair like mothers would do and it made her chest bloom with sheer merriment. If her mothers and husband is not here, she at least have her father and brothers.

"But father, I don't know if I should have the baby when it's father just throw me out of his life. This is scary!" She touched her stomach with her right hand, her head spiking up with another headache too. The thought alone is enough to crush all happiness from her life.

"It doesn't matter what or how the father is, we are going to raise this baby together. Don't think about it's father and don't fret, we are all here for you. Just so you know, I'm going to give him a nickname before anyone gives him a real name." Everyone's room around the room slackened hearing Farouk talk so fluently without stuttering or looking timid. Whoa, they are really moving with getting him out of his shell.

"Aw, aren't you going to be the best uncle out there." She cooed at him seeing the blush coating his ear but he didn't shake his body or try shying away from them. This is the family she is talking about, they will stand by her through thick or thin, she couldn't be more grateful.

"Have you forgiven me?" Her father inquired when all her brothers left the room to start the day while her father is by her side.

When she arrived at the palace after buying the ticket to Egypt, she went straight to her father who she was told is on bed after suffering heart attack when she ran away after his wife's departure. She didn't want to believe them at all but when she saw his fragile figure on the bed, she is sure he has been there for awhile. He didn't look like the role model she's seen in the photos meandering around google. Her heart did another clench, she is getting too heartbroken for her peace.

First, her husband threw her out of his home and second, her father is lying lifeless on the bed because of her. She needs to set some things right if the others won't be. She has given up on Sa'eed, she could feel it in her bones that they were never meant to be. She accepted that fate and will live with that knowledge.

"I do, father." The relief and joy she sighted in his eyes took away some of the burden from her chest. He is happy, she makes him happy, she will be happy too.


Amidst the darkness enveloping the great castle of Borno state are three figures discussing important issues lying between life and death. It is getting heated as the man is going crazy with the women's lack of point and the way they are not letting him have a loop to throw at them. They have been talking for a long time but it seems like nothing is making sense to them all. They are not making any sense, neither were their words any practical. They've been going on and on about the same matter already but they keep going back two steps behind. It is frustrating.

"This is what you planned, huh?" Sa'eed stood up from the table banging it in process while his eyes send daggers to his mother and ex wife.

"Yes. I want her far away from here so you can go back with Najaah as soon as her marriage is off meanwhile, you also need to make sure your father's new wife is sent packing too. Do whatever it is you have or she will be dead for real this time." His mother's eyes are cunning and pure evil giving him a negative feeling that she will do exactly what she says. There was no joke in her eyes, it sent unpleasant shivers down his spine even after thinking she don't affect him anymore.

"Aren't you the high and mighty one? You can go what you want by yourself, I won't get involved in this. Don't think about harming Suhayr, I won't take that threat lightly." He warned, the veins popping out from everywhere around his body feeling them catching fire.

"I want you to do it, dear son. Can't you do this much for your own mother? And about Suhar, I don't care what you think but I can go through with this if I want to." She did say the Suhayr like a lamp intentionally so as to not show just how much she knows about the girl and how she gets under her skin.

"And do you know who is going to stop you from reaching her?" He let out a malicious smile, the ball is in his court now. She shook her head from side to side while eying him, she don't understand where the confidence is coming from so suddenly.

"Who is it?" Najaah gulped, she's never seen a smile like that adoring her Angel face's face, it was never like that. He is hardly as cunning as his mother so that smile defines nothing but the peril that awaits them with any wrong move. He looks exactly like her malicious aunt at that moment, way more nefarious.

"You know the Pharaoh, don't you? You've heard about him on internet and television, haven't you?" He grinned when they rolled their eyes at him because he is not making sense. What does Suhayr have to do with the Pharaoh anyway? They only went to Egypt and stayed there for two days then left so why is he talking about the Pharaoh?

No one is to mess up with the Pharaoh of Egypt, you should not even say his name twice. Before the Shehu got the alliance with him, there was trouble that almost ruined their lives having two arrogant royals in the same place. They almost thought they've lost their lives with the way he was talking, it was not something they wish to replay. Hajiya Zainab peed her pants as she stare at the man ready to destroy them because they wanted alliance. It was not an easy task to be in the Pharaoh presence talk less about being his enemy, you are not ready to live if you are one.

He doesn't let his enemies see the bright day after they declare a war, he takes immediate action so imagine their surprise hearing Sa'eed talking about it and relating him to Suhayr. Is he talking about him to scare them? Damn right, they got frightened but back to the point, they are waiting for action. Hajiya Zainab is willing to kill Suhayr if Urshia don't let go of her husband. Suhayr is already out of the picture, her son did as she instructed. The woman, Urshia have the audacity to be pregnant with her husband's baby?!

"Don't bring Pharaoh here when we are talking about Chadians. Will you do the job or not?" Her eyes are slit like a snake's ready to strike, he isn't backing down though.

"The Pharaoh is Suhayr's father so how do you expect me not to talk about my father in-law? You haven't heard?!" His eyes widened in mockery seeing the sheer alarm and terror in the two women's eyes. He didn't want to drag Muhammad Aliyy's name in the mud for them but they are not backing out.

His mother threatened him to send Suhayr away that morning in Chad, she wants him to leave her alone or she will be dead along with his stepmother who happens to be Suhayr's aunt and she is pregnant with his father's child. He's seen how happy that pregnancy made his father, he couldn't risk the lives of the baby and his father's wife. He left Chad devastated knowing he has no plan up his sleeves to save himself when his father's wife is held captive. She's sent him the picture of her tied to a chair with cloth closing her mouth like a criminal, he had no choice but to leave Suhayr to tend to herself.

He knew Suhayr wouldn't want him to save her and let her Aunt die, she won't want that so he did what she would want and left her. He didn't know his sister and stepsisters were still ready to go through their plan so when they called him and told him about her arrival in the palace, he didn't like it but loved it. He was afraid of what his mother would do when she found out and she did through Najaah, the vermin woman that can't keep quite. He didn't talk about her new marriage neither about the attempted murder.

She was really mad when she found out that Suhayr survived and Sa'eed was the one who saved her, she didn't like it. And when Urshia saw Suhayr that blessed evening, she got frightened since her cowife threatened to kill her if she steps back into the palace. She wanted Suhayr to leave the castle but she left before they could have some real talk. Her co-wife, Hajiya Zainab threatened to kill both her baby and Suhayr that blessed morning.

"Are you playing such petty games with me now, Sa'eed?" Hajiya Zainab chuckled spitefully, her son is trying to play with her intelligence. Her own son!

"Check out your internet, I feel like you haven't been active lately." He motioned for her to take her phone and she hesitantly did. He stared at her as her lips parted, eyes large and face flush with anger about the truth she is seeing.

"Holy motherfucking shit!" Najaah's mouth hit the floor, terror filled her eyes as she stare at her mother in-law in fright.

They are doomed!

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