84~ Parting From The Beloved.


"I seriously got scared for a minute there." Suhayr yanked herself away from Sa'eed's embrace while blushing. She felt stupid leaving Chad like that without second thought or even question herself whether that is ever going to happen. Tasneem would never do that to her even if the earth is in her palms for him.

"You need not be, Leontios, you will always be the perfect candidate. Protocols and etiquettes don't matter at all, no one could surpass you. You, are the perfect choice. There is no one greater than you are." He dive his head and took her lips with his in a passionate kiss filled with love. They both missed each other, so much.

He chose his words perfectly like Elizabeth Bourgeret had said, 'A man in love is cautious with the decisions he makes, the words he says and the actions he takes, so he never purposefully cause her pain. He believes in her when she struggles believing in herself. He is her foundation, where she feels safe to be her true self' and he did all those well. He believed that she would wake up from her slumber and she did, she is struggling but he believes in her. He knew she would come back to him once her feelings get sorted, here they are.

Love is the most beautiful thing, hardest to find, scariest to lose.

She moaned into the kiss, her hands digging into his back where she placed them underneath his jacket. His hands are around her hips moving lower with each passing nanosecond but she didn't mind, she pushed herself into him more. Wanting to tease him, she let her own hands wander down to his behind making him jump a little and grin then did the same to her and she laughed into the kiss. She giggled in glee, taking his lower lip in her mouth and nipped, making sure it has grown and yawed a darker shade of pink just like when they made love. She could feel the smile stretching across his lips, she felt happy.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Sa'eed is both her strength and courage, he is the man she has been destined to be with. She won't ever question fate again, she wants no one but Sa'eed.

It ended suddenly when he gently drew her back, her chest feeling cold at the lost of contact.

"We have to eat, I'm hungry. You must be tired after a long flight from Chad to here." He winked when she rolled her eyes to show her how he loved how jealous she was.

Oh, it was thrilling seeing her standing there for he never thought their little plan was going to work. Silver and gold glimmer as kaleidoscope teetering colours glitze and beam down on them underneath the obsidian darkness enveloping the canvas above. Within the arms of the person she loved most, no ego, no pride, no etiquette and protocols, no evil mother in-law and ex-wife and most especially, no shelving of feelings.

"Don't get too cocky, I still don't like you." She huffed and made her way to the table feeling her chest and stomach fluttering. There are more bounces to her steps than usual, she's filled with happiness and bliss.

"Oh, I know. You love me, you can't possibly just like me. Keep that for later though, I want to ravish you along with your words." He winked again, a mischievous smile ensnaring his face to make her heat up but she bit it down, she won't blush like that. But the memory of their last night together flashed behind her lids, it was steamy.

Oh, God! Is this how it feels being in love with someone? Feeling so giddy and fluttery in their presence? Shit, she is fucking loving every second spent with him. She does not regret leaving Chad to come to Nigeria for him, not at all but the jealousy she felt was really intense. She even said some rude means things to Urshia in fit of jealousy while the children are only trying to help bring her bliss to her life. She owe Tasneem big time!

"You ain't gonna ravish me, man. So tell me, who planned this?" She folded her palms together and placed them on the table as she inclined her head to the side to study her handsome husband. He is wearing casual latte chinos, white shirt and a leather jacket to make him look mysterious and or so sinful.

"It happened yesterday night..." And he dive in to tell her exactly what has transpired the night before with his step sisters and younger sister before he left Chad.

"Brother, we have a plan to get Sumara to come back home with you. I really miss her and I want her back here with us, help." Nafisa made a puppy dog eyes at the screen showing her face then the two other girls sitting next to her. They are on face time while he is there at the hospital showing them Suhayr's unconscious self.

"What is this plan of yours?" He sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms to stop the sleep from taking over him. He is so sleepy, he didn't get any goodnight sleep in a long time.

"We are going to call her and tell her you are married to Tasneem which means you are going to have to come back to Nigeria before she wakes up. If she hears about this, she will definitely lose it and come rushing back to you. Even if she doesn't confess her undying love for you, she will come here to confirm her friend's loyalty." Nafisa explained, her hands moving around like a relationship expert. It is so weird seeing his younger sister trying to build his relationship back, she is growing up real quick.

"No, that is stupid and absurd." He shook his head with a little laugh while staring at Tasneem who frowned at him like he is committing a grievous sin he shall regret soon.

Though they are his step sisters now, he don't know how to start a relationship like that with them all of a sudden. He always acknowledges her presence and when everyone is around, they talk from time to time. He gave his father his full support when he told him about the marriage, he was happy for the man because for the first time, he stood up for his own happiness and didn't let his deranged wife take him down. While Thuraiyah on the other hand is totally comfortable with him, they talk like he does with Nafisa since they are inseparable since then. He don't even know why it gets awkward and maladroit with Tasneem.

Maybe because she is his wife's best friend? That is plain stupid, they are not that awkward so it's cool.

"I know Suhayr like the palms of my hands, bro. If you want her to come back to you, then you will have to go through this or else, say goodbye to your wife. Even if she sees you there taking care of her, she won't come with you for her ego is huger than you thought. It's either you go through with this or deal with being divorced forever." Tasneem huffed, she has never talked to him like that but she misses her best friend and wants her back.

"And you think this will work, why?" He crossed his arms underneath his chest then stared at Suhayr lying innocently on the hospital bed. Her chest rising and falling slowly, like she won't cause any evil to the world.

"Girls mentality, bro." Thuraiyah chirped in, her smile wide and creepy but he let it slide, she is taking after her sister's best friend who happens to be his wife and the love of his life.

"Hmm..." He scratched his beard thoughtfully then look at Suhayr again, he really needs her back in his life and that too very soon so he beamed, "Fine, do all you have to but if this failed, I will haunt you all down." He narrowed his eyes in warning but the girls are jumping in glee already. As if Cupid assured them her arrow will strike where it needs to this time around.

"You have no problem, bro! It shall be done and this mission shall be successful but first things first, look for Hakim and entrust her to his care. He will take great care of her, don't worry." Tasneem who was the only one sitting, the others already jumping and making plans for the next day.

"Who is Hakim?" His eyes yawed thunderous, he does not know anyone named such in Suhayr's family tree. Whoever this person is, Suhayr trust him a lot and he does not like the sound of it. He hates not knowing a man Suhsyr grew up with, he feels left out.

"Our best friend, he isn't harmful. Forward her number asap, that's what we need now." And then the plan went through accomplished, just like they predicted. Oh dear Lord, always be with them when the need arises and when it does not.

"Wow, I will give Tasneem credit for that, she knows me well and used her brain for once." Suhayr giggled lightly, she loves her best friend and don't understand why she was so angry at her when she came.

Does she have trust issues or something? Or is it natural emotion to feel after hearing your husband marrying your best friend after you left?

"And you looked like you were about to kill my stepsister when you came in. Tsk, I almost felt bad for her but she got you here." The smile on his face is not naughty, it just describes how happy he feels inside. The ecstasy filling his heart to the brim.

"I wouldn't kill my best friend for you. I just felt this betrayal I've never felt my whole life. I mean, I've been avoiding getting attached to people because of things like that and then it should happen to someone I decided to keep close? Ha, I probably would've haunt her down though." She shook her head, she's talked long and it looks like he is not even listening to what she is saying and rather looks enthralled by her lips.

"Touché." He feigned hurt, his hand flying to his chest to emphasis his point since he only heard the first sentence then stared at her for the rest of the time.

"Stop staring at me and eat. I ate pizza before I left so I'm not hungry." She just don't like the food in front of them albeit being her favorite. Her eyes are droopy with sleep, she needed that beauty sleep but she had to leave the country like a criminal without packing anything m

"I know you are hungry and sleepy, you should start with one." He smirked when she widen her eyes, the man knows her more than she thought he does. Oh well, that's a good thing right?

They had their dinner heartily while talking about everything and nothing. She could see Sa'eed being so drawn from the conversation and looking out of place from time to time but she didn't give any translation to it, she don't want to cause problem and if something is bothering him, he should tell her. When they finished eating, maids scattered around the place to take the used dishes and went to wash it probably. Some threw her a smile that says they are happy she is back. They've seen how their master changed in those days she wasn't around, it was not a sight to see again ever. Now that she is back, everything will get back to normal.

"You are all over me like a cat." She whined when he wouldn't let her sleep after they shared another moment in complete bliss. She is lying stark naked on the bed with him all over her, he won't let his hands rest nor her body.

When she told him about the scars after he asked her to remove her clothes, he was very understanding and made her feel beautiful even with the new scars. She can't help thanking Allah for making their first night scarless, at least, he knows how she was before the bruises take over. She is going to shift heaven and hell till she finds something that will take away those bruises sooner than later. The doctor prescribed some medicines for her to cure the pain and the bruise but it works real slow and she needs to spice things up for her husband.

Oh dear, Suhayr, you have really changed, she thought to herself with a chortle.

Sa'eed got more determined when he saw the scars all around her body like that, he was mad at those men and Najaah too. He didn't make any move for now, he don't even want them to find out he knows about it. He's also found out that his mother supports Najaah in everything she does which means he's got to be more careful and not put Suhayr's life in danger any further. He's done enough damage for her already, he shall do everything and anything to protect her before exposing them to the world. He does not care about his mother, she has reached her limit. He didn't know she would stoop so low to do this, he shouldn't have underestimated her.

"Because I've missed you. You ran away right after our love making, you can't expect me to be alright and all celibate." He grumbled from her naked chest, his hands skimming to the middle of her thigh and she shuddered.

"Well, I had to! My feelings were so overwhelming hence, my running away. But now, I am here and won't leave you so don't make me weak. I already feel tired now, another round will result to me not able to walk or even wake up." She whined again, her fingers delicately brushing his hair as if drawing him closer to what he is doing and not pushing him away like her words.

"I want to have you now, no argument." And he dived his mouth to the mounds on her chest knowing she is very sensitive then to her core, bringing her to a sudden contraction and she thought she could take no more. When he ingress her, she lost all rational thought and cling to him like a koala bear causing his intrusion to dive deeper.

"God!" She moaned, her eyes lulling behind her while she stared at her husband as he took her to another world where only they exist.

"I love you." He whispered, his lips biting harshly but deliciously to her own saturated one.

"I love you." She screamed to him, her hand pushing deep to her mouth to stop her from waking up the neighbors or the whole palace.

"Thank you for coming back, my love. I love you so much." He kissed her sweaty forehead and lie her down on his chest. Their bare bodies making contact with one another in a way that makes goosebumps awake.

She slept with a huge smile across her face not knowing what the morning will bring at it's wake.


"Why the fuck are you calling me repeatedly? Are you stupid or fucking psychotic?!" He whisper yelled into his phone as soon as he picked up while staring at Suhayr sleeping form in a robe he got her in. His heart softened at the sight and half his anger calmed down. She confessed her love for him yesterday in her mother tongue, he can't be more grateful for the night before. All thanks to his sisters.

"You can call me anything you want but I'm going to tell you the truth your wife has been hiding from you. If after hearing this you still want to be with her, then go ahead but you need to know." Najaah said from the other end, her voice filled with evil things she wants to do to his wife.

She has been calling him nonstop even after he's blocked countless of her numbers, she always use another one and she wants to ruin his wife's sleep. She was so tired the night before, he don't want to ruin her beauty sleep since he is the one who kept her awake the whole night. He left the bed and move to the bathroom to talk to the imbecile who has the nerve to call him after what she's done. Oh, she still doesn't know he knows about the hideous thing she's done and she is the reason behind his wife's scars and sudden insecurity. He hates when she looks uncomfortable with her skin when weeks ago, she stood proud knowing she is beautiful, not today. She looked insecure for the first time, he will make her pay for it.

"The fuck are you talking in riddles? What truth are you talking about?" He should trust his wife and not sound so curious but he can't help it.

There is something Suhayr is hiding behind their marriage, he is not sure if she's planned to tell him about it or not but he is definitely going to find out now. He can't wait no longer, he has reached the last straw of what he could take. His curiosity is getting the best of him and he trusts his wife to tell him in future but for now, his ex wife has sparked his interest about the matter. He is just a human, everything that concerns him the one he loves, he wants to fine out. Najaah knew just how much to get him edged to his sit like a man waiting for his wife to deliver.

This is the time to find out what the truth is, if that is the truth and Najaah is not pulling his leg to get some attention from him. He knows the girl, she will do anything to get him back even if it means sending men to kill his wife in a foreign country. There is no doubt she is going to lie about this and if she doesn't provide evidence, he won't wait to expose her, he will kill her himself.

"Your wife didn't marry you because of any dare, she married you because of your money. I'll play this recording for you and listen yourself." The line went quite before she played something in the background and he listened like a starving man.

"You are saying that you married him for his money?" A voice he is familiar with that belongs to no one but Hakim echoed through the phone.

"What can I do? You know the company wasn't bringing much money then and I need it to survive, don't I?" And then came her voice which confirmed his worst nightmare, he wished for a second there that it wasn't Suhayr's voice but there is no denying, she will give answer like that.

"I know that but it sounds somehow, you know? I thought you vowed not to fall in love for some reason two years back and you got married? Don't mind my language but that is fucking ridiculous!" And it went off along with his breathing, he held it in as if waiting to wake up from the nightmare.

"Who the fuck sent this to you?" His words were calm, he won't give her the satisfaction of knowing he is mad at Suhayr for hiding this from him. He wouldn't have been this mad had she told him about it beforehand but she lied.

Then again, their relationship wasn't that genuine for her to tell him about it. He is still arguing though, she should've told him when they hated each other, he would take it better than now. She marries him for his money? Really?!

"Whose voice was that? None other than her best friend who is hopelessly in love with her but found out she ran away back to your arms so he sent this to me. He wanted to send it to you, but I wanted to tell you myself. I mean, what are friends for?" She continue to taunt him so he hung up the phone and hit his head against the tiled floor.

He knew something like this was coming, Suhayr won't marry him for just a stupid dare. She hit herself a billionaire with that smile she gave him in her office months ago, that's bad.

He did what he should, sent her packing...

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