82~ Back With Old Honey.


"You are saying that you married him for his money?" Hakim's brows scrunched lowly as he scratch his growing beard in wonder. He knows Suhayr in and out but he never thought she would give away her freedom for money, that sounds absurd to his ears or he might be hearing things. This is something so unlike the Suhayr he knows.

"What can I do? You know the company wasn't bringing much money then and I need it to survive, don't I?" She got all defensive seeing the judgement clouding his vision, he has always being judgemental and she hates him for that. He is her best friend, they grew up together knowing each other's flaws and because of his flaw, she hardly tells him all her secret and prefer to do it with Tasneem who will fan girl and support her even if she is wrong. She will then make her realise things one after the other, she appreciates that.

"I know that but it sounds somehow, you know? I thought you vowed not to fall in love for some reasons two years back and you got married? Don't mind my language but that is fucking ridiculous!" He rolled his eyes, his figure slumping down on the chair as he swallowed. He can't believe she is married to a stupid Nigerian and even when the doctor was saying it, he couldn't believe him neither did he believe the husband when he told him. He thought he just use that so they could let him through.

"First tell me, how do you find out that I'm here? I can't remember contacting anyone or even having your contact in my emergency list." She crossed her arms over her chest wanting to relieve herself off the guilt of marrying someone for money and she is now hopelessly in love with. She don't want to think about Sa'eed at that moment, she wants a clean head.

"Your so called husband searched for me all around and when he found me, he entrusted you to me. I didn't believe it when he told me you were his wife." Hakim grumbled out, his hands stuck on the bed before he rips something apart while recalling their conversation.

He was lying lazily on his bed while trying to recall what happened for the past three days with his father when he disowned him because he won't give up searching for Suhayr and Tasneem. He has been using his private investigators and are charging him a lot of money, whoever knows his father knows that the man doesn't play with his money and don't like it being played with. He was desperate to the point where all rational thoughts flew away from his head like he was a new born baby looking for it's mother. No one would see the baby's fault because he will need breast milk just like he needed them. His two best friends.

They just opt one day and left without leaving any message or trace to where they went and it is only sensible that he look for them and go crazy. The next day after Tasneem confessed her love for him they disappeared, it messed up his brain big time. He was desperate to find them so he started surging out help from people he never thought he would talk to but he did for his best friends. He loves them both in a different way. While he likes Tasneem like his sister, he loves Suhayr like he would love any woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He's always loved her for her fierceness and lion face, she is never to be messed with and that always gave him chills. She became the type of woman he wants but gave her space and time.

The next day she confessed her love for him, they all vanished like they were never there without a trace or message for him and when he called them, it wasn't reachable. They changed their phone numbers and when he checked their social media platforms, none of them were active. He got tired of trying himself and sought help from his father's detective who does all his bad works for him. That was the last thing he wanted to do, to ask for his father's help in matters but they made him do that. He dropped his ego and the beef he had for more than five years with his father for them.

A knock on the door to his room awoken him up from his deep slumber. He made his way to the door of his one bedroom apartment he manage to get with his savings till his father calms down. No matter what, he needs his father's help to survive the bestial no matter how he hates the man. The people close to us often are the ones hurting us without knowing and all we can do is shy away and continue to live like it was a great deal when in reality, there is nothing that is more disheartening than that. We still need them with us no matter what we do, that is how life turned it's table on you, it's left for you to make the situation better.

"Who is it?" He asked before he even reached the door. No one knows where he lives, not even his mother who didn't interfere when his father threw him away. She could've at least faked the sympathy she didn't feel for him, she became a money monger like his father along the way. Who is he to expect anything more from her?

"Are you Hakim?" Was Sa'eed's first question as soon as the door got yanked open to the reveal a man standing six feet and a little on the chubby side though not fat, just little muscle to help him go with his fine face, that is Hakim.

"Yes. Who are you?" Hakim stood straighter to look intimidating in front of the tall men standing outside his door. Not only do they look ridiculously rich and stinky powerful, they are also foreign which makes his stance taller to save himself.

"I'm Sa'eed El-Kanemi. I'm here to talk to you about Suhayr." Even the way Sa'eed called out his name, it was unique. His words were straightforward and his face was really stern, Hakim can't even say no even if he wants to for some obvious reasons in front of everyone.

One, he can't exactly say no to this person standing in front of him like the law himself looking sinfully out of place and powerful. The men behind him are also not standing there for decoration, they can instantly take him down without as much as lifting a finger so he gulped and moved aside. Two, he also wants to find out where Suhayr is and if this man knows, then he will gladly entertain them even if it is the last thing he wanted to do. This is what he has been waiting for since they left him alone like he was never important to them to begin with. Or was he not? Is he just wasting his time looking for ungrateful people?

"What is it you want to say about her? Do you know where she is?" Hakim couldn't keep his questions in so as soon as he sat down in front of them on one of his old coffee table, he shoot them forward with questions.

"She is in the hospital and might wake up anytime from now. I want you to take care of her for the time being and she shouldn't lack anything." He took wads of cash and threw on the floor while making a move to stand up and leave. He needs to leave the country as soon as possible. There are more important things he needs to handle back in Nigeria, way more important than Suhayr.

"Where is she and why do I need to take care of her? She is more than capable to take care of herself, she is Suhayr." Hakim argued, his words cutting straight through Sa'eed whose patience is really thinning. He has to leave his wife in that terrible situation to handle another problem and this man is testing his patience like that?

"Trust me, I know that. She has met up with some accident and she is in the hospital twenty minutes away from here. I want you to go there and be with her as soon as she wakes up." Sa'eed explained further, his hands stuck in his new eggplant pants while his shirt tighten around his chest.

"Accident?! But wait, who are you and how do you know so much about her?" He stopped him from going as he stepped further in front of him.

"Yes, accident. She is my wife, kiddo." With that, Sa'eed turned and left the room with his other cousins and brothers whom were so quite not understanding why he needs to leave. He just stood up and talked about leaving for some important issue, they didn't know what was so important than his wife at that time.

Hakim was left utterly flummoxed with the man's words and the way he called him kiddo really struck him hard. He is declaring she belongs to him and Hakim is too small to come in his way even if he wants to. Everyone could see the love he has for Suhayr in his eyes except for her, she can't see that no matter how much he tries. Just spending little time with him and Sa'eed knew the guy is hopelessly in love with his wife. It doesn't take long for Suhayr to have you ensnared, he has been there and is still in there waiting for his penalty for falling in love with someone that despise emotions and feeling. For someone who is running away and avoiding him like a plague.

Hakim got dressed to the hospital while eying the cash given to him, they are too much to just take care of someone. That money could help him build a life which means he is right about the man being stinky rich. He will use the money to rent an apartment for them with Suhayr but for how long will she be with him when they are married? Are they even married? He didn't believe the man till he heard the exact words coming from Suhayr's mouth. And one thing he knows about Suhayr, she never lies for she is afraid of no one.

"Why won't you believe him? He can't exactly come to you just to lie, he is not a liar." She defended again then flushed when she saw the way Hakim's eyes widen in astonishment. Oh, shit!

"So defensive aren't we? You love him, don't you?" He move closer as if trying to see the love she has for the man in her eyes and it was there. The tenderness, faraway look that Suhayr never has on her face even after the death of her foster mother. What the hell actually happened to this girl in matter of weeks being away from him?!

"I do, God knows, I fucking love him so much." She closed her eyes after that confession, she felt light even though she is not saying it to the direct person. It just felt too good saying it to someone else, totally at ease with the knowledge out of her chest. That is a step forward, it means she can tell him about it any day and anytime she wants to.

"Oh, that's good. He is your husband after all." He spat the word husband because it fucking hurts more than he would've imagined. He has loved her his whole life and suddenly, another man swooped her off her feet right under his nose. Why did he wait too long to confess his love for her? He should've done that years ago, maybe, just maybe, she would've given them a chance and they could've being a couple by now.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to tell him but he left already. Do you know why he left so suddenly?" She questioned, her words coming out as if from another person's mouth and not hers. Her voice was so light filled with hollowness and loneliness, she is used to Sa'eed now. Everything she does reminds her of him, she hates being away from him and she want him closer. He really should've stayed with her, she would've confessed a lot of things.

"I don't know. He left before I could question him further and he didn't tell me when or whether he is coming back at all." He is playing the hard card now, he wants to place his last card in the court. This should be his chance sent from God, they can easily run away and live happily with so much money her own husband gave to take care of her.

"Oh!" Her heart sank to the pits of her stomach in nothing but disappointment. Hakim is right, he might not even come back for her after what she's done and maybe he was there to help her and leave. Or maybe grand mama forced him to come see her and then he left after doing that. Or his feelings for her just won't be suppressed till after he helps her. Or he is guilty knowing someone close to him sent the goons to kill her. Oh, Lord, No!

"Do you want to get discharged today or are you still not feeling well?" He changed the topic solely because he can't see this new side of Suhayr. She looks so gloomy and lost, he will bring her back and make her his along the way.

"I'm leaving this forsaken hospital right now, I ain't gonna stay here for another minute." She shook her head while eying the drip slowly dropping blood to her body.

"Let me call the doctor." He left the room leaving her to think about her time with Sa'eed.

She can't wrap her head around why he left the day she awoke. Why did he leave her so soon when she wants nothing but to wrap her arms around him? She needs his comfort and support, she wants to fight with him by her side. Should she go to him now that she is better? It means she will drop all her ego and pride, that Mount. Everest size of ego she's always carried her whole life. Could she do that for love, sound desperate and let go of all her principles for him? It sounds so harsh in her throat, she don't understand why she feels weighed down with so many emotions now. It's just ego and he is her husband.

"Continue thinking about that forsaken ego, you won't move on in life. Life is all about thinking what your decision will do to your life. You might regret not doing this in future and you shall blame yourself for it, your fault. Drop your ego and start something good in your life, life is too short." Her subconscious advised first time in history which means the world is coming to an end.

Her subconscious has always been sarcastic, rude, taunting or narcissist.

"Good day, Ma'am. The police need to talk to you before you leave, they need some more information about it." The doctor explained to her after she's signed the discharge papers given to her. She couldn't wait to leave, her hand signed hastily like she wants to fly.

She hasn't decide on what to do after leaving the hospital.

"Okay." She sighed reluctantly and watch the door opened, three police officers walk in with stern faces that made her roll her eyes. They are not even fine but they are arrogant, useless. She don't like being in the presence of ugly police, she would always try not to scold them instead.

"How is your health, Mrs. El-Kanemi?" The older one and the one that looks to be the boss ask, his voice gruff and tired. Has he been staying there waiting for her since earlier when she turned them down? No wonder they are all grumpy ready to kill her since those goons couldn't do it.

"I'm doing just great." She beamed at them, she could at least lighten their mood after ruining it. The other Suhayr really wouldn't have cared if they are holding guns at her head, she'd still act bored.

"Good! So the night of the incident, what happened exactly?" The female policewoman move forward with a pad and pen like a waitress. Her face is too bored, not even Suhayr's kind side could change that expression so she didn't try.

"I was about to leave the country when they rushed into my room with their faces covered up. They were four of them, two held me back behind while the other two stayed in front of me. When they finished beating me to a pulp, one of them removed his mask and faced me then said 'I've always wanted to do this ever since you put me behind bars and now, I'm doing it for money. Someone from Nigeria hates you and send us to kill you instantly. I shall fulfill another enemy's desire' and then he did something to my neck. I really thought I died then but then, here I am kicking." She smirked while saying the last part, death got afraid and ran away from her. Not really, her time hasn't arrived and when it does, nothing would stop her from dying.

Just not then by the grace of Allah.

"You can't remember anything that has happened after that?" The other man asked probably so he won't feel left out or so his boss won't say he was waste of space. As if the police in that country do anything, spineless.


"Who brought you here?" The boss asked this time, she can't help but want to hit his head. Why does he need to know that?

"I heard that my husband did. You should know about that not me. I just awoke." She scrunched her brows. She hates stating the obvious when it is in front of them.

"Right. But why were you leaving the country?"

"Because I felt like roaming across the globe since I have the money. Got any problem with that?" She was downright rude but she is tired of those stupid words they are sprouting. She wants to leave the place and rest with a cool mind think about her future and whether or not she should go see Sa'eed.

"Do you know the man that wanted to end you after coming out from the bars and do you have any hunch who wants you dead in Nigeria?" The woman asked and finally, there is rational question her brain wants to answer enthusiastically.

"He once almost raped my friend Salima and I put him behind the bars since that is where he belongs but then, he is out and roaming freely when his time isn't over. His name is Afdal Nazar. And about the one from Nigeria, I have no idea who wants my cute ass dead." She has hunch on two people but she would want Sa'eed to deal with them, he no doubt would. The guy knows something about the case and maybe that is what he is taking care of?

"Have a nice day, Ma'am." And they all left the room without other words said to her probably sensing her bad mood. Anything could tick her off, they should run for their lives when they have the chance to.

"Do I have something to wear now?" She asked Hakim, removing the finished drip from her wrist and stood up limply. Darn those men, they hit her pretty bad and she could still feel the sourness of it. If those men aren't locked behind bars, she will definitely go in search of them herself.

"Yes, I took all your things from the hotel room to the apartment I rented for us." He explained what he has done earlier before she awoke. Finding an apartment wasn't that hard with lots of money so he went ahead and did it.

But a news that had her leaving the country hit her as soon as she sat down to rest, she couldn't after hearing such news. The news that made her vision blurry and her veins to lighten up with an active volcano searing her blood like scorching hell.

"Brother Sa'eed got married to Tasneem."

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