81: Departing Forever.
White, pure white!
Everywhere is white, she is staring at the white place where everything white stared back at her like mockery. The walls are white, the mattress where some people are sitting on in white also. There are three of them and their backs are facing her, one male and two females all discussing something that looks intense and serious. Their hands are flailing around as they speak, their backs moving closer to each other so they can listen to one another. She squint her eyes trying to see what is going on and why the whole place is white and so boring to eyes. But why the people look awfully family with the way they talk and glance at one another.
Is this another room in Sa'eed's chamber? The man seems to be obsessed with white but who the heck brought her back to his home? Last she remember, they were in Egypt and she ran away after their night got intense. No, she was even in a hotel room in Chad when some men came to assassinate her. Oh right, she is dead already and this place she is in is heaven but why does she have colleagues in heaven? She can't remember being in a grave nor did the Angels ask her questions she recalled answering. None of that happened, she would've remembered answering such questions. Who wouldn't even remember seeing the Angels in such tight place?
"Who are you?" She finally asked when she got tired of staring at the blank space and the people are not turning to look at her. She is so impatient, this won't change the fact that she can't wait for them to talk to her. Heaven or not, Suhayr can never be the patient type
"Oh, she is already here. Let's welcome her." She heard her foster mother's voice from amongst the three people and they stood up together. She furrowed her brows, what does it mean now?
"What is it?" She questioned, the three of them instantly turn around with a wide smile that blinded her for a minute there but she narrowed them to slit so as to not get blinded. The smile is beautiful, too beautiful and filled with happiness that her dark heart couldn't stomach. Their faces are those of happy people that finally got free from clutches of the world.
Her foster mother along with Sa'ad and her biological mother stood with a wide smile wearing white clothing like they are about to visit their graves. Oh, they are really dead actually! But what are they doing together and why they are talking about welcoming her to them. Is she dead too? Nah, it can't be. She has a lot more to settle on earth to just leave it like that without having her missions accomplished. Thank God she's had sexual intercourse with her husband, that is also in her top list of things to do on earth before she dies. She's always prayed to get married and enjoy happy married life before dying, it was fulfilled.
Ah, bad, bad Suhayr, thinking bad things in heaven. Wait, heaven?!
"Dear, you really should not come here. I don't want you to meet us so soon, you need to enjoy the earth even though the heaven is amazing too. I mean, Sa'eed needs you right now." Her biological mother came forward, her face twisted to concern and she looks extremely beautiful. More beautiful than the photos she's seen of her in the palace.
When she's met her in Egypt, she was so fragile and feeble but now, she is standing on her feet healthily. Her face is rid of age lines and hilarious eye bags that took over half her cheek, it is now clear and she looks younger. They look exactly alike with her foster mother as they stood close to one another transferring lights. There is no doubt they are identical, their smiles match the crinkles of their eyes and the slight crease by the edge of their lips. Something as trivial as flipping their sleeves is similar.
Talk about creepy.
"Huh? Why are you three here? Are you reuniting in the dead or something?" She stared at Sa'ad now who just kept staring at her like she came from another world which she did. Her eyes are also searching for his, trying to see whether that zap will happen but it didn't which means she's really moved on from him and even if he comes back to world, she won't be with him.
She is definitely in love with someone else who happens to be none other than his twin brother, Sa'eed. Too late to admit it when she has already left the earth and is now in heavens where she can't tell him about how she feels. She should've at least told him that before dying, oh well! Some wishes are never fulfilled, this is one of hers. Or she can just push herself in his dreams and tell him how much she loves him? Yes, she shall do that if it's possible!
Deciding to see how the duo look alike, she start to search around all his facial features first. They have the same shape of lips, full and cute to make anyone's attention shift to them without even realising. Was she too young and naive that she didn't think about those pretty lips when they were together for three whole days? They are so attractive, just like her husband's, Sa'eed. The lips she's kissed countless time and would want to continue doing that too always. Oh, God, she is sounding like a wanton woman in heat, that is bad for her image in heaven. People in heaven shouldn't be so horny and sexually depraved.
They also have similar eyes and nose, it is tricky finding the difference between them but it's palpable. The shape of their faces, their skin complexion and their smiles are too different from one another's. While Sa'ad has a calm smile that reassure you how good and kindhearted he is, Sa'eed's smile on the other hand is sinful but pleasing to eyes. It has this naughtiness that gets to her core all the time. They have different sex appeal too, far different. Sa'eed's is stronger even though she could feel that Sa'ad is just shy for the first time while Sa'eed is confident on what he wants.
The duo are very different from one another, really poles apart but similar at the same time.
"Not reuniting, we are here to welcome you but you have another chance in that world. You should go back and grab that opportunity with so many loved ones of yours, don't come here so soon." Her foster mother stepped forward, taking her attention off Sa'ad who still hasn't said a thing the whole time.
"He-he. Who says I want to leave the world without exacting my revenge on those horrible people? Ha, I am here to visit you only." Suhayr pursed her mouth to the side as she move forward to sit on the mattress they stood up from.
"Good, because bad people need to be dealt with. And also Sa'eed who left everything for you, you shouldn't run away from your problems. I didn't raise you to become a coward!" Varisha scolded, her eyes blazing with that motherly emotion that takes over whenever she wants to make her see sense.
"And why isn't my brother in-law saying a thing?" She turned to Sa'ad, he released a smile then move closer to her and stood atop her like he is about to question her sanity.
"I'm now your brother in-law, Ghaydaa?" He questioned, his eyes narrowing but it was amusement that mar his eyes. He doesn't look mad, he is actually happy about everything that is happening on earth. His brother hopelessly in love with his first love? Oh, the drama!
"Of course. You left me that night and never came back and then your brother came and here we are. So tell me, how is your stay here?" She threw the words like she doesn't care about being dead or being with the dead but she is scared shitless.
"It's amazing here actually. I got to hear everything about you and even meet your aunt here since I couldn't get to see her last time. But let me tell you, my brother is about to go crazy if you don't go back to earth. He has already lose his sanity, little more will lead him to hiring a psychiatrist." Sa'ad warned, a mischievous smile is etched across his lips and his eyes are teasing like always.
"He already needs one. I shall go back to complete some missions. Don't talk to me longer or my destiny will just be changed like that. Adios and I love you all, really. I regret not telling the ones on earth but I'm saying this now, I really mean it." And she closed her eyes, not before hearing mother say.
"And dear, please give your father a chance." She almost huffed but she nodded for the sake of her dead mother. She don't mind keeping quite for her mother's sake, she is already dead and her ill words will get to her.
"Su, can you hear me?" She heard a familiar voice asking from above her on the uncomfortable bed. Her hand twitched, her legs move and even her face move but her darn lips is just not moving when she wants them to.
Slowly, she opened her heavy eyelids and stare directly at the blinding lights illuminating the whole room. Her eyes glared at it instead of closing her eyes to adjust them but this is Suhayr, she does exact opposite of what normal people do. Her head ached to the side, to the direction she heard someone talking to her which was her right side. She saw someone she never expected to see standing atop her head with three other unknown people. One with a lab coat that says he is a doctor and the other two are wearing nurse outfits, nurses probably. Duh, it's obvious.
"Kim?" She croaked, her throat parched as if she hasn't drank water the whole decade that has passed. It scraped the walls across her throat and oesophagus before it finally came out as chirped croak whisper.
"Not Kim Kardashian West, Hakim Mas'oud." He replied sarcastically then stepped aside for the doctor to examine her and he did just that by checking her pulse rate and all those stuff they do whilst a nurse adjust the drip beside her. It doesn't need any adjustment but it seems like the nurse wants to be occupied.
Eh, she is in the hospital doing what? Oh, right! She was beaten to death but she survived, she'd be damned if she let those imbeciles win like that without a fight. They think they can declare a war and go away unscathed? Ha, that is if Suhayr is not included but this time around, she is actually bathing in the trouble they've caused. For the first time yet again, she didn't create the trouble by herself but someone did and she'd be fucked to not play that game well. She just need to recover first, regain her energy and make their faces scrape the earth.
"How are you feeling, Mrs. El-Kanemi?" Her brow raise in question to the last name but she brushed it off. Maybe they checked something and found out she is married to Sa'eed, yeah, that's probably it.
"I'm fine. How long was I out?" She interrogated, trying to sit up by adjusting the pillow behind her. Instantly, she shooed the nurses hands from helping her, she is not handicapped or paralysed.
"Five days, Ma'am. You were extremely lucky to have survived such tragic incident. Your carotid artery was almost out of place but fortunately, there was a doctor with you when you were brought here and he helped a lot. You are a truly fighter, no one thought you would survive but you did it anyways." The doctor has a bright smile on his face now as he studied her face. He looks to be around mid fifties or early fifties with great eyesight since he does not have any medicated glasses perched on his nose.
"Who brought me here and what doctor are you talking about?" She can't remember anything that has happened after her head got moved to the other side of the room.
She exaggerated the twisting since the man is not strong enough to twist her head to the other side with those sloppy moves. She fell unconscious in her hotel room so who was there so early to save her? She didn't order room service also neither has she ordered anything from any pizzeria, something is definitely fishy. And a doctor with her when she was brought? Who is this soul she needs to thank wholeheartedly for saving her life and giving her a chance to fight back? No one other than Allah but this man is also a great help she's got.
And five days? Huh? What on earth happened in those five days she was out cold? Were those imbeciles caught or something? For she won't rest until she makes sure they are behind bars for attempted murder or she could add rape to their lines of crime to get them in there for a long time, they deserve that much. She will gladly do the honours of castrating them, with a hammer.
"Yes! They found you unconscious in your hotel room and amongst them, there was a doctor. I think his name is Sulaiman, something like that. He came here with few other men, your husband included." The doctor explained, really glad to tell her everything that has happened from the looks on his face. He should've been a storyteller and not a doctor.
"My husband you say?" She gulped a thick gob of saliva down her throat at the thought of Sa'eed seeing her in that condition and helping her. And Sulaiman? It means he came here with his whole entourage and they saw her looking helpless? Not done!
C'mon, she ran away from the man after realising she has feeling for him and the exact time after they shared the most beautiful moment together. How did he even find out where she was so easily and came to help her? And the doctor said she was with some other men and Sulaiman included which means he's brought his cousins and brothers along with him. If he was there to take her with him or force her feelings out of her, he would've come alone without entourage which only says he knows what is going to happen and came immediately to rescue her. Aw, her Knight in shining suit.
"Whoa, there is a brain inside that thick gob, I'm shocked!" Her subconscious yet again mocked her but she didn't give it much thought. Should she be happy he was there or sad he got to see her like and that left all he was doing to come save her? She has been a coward, she ran away like a little bitch but he didn't give up, he came running for her like a prince riding his white horse. Oh please, she don't believe in those fairy tales but that is what matches their situation at that time.
"Yes, he wouldn't leave you but then all of a sudden, he left after settling the bill earlier in the morning." The doctor's tone took a sad tune, she can't help raising a brow at it. He gave her a sheepish smile before he scratched the back of his forehead in embarrassment. That was unprofessional and really uncalled for but he can't help it. He's always loved it when he sees young love, this was something he will keep ranting about to his wife later on.
The man won't leave her side, he didn't even take bath for all those days even though the other men will come in and pester him about bathing. He's seen him praying countless times at night for her quick recovery then he will rant to her by the side of the bed while holding her hand then fall asleep like that only to repeat everything like a routine. They couldn't get rid of him even in the intensive care unit, he threatened them and they know just how powerful he is and the connections he has. Not that the doctor minded, he supports love no matter how unprofessional and inappropriate it may look to others.
It was disheartening when a phone call came, the husband turned him into another person and he left the hospital immediately. He threatened the police department to shut down the place if they don't find out the people that did that to his wife. He was going to deal with the ones in Nigeria himself but the heartless imbeciles that think they could do that to his wife and leave unscathed have another thing coming. He will torture them too himself, just till the law gets ahold of them.
"He left?" Her voice cracked at the end but she cleared her throat to pretend it wasn't about him but her parched throat.
"Yes, Ma'am. And if you are ready for the police, they want to question you regarding the incident." The doctor brought back his professional self while standing straighter to mean business. Love is over, the prince charming left the damsel in distress hanging.
"No please, don't send them in. I need to rest and I'm quite sleepy. Send them later if that's alright." She suddenly felt drained, sad, depressed, forlorn and downhearted at the same time. Crestfallen, that is the word to define the moment for her.
The news about Sa'eed leaving really touched every crevice of her heart and she don't want to entertain anyone talk less of the police. She don't even want to talk to Hakim but she owe him a lot of explanations so she will let him stay. Her body start feeling the pains she didn't feel when she awoke all because of the news, why though? Isn't that what she wants? For him to be faraway from her so they won't be too heartbroken after losing each other and when the truth comes out? The reason why she married him? What she has planned to do before leaving the palace?
"Rest now, I'll talk to them." And they left with the nurses following like two wannabes, she wants to hate everyone.
"You have a lot of explanations to do, Missy." Hakim crossed his arms over his chest even though he wants to relish his time with her after so many torturous weeks of not knowing how or where she is.
"It's a long stor-" she didn't get to finish as he cut her off by drawing a plastic chair closer to her bed.
"I have my whole life to listen to you, sweetheart. Now keep those excuses aside and start talking." His expression is stern like an older brother but in reality, he's loved her like a man would love the woman he wants to marry.
It was a long story, really.
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