80~ Too Late?


Sa'eed panted as he stared at the hotel above him knowing that is the address given to them about where Suhayr is. He didn't waste any second but made his way inside where the receptionists are staring in a horrific way at the elevator, like something is about to jump out and kill them all which confirmed his thoughts and worst nightmare. He moved slowly not to make them more alarmed and frightened, they didn't notice him and he doesn't have the time of the day so he banished the thought of not scaring them. He banged his hand on the table, they jumped in fright and look at him, all girls.

"Room 151!" He didn't questioned, he is demanding the card or key to that room and if they love their lives, they won't question him. His eyes are basically burning down the whole place, it won't take much from him to burn them too along with the bricks. Their eyes rounded even more at the mention of the room.

"Here, Sir." In fright, one of them gave the card and it looks like they already have it on their desk. All those signs are showing him how endangered his wife is up there in their hotel room. He will get back to them for being so unsafe, this isn't a place someone should go to. And they call themselves five star, just how.

He ran to the elevator seeing the others behind in the car, he literally flew out from the car and found himself in the hotel. He couldn't wait for them so he push the button to number four. That minute inside the elevator was like eternity to him, he kept being anxious while pushing the button some more. If someone had stopped the elevator, he would've ruined that person's life before they get down. He don't want anything stopping him and lucky for him, no one seems to leave their rooms at that horrid evening. Or do they know what is haunting the hotel?

He left his office to the airport and took the next flight to Chad with his men and thank God there wasn't any transit. He couldn't wait for them to check out whether his private jet works or not, he don't have that time. If by any chance his pilot made any mistake like the last time, he is very sure he won't get that job anymore and will leave with few bruises so it was safer to take the international flight. Luckily, the next flight took off just ten minutes after their arrival and it was enough time for them to buy tickets and board the plane without luggage. Well, with the connection he has too.

As soon as the elevator opened, he ran to the corridor while searching the room number 151, such unfortunate number with beautiful figures. He saw the door opened, his heart shattered too because Safwan's words were just echoing in his head. He stepped inside the empty room but stopped moving when he saw the blood underneath his feet which he didn't even notice at first. He was just staring ahead, trying to see where she is but didn't expect to see her lifeless body on the floor bathed with her own scarlet blood looking unrecognizable, isolated and dead.

His eyes widened, he dropped to his knees while taking her body from the floor to see her face, that was his Suhayr. His Leontios, his wife! But she is not even moving, she looks so different with purple, red and every other coloured bruises framing her body like exhibition of art. Her arms are not to be seen, her face is beyond recognition and her lips are bursted open sipping blood out. Her whole body is not what he saw, it was as if she wasn't his Suhayr and he would want nothing more than for that to be true. He could just wish that this is someone, her lookalike perhaps?

If this is not his Suhayr, then he'd be more than happy to take this one to the hospital and go back home to search for his wife but the fact is, this is Suhayr, his wife. His scent lingered around the air and her tiny hands are fixed in his like the missing puzzle, like it always does whenever clasped together. Her hairlines are also part of what he could recognise. Whoever it is that did this to her will suffer greatly, he would wish for his death but it shall never come! He vowed while trying his best to keep his wrath and fury at bay, he needs to save her first before he takes any other action on that person.

Not Najaah first, the coward imbecile that beat a woman like this!

He placed his forefinger to her nose but she isn't fucking breathing! He has never felt fear, terror and fright like this gripping his guts in tight nuts like it did at that moment. His stomach churned with the junk food he ate earlier, he is about to push them back out but he couldn't even do that. The strong stench of smell that belongs to her blood didn't make him vomit, it is the fact that she is not breathing that took his head and mind haywire. He took her hand in his and checked the pulse, it was not even there! His head pounded, his stomach clenched, his heart shattered and his mind, it was no where to be found like her pulse.


"Bloody hell!" He heard Tahir's voice from above him which means they have finally arrived but they are too late. He was too late too!

He couldn't save his wife from those goons, he couldn't protect her.

"Subhan' Allah! What the hell happened here?" Adam knew it was a police case but she also needs help as soon as possible so he dialled the ambulance, if his brother can wait for them that is. They should've done that before they took off, the idea didn't grace it's presence then.

"Move aside, Sa'eed. Let me check whether she is still breathing or not, move!" Sulaiman, the neurosurgeon yelled from beside him as soon as he walked in. Even though he don't want to think that that weak lifeless person lying there on the floor is Suhayr, he has to. He can't help wanting to shred the person that did that. He just need to turn on his doctor mood and think about something different, think like it is not Suhayr on the floor.

"Call the ambulance." Tahir is freaking out from behind, he didn't even step into the room in fear. The beautiful woman, the strong woman he has met is dying or dead on the floor with her husband clutching onto her life the only key to sanity, it wasn't a sight he wants to see at all!

"I've called them, they'll be here any minute." Adam answered, his voice professional while he keep the phone aside. They can't all use their emotions to think, they need to act rationally.

Few minutes into the chaos, paramedics rushed into the room with a gurney, he didn't ask how they came up with it but immensely grateful for wherever this emergency place is. They quickly place her on it and even though Sulaiman isn't the doctor there, he kept firing what to do to her to stop the excessive bleeding from her head and twitch the bone back around her neck. He is afraid she won't make it or is already dead because the way her head was twisted was so brutal, it made bile rose from anyone's throat at the mere sight of it.

A bone is literally popping from somewhere and he hopes it is not connected to her pulse or any important vein around there. Or transferred itself to her spinal cord for it looks severe to disrupt the vertebral bones meant to protect the spinal cord. If it disrupts those bones, she might suffer from partial and complete paralyze or even death. Sulaiman can't begin to imagine the torment she's went through before losing consciousness or could he say, before she died. Even a man, an army officer or anyone that feels that he has the power of earth would cry for such hideous death but there wasn't a trail of tear down Suhayr's eyes neither had she let the tears roll, she didn't give her enemy the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Her eyes were dry, she sent daggers to him even on her death bed, he should tell the person that sent him to kill her.

Sa'eed was still sitting in pools of her blood, he couldn't think rationally at all. When the paramedics took his wife away, he is still holding onto her thick blood on the floor while sitting in it. It only made him realise how precious life is and we should never wait for something we want, we should chase it. It was anger that took over him at first but later on, he knew he has to be there for his wife so the culprit will have little time. As soon as his wife recovers, if she will ever recover, he will deal with them one after the other. He vowed to make them wish for death, he shall fulfill it no matter what. He don't care if he goes against the law or act illegally, he shall do what needs to be done.

"Sa'eed, let's go to the hospital." He wasn't listening to any of them, he still sat on the floor in her blood. She has lost so much of it, she won't believe it if she sees it.

He can't help chuckling at the thought of what she would do if she is to find out she has lost this much blood. Even on deathbed, Suhayr will curse and vow to kill them in her next life so the thought of her reaction if she wakes up is funny and hilarious. His wife is a fighter, she is his Leonteni, she will fight through this like a lion. She has always moved, no one could stand in her way if she wants and, all she needs to do is remember about her loved ones on earth. Her father who loved her even in her absence, Suhayr is just too stubborn to see the love he has for her even if she felt it, she won't let herself bath in it. That is why she ran away from him too.

"Sa'eed this is not the time for that, stand up and let's go." This was Tahir's voice, he left the door and stood inside while trying his best to hold back the bile rising from his throat. He can't believe Sa'eed is sitting to close to her blood where her lifeless body has be taken from. Is he still thinking she was there and has lost it too? They can't really deal with two people losing their lives, well, one will lose his sense.

"Hey, we should leave this place for the police won't let you go if they come here. They are going to start their investigation, you won't want to be stuck here. C'mon, stand up!" Rashid patted his friend's shoulder from behind, his words falling to deaf ears as he is in his own world.

"You need to leave this place, Sa'eed. Suhayr needs you!" Shaheed was tired of hearing their motivational words, he needs to push some sense into him so he yelled the last words for him. And like magic, Sa'eed sprout out to his legs instantly almost getting a whiplash.

"Yes, give me the keys." He stomped out of the room not waiting for any of them but they rush to catch up with him knowing he won't be able to drive without the keys and even if he has them, they would take them away from him. He is not in the right state of mind to drive, he can't drive no one, not even himself.

Arriving at the hospital, Sa'eed made his way to the OT without asking for permission but he wasn't let in, he could see Sulaiman inside. Why the heck is he allowed inside and he is stuck out? This is just stupid and crazy but he didn't want to create a scene, he went back to the waiting chairs and sat down anxiously. His knees are shaking while his hands trembled like a baby crying hysterically only that in his case, he is not crying, but his heart is bleeding profusely in his chest. If the blood directing to his heart were to fall out from his chest, he is very sure the whole hospital would've been marred with his blood, no doubt about that.


Najaah laughed in glee after the one phone call that is able to change many lives either for better or worse but who cares about others if she is happy? Not Najaah Haris Dantati, she is enjoying and bathing in the grace that is about to be present in her life. She will get everything she has always wished for and more, this time, there will be no mistake from her side. There won't be cheating, sadness or betrayal further in her life. She won't have her eyes on anyone but her husband, she won't listen to what her friends say or listen to her traitorous heart. She is going to be the best woman out there, submissive and loyal. The type of woman every man would wish for.

The job is done, Suhayr is no more a hindrance to her life or any other person's. She just helped the humanity by erasing her from the earth, she has already caused too much trouble already. Anymore trouble from Suhayr, the world will collapse instantly. Now, no one will have to be careful of their steps, well, her and her soon to be mother in-law. Suhayr has always been on their necks the moment she stepped into their lives, it is all over like it never happened. Her death will be the news of the week or maybe month? Clearly, the Queen loves her which means the longer mournful the palace will be.

It doesn't matter.

Hearing the sound of their front door opening, Najaah stood up elegantly wearing her frost lingerie since she could already feel the freedom of being Sa'eed's wife so she is training what she will do to seduce him to her trap again. Their two bedroom apartment, one living room and kitchen is anything compared to the chamber she will live in but since they are only going to stay married for a few days which are over already, it is no use renting huge place. She is going to say goodbye to the place along with her partner in crime, Safwan. Maybe she will miss the guy in future for he surely knows how to take care of a woman, women like her.

She saw him sitting down in their living room with his legs crossed on the center table. She told him about that being bad manners but he never listens, she don't care anymore. Nothing is going to ruin her happy mood now, not even a glare from Safwan if he dares to give her one. He never as much raise his voice on her, they never fought and always understand each other. They don't need to talk everyday, only share the same bed and be intimate when they want to be which is everyday. But that was all to their relationship.

"The divorce is happening today. I have already deposited the money to your account, write it down." She crossed her leg in front of her as she sat on the couch facing him. The smile on her lips is enough to show anyone from million miles away from her could see the joviality rolling off of her in waves. The paper and pen is already mingling around ready to be signed with her new fate.

"Divorce? What divorce are you talking about?" Safwan took a swing of her alcohol which she has demanded that he should never take but that day is meant for trouble. He needs to be tipsy before he starts taking fights with the useless woman in front of him. The public nuisance that is hellbent in ruining people's lives, a murderer.

"Don't play that game with me now, baby. You are meant to write down my divorce if our plan gets through and it did. Suhayr Imraan Khalid is dead. Dead!" She emphasised the dead while trying her best not to look out of place. Him talking about what divorce is is making her angry, she don't to show him that so he won't see just how worked up she is. She will make it look as though it's a joke, he should revive his memory soon.

"I am not going to divorce you, Naja'atu Haris Dantati. There won't be any divorce between us forever. I. Don't. Do. Divorce!" He glared at her from his seat, he don't like how she emphasised the death like something casual. Does that mean she will kill him too? Does that mean she can kill him too without hesitation? Is that what she is hinting?

"What the fuck are you talking about? You are going to write down or say that divorce this instant. Don't make me lose my temper right now, don't play with me." She stood up, her eyes widening in anger as she gritted her teeth. The anger surging through her is too much, it's taking over her whole body and she is going to do something he'd regret.

"You want to kill me too? Go ahead, take the knife. I already brought it out for you or do you want a gun?" He threw a knife he took from the kitchen earlier and stood up to his full height too. She looks intimidated when she saw the knife he threw at her. Has he planned everything right from the beginning and is now making her a pawn in her own game?

"Let's not go there, Safwan. You are just going to say it and if you want, you can just write it and then we are over. You can even have the house if you want, just divorce me please." Tears rolled down her cheeks. The tears are mixed with anger, fright, alarm and terror of what is to happen.

Now Suhayr isn't a hindrance anymore and Safwan wants to turn his back against her all of a sudden? This is not something he has planned now, this has been written in his book right the moment her saw her, she could see it. She is darn sure the man isn't in love with her, why is he doing that to her then? Is someone forcing him not to divorce her? Is she getting beaten at her own game by her own pawn? She should've agreed to plan b like one of her friends had advised, she didn't think about that. Safwan made her believe in him, hopelessly so at that.

"C'mon, dear wife. You are looking so hot in that lingerie, I need to have you now." He moved closer to her, his breathe reeking alcohol but he is at his right sense of mind so he removed the robe around her. He began groping her while she stood there motionless, she don't feel anything he is doing. Her mind is somewhere different from what he is doing, far different.

"Let me go!" She tore his arm with the knife he gave her and ran to their room locking it behind her.

She fell face first on her bed and cried, she cried like her heart is about to be ripped from her ribcage. The determination she saw in his eyes told her that nothing she does will change his mind about divorcing her. He knows her secrets, he can tell everyone about it and her life will be doomed which means she needs to take good steps with him. She can't afford to be sent to jail, even her father won't be able to save her from a murder case. Oh God, she was so stupid to have trusted that useless spineless man! What was she thinking rambling out her life to him like that?

Just how can she leave this marriage and go back to her ex husband? Is there any hope left for her?

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