79~ Battered To Death.
"Hey, baby! I'm going to the palace and will be back soon. If everything goes according to plan, we are getting divorced today." Najaah said to Safwan from the bathroom as she try getting out of the bed and away from the sex craved asshole she married not that she minded. He always makes their relationship hot and spicy, she likes it even though she wants to go back to her husband immediately. He always gets to be clingy which sometimes makes her heart drop to her stomach at the thought of him not divorcing her. They never brought up the matter, she is doing that now.
"What plan are you talking about?" He questioned, taking his pants from the floor and wore it. His eyes are gazing at her naked figure lustfully so she clench the door tight so she can run inside if he thinks about them going back to that bed. She needs to get her plan moving, he can't be a hindrance.
"Getting back with Sa'eed obviously! My aunt and I have something spicy planned to get him back under me so, we might get divorced today and your money will be with you." She grinned widely, the happiness showing and glistening her face like never before. The wickedness is their like the cunning sly she is.
She talked about the money only because she wants him to be sure about her giving it to him and not be disappointed. If she talks about the money some more, he'd want to divorce her sooner than he would want to. She is giving him a huge amount of money, that is enough to make him write those words in a paper for her and set her free so she can be with the love of her life. If only Sa'eed knows what is about to hit him so hard after their plan works out, his face.
"What is it?" He chortled but he is actually too curious to know about her plan. From the time he's been married to her which is only a week, he knows how vile the woman is and is afraid to hear what she has planned for innocent people.
When he met her father, he was neither nervous nor anxious about what he is doing because he is really doing the right thing. Right from the beginning, he didn't want to marry her and divorce her afterwards, he wants to marry her and stay married to her to help the world move around. With vile women like her, the world could turn flat if she continues to walk with her head held high and nose poked to the sky. As soon as he hears about the proposal, he had to jump and make his boring life exciting for the first time in decades. He made the right decision too, he never regretted it.
They told her father that they are in love and don't want any grand wedding so her father got them married a week later in their living room. He was asked not to bring anything except for her dowry which she gave him and their marriage was conducted. There was no hassle in marrying her.
First, he got those money from her to help with his older sister's wedding whom everyone thought she won't ever be married because she is twenty nine and has never married. Imagine just how shocked they were when her wedding was the grandest around the whole district, everyone was astonished about the wealth dumped in her home. Some even rumoured it as the first stage of marriage and that her husband did everything for her. The things in her home are equal to any rich man's outside the world, he overdid himself and he couldn't be anymore proud. All he wants to do is make sure his family is well fed and happy.
When he told his mother about his marriage to a rich woman which they want as a secret, she supported him hundred percent. He knew she did that because he said the woman is wealthy and there is nothing his mother wants other than wealth. He always sends money to her everyday to close her mouth so no one can find out about his marriage to a wealthy woman till the time is right. He would want her to keep thinking he was going to divorce her after awhile, he was never committing such sin. He has sinned for agreeing, he won't sin by doing it in action.
He will stay married to her till the end of time for so many reasons only he knows.
He will be able to help Sa'eed whom has helped him once upon a time when he was struggling with his studies in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. He couldn't afford the tuition fee while Sa'eed was there to construct a new hostel in the university when he heard him begging them to give him another chance to pay soon but they refused since they already owe him a lot. Sa'eed removed the money from his pocket with one thousand naira note missing and gave them, he transferred the whole money he would need for his whole studies. That was something he never forgot and that is not the reason he is doing what he is doing at all.
He is doing all that because he needs more of the money and after finding out who he is helping, he vowed to risk his life for such nice person. Even if it means staying married to this vermin woman that wants nothing other than ruins, she lives off devastated lives. She lives to shatter people's lives and dreams, his included. She is using him, he is the one who took himself there but that is what she planned to do all along. He won't let her use anyone any further, not under his watch and under his eyes. He is going to keep her where she is supposed to be, underneath him!
He will get money from her, extract so much from her and do so many things that will make her hate herself. He is being nice to her all along, he is going to unleash his inner beast and battle this fight till he falls, if she can ever do that. If she thinks she is the only wise one that could use people, he will show her who the master is and who ruled the house in his world. His nice side is about to fade, the façade will be ruined just before she could know. Her plans is what he needs to start his own game, to spice their lives some more.
"You know Suhayr left the country and him right?" At his nod, she continue with a nasty smile that spells triumph, "Mother in-law and I send some goons from there to kill her and once that is done, Sa'eed will be devastated and I, will go to his aid. Few months after or weeks, I'll tell him about my marriage and divorce then we are going back together." She squealed, her hands clutching the door tightly, totally forgetting that she is naked in front of him.
"Really? You want to kill her? Isn't that a grievous sin? How sure are you your plan will work out?" He took ahold of her right mound across her chest and squeeze hard, enough to give her pleasure and pain. She won't know what he is doing, whether he is pleasuring or punishing her.
"Why so many questions? You are also committing a sin by marrying me and I don't care, it is going to work alright." She clenched her teeth not to moan but he could see right through her, he's been together with her for a whole week after all. That is enough time for him to know her like the back of his hands.
"Alright, be back soon." He let go of her, his hands leaving the tiny tweaks to darken and grow some more but she only whimpered. She didn't want him to let her go but she needs to get a grip and get moving.
So she took a short bath and made her way to her closet where little clothes are packed in. She didn't tell Juwairiyah about her marriage and only said she will leave the state for a few days to clear her head. She don't want the girl to think she is doing all that to get to her brother, she won't ever support her again and till then, she will have some thing planned for her. She don't want the girl to hate her, she is their cousin after all. Their marriage need to be back in place before she goes crazy, she will have him by her side then think about every other person.
She changed into her new Ankara blouse and skirt. The skirt is sewn in straight line, making the shape she has mingle together into one but she cares not, she is on a mission not to look good, she won't meet Sa'eed anyway. She took her car and left not sighting her husband anyway, thank God for distraction is not what she wants. The man is trying to use her before their marriage ends, she understand that. She is a woman that men call full option, he wants to take what he can get before it ends.
"You know what?" Najaah grinned mischievously at her ex mother in-law and also aunt because she has got the brightest news to tell her.
"What is it?" Hajiya Zainab scrunched her face in a deep frown, only one thing can make her mood brighter. Suhayr's destruction!
She's heard what happened in Egypt before anyone else, but not the part where she found out about her being royalty there. She overheard the Shehu talking to her husband and she eavesdropped on the conversation and found out about the good news she hasn't heard in years. Suhayr leaving her son brought immense joy but she won't forgive the girl for the things she's done, she has disrespected her more than anybody on earth. She will make her pay for it, she won't leave her off the hook so easily, she is not that forgiving.
That is what she has wanted, for Suhayr to leave her son and save their reputation but even after that, she wants her to suffer for ever misrespect and insult she threw on her face. She shall reap what she sow.
And not forget her biggest crime of all, bringing a woman that enticed her husband to marry her! She didn't know about the marriage till last minute and she wasn't prepared for the blow till it hits her squarely in the nose. He fucking got married after their children are all grown like that? She vowed to make Suhayr pay for every wrong move she has done after the marriage happened. It is entirely her fault, she will be the one to push him into doing that!
She won't be able to have the throne alone, the throne she has fought for with blood and sweat. First, she will make Suhayr's life hard and difficult then deal with her husband's wife. That will be easier if Suhayr is out of the way.
"I sent some goons to beat her up till death in Chad." Najaah broke the news in joy, the merriment is splitting in Hajiya Zainab's face too.
"Are you serious?" She perched up closer on her throne like chair that makes her feel closer to the throne. She only needs to keep Urshia, her husband's new wife away from for she can share anything but not the throne! Not the title!
"Oh, yes! I chat up someone from her followers on Instagram who happens to be her enemy and they took the job after giving them a few dollars. The job shall be done soon." Najaah has a nefarious smile shrouding her face and she can't see anything but Suhayr's battered body behind her lids.
"I now feel like I have a deserving niece! Kudos my dear, she shall be out of our way soon. How do you know where she is though?" Hajiya Zainab has the widest grin anyone has ever seen, it looks malicious to anyone but wide nonetheless.
"So many sources, aunt, sources."
She cracked her neck to the side, no one can crisscross her and go away unscathed. That was what she thought of doing but she didn't want to send any Chadian to do the work. She wanted to pay some people to go to Chad and kill her then come back but the way Najaah did it is quite alright. As long as she is no more!
"Who is it?" Sa'eed sighed through the intercom as if his whole energy is getting transmitted through those few words he is speaking. He feels more tired than any day because there was no progress going on.
He is sitting inside his office with his friends, brothers and cousins later that very evening when the call came from Jonathan through his intercom. He's told him to cancel every meeting he has so this better be important or it will be his work on the line now. They are sitting around eating some junk while trying to gauge out where Suhayr is and where she could be. Their effort is to try to have any clue about her, the slightest track that will lead them to wherever she was.
He's thought about checking Chad but then again, she could be smart to not go there knowing that is the first place they are going to check. He should've gone to the airports in Egypt to ask where she is as the connection from Nigeria is quite difficult. He sent some men to search every hotel in Chad though, no progress.
"Sir, a man is here and he said he has something related to your wife. Should I let him in-?" He didn't get to close his mouth when Sa'eed instantly answered with heaviness in his chest but also, hope.
"Let him through!" He almost yelled but then calmed himself down seeing as the other occupants in the room are staring at him weirdly. They want to know who he is talking about so they all shift their gazes to the door when a man walked in.
Safwan wants to tell and warn Sa'eed about Najaah's evil plans before it gets out of hand so as soon as she left the house, he also took her other car and rush to his company. His hands were shaking the whole way there not wanting to look like a small baby but also wanting to help. If he tells Sa'eed about his relationship with Najaah, he'd believe him instantly. He should know about his ex wife's evil ways by now, it should be crystal clear before his eyes.
"Good afternoon." Safwan greeted, squirming as all the eyes in the room stared back at him and he does not have place to sit on. They are occupying the whole sitting places in the room like their bedroom.
"Afternoon, please sit. Shaheed, disappear!" The last words were firm to Shaheed who is sitting on one of the chairs in front of him, he stood up without questioning seeing the seriousness in the room.
"What brought you here?" Adam inquired from his position on the floor, his laptop sitting on the sofa directly close to his face as he search up links to Suhayr.
They could guess it was Chad but they know Suhayr isn't stupid so go back to her homeland, they'd easily catch up. But she is more smarter than them for going there even after knowing they would think about going there first. She knows how to play her game.
"I'm Safwan and I know where your wife is. She is currently in Chad and your ex wife, Najaah has sent some goons to kill her as we speak. I hope this helps, you need to save her before they get to her." Safwan was shitting his pants knowing Adam is a police man and could arrest him for any wrong information.
"What made you think we are going to believe that bullshit?" Sa'eed thundered, he don't want to believe that is happening to his wife but he is damn sure Najaah will go to that extent for revenge. He don't want to confirm his insecurity, Suhayr can't be in danger.
"Because I am now Najaah's husband. She wants me to divorce her so she can get back to you when her plan succeeds. I think we should stop with the questions now. You need to go save your wife before it's too late." Safwan took the spotlight off of him because like switch, all the men in the room stood up and got to work.
They need to reach Suhayr as soon as possible.
Off to Bulgaria!
That is before her way is blocked by many, lots of them and they only want to do one thing, kill her!
Suhayr couldn't even scream -that is not her style- as she stare at the bulky men with closed faces wearing black. She knew they are not there for anything good, it definitely spells evil in bold letters in front of her. How can the hotel, a five star hotel let men like that walk inside without as much as calling her to ask if they are there for her or not? Have they been waiting for her for a long time outside her room to come out so they can ruin her for life? They have been waiting for her to open the door then attack, huh?
She stared as the four of them walk in, two of them move straight behind her and held her, she didn't say anything even then. She threw her bag back on the floor while waiting to see what they are going to do. None of them moved after she got held her down, whoever it is that sent them knew how she could attack and made them close that chance. She definitely would've tried using her black belt to keep them in place but with two huge ones behind her, she is not sure anymore.
These men are nothing but cowards since they can't deal with one woman without holding her back. She won't rat out though, she can be killed.
Her safety itself is not assured.
"What are you doing here?" She found her voice after thinking she was going to die in the next second but they didn't move.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Suhayr, always feisty." A familiar voice said behind the mask and she instantly knew who it was. A man she sent to jail for almost raping Salima months ago. Who brought him out? He is even roaming around without a care in the world after what he has done? Is he here to ruin her too and rape her?
She'd rather die than get raped!
"Who brought you out? Who the fuck did that?" She yelled, the veins around her forehead and neck popping with each movement as she spits venom.
Before she knew it, she gets attacked from all the men and she didn't know where to defend herself from. They are mostly hitting her head as if they want her to die immediately while some use police stick to beat her whole body like she doesn't deserve to live. She can't remember doing anything bad to the others but she is darn sure she would've sent that son of a bitch to jail again if she ever stands up. But with the length and power they are using to beat her, she is not sure about living again in the earth but shocking enough, she is delighted.
She can meet her foster mother, biological mother and even Sa'ad. She can tell them about Sa'eed and how she spoilt their love story before it began, she wants to meet them. She started blacking out, not fighting back the urge to leave, not fighting for anyone for she has no one. She wants to die and meet her loved ones, if only she could apologize to Sa'eed for what she has done. If only she could tell him how much she loves him, she loves him so much that it hurts her chest to leave him now that it's too late.
She loves him! Ya Jabbar, she just confessed her love to him close to her death bed.
Extreme pain, anguish, torment, excruciating distress, strenuous experience she's never felt, agony. Few minutes into their beating, they stopped and the man behind her torment came forward to stand in front of her battered body like a trophy. He had a sinister smile and he removed the mask from his face to stare down at her on the floor. She glared at him with nothing but hatred, if only she could stand and beat him like he did her but the pain is too intense for her to even think about moving a muscle. It's surprising how she is alive, it hurts a lot.
Both internal, external, it hurts so darn much. Tears brimmed her eyes but they didn't fall, it was tears full of regret, pain and love.
"This is so sad. I wanted to have you before I make you suffer but," he gave a sad face, his finger trailing to touch her battered neck and face, "you were so feisty and won't let me, but it's okay, you are going to die anyway."
As if she would let him touch her.
"I've always wanted to do this ever since you put me behind bars and now, I'm doing it for money. Someone from Nigeria hates you and send us to kill you, I shall fulfill another enemy's desire." She wanted to process who would want to kill her, she can't remember doing anything tragic to any of them except for Sa'eed and Sa'eed won't ever think about hurting a single strand of hair from her head, this has to be someone else.
She has a hunch but she didn't get to live long to think who it was before he wring her neck and she fell limp, flaccid on the cold December tiled floor. Dead in a hotel room with no loved one close to her.
She didn't wish for death like that...
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