72~ Another Past Down?
"..It is a baby girl!" The midwife woman announced from the chamber making the place silent except the voice that punctured into the air, none other than the new born baby girl.
"Give her to me!" Crowned Prince Muhammad Aaliy said to the middle aged woman but before he could hold his daughter in his arms, someone came in between them and took her from him just like that.
"You are not going to raise this baby!" None other than his mother, the Great Royal Consort Hawazin looking all mighty in her royal attire and her huge crown adorning her head. She never cease a day without putting that on her head all the time to emphasize her position. She makes sure to show everyone their place by putting it so her command could strike hard!
"W-what are you saying, mother? Why won't I raise my own baby?" He stuttered out, his eyes staring wildly at his mother who held onto his baby like some piece of towel wrapped. He wanted to reprimand why she is doing that but he has no right with his mother like that. His mother would kill him if he dare goes against her but this is his daughter they are talking about it.
"You can't raise a baby girl in this kingdom, Muhammad. If you raise a baby girl here, the throne won't be yours anymore and your uncle will rule. I don't need to explain to you what the kingdom will go through if your uncle rule it someday. And this is a sacrifice you need to make for your country to show just how much you value your position as the crowned prince!" She bellowed, her hand clutching tighter to the crying baby as if to shut her up but she kept crying louder and louder with each passing second. The look on his mother's face made him scared for his daughter, she wants to throw her away to stop her from crying, he can see it in her eyes.
"What is the problem in raising a baby girl? I already have a baby boy as the heir, I don't think there should be any problem raising a girl now. This is just mentality we need to keep aside, the baby's life will be in danger." He argued, he'd go to any extent for his daughter even if it means going against his mother. The Pharaoh's wife who is presently piercing him with daggers.
"This is no mentality! I am talking about the future of your kingdom and this baby needs to go. I won't hear anything else, she won't live here." Her eyes are now wide, implying just how serious she is about what she is saying and he should stop talking already.
Muhammad Aaliy thought he could fight for his daughter at that moment but when she took a knife from one of her many pockets and showed it around his baby's neck, there is no going back. His daughter could either live or die and with his mother as a threat, he can't deal with her alone. He don't have any other plan and he still hasn't wrapped everything around him for being the next Pharaoh. If he has the throne in his hands, he will make sure his mother disappear from the face of earth for she's done a lot of things for the royalty to and to stay deep inside the throne room.
Granted, his uncle is not the best candidate to take over the throne one day since everyone knows just how vile he is. His uncle, Zayyan is a horrible man that the dogs won't even smell twice when passing by him. He wants to rule the kingdom through nook or crook. He has tried countless times to bring loops around his throne but hasn't succeeded but it doesn't mean he has given up. He keeps on trying to kill Muhammad Aaliy then stopped because everyone will suspect him, he was caught once asking a maid to add something to his meal.
There was a time when he won't eat the food till a maid tastes it and if nothing happens to her, then he will go ahead and eat. It was tough living in the palace where everyone just wants to end your life because you have the throne. There are times where all he wants to do is run away and live a normal life but he can't do that, it will be shameful. He was born to be Royal right from the beginning and he has made no mistake in his past just to show how perfect of a ruler he'd be when he gets on the throne like he is. He is forced out of his comfort zone to be a Pharaoh ruling an empire all on his own.
At the age of thirty seven, all he wanted to do is to live with his family happily in a house encased with white fence and huge backyard for his two children now three. His two boys are already grown and he could already see them being so possessive over their little sister who his mother is hellbent on not making him raise himself. A normal life like his friends out there before he turned against them when he took over the throne and being enshrouded with so many responsibilities is what he wished for. Too many things to read and solve in a day, it wasn't at all easy.
If his daughter is going to live, then she should live somewhere. His mother has already set her mind on not letting her live in the palace so it's either he gets her out of there or she kills her without remorse. He's seen his mother poisoning the other Royal Consorts in the palace not once or twice, he kept quite for no matter what he says against his mother is never true. His father is blinded by her fake nature and fierce behaviour. She is no doubt fierce, she could tame a lion if she wants to and he is not at all exaggerating for he's seen it time and time again.
No one crosses his mother in that palace because aside from being the Pharaoh's first wife, she is also the crowned princes mother which means she is higher ranked than any other consorts. She takes that to her advantage and bully the ones below her. She loves him, there is no doubt about that but the way she shows that love for him is really not the way he wants to be shown love by his mother. Some say men are less emotional but he has stronger bond with his father than his mother. His father has been there for his first and last football match before he was forced to be homeschooled when paparazzi decided to ruin his life for good. He never got to live a normal simple life since then, he cursed paparazzi.
"What are you going to do to the baby?" He has gave up from the tone of his voice so she smiled in triumph and the baby instantly stopped crying. Was she telling him not to agree with the decision or yes? Why did she suddenly stop crying when he gave up? He never knew and never found out!
"You know Varisha right? The unwanted sister of the Imraan Khalid's and now a divorcee?" She questioned, a nasty smile spreading across her lips like she's found the cure to cancer worldwide. Maybe even that won't make her smile as wide as this, she is not that generous.
"Yes, my wife's younger twin sister. What about her?" He questioned inclining his head to the side while staring at his baby girl who he still didn't get to hold in his arms. She didn't feel his warmth first and all his children felt it before they do anyone else's. Maybe that is why his daughter became fiercer but not as heartless as his mother.
"She is going to raise her in another country and I know none of them will have problem with this. They all feel like she is a burden to them now after what has happened months ago. This is the perfect plan for the baby." Hawazin smiled again cunningly, her head could form millions of plans at the same time. Royalty has changed her, she became cunning and calculating.
"And what are we going to tell Tanisha?" His wife Tanisha will be shattered when she found out about this. He can't afford to see that crestfallen look on her again after what happened with her twin sister. If she learns about this truth, she will definitely try doing something drastic and put their daughter's life in more danger.
"We shall tell her the baby is dead." The smirk on her face is enough to tell him his mother is at the point of no return and there is nothing that could ever change her mind. Someone might think she's spent years thinking about that but it was instant.
His wife, Tanisha has given birth to two bouncing baby boys. One of them being five years old named after his father, Muhammad Aqib and the other who just turned two, Omar Farouk. So his mother definitely thought she was going to give birth to another baby boy again and he truthfully wanted a girl right from the beginning. Women have no value in the palace then, especially new born from the crowned prince. Everyone will look at them with nothing but disgust, he wanted to change that mentality as soon as he gets the throne and damn did he.
Varisha, his wife's twin sister said to murder her husband Nigerian in cold blood back in Nigeria. It was a lie though, her husband is roaming around unconstrained and unhindered by anything on his path. Everyone around the his family hated her and he also divorced her like she does not mean anything to him. When they started their love, it was as though he would give his life for her whenever she wants but after he finally took her away from her home to Nigeria, everything changed right from day one when his mother tried ruining their first night and every other night that followed, she never complained.
His mother wanted him to marry one of his cousins but he refused because he has always wanted to marry a foreign woman his whole life. He is a business tycoon so amongst one of his many travels, he landed in Egypt and saw Varisha coming out from her working place. She didn't even glance at him, it was a great work to get that woman to notice him but he did it with his pocket anyway. They started dating for a whole year trying to get to know each other and he travels around from Egypt to Nigeria a lot. Someone might think he was genuine with it.
Varisha wanted to end his trouble so she agreed to marry him and her family also agreed. She can't exactly marry a poor man when her family is better off and her twin sister married the Pharaoh so she took the opportunity and jumped into the expensive marriage. At least, her family started paying attention to her because for once, she is doing something good for herself and the family's reputation. They grew up knowing they won't marry any impoverished person right from the scratch so she never allowed herself to fall in love. He was her first and only love who hurt her more than anyone else in the world.
Some months into their marriage, Varisha found out that her husband, Alhaji Ilyas is nothing short of a manwhore. No, that is not even the name that will fit his head. He was just thirty three when they got married while she was twenty one, really young but had to agree to that alliance or she will be disowned. He is a promiscuous, whore, slut, prostitute and a male dog. She's got a few friends in Nigeria and the girls always call her to tell her her husband left this hotel, that hotel, with that woman and the other.
At first, she stopped believing them but with so many proofs and phonecalls, she can't wrap her head around it. She started believing it and one day, she went to the hotel and caught him red handed. She didn't say anything to him neither did the shameless person say anything and she knew he saw her there. Their relationship started restraining on and off since from then and then the last straw took place. She left the house to go to a friend's house and when she came back, something was off around the house. She made her way to their room and saw him with someone, none other than his,
Blood sister!
"What is this?" She yelped in shock, she is more surprised than angry of what is happening. How can someone be on bed with his blood sister? Same mother and same father?! What the fuck is that now? He's moved from the women outside to the family, his own blood?!
"It's not what you think!" The lady named Jamila screamed while scramping to take her clothes from the floor but the disgusting man just glared at her for ruining his time. He didn't feel an ounce of guilt having being caught having sex with his own married younger sister.
"Come back here, Jamila!" Was what he said as soon as he opened his mouth to talk, she felt this pang in her chest. He should at least look or act like he is guilty of what is going on between them but he didn't.
"He blackmailed me and I need money, wallahi I never meant to do this with him. I came here asking for money to get my son's treatment but he offered this and I can't do anything. I need to save my son, he-he is trying to rape me." Jamila stuttered, her words heaving out like she just killed someone. She is stuttering too much, her hands trying to close her body shakily.
"You disgusting pig!" Varisha ran out of the room and went in search of kerosene to burn him. There is no use of man like him on earth! They are nothing but peril to society and women out there in the world. He will continue what he is doing to other women and men like them will go to the extent of doing it with their children. Thank God she is not pregnant!
But she is!
She poured the kerosene all over the room while he stared in horror not knowing what to do and his sister has ran out of the room, encouraging her to kill him. She was about to lit up the matches when his older brother barged into the room and stopped her. So she explained everything to him and he supported her. The whole family start to call her a murderer and since she don't want Jamila's secret to be out, she took all the blame. His older brother gave her some cash and demand that his brother divorce her so she could leave the country and she did.
She found out she was pregnant but no one gave her any special attention, she tend to it herself. She is already seven months pregnant when the Great Royal Consort went to visit her in her small room where her family let her stay. The money she got from Nigeria is what she uses to get herself off. She use little of it to not be impoverished soon so when the woman came into her room, she knew she was up to no good. Her twin sister always complained about how bad she is but Varisha has never seen it till that day when she walked in so late in the night with a baby in her arms.
"I have an offer for you." She said, her words resonating around the room. Varisha knew that the baby is none other than her new born niece, she heard the people in her home talking about it earlier.
"What is it?" That isn't what she wanted to say, she really wanted to ask her to get the fuck out of her room for she is bad new but she can't exactly say that to royalty. She will be executed before the next morning, she is sure of that.
"This is your sister's baby and because she is a girl, we can't exactly raise her in the palace. I'm going to give you some money, leave the country with her and raise her. I don't care how or where you are going to do it, but you are to leave before sunrise tomorrow. Everything will be taken care of." She place the baby not so gently on her thigh and one look at the baby, Varisha knew she looks exactly like her mother and her.
"What are you going to say to Tanisha about this? You can't just take her baby away because of your political royals nonsense." The lump is in her throat telling her to shut the fuck up but this is inhumane! They can't take away her sister's baby because of their selfish motives.
"You are going to do as I say only! Don't you dare challenge my words again or you will regret it." Her eyes meandered to Varisha's stomach and she instantly held it possessively. She knows what the woman means by that.
"And Aaliy is letting you do this?" She asked because she needs the closure. If she is going to take their baby away, she might as well get to know what is up with them in the palace.
"Yes, start packing." She kept a bag filled with lots of money then turn around and left the room like she was never there to begin with if not for her niece lying soundlessly on her thigh and she decided to name her, Suhayr Imraan Khalid right there. It means a proper name and she does not deserve anything short of proper.
She left Egypt that very night and decided to go to Chad without telling anything to the Great Royal Consort or her family. As soon as she landed in Chad, she slipped straight into labour where she gave birth to a premature baby girl she named Maysoon. Knowing she can't take care of two young girls, she decided to take them all to the orphanage then settle down. She took a year to settle down and get her health back in order after the excessive blood lost during the birth giving. She has suffered a lot of stress with the pregnancy.
She went back to that same orphanage and took Suhayr but she was forced to adopt her since she's already given her to them. She couldn't adopt Maysoon as she's already been adopted by some family. She was devastated for a whole year finding that out but then came out of it knowing she has to take care of her twin's daughter even if hers isn't there with her. Wherever she is, she prayed that she is safe and sound. That wasn't what she planned for them but Allah has already planned it all, she took that as her own fate and brought Suhayr up as her own.
And they look ridiculously alike!
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