70~ Meeting Another Mother.


"I wanted to tell you something." She stuttered while keeping her phone because Tasneem just poured cold water on her and she needs to tell him the truth before it's too late. She can't enjoy Egypt when she is guilty of what she is about to say to him. He is ready to give them chance but she is not and will leave him very soon, he needs to know. His smile will soon turn downwards, she don't want that but that is a decision she must take.

"What is it?" His face yawed to curiosity since he's never seen Suhayr wringing her fingers in nervousness which means this matter is a lot more serious. What could be so serious to get her to be anxious like that? He mused.

A knock interrupted them so Sa'eed made his way to the door to see who is there when they just arrived. Three maids stood behind the door holding a colossal silver trolley filled with so many casseroles so he moved to let them in and they did just that while staring at Suhayr like she is some weird alien. She is starting to feel really weird with the stares she is getting in that palace right from the airport. If this is going to be something she encounters everyday, then she'd better leave the palace and look for a hotel to stay. They can't be staring so rudely at her, she wants to snap at them but this is their place not hers. She is the guest not them!

"The dinner is in two hours, your Highnesses. Enjoy your meal!" One of the maids bowed like all of them before they trudge out of the room, their flaxen uniform disappearing behind the door to their room.

"What were you saying?" Sa'eed move closer to Suhayr and she felt all she wanted to say running down the drain. Is it because of his close proximity, or she just don't want to leave what has started growing so soon or the food staring back at her? She don't have an answer, maybe a little bit of all? She can't say exactly but the words galloped back to her mouth and she don't feel like saying it.

"Nothing, just wanted to ask about the food but here it is." She grinned then stood up, the mere mention of food is enough to take her mind off what she wanted to say and she really hopes she's fooled Sa'eed into believing she has nothing to say.

"If you say so." He shrugged even though he knows that there is something Suhayr wanted to tell him before she kept quite. Was she going to tell him about her feelings? That would've being really nice and made the trip memorable.

They finished their lunch in one hour since they kept talking whole eating and time is just dashing around them. Suhayr felt the need to changed from her maxi dress into something much more presentable to see the Pharaoh of Egypt and his wives and luckily, his family. She's heard that he has two wives, five children and all of them are drop dead gorgeous though there is no photo of them on google except for a few girls and she is not even sure if they are the ones or not. She can't wait to see them though, she is feeling so giddy about it.

"We should change before going to the dinner, don't you think?" Suhayr asked from the door to the bathroom, she needs a quick bath and fresh up before going there. She feels like she is going to meet some God but in reality, she is only going to see Pharaoh Muhammad Aaliy and his family. The Egypt royalties, not everyone gets opportunities like this even after being brought up in the country your while life and who is she to waste such favourable circumstances.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll just change here while you take bath but if you want me there, I don't mind taking another bath." He gave a suggestive smile while playing with his brows, she chortled then close the door loudly to cut him off. She heard his laughter from behind the door and smiled, she is changing. The other Suhayr would've threw a few hurtful words before closing the door on his face.

He changed from his simple clothes to much more fancier ones but still trying to take off that casual look not to look extravagant. There is a new washed out straight denim jeans he packed so he wore it then took a white scoop neckline cotton shirt with short sleeves. It stretched out his chest and muscular biceps and since he is wearing Calvin Klein tank top underneath, the white shirt didn't show his skin nor his nipple in that annoying way. Lastly, he put on his Nike classic sneakers to close his feat and adjust the lace just when the door opened.

"You just ruined my cliché thought of seeing you in towel." He grumbled seeing her wrapped in a huge fluffy robe showing only her calf and a little deep of her cleavage, nothing more. Nothing as cliché as that ever happened between them and he really wants it to happen even in his dreams.

"I will keep bursting out your bubble, not gonna happen!" She made a sarcastic pause with her hands akimbo then move to her huge luggage to find what to wear. She opened it and sat down on the carpeted floor to check out the best for her first dinner with the Egyptian royals! She never would've thought she would be in that situation but look at her all glossy to meet the people she never dreamt about meeting her whole life but they are her role models.

So many minutes spent searching with Sa'eed's voice as background distraction, she finally removed a sky blue pearl trim belted button dress, a-line, non stretch polyester, high neckline and regular bishop long sleeves. She made her way to the bathroom and change not paying heeds to Sa'eed's suggestion that she should stay there and change in front of him. The guy is getting comfortable to talking so corruptly to her but who is she to reprimand when he always makes her thigh tighten with just words? She can't exactly stop him from doing what they both enjoy hence, her being quite.

"Have I ever told you just how beautiful you are?" Sa'eed whistled, his legs carrying him to where she stood atop her luggage to take the other accessories to match up her outfit. Her body trembled wantonly with anticipation of what is to come if he moves any closer.

"No." She breathed trying to smile cheekily st him but end up shivering when his forefinger came to tuck a strand of damp hair behind her ear. Her eyes closed on their own accord, she scold herself to snap out of it and she did.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen my whole life. A woman with a body of a a goddess sculpted by the highest rank of female specimen and personality, we should not go there now." His words echoed in her brain making her eyes dilate on their own accord and her body to catapult closer to him like moth to flame. Their bodies are now aligned, just a move and they'd be inside one another, not literally.

"All that flattery for me? What do you want?" She place her right palm on his left breast where his heart kept beating like crazy. That little thing she did made his head turn mushy and his eyes to droop lower with nothing but love and desire for the small woman in front of him.

"Nothing but your love, your acceptance and everything there is to give." His words muffled in her lips and she didn't hear a thing. Nothing is making sense except for his lips tickling hers so she took the step and kissed him with all her might.

She clutch his chest closer to her in tight grip while bringing him closer to her body, aligning them together. He could only groan feeling her body one his, her damp hair tangled in between his hand which constricted in a tight fist. Their mouths and tongues are ravishing each others like they are the last drop of water they need to survive the bestial world. Their moans rupture around the quite room, steam going off around the two lovers reaching the finish line.

"Are you guys ready already?" They jumped in fright hearing her majesty's voice through the intercom they didn't notice in their room. Has the thirty minutes they have finished already? Were they kissing for that long or what is it? Did the time drag out or they didn't check the clock well?

"Few more minutes!" Sa'eed called out in a hoarse voice hoping they heard through the huskiness and heaviness of his words. His stomach is churning while his heart won't just keep eradicating trying to extirpate his ribcage. Gosh, this wee woman have so many effect on him.

"You caused this." She blushed while accusing him, she meandered to check out what accessories she will need for her last minute dress up. She wanted to take the whole thirty minutes but she has less than ten minutes now, ugh!

'But it was worth it, huh?' Her subconscious cooed while pinching her own cheeks inside her head. She blushed some more because her inner bitch is ready to have a waltz.

"I didn't! You kissed me first." He argued back, smile palpable in his face and voice. That kiss was amazing, he is sure she felt how it feels to be kissed by someone who loves you. He also felt that love there, there is love!

"Shut up!" She don't want to argue when she needs to search up for other articles required to look good and ready to meet up high end royals.

A soft crinkled denim veil is what she removed first from the luggage then took a matching denim Prada muff furry bag that could go with the afternoon dinner. Lastly, she took Mouawad denim jean slip on and kept everything on the bed to make her veil. She did the Egyptian style which was a little bit tricky but she pulled it off anyway. She applied a little bit of kohl to her eyes to pop them out, small nude lipstick and she was done with her face.

"Set?" Sa'eed questioned from behind her albeit spraying his Clive Christian perfume then move with it to where she is and spray some for her. She might probably forget about spraying one with the way she is moving so fast.

"Let's go." She gave him a grateful smile and something he learned about her is, she can't display her gratefulness in words. She is not into saying thank you if not sarcastically, he just studied her.

Stepping out of their room, they met up with his grandparents and few other maids in front of them guiding them to the banquet hall. Suhayr felt so excited, her stomach churning with uneasiness which is so very unlike Suhayr Imraan Khalid. She gulped as the maids ceased in front of a giant ancient door made in gold. She would agree to anyone who says it is made of real gold, the thing is shining beautifully. Two of the maids push the door open and there is no doubt, they put their whole energy to the door.

"Welcome, your Highnesses!" There are more guards in the banquet hall guarding like statues. The maids are also neatly arranged and they seem to be breathing timidly, any wrong move can have them executed in front of the royals.

Suhayr don't want to take her eyes off the place to the royals because as soon as she does that, she won't be able to take her eyes off of them. The room is what she would call tremendous with gigantic along the sentence. There is a lengthy extended dining table enshrouded with golden tablecloth while the multitudes of chairs are made of those royal chairs with red tufted cushion, the headrest is really long. There are people sitting on it waiting for them patiently but for some odd reasons, Suhayr don't want to make eye contact with any of them.

And Suhayr Imraan Khalid is never intimidated!

"Welcome, welcome! It's been so long, Dadda'u!" She heard a manly but fragile voice said to his majesty the Shehu of Borno and that is when she noticed that they are standing right in front of the Pharaoh. She felt like hyperventilating!

"I could say the same since you decided to abandon us." The Shehu replied, a grin stretched across his face as they exchange hearty pleasantries with the Pharaoh whose attention is clearly somewhere else.

Somewhere on her! No scratch that, everyone in the room is looking at her!

Just what on earth is wrong with them now? Everyone just keeps staring at her like she is some damn diamond hidden behind her body or she has milk running in her veins instead of blood like theirs? There is no other reason why people are looking at her and to top it all, the Pharaoh and his family are also staring wide eyed. If she could, she would have reprimanded why they are not being discrete with their stares, they are making it quite obvious that they are looking at her. Even the Egyptian royals!

"Can you introduce us now? I don't think I know those faces." The Pharaoh's voice yank her away from her reverie and still, his attention is solely focused on her so she stared back too. Something about him screams familiarity but she is million percent sure she don't know the man apart from his photos on social media. That has to be it, his photos makes him look familiar.

"Oh, yes! This is my granddaughter in-law, Suhayr Imraan Khalid and my grandson, Sa'eed." The Shehu move back to push his grandson and his wife forward to the mighty Pharaoh as he stood elegantly in his Royal golden attire, a golden expensive looking crown perched on his head.

"Imraan Khalid?" Suhayr heard someone from the table calling so her eyes snapped to the person who looks no different than the older version of herself.

Her eyes widen like a saucer seeing the woman staring right back at her like her foster mother just that she looks more alike with her than her foster mother. Her heart started beating more rapidly in her chest because she feels like she is having another nightmare and her foster mother was alive then. Something Suhayr has never felt in her whole nineteen years of living emerged like a dead volcano getting erupted for the first time in millennia! That emotion is none other than fear, anxiety and terror of what is to happen, it's scary.

Fear for what the woman who looks like her foster mother by calling the name of their family. Her foster mother gave her her father's name because they don't know her parents so why is this woman making it sound like a crime? Does she have any relation with her foster mother? Well, that is what could explain the familiarity of the two or she'd run for the hills since the resemblance is uncanny. If her foster mother were alive, they would've been called twins without doubt.

Maybe this is the reason why everyone is staring at her since her arrival. It has to be.

She stared at the woman again to see her with an oxygen tank beside her and nasal stuff pushed to her nose. She looks fragile and way older than her foster mother. Her outfit defines one thing, she is one of the Pharaoh's wife who gets to sit on his right hand side. Her attire is to die for, she looks extremely beautiful even with the dead face and empty eyes that are now shining with admiration and familiarity. A smaller crown is also on her head, sitting like it was meant to be there for her.

"Yes, Great Royal Consort." Suhayr answered her when none did all the while staring at the woman with thumping heart in her chest.

"What is your mother's name?" The woman swallowed a lump as she stuttered out the word mother from her throat like it hurts to just say that. Suhayr is going to get to the bottom of this question soon.

"Varisha Imraan Khalid." And all hell broke lose when the woman's eyes widen and she started coughing blood. Suhayr has never felt the terror that overwhelmed her than the one at that moment staring at the woman coughing blood. She immediately went to her aid with lots of tissues to clean her mouth with then adjust the nasal tube to her familiar nose.

"Did you just say Varisha?" The woman continue to whisper out even though she looks more weaker now than she did when they came in. She is not willing to give up her question just because she coughed blood, not happening.

"Yes! Can't you all help her? She needs medical attention but you are all sitting there not trying to bring aid!" Suhayr yelled to them while looking concerned at the fragile woman totally forgetting that she is around Royal bloods and they could have her dead for yelling at them like that. But in her defense, a woman is dying there in front of them but they are just watching them with curiosity.

"She is sick and coughs blood all the time now, she will be okay." A manly voice said from beside the woman and that is when she noticed another specie sitting there looking like her male replica.

What the fuck is going on?! Is she seeing things now?!

"Oh, okay." She swallowed a lump whilst standing up, she felt embarrassed for being so concerned to a stranger so she circled the table and stood next to Sa'eed who gave her arm a reassuring squeeze.

She didn't feel safe at all, a storm is about to hit them and it is way bigger than hurricane, temblor, seism and earthquake joined together!

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