69~ Aloha Egyptians!


"Hey, is everything alright?" Suhayr yawned sitting up on the bed to stare at Sa'eed who just walked in and ruined her perfect sleep. She is a heavy sleeper but she has been anxious about what her majesty wants to say to her husband so she couldn't really let herself fall asleep like that. The call was abrupt, she felt anxious for no reason since then.

"Are you sleepy?" Was his first question, his hands moving around the buttons of his dress shirt to remove it and get into his pajama cotton sleeping wear.

"Not really." Her palms directly went to her eyes to clear any trace of sleep because if he won't tell her anything only because she is sleepy, then she don't even want to sleep. She's slept the whole afternoon after coming back from Urshia's so she can take longer before.

"Good! Grand mama is going to Egypt tomorrow with grandpa and she thought it would be nice if we go with them since we didn't go on our honeymoon. That is if you're okay with it." He has changed into white pajamas, she didn't even know when he did that. She only find him in front of her staring in her eyes in the dim lit room making the ambiance romantic.

"Are you stupid?! I hope you didn't tell her I won't go because I am freaking going to Egypt!" She leaped into the air not literally but her fists hands punched the air atop her as she bounce on the bed while sitting.

In whole Africa, she only wants to go to Egypt first then any other country should come behind and now that there is an opportunity, who the heck is she to say no? She is so going Egypt to see all those new stuff she's seen on internet and if she could, she would go to each and every tourist attraction. Especially Abdeen Palace, that place is where she took a lot of screenshots and make posters for her room when her mother was alive. Her mother don't know why she loves Egypt so much but she supported her in her crazy things through and through. Her mother isn't thrilled about the idea of them going to Egypt so she never pursued it.

"I didn't know you were so eager to go on a honeymoon with me." He teased, his smile stretching wider as he move closer to her, pushing her back to the headboard and she rolled her eyes.

"I just want to see Egypt and not spend time with your ass. Don't go ahead of yourself with those thoughts, it won't help." She rolled her eyes again trying to move from the trapped location he's pushed her. She knows what he wants to do and she is not up for it knowing she will get her thoughts jumbled again like it was that morning. He literally jumbled her brains in blender for his morning tea or was it coffee? She's forgotten what he had.

"Tut-tut, telling lies again?" His breath is now fanning her face, she made a move to push his body with both her hands but he took them in one of his, irritating but not at all turning her off. He has large hands compared to her small ones, like when she compare her hand with a baby's, that's how.

"You should know that I don't lie!" She replied sharply hysterically trying to take her hands back but with his firm grip on them, she can't as much shift them inside his.

"That's another lie. And it's in my principle to punish anyone that lies." His lips land on hers making her shiver, he always gets that reaction whenever he kisses her and it makes him elated just seeing that from her. At least, he is not the only think he was going crazy.

"We need to pack!" She shivered again and one would think she is in the snow without coat or sweater to keep her warm but it's all Sa'eed. The heat getting transmitted from him is making her sweaty and adding his lips to the equation, she wants to pee.

"Right!" He groaned but didn't move away from hee and Suhayr took the chance of his annoyed self and push him back on the bed where he lie on his hunch staring at her in amusement. She grinned in triumph then shrugged and made her way to the closet.

"That is the only language you understand! Now get your butt off the bed and pack your own clothes 'cause I don't want anything hindering this journey." She hollered from inside the closet removing one of the boxes brought to her by the royals to pack inside. She can't exactly use hers as it is not as expensive and new as this. Her own has some torn parts around so one of theirs will have to do.

She started packing from the clothes she wants to wear, there are a lot of them since she didn't ask how many days they are going to spend there. Knowing she can't pack without knowing the days, she kept that aside and took her new toiletries from sponge, soaps, hair shampoo, hair mask, moisturizer and everything she could think of. She packed her nightwear too, one of Sa'eed's flipflop she is obsessed with, the sweater she stole from him. There are so many crinkled veils she wants but she still needs to take out the clothes she will wear to get a veil.

"How many days?" She called out from the closet again hoping he would hear her without her having to yell out some more.

"A week!" He replied, she sighed and started taking the clothes. She thought it was going to be two weeks, one won't be enough for her to go to places she wants to go to. Lack Nasser, Quseer, Dandarah, Nuweibaa, she wants to go to all those places and one week? She can't use that only.

After packing everything she will need, she rolled the trolley to the door and keep it against the wall then left the closet. Sa'eed has also finished packing and kept his luggage beside the wardrobe and turned around to probably go get her in the closet then saw her. He let out a mischievous grin again knowing he was going to do something naughty like he likes doing all the damn time. He wants to make her damp every time he gets the chance and she is sure he won't let her off easily. This time around, she was probably going to be a river there.

"Don't look at me like that, you need some sleep and I do too." She yawned just then thanking Allah for sending it and seeing the look of disappointment taking over his face. He is also sleepy and if she gives into his demand, they are going to reach dawn without any sleep.

"I should remind you, next time I get my hands on you, I won't promise anything." He narrowed his eyes in a challenging way and she frisson, the guy knows his ways. It seems like he knows the nooks and crannies of her body more than she does because he could touch one place and get her to tremble talk less about him doing something else, she will lose it.

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes again and made her way to the bed and lie down, clutching hard to the duvet.



"This place is so beautiful!" Suhayr commented, shifting closer to the window so she can see the country they are in. They just landed minutes ago and there were royal convoy waiting for them outside the airport after they leave the private tarmac.

She don't understand why they are still treated as royalty when they are not in their country anymore talk less their state. They are now in an entirely foreign country where maybe no one knows who they are so just imagine the length of her surprise when the people taking them called each one of them royal Highness and they gave her curious glances while bowing so low, more than they bowed for the Shehu and his wife. She got weirded out but her majesty told her to calm down, they are just showing some respect to them and nothing else. She knew something was fishy with the way they are treating her, too much respect was there in their eyes alongside curiosity.

They were being extreme with her and everyone noticed that but didn't say a thing. She didn't like how they are giving her this stare of recognition when she has never stepped foot in that country her whole life and she is damn sure none of them ever met her in Chad or Nigeria. But could it be that they are following her social media's stupid pranks all this while and they recognise her from there? Or they are also her fans from YouTube? They wouldn't have done this though, it would be considered disrespectful for their line of work which is meant only for their masters.

They are meant to bow down to only royalties not any normal person like her with ordinary blood who just manage to hit the jackpot and got married to royalty but since her royal majesty ask her not to worry, she won't worry about it again. The Shehu and his wife got into separate car while they took another and drove to God knows where but the royalties don't seem to mind. Her majesty even told her that they are friend's with the pharaoh and his wives so they might be going to somewhere beautiful, she can't wait to arrive. Or a five star hotel with the view of Abdeen Palace?

Shortly after, they arrive at a palace she has only seen on internet when she was obsessing over Egypt. Her jaw literally fall to the floor as she stare at the ancient palace where many guards in jet black uniform looking well armed and ready to take down an army, they are that many, are guarding. The building is made from those ancient times and she heard that the Pharaoh didn't want to make it modern to take the legacy further but inside of it was renovated. But standing right there makes her feel like a dream, a dream she can't believe has come true because of Sa'eed and his family.

She is standing right in front of thee Abdeen Palace!

Who would've known Suhayr Imraan Khalid will ever step her foot or even sight the palace right in front of her eyes? Though she knew that some day, going to Egypt and Mauritius is her top priority and she is going there once in her life but not see Abdeen Palace since not everyone or anyone from the street is allowed to be million feet close to the place. Look at her there though, staring at the place with her naked eyed without the help of internet and screen, she can't believe it.

"Abdeen Palace." Sa'eed whispered behind her and she jumped a little not expecting him yo be standing behind her but then she relaxed, the beautiful smile still stretched across her lips.

"I know. Amazing, isn't it?" She inclined her head to the side watching as the guards made an entourage around them trying to accompany them inside and she became more giddy to see everything inside.

"Yeah, but not as you." He pecked her cheek yawing her cheeks bright pink and she move away from him flushing. The guards are not looking at them but she is very sure his grandparents saw that and they smiled in mischief. Bloody hell!

"Take my picture here and make sure the Palace is showing clearly, I'm gonna vlog." She move to stand in front of the Palace and gave her phone to Sa'eed who smiled and took it then snapped many of them with some selfies here and there with them both.

She got blinded by golden and lights as soon as they stepped inside the Palace. There are so many sides in the castle but the one they followed which is straight without any corner, is filled with gold and red. The waterfall chandelier fell down below and the beads are only a few inches away from the floor. It is also extremely colossal, way huger than any of the ones she's seen in Sa'eed's chamber which is no surprising. She's seen the photos but looking at it in reality is different from all other pictures she's seen. Her eyes are glistening with the lights as she stared at it so it is way better.

The blood red carpet took off the entire floor, she can't see anything underneath them except the softness of the expensive silk Isfahan rug. A small sigh of joy escaped her lips since she is trying her best not to fall over in joy and laugh her lungs out. She wanted to explore all those places with Tasneem but she can't exactly bring them with her. Wait, Tasneem? She didn't tell anyone about their departure, not even Tasneem nor any of his brothers though they are not her main concern. Her aunt and her daughters along with Nafisa are her concern! Darnnit!

They keep following the guards, their silent footsteps echoing around the quite walls of the palace. They made a few turns sighting doors and golden stuff, she could swear everything is real gold from what she could see. They are literally shining underneath the beautiful expensive chandeliers that could buy her heart. The place is also painted soft cream to get along with the golden and red floor just perfectly. Suhayr is giving the designers of that palace a ten ten if she ever meets them and even a pat to their backs. Or maybe she could kiss their whole face for making the place worth it?

"You shall rest here. Lunch shall be served for you in a little while anf dinner will be held in the banquet hall. Maids shall accompany you there! If you don't have any question, shall we take our leave?" The guard said in his thick Egyptian accent that is filled with Arabic just like Suhayr's when she feels like being a racketeer or when she is thoroughly aroused.

It seems like he is the only one who could speak English and knew they don't understand Arabic that much though she is sure her grandfather in-law understands it, he grew up in Chad after all.

"Everything is fine!" And the guards disappear down the hall leaving them alone in the silent foreign place so they stare at each other not knowing what to do. They look like strangers again but it's just being together after long.

"Let's go, our room is that way." Sa'eed mumbled lowly while trying to hide his smile knowing his grandmother is going to reprimand him for that later.

"Later then." Suhayr gulped then followed him to where they kept their clothes, few doors away from his grandparents. She wants to slap his head for saying that because they are going to think of what young married couples do.

"Hey, I am in Egypt!" She said to Tasneem as soon as she picked up the call. She was even surprised when the call went through, she thought it was going to fail since she is not in the country anymore but oh well, she needs to make the call urgently before the girl hears it from somewhere.

"Yeah and I'm in Mauritius." Was Tasneem's sarcastic answer which means she didn't believe what Suhayr had said. And this is what Suhayr hates most, explaining why and how you do that and this.

"I'm serious, we just landed and I'm in Abdeed Palace right now..." And she began to explain how and when everything happened bit by bit while trying to swallow up her annoyance. She keeps on narrating what happened in the airport with the guards hearing the pin drop silence from the other end.

"Whoa, that is one heck of a drastic turn your life took there but I'm happy for you though I'm jealous right now. We were supposed to go there together, you know!" Tasneem wailed in excitement and Suhayr beamed, she likes when her friend is happy, it makes her happy for some odd reasons.

"I know right and we will someday. I took some videos but I'll take some more after having dinner with the royals then send it to you. I know this is going to be a hit!" She grinned, watching as Sa'eed walk out of the bathroom dressed in slacks and shirt ready to have lunch.

The room or should she say, the chamber given to them is twice the size of their room back in Nigeria. Though this has no living room or any other thing, it has everything you will need and more. She thought they were in a hotel that no one dares to enter since it is amazingly renovated. Even million star hotel won't show this place any beauty and they are staying there for free. She also gets to see the royals because who will have dinner in a banquet hall without seeing the royals?

Starting from the tremendous stained glass chandelier illuminating the room with it's light, to the skylight windows taking up a whole wall that showcase a clear pretty lake enclosed with tall trees. A set of Fabio leather cinema sofas is by the farther end of the room just beside the window, a Turin table that looks ancient in the middle. The four poster golden royal bed is what she is sitting on, too comfortable and makes someone sleepy.

In front of her is Filmore storage Ottoman where she placed her hand bag on. Tortilla Ishak rug overtook the whole floor in the room and there are things she can't name around the place but that room is a place she would want to die inside. Everything about the room is rich and screams comfort mixed with wealth and royalty. Oh, she forgot her favorite part of the whole room where she first stared at with huge eyes twinkling with ecstasy at the mere sight of it.

Right in the middle of the room is an open ceiling which has the clear view of the sky, she don't even want to think about the person that clean that place. It's harmattan and it should always be dusty but she can't see even a single perk of dust there. But since they are going to occupy the room for a week, she will definitely search up to see who cleans the place to give them five stars in kudos. She won't risk climbing on plastic or is it glass? She can't say but she will spend half her days there.

"Now, it's my time, keep the phone." He teased coming closer to her and she even forgot she was on phone, he yet again took her breathe.

"Aw, you didn't tell him about it, have you? Think about it clearly and don't lead him on so much!" And Tasneem hung up the phone like she clipped her own heart.

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