66~ Nine Thousand.


"I don't have bathroom here but my penthouse which is currently getting renovated so let me adjust it for you." The cheekiness and evilness his eyes are shrouding from her view didn't go unnoticed but she knew he is also right that there is no bathroom. The only door in the office is that elevator like one which probably goes to the penthouses that is currently getting renovated like he'd said.

And she didn't know when everything escalated to the other level in his office!

Begrudgingly, she removed her shirt from the sailor pants and turn her back to him. She felt his hands on her bare arm guiding her to the set of couches and set her down on the sofa. She placed her hands in front of her like an obedient student wanting to learn lessons from her master so when she felt his hand grazing her lower back where the shirt started from, she shivered shamefully but let her face blank. Her back is facing him anyway, he won't see how much more flustered she has become and how her lips parted to release those sounds of mewls. What she has been meaning to stop herself from doing, she don't have control over herself anymore.

Slowly, his hand move till he is touching the ends of her bra. He took his time bring the end together but he pretend not to know what he is doing and raise her shirt up leaving her stark naked back to the ruthless cold in his office. His warm hands then clasp the bra hooks but he didn't stop there, he made unconscious circles around her back and she didn't have it in her to protest. She is enjoying the movement of his hand and the utter concentration he is giving.

His hot lips move down to her open neck which is closer to her nape, he trailed soft kisses while his hands move to the sides of her stomach. She shivered, her back aching to his side while her head lull to the side, she feels like she isn't the one. Her heart beat has skyrocketed, soaring into the sky, when she thought she doesn't have that organ in her body or it was cold. It is now beating like it was going to escape her chest anytime soon, she don't like it.

"Sir, you-" The personal assistant, Jonathan closed the door when he saw them in that intimate position but Suhayr knew the moment was ruined so she stood up hastily looking flushed at being caught.

"See what you caused! If you ever remove the hook of my bra or anything for that matter, I will make sure you don't have an heir." She threatened to get the attention off her flustered self knowing he is definitely going to tease her about it. She likes to take the safe side which is threatening and showing her wrath.

"You mean, you won't give birth to my baby?" He acted dumb and she only get more flushed at what he said. He knows she means that she will hurt his family jewel but he don't want her off the hook just yet, he enjoys riling her up to the best of his ability.

"Don't change the topic." She narrowed her eyes and stood up trying to adjust everything that is out of place, most especially, her shirt that is now untucked. After tucking and adjusting everything to there position, she turn to look at him in contempt. She hates how he makes her feel, like she has left the world for a moment.

"What now?" He raise his hands in surrender, she is glaring at him hut instead of looking ugly, she looks hot!

"I'm hungry, take me to a restaurant right now." She crossed her arms on her chest only to remove it and slap his head when he stared at her chest lustfully. The man is one son of a dog, seriously!

"A date it is then." He stood up enthusiastically and took his graphite Stuart Hughes Diamond Edition one breasted single button notch lapel suit from behind his chair and wear it atop the pewter dress shirt tucked in matching graphite slacks in perfection. A tie hung loosely around his neck giving him a rugged but exquisite look.

"I don't want to go on a date with you please. I don't like perverted men!" She called from her shoulder while making her way out of the office hearing the silent footsteps of his Kenneth Cole formal Italian shoes on the Portuguese armorial rug on the floor following her.

"That is a lie, sweetheart. Take that back before I use the other method." Suhayr blushed when she saw Jonathan behind his desk looking anywhere but at them. He shouldn't be the one embarrassed but her, she was caught in the act with her shameless husband.

"I don't know what you are talking about." But in reality, she knows very well what he means so she didn't stop till she arrived at the elevator. Whatever it is he wants to do, he should do that in the safe box.

"We can easily do it here, but if you take that back, I will let you off the hook without difficulty." He backed her up against the elevator walls, bending his head low to stare directly at her eyes. The woman that could turn his world in a matter of seconds but he'd still want her like he's wanted no other. The things she does to him with her eyes will bring men to their knees, it's a wonder he is still standing.

He tried getting mad about the car but he just couldn't do it after staring at her innocent eyes waiting for him to unleash. No matter how much she tries tainting herself with black, sleaze mud, she will still be innocent in the eyes. She grew up being a rebel but that doesn't mean she is a bad girl who has gone from this man to that man. From what he could see, the woman is clearly afraid of men romantically so he has no doubt that she is clear unlike his first wife, that disgusting specie.

"Stop backing me up against the wall all the time." She sputtered out not knowing what to say. She don't want him to back down from his words, she don't want him to let her off the hook without those kisses. She feels suffocated the whole day because she has been drugged with his kisses and she is afraid she will have to suffer with sobriety without it. While her brother in-law used drugs, she is addicted to her husband's lips and naughty ways.

"No, my love, I don't always back you up against the wall. The first one was the bed, then the door, my chest, the island and now the elevator. Don't worry, there are more places I will like to back you up to but... baby steps." He let out a wolfish grin, his deep pink lips dipping straight to her neck like he knows where his meal is.

"I don't like hickeys." She heard a strangled voice pervaded with nothing but desire hoarse out and she realised that voice is none other than her own. It sounds different because it's already laced with desire, he didn't even touch her lips.

"And that is another lie. You need to be punished, sweetheart." His lips are playing dangerous game around her neck because her shirt won't close it if he gives her another hickey and she is damn sure he's done it already. The man is obsessed with her skin, she could tell, not that she is complaining.

"Plea-" Before she could embarrass herself and beg him to kiss her, the elevator let out a ding. She pushed him away swiftly then adjust her veil to close her neck, she don't want pleonastic attention.

"Please what?" He didn't let her go though, he pushed her deeper into the wall with his brows raised. There is no doubt she is going to beg him to kiss her but the moment got ruined and there is no way Suhayr would say it again but who is he to judge her?

"I wanted to ask you to touch me but I'm not in the mood anymore." With that, she shoved his benumbed and stupefied self out of the way and shuffled out of the elevator only for him to catch up seconds later, he was staring at her in wonder.

"You always take me off guard, you know that?" He questioned, his voice sound still dazed with what she's said because she made him fucking more induced than he was when he adjusted her bra. Her words were so powerful, he had to adjust himself before leaving the elevator not to embarrass himself.

"I know." She chuckled, her body tingling when he enfold his arms around her in front of all his employees and she could feel people's eyes all around them. It makes her skin crawl when the Suhayr yesterday wouldn't have cared who stares at her as long as no one approaches her or get in her way.

"Listen here, everyone!" Sa'eed suddenly turned around to address everyone like he is about to announce some engagement of his and when everyone's attention is brought to him and it means each and every person, they are more than fifty of them. Maybe they are on their break since it is around lunch, "She is my wife, Suhayr! I don't want anyone looking at her, especially those men that don't know how to lower their gazes!" His words were sharp echoing through the walls in a businesslike way that he did her the first time they met. The one that will tell you how serious he is about certain things.

He spit out the last words glaring at the men currently looking at her again.

"Yes, Sir!" They chorused then went back to gossiping with the people close to them, Suhayr could swear they don't know each other.

"Do you have to do that?" She hit his chest as soon as they stepped out of the company and she try wiggling away from his hold but he didn't let her.

"Oh, yes! Some men were staring at you like they want to eat you raw and next time, none of them will and the guards will allow you to use the golden elevator." He tighten his hold in her as they approach his Bugatti. He tried finding the anger deep within him but it was empty left for the feelings fluttering in his tummy. This woman is doing things he only thought happens in fairytale.

"Well, that's good." She is not used to saying thank you and she won't say it to him so she changed the topic again, "I'm going to drive!" She called out, observing him as he made his way to the driver's side.

"This is my car!" He argued like a kid.

"And I brought it here which means it will be yours only when I take it back home." She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding the keys from his view.

"Fine!" He is acting like a damn kid but he looks freaking adorable like that. Aw!

"So, I want to get to know you." He said to her while taking one of her hands off the steering wheel making her heart jolt to a stop then she plastered a sarcastic smile.

"That is not how they say it but don't worry, you shall know me." She shrugged then took her hand off his while giving him a look filed with scold and he huffed again like a kid. "Why are you being so bairn like today?" She smiled a little, he just looks so adorable, she could picture his kid.

"Because I am not getting what I want." He scoffed then stared out the window trying to ignore her, she chuckled and continue to drive. If she continue to think how adorable he is, she won't take them there safely.

"But I'm serious. I want our relationship to work for real this time and it always starts with getting to know each other." He brought back the topic as soon as they were given a chair in the pricey looking restaurant.

"You can ask away." She didn't say I want it to work too because she don't want it to. She is afraid that if she says that even in a jokey way, it will come to bite her ass off. Her words will come and haunt her so she will again, take the safe side and escape another nightmare.

"This is cliché but I want to know. What is your favorite colour?" He let out a childish grin, she can't help laughing at his antics. She can't believe the guy in front of her is the same man she's loathed till few days ago. The man that makes her blood boil without opening his gob but now, even with a smile, he will make her day.

"All shades of blue."

"That's mine too!" He was quick to reply, gosh, he looks so cute like that she might have a heart attack.

"That means we are meant for each other. Tell me, your hobby?" She inclined her head. She don't even know where that came from, she don't want him to think she is boring when she really is.


"I called you billion times but you didn't have it in you to take the damn call from your best friend. How could you?!" Tasneem's dramatic self bursted through her ears while she sat in a living room upstairs with Tasneem and Thuraiya surrounding her.

"I was out with, uh, Sa'eed so I didn't see the call." She stuttered knowing the next words her friend is going to sputter out and if she was not used to being honest with the girl, she would've bluntly lied to her face. That is not her style too.

"What? I don't understand what is going on between you two now. Are you guys taking the relationship serious now?" There was excitement, curiosity and fastidiousness in her voice as she inched closer from the dark couch nearer to Suhayr.

"He wants us to make it official but I am not going to do that. I didn't marry him to get all emotional with him and produce him heirs so I don't agree with him but I'm playing along." She shrugged like a cold hearted bitch and deep down, she feels like someone who derives fun in making people suffer.

"This is so not done! The guy is literally in love with you but all you are doing is playing around with his emotions? You are playing along you say? This is no playing along, this is fraud, betrayal and cheating! If you don't want to make it official like he suggested, then fucking call it quits and let them man think about his future with someone capable enough! Someone who won't cheat him and will love him like he deserves to be loved!" Tasneem didn't know when her voice rose but Suhayr is really acting stupid.

Right the moment she saw both Suhayr and Sa'eed, she knew there was something special between them and shipped them way before but Suhayr is saying this? For what exactly? She's always wanted to marry a rich guy and her dream just got fulfilled, why does she want to leave him?! There are so many questions mingling around Tasneem's head but she knew Suhayr will never give her befitting answers to those questions so she will have to find it by herself.

Sa'eed threw all his weapons way sooner than she thought he would but Suhayr was planning on betraying him all along? To lead him on and then dump him when she is done whatever it is she is webbing in her head thinking Karma won't come to bite her?

She knows Suhayr has been in love once in her life even though the girl refused to tell her anything about it but she knows. Two years ago, she keep on talking about three special days of her life but she never says anything more about those three days. Being in love once is not an excuse to say you won't fall in love again, that is plainly stupid and foolish of her. She just hopes the girl gets to her senses before it gets too late for them to reconcile!

"I will tell him about my decision soon and I hope he finds that person soon too." The words were like hot iron gliding out from her oesophagus withering, destroying and tainting her throat as they galloped out of her mouth. She can't believe she actually said that. The jealousy that burnt through her heart says a lot about how she feels for Sa'eed and it also makes her rethink her decision of staying a few more months. If she stays longer than few days, she is probably going to go back on her words and she won't ever do that. She needs to backup the life she's wasted with Sa'eed and live it to the fullest. Her dream is never to get married anytime soon after parting ways with Sa'ad.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Tasneem sighed before massaging her temple to drive away the unnecessary migraine trying to take up her head then changed the topic to make the atmosphere less tensed, "I just edited the video of the brothers cooking yesterday and posted it. Have you replied the comments I told you about?" Her question hang in the air for a few minutes before Suhayr answered.

"No, I was busy yesterday and today too but will definitely do that later. In shaa Allah! How many subscribers now?" She forced a beam across her face in hopes to forget their conversation.

"Nine thousand already!" Thuraiyah was the one who answered, she has been waiting for the question for awhile now.

"Really? Let's party with some wine!"

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