60~ Struggled With Sobriety.
"Why do you look like you are about to jump off a cliff? And why are you sitting so far away from me like that? And I thought you are hopelessly in love and waiting to sit next to me but now you make me feel like an alien." He teased, a cunning smile taking over his face while Suhayr only narrow her eyes at him from the other end of the table. She don't want to be any close to him, he will jumble her head again like he did earlier.
She also wanted to sit closer to him after what has transpired between them in the morning because she feels like they are a bit closer to each other now. But then, she can't just sit like that close to him, he will try doing something and her guard would crumble all over again like always. And now, he suddenly has the mouth to taunt her with words that will make any girl blush but not Suhayr, she won't give him the satisfaction of seeing her act like a woman in heat when she is not. It doesn't sound contingent to her own dull ears so she wasn't surprised when her subconscious start to web.
"Are you not?" Her subconscious mocked, making her grip onto the cutlery she took from the table, very tight. She admit it, she was woman on heat the night before.
"Nothing happened between us that will make me want to jump off the cliff, not even when you are all over me. And I will sit wherever I want, you shouldn't be concerned, I sit here all the time. Now let me eat in peace before I ruin the rest of your day." She dug her fork into her plate filled with suya pasta, she could see the suya meat surfing everywhere. The grinded sphere ball makes it all the more tasty before the tartar opened his mouth again to quell her appetite.
"Aw, you make me sound like a public nuisance, I'm just being a loving husband." He gave a wounded look, his eyes almost brimming with fake tears making her wonder if she is the only actor between them. If he wasn't like that before, she sure was an influence to him.
"Nah, I'm just surprised after finding out how you are. So you are also a great actor, aren't you?" She folded her arms underneath her chest with a detective eyes that will have everyone squirming. It wasn't flaming with anger but she is goading him up so he could talk, he would.
"No, I've just been with a great actress and I learned a thing or two." He shrugged, forking some of the pasta into his mouth. He moaned in exaggeration and Suhayr immediately close her thighs and narrowed her eyes to her plate. He is intentionally trying to reinvent something in her to torture her again.
"I only acted once or twice in front of you so don't blame me for nothing. Eat your food or you'll be late for work." She gave her whole attention to the food after that, she don't want to talk to him about what has happened earlier, not now or ever. Food is her top priority.
"I'm going, won't you accompany me to the door?" From her peripheral vision, she saw him standing up and adding his length to stand above her. This man has vowed to make her uncomfortable today but she won't let him go unscathed. He won't let her have the tasty yummy food to her heart's content, she will male him pay.
"How could I not?" Since she has finished her food, she stood up and started ferrying ahead of him but he quickly fell into steps with her and she could already see the brooding smile he is featuring without looking up at him. She feels whatever he does now, she don't get why or how the magic happens.
"A goodbye kiss?" He asked as they stand in front of the huge doors of the chamber, the guard has already opened it and she could see the burnishing stairs that lead down to his awaiting SUV with a driver? Whoa, the man is really living a luxurious life.
"You kissed me without my permission earlier so you can go and I didn't promise to be those dotty wives, did I?" She cross her ankles and lean the right side of her shoulder against the door comfortably and gave him a stinky eyes. If he thinks she will be all over him after what they shared earlier, he must be mistaken.
"What the fuck?! You gave me the permission with your eyes and you were moaning and enjoying it like me or even more than I was." She scowled at this, she had to stop her fists from clawing and drawing blood from his pretty face while she tries hiding the blush creeping up her neck. The man can embarrass her with just a stare but he is exceeding to using his words now. That is why he will always be a tartar!
"Oh, hello, excuse me! I wasn't enjoying it but I don't have the energy to push you away, you b-brick wall. Don't think I enjoyed that even for a moment, you hear me?!" She narrowed her eyes and the smallest slits she's ever because the man would've clearly seen the lies shining behind her irises. That is because she forgot about how persnickety he is.
"Oh, please, Ma'am. I know you enjoyed it a lot with all those moans that clearly define pleasure. And if you don't, I can still prove you otherwise." He shrugged then call out a guard from outside who suddenly appeared and took his briefcase from him then sauntered to the SUV to keep it for him. What is he trying to do now?
"You can't prove anything, au revoir." She stood from her leaning position knowing what he intends to do by proving her wrong. He is definitely going to torture her neck again or plump her lips bigger. She don't want that to happen, she needs to keep her female hormones in check.
"You can't lie on my watch so this is the moment of truth, only the truth." Before she could even move a muscle, he has her trapped between the door and his hard body that is no better than the door if not for the heat rolling off of him that differentiate him from the object behind her.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Her fake bravado is still on as she try narrowing her eyes at him, with her heart lurched to her throat anticipating what he is about to do again. She's being plucky but as soon as he touches her, she is a goner.
"Making sure you don't lie about 'our' moments again. And with this, I will prove to you that you enjoyed our make out earlier." His strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, hurling her to his hard chest and she has no place to wrap her own hands but around his shoulders. If she let them go limp beside her, she'd have cramped muscle by the end of his torture.
"You don't have to prove it, you are already late for work." She wants this time between them more than she should which is what makes her afraid of what she is feeling for him. She never planned on letting him get under her skin but now, he is literally swimming in her blood without any care of the world.
"And who's the boss? Yeah right, me!" And with that he dive in and clamp her lips with his, feeling her shudder in his arms. He didn't give her time to see him delve and surge for her lips.
He stroked her lips again trying to gain another entrance but she didn't give him any like she did earlier but he won't let her go so easily. One of his hands trail slowly down her body till he get to her behind where he gave a hard squeeze, eliciting a yelp from her. Her lips instantly opened for him and he didn't waste any second thrusting his tongue to play salsa with hers. Her back arched, aligning her fluffy mild chest to his hard one. She again felt lightheaded like it happened earlier, like she is about to pass out. So ethereal, as if she is floating atop water.
Their teeth clashed, tongues played as they suck in the taste of their different juice consumed after they finished eating. His tastes of unripe mango while hers is fresh strawberry.
Suhayr didn't know that being backed against a door is a major turn on till she finds herself in the situation where her knees kept buckling, her heart palpitating and soaring in the sky and cervix, she is sure it is about to burst with those foreign feeling only her husband can stir. He knows what he is doing, moving her legs away from each other and place his own right in the middle as if knowing where it aches. She feels so damp and lubricated down there and she don't know what the heck is happening. She wants to ask but she is too embarrassed and that place is also her feminine space, she won't want that stupid man interfering.
She has this hunch of what it is but it's not bad that she wants to confirm it, maybe through internet huh? She was too busy creating problems in N'djamena to listen to her biology teacher in class or listen to her mother's everyday girl lessons. And now, she is regretting it big time since she can only say one thing, she is really turned on by her husband.
"Do you still want to lie?" Sa'eed's question brought her back to reality and she sucked in a breathe. He is really messing with her brains big time, she can't think of anything other than him around her, beside her, his weight on her, on her and in her blood surfing her veins.
"N-n-no." She stuttered, feeling his breath hovering against hers like he is ready to take up another challenge if she dares him to. She don't have the energy to do so, she is powerless in his arms.
"Good girl. Now you agree that we both enjoyed it right?" He move back slightly, he is also panting and is using the self restraint he has to not be calloused but he is really solid. He can barely move without feeling the discomfort caused by none other than his wife. He hope the guards outside are not looking at them for whatever happens to them, he won't be held responsible.
"Leave." She panted, hastily moving away from the door to turn away from him so he won't see her red face and really plump lips. Her hand traveled to her chest where she could feel her heart racing a marathon.
"I'll be back really soon! Can you get dressed in a skimpy outfit for me? I would love that." She jumped hearing his voice right behind her ear because she thought he has already left but no, he has to talk like a pervert. It didn't stop her from feeling hot all over.
The guy is getting way too comfortable with her now, he is even asking her to wear a negligée or lingerie for him? Is he out of his mind? Who told him she is ready or she ever is going to let him consummate their marriage? They are not in love not that she is that sappy of the thoughts about being in love before giving away her virtue. She won't have a problem with anyone but just not with someone she only intend to steal from. Yes, she still wants to steal from him and she will have to strike very soon if she don't want those feelings to grow. Which means, she needs to have her moves calculated.
"You better get your head out of the gutter you forgot to shovel, I won't get dressed in anything but sweats." She almost sprinted but it was just her fast walk and she heard his booming laughter before he close the door with a soft click behind him.
"Motherfucker!" She collapsed on the frost sofa and breathe out the tiredness said; "Bring me a cup of water!" She hollered to the maids and one immediately came with a glass water goblet filled with crystal water. She gulped it down in one go, she never thought she was so thirty that she quaffed a full glass of water after kissing her husband.
Few minutes later or maybe an hour of her mulling and replaying what has happened between her and Sa'eed, she heard the doorbell rang and one of the maids opened it. Low but manly footsteps came from there to where she is sitting and she sat up. One side of her heart really wished it was Sa'eed again so they can spend some more time together fooling around but she saw his younger brother. Shaheed narrowed his eyes at her but then sat down in front of her still scrutinizing her with his gaze. Her heart almost dropped thinking he saw her hickey then remembered her clothes are sheathing her skin whole.
"You don't look nearly happy seeing me. Were you expecting someone else?" Shaheed questioned, his eyes searchingly staring into her eyes but she rolled her eyes in that nonchalance.
"No, I wasn't expecting anyone and wanted to lounge around alone. But thank God you are here, I have series of questions for you." She beamed, keeping her disappointment aside and edge closer to him. She's been meaning to talk to him since long ago.
"Oh? I hope I have the answers for you, M'lady." He let out an easygoing smile then relax back on the sofa like he is not going yo be on the hotspot any moment. Ha, if only he knew what her questions were.
"What is wrong between you and your brother?" She didn't beat around the bush and if he knows who Suhayr is, then he should know that she won't let him off the hook easily. Not even his brother's kisses could distract her at that moment.
"What brot- oh!" His brows furrowed before they let go when he realised what she meant and which brother she is talking about, that is Sa'eed obviously.
She has been curious about them ever since they have been in the same room together. The room was tensed and this maladroit feeling just wouldn't decipate, not even when Adam joked so horribly, they chuckled super tersely. This is her chance to find out the truth, she wanted to find out why Shaheed has this mysterious eyes and dark cloak wrapped around him. He looks like all the burden of the world is swallowed by his shoulder and he can't do anything to shake it off of him.
He carries a secret only he knows and he does not live lightly like everyone does, he is aloof. His emotions are never shown no matter what she tries to do, only amusement or admiration for her antics but nothing more. What he feels and thinks about matters are hardly ever known and it seems like even his brothers have given up on him but she won't. She likes knowing everything that goes with people around her and Shaheed is like a brother to her now. He's supported her right from the day she's met him.
Even though her relationship with Sa'eed isn't the perfect and genuine one, she still feels connected to all his brothers and cousins, even his friend Mu'adh. She will find out about this and make sure to reunite them through thick and thin. She needs to add a few more good things to her record before she leaves so that when they remember why they fought, she will cross their minds. This is the way to do that, by helping and growing their bond together. She has Sa'eed by her, adding Shaheed to the thread won't be hard.
In shaa Allah.
"Yes, your brother you don't talk to. I want the truth, only the truth." Just those words she said brought back what they did with Sa'eed because she can clearly remember that he was the one who said those words to her just to prove her wrong.
"Well, that was in the past and I don't know where to start from." He scratched the back of his growing hair, their hair grow up so easily which comes with the gene of their grandfather who gets tired of barbing after every week.
"You can always start from the beginning and I want to hear from there too." Feeling her mouth so dry and with this craving of eating some fruits, she called out to one of the maids again, "Some fruits please!"
Few seconds later, three maids in their plum and parchment coloured uniforms came rushing with plates of fruits. Rapoza mangoes are cut into slices, her mouth watered at the sight of the water melon, papaya and pineapple also look so amazing but that didn't take her mind off the matters at hand.
"Well, it started when I was in college back in California during my last year. I struggled with sobriety, I live off drugs the whole year and you can guess what happens to anyone using drugs. Yes, I am barely awake half the day and don't even know what is going on with my life most of the time. I even forgot that I was schooling for a while there but then..." He kept quite letting her sink in the fact that he was a drug addict.
She is talking to a drug addict!
Of all the scenarios she has plotted that could cause their fight, she never thought it was drugs and what he is about her will shatter her or make her. Everything around the royals looks to be revolved around one woman that is hellbent on making their lives crippled. She has done enough damage to everyone around her and if Suhayr could, she would wipe her existence from the earth. She really supports what Sa'eed is doing to the woman and any ounce of empathy she's felt for that woman dematerialized into thin air like it was never there. All that was left is a wife, sister in-law trying to fight for the ones close to her. Even with the façade of their relationship, she will take the risk!
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