

"Aunt U, I missed you." Suhayr beamed at her aunt, her best friend's mother and her mother's best friend. She hasn't seen the woman since her marriage, so many days ago that is.

"I missed you too. Where have you been hiding? Already in love?" Urshia teased with a guilty smile because she can't believe she almost thought about ruining the girls marriage when if anyone deserves the happiness of the world is Suhayr and no other.

She's seen the way the girl got through so much by herself, trying to tend to herself while grieving her mother's death. Clearly, there is something between them that is very special even though they don't see it when they even look alike like siblings. Urshia first believed that Suhayr is Varisha's daughter but Varisha showed her the adoption papers and every other thing which made her believe that Suhayr is really not her daughter. The way they look alike is uncanny though, too much of it that she don't even share with her own children. Their bond is something entirely different even with Suhayr being stiff and aloof sometimes, she still loves the woman a lot.

"Why do you look and sound tensed all of a sudden? Tell me, did something happen or anyone troubling you here?" Suhayr took her protective and possessive stance in front of Urshia ready to tackle all the problems that come in her way. This is what she is talking about. Suhayr is never afraid to being by their side, she's always been.

"Nothing, nothing!" Came Urshia's immediate answer that prove to Suhayr that something is dead wrong and she is clearly involved in the matter. Ah, Suhayr is smarter that she gave her the credit for.

"Tasneem! Thuraiyah!" She yelled into the chamber placing her hands around her hips in akimbo, that style never suits Suhayr because from miles away you can define the trouble that is about to roll off from her. Her eyes are narrowed at the door to the girls' room which barged open to show the duo.

"Keep it tight there, tigress." Tasneem came out, plugging the airPods away from her ears as she strut to the living room featuring a denim skinny jeans, white shirt with no cap letting her hair come down in those soft waves.

"Tell me what the heck is going on here that I'm not allowed to know? Why is Aunt here looking so tensed and maladroit around me all of a sudden?" Suhayr asked straightforward, she don't want to beat around the bush neither is that her style. Not at the moment when something is definitely not dextral, she can feel it in her bones.

"I don't know, she should tell you." And it is confirmed, Tasneem is mad at her mother for something Suhayr is still shelved out of, she can't have it. She hates being in the dark no matter the situation and not this that looks extremely serious. This is also not their family matter for she is somewhere involved in the situation, another guts feeling.

"Tell me what?! Aunt, you need to tell me what is going on here before I turn this place upsidedown!" Suhayr brought out her gangster self, widening her eyes trying to intimidate them which means she is there for business and only business so Urshia opened her mouth rather reluctantly and started talking.

"Mr. El-Kanemi proposed to me few days ago." Urshia sighed, there is no way out of this. Not when Suhayr looks really curious about it, even threatening to turn the place into a havoc. It only states that trouble will lurk around there even if the room don't look like hurricane has hit it.

"Apparently, she would've become your mother in-law if she hadn't turned down the offer." Tasneem shrugged, plopping down loudly on the sofa whilst releasing a breath like she has done the whole work on earth that day. She didn't know she has it in her to talk to her mother like that, she feels ashamed but her pride won't let her apologize.

Suhayr's jaw dropped while she stared at the three other occupants of the room apart from her. In all the things and scenarios she has webbed and weaved through her head when she saw Urshia tensed, she didn't bring that to her head at all. She thought someone or more precisely, her mother in-law is trying to harass them because of something she did. She knows people like her mother in-law, they try getting to your weakness and Suhayr has no weakness but her mother's best friend and her children which is the only thing they can think of. People like her mother in-law are waiting for situations like this, they don't fight from the front.

The woman didn't try doing anything up until now which means there is something she is planning. Suhayr won't dwell on that though, there is something she is also planning just for her and hearing this news just brightened up her day like no other. On the other hand, she has her husband's new attitude to deal with, him being all over her like a cat while on the other side, his father just proposed to her Aunt who happens to be her best friend's mother. This can't be more greater than she thought, this is best!

"Say something." Tasneem yanked her away from her reverie so she blinked and sat back down on the sofa too with a wide grin. Tasneem didn't like that smile, something was definitely off with her best friend.

"Why did you turn down the offer, Aunt?" She inclined her head to the side, keeping her phone beside her to raise her boot cut clad pants legs on the sofa in an Indian style.

"Are you asking that question, Su?" Tasneem glared at her, her hands releasing her phone to let it fall beside her too. This matter is getting more serious than she thought it would, Suhayr is trying to do something stupid from the looks of it and she won't let her.

"I'm not talking to you, Tee." She narrowed her eyes at Tasneem who continued to glare at her but didn't utter a word again, "So tell me why you turned down my father in-law without asking for my own consent about it?" Suhayr clasped her hand underneath her chest, a smirk lingering at the edge of her lips stating just how excited she is about it.

"This is not something we should talk about when I've already rejected it. I can't possibly get married to your father in-law, Su. That'd be inappropriate and really unfortunate from my side. Your mother in-law will hate you, no, she'd loathe you till your marriage fall apart and that is something I can't stomach. Besides, I don't want to remarry." She shrugged at the last part earning an eye roll from Suhayr, she can't help it. The woman is literally blushing, what does that mean?

"First things first, I despise my mother in-law too and the feeling it mutual. Second, my marriage won't break apart unless I want it to, Aunt. I got myself married, he didn't ask me to marry him, I did which means the marriage is in my hands. And lastly, you do want to get married after getting a proposal from my father in-law. You can't hide it away from me because you think you are the only one who thinks psychologically, I do too. You want to get married to my father in-law, you like him or perhaps even in love. You are trying to hide away your feeling because you don't want to hurt your children and they are jealous for their dead father." Suhayr narrated with a naughty smile, seeing as the children she is talking about stare at her with contempt. She doesn't care though, her Aunt needs that push out of the ally.

Urshia's heart began thudding loudly in her chest as though she's committed a crime and an army is out looking for her. Though the air conditioner in the room is blasting like always, she still feels cold sweat breaking down from beneath her scoop neckline, regular long sleeves maxi dress she is wearing. Suhayr could ruin and make anyone's life and what she is saying then could do one of them between her and her children. She don't want them hating her for something she wants, she can't stomach that thought in this lifetime or any other. She loves them a lot, they are the only family she has left.

Granted, she wants to get married only after Suhayr's father in-law Umar Garbai El-Kanemi proposed to her. The man is drop dead handsome even at his old age, the way he carried himself and proposed to her really messed up her head big time and she ended up burning the food she was cooking that day. His thoughts kept marring every nook and cranny in her brain making it shutter down to flutters of dragons. She kept zoning out when watching her favorite television series in her phone. Nothing matters to her anymore after that proposal, the indecision.

She wanted to keep it away from her children and just reject him but then she started having second thoughts about it. If her children had agreed to it, she don't know if she would've thought about Suhayr or not since she liked it. She started feeling like a woman on heat again, thinking about him and what he'd do to her if they get married. She's heard that she don't look as old as her age but she still feels old whenever she sees her children all grown ready for marriage too and she'd keep the thoughts of marriage aside for herself. Her children are the ones to start doing that, she is way too old for that.

There was this time when she search up for him on internet, she found out that he is into business. There are so many of his pictures there on internet, some of them with his children, family, parents or wife. His wife is no doubt beautiful but Urshia knew she is way finer than her. The woman has this blinding smile that is filled with malice which makes her question Umar's intentions about marrying her. The woman don't look like she had easily let go of her husband for another woman, then how did he propose to her? Does that mean she doesn't know about it or has he divorced her?

They need to sit down and settle this matter with him if she is going to agree. Wait, why is she thinking about agreeing when she has sent him a message rejecting him? Damn, she hopes she is not in love at such age when she thought love could never be hers again. She never thought she would love again though, she could only think about her children if she will help them through when their time comes. Then why on earth is she regretting sending that message the day before? She feels like banging her head on the wall for that mistake, she should've waited a bit longer.

Suhayr is right though, she don't want her children to be mad at her for forgetting about their father and getting married to another man. They are definitely going to feel jealous because they are all grown and when their father died, they were so young. She needs the stability of a man in her life, she can't do some things all alone but why didn't she think about marrying any man in her homeland but Umar Garbai? He is the only one that weave and combed out the veins shooting up to her artery with just one stare, what will happen after they marry?

She shivered at the mere thought feeling like a teenager.

"What the fuck are you saying, Su? You can't possibly be supporting her about this! You and your mother in-law are not on the same foot already, this will cause shambolic in your married life." Tasneem stood up again, her eyes glaring hotly at Suhayr who rolled her eyes at her best friend's drama. As if she doesn't know that Suhayr handles all problems herself.

"Please, I know what I am doing and I am supporting her if you won't. She is your mother, if you don't support her, she won't go through with it even though she wants it! Can't you see how lonely she's been her whole life? You are only thinking about what happens to your father because he died and you don't want her with another man! Your mother is young and beautiful, she's spent her whole youth bringing you guys up as a single mother. Don't she deserve this ounce of happiness that is knocking on her door? Can't she give another man a chance because she's been committed to your father? He is dead for more than a decade now, what do you know about it then? She stopped herself from doing anything because of him and you! All she needs now is your support but you are all turning your backs against her.

"She is more than willing to keep her happiness aside for you guys, you should have thought about it! Give it a good thought and think things through. Where has she gone wrong bringing you guys up? Where?!" Suhayr is now seething, her face turning crimson with all the talks and yells. She feels like an older person at that moment, she never thought she has it in her.

She feels like a motivational speaker after yelling at them like that but they need the sense to be pushed through their heads because she genuinely feels that Urshia deserves this little happiness coming her way. And the fact that this will definitely put that her mother in-law in her place is something she will look forward to. The man deserve some happiness too, he clearly don't have an ounce of it with that vile woman who thinks about nothing and no one but herself. She is way too self-centered for any man to tackle, he is old and need some young love to spice up his life. She is saving a lot of people's like with this, she is sure of that.

Nafisa gets to have a mother even though it is almost too late, but she also deserves a mother figure in her life.

She is hundred percent and one supportive of this motion!

"I-I don't know what to say." Tasneem stuttered, sitting back down on the couch with slump shoulders.

Her mother definitely deserve this joyous time with another man like Suhayr had just said. She has brought them up and groomed them to be the perfect girls out there all by herself. She's seen her work day and night, taking all the insults that comes from the people in their home because some think just due to the fact that she is a single mother, she roam around with men to get money but they know otherwise. She works her ass off as anything and everything she could. Be is a waitress, babysitter, drycleaning and so much more that she won't bother listing for she was young when it happened.

So this merriment should be celebrated and not make the atmosphere maladroit. And since Suhayr has no problem with her mother becoming her stepmother in-law, who are they to interfere in the matter again. They shouldn't be jealous of the man they don't have clear memory of. Their mother needs this second chance for love, she is still not too old to marry. It just hurts knowing she is marrying someone who is not their father but if that is what will make her delighted, they are going to support her in it too.

She's been zoning out for the past few days, all because of this man which means she has feeling or is infatuated by him. They can at least have fun teasing her about it.

"Just accept it and support her like any good child would." Suhayr is not giving up, they must agree to this or she won't let them off the hook very easily. She could see their eyes surrendering to the words she's said. Uh-huh, so she could soften peoples heart with her words? Ah!

"I support you, Mom!" Thuraiyah jumped to her mother's arms who got startled because she was staring absentmindedly at the corn carpet on the floor beneath her feet.

"Tasneem!" Suhayr reprimanded, her arms still under her chest to show her bossy side. She wants her to say it herself, with her mouth and not her actions.

"I support this too. Now what should we do after she's already rejected him?" Tasneem grumbled underneath her breath, not wanting to sound so enthusiastic but she is. She can't wait to tease her mother about it later on.

"Let me see your phone, Aunt." Suhayr took the phone Urshia is stretching her way after she asked for it.

"Oh, my God! The message didn't deliver!" Suhayr grinned triumphantly as she showed them all the message that didn't mark anything but rather have apostrophe inside a red circle. Even the almighty is with them on this!

"I didn't recharge." Urshia smiled, Lord knows she wants this and he is also really supportive of it since he didn't let the message move.

She's prayed to Allah to show her the way, she has surrendered and submitted all her weapons to him.

Allah knows what you want. He even knows why you want it. But Allah also knows what you actually need and why you actually need it and when you need it.

"Now, let's change the message to something else. Like what, girls?" Suhayr asked, holding her fingers on the keyboard ready to type their acceptance.

"I accept your proposal!" Tasneem and Thuraiyah answered, their voices filled with joy.

Another ride just took off.

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