

Suhayr is now bored, she don't have anything to do and the person she likes bugging just got ready and left the house. The man got her the sanitary pads and refuse to tell her the reason behind his blush, she wanted to pressure him but then she started having cramps. She knew something has happened back in the pharmacy he went to get them for her, no matter how much she threatened his life, he wouldn't say a thing and kept pushing the dark paper bag for her to collect, she did reluctantly. She would really want to find out who tortured him to the point of blushing, she never saw that.

The guy even gave her some painkillers when she started holding her stomach, she was so startled by the kind gesture. Even in pain, she couldn't stop asking where he's hit his head or if this is his twin which brought back the memory of the night before. She can remember being wrapped by his arms, her clinging to him like her only life support. She hid her flustered self bravely and continue to taunt the already overwrought and confused guy to the point of no return, his only escape was to take bath and leave the house before she render him handicap with investigation.

Normally, he would go back to bed for an hour or less then take his bath, have breakfast and leave the house but he did not because of her. She felt guilty too, he went out to get her sanitary pad early in the morning, the sun hasn't even rose from the horizon but he went around searching for a twenty four hours opened shop, that don't sound like a trivial matter. Then he was genuinely concerned about her when she held onto her stomach and gave her the painkiller, what more could she ask for during the time? It doesn't stop her from questioning his intentions though.

Is he nice to her because she was his brother's first love? For he has never being this polite with her ever since they met, they were always harsh on one another so this is really a shocker.

She wanted to ask the maids to drop something for him because she has also found out that he likes homemade food more than anything, he is used to it. When she forced him to eat the one she bought the day before for dinner, one of the maids was shaking and when she's asked her earlier and she revealed the news to her. She stopped the thought because she is not there to catch feeling, she is there only for business and sending him meals means she is getting down the lane of professionalism. This is business and nothing is supposed to get in the way, she would keep it that way.

She has so many things to start writing down about her plans or they end up getting ruined by some stupid miserable frail feelings she don't want to name. Before it gets anywhere, she will take out her jotter and write what is going to happen from then till the time she leaves which will totally not exceed two months and if not for that stupid dare she don't want to back down from, she would've started the real thing that brought her to the castle and vanish immediately. Another reason to curse Najaah and her ancestors from the beginning root of where she was sprouted out from.

Her main goal, get the papers to a land she saw him reviewing once in his MacBook, signed then she can disappear. She will then threaten to destroy his school back in Chad if he doesn't give her money to build a company and house in the land, it is huge and in the outskirts of New York. She won't settle for less no matter what he says, she must get what she has her eyes on. Even though all she wants to do is keep living in the castle like a royalty, she can't do that anymore. She needs to settle scores and make a living for herself to make her dead momma proud. She's always taught her about independence, she won't throw that away that easily.

The golds given to her during their marriage is worth millions so she will sell some and keep some as treasure. She can't live without a treasure, there might be emergency and now she knows just how to tackle them. But how on earth is she going to get him to sign the papers she hasn't even seen? Where is it that he keeps his papers because she will go to any extent to get them in her hands. She will check the house soon and then start looking for his safe or even ask his grandmother in a joke way to see where the sneaky man hides his treasures and important documents. She could feel it in her bones that he doesn't keep them at home.

"Can I come over to your chamber? Mine is so boring since no one is willing to visit me because 'I am now fine and free of that horrible disease.'" Nafisa's voice jolted her out of her reverie as she mimicked one of her brother's voice at the last sentence which meant he was the one who talked to her about it.

"Sure, why not, Ms. Disease free." Suhayr replied, finally getting out from her self money absurd self to a nice sister in-law, refreshing and blushing.

"Yay, I'll be on my way right now! I will also bring lots of chocolate, hope you like them?" Nafisa squealed in her ears, she removed the phone for a little then returned it with a genuine smile. The girl is one heck of a hyperactive sweetheart, totally opposite her bitch of a sister.

"Oh, I love 'em. Be here soon, bye." And she hung up, hurrying herself to go to the bathroom to take bath since the girl said she will be on her way and she can't keep her waiting like that even though that something she is used to doing.

She made her way to the bathroom to take a quick bath but ended up spending more than thirty minutes inside the cosy tub. She is sure Sa'eed put that thing there to always make her late, she is never out of it on the said time. Maybe she should start setting up an alarm for it, then she will be able to hear it and quickly leave the tub even with a heavy chest. The tube has always been tempting, right from day one till date and she is dawn sure it won't leave her system anytime soon.

She rubbed the lotion all over her body quickly just to catch up with the much more bored girl that is probably downstairs. She asked her to come here because she was bored in her chamber but she will be way more bored now since the one she wants to see decided to take thirty minutes bath then. Knowing how it is to keep waiting for someone who's agreed to let you come is, Suhayr is making everything as quick as she can which is using Usain Bolt's speed to hasten everything.

Taking off a squash panel skirt from the hanger, she quickly slip her legs inside and keep it around her waist then took a pearl white shirt with keyhole neckline that shows a little cleavage and cap sleeves. She twisted her still damp hair into wrapped bun behind her nape then put on hook earrings, adjusted her charm bracelet. She tucked the shirt into the skirt when she looked in the mirror and see how hideous it looked without being tucked, like a hobo ready to start the day after hitting famine.

Slipping on another of Sa'eed's expensive flip-flops, she took a pearl coloured crinkled cotton veil and ran down the stairs but heard voices that belongs to her best friend and her younger sister. Just great, big house, house party! But on the better side of it, her sister in-law wasn't as bored as she thought she would be.

"I think she decided to take bath right after your call, she is that tacky." She heard Tasneem's comment filled with lightheartedness which means they are trying to make Nafisa feel at home around them, they have never met.

"Yeah, the one time when she didn't take bath and we went to a wedding like that?" Thuraiya laughed at the memory, even Suhayr can't help a chuckle but they didn't hear her as she was still on the stairs holding onto the handrail.

"She used a whole bottle of perfume because she don't want to smell as it was a sunny day. She didn't even forgive my own perfume, I hid them from then." Tasneem guffawed, she could also hear Nafisa's silent laughter from there, they are doing a great job.

"Hey, you can't keep telling people about my secrets. That is my sister in-law you are talking to." Suhayr finally announce her presence with those words then wrap both arms underneath her chest with a pout, she don't look cute with that at all for she exaggerated it.

"All the more reason we should fill her in on how you are." Tasneem shrugged, her face expression giving out she would say all her secrets with just one push.

She is wearing a brown flare pants which Suhayr can't remember the girl having, probably in the box again. A peanut shirt with cape sleeves and scoop neckline where a small necklace adorned. When did the girl started wearing necklace again? Suhayr can't remember ever seeing Tasneem with one, well, people do change like the saying. But she shall question her friend about sudden changes, she don't understand any of them.

"You went to take bath after my call right?" Nafisa asked with a smile, wanting to join into the conversation for the first time. Her hands are holding a box of what looks to be chocolate, yum!

On the other hand, Nafisa is one fashionista if Suhayr would say so herself. She is wearing magenta skinny jeans that fitted her long legs perfectly then she took a flamingo car coat on top, the weather is chilly outside most probably. Her head is wrapped in a complicated turban that left a V in the front showing little of her baby hairs. She also applied little amount of nude lipstick to go with her outfit, so cute and pretty also casual for visiting your sister in-law for the first time. She would've modeled her clothes back in Chad, she has the zeal.

"Yep." Suhayr gave a sheepish smile then turn to Tasneem and Thuraiya, "What are you doing here? You didn't make any appointment to see me." Their brows rose instantly and she could already see the comebacks flying in their heads filled to the brim with well fried sarcasm.

"It's not like you have any life out there. Be happy we decided to come and keep you company, bitch!" Tasneem bellowed in a light tone but she is scowling at her ungrateful best friend playfully.

"My life isn't that boring. I could decide to go out with my husband to spend the day, who knows." She shrugged and sat down in front of them watching as the maids serve so many refreshments in water goblet, they are pear green in colour.

"Whatever helps your boat sail. Have you checked your channel today or are you giving up already?" Tasneem teased while removing her phone from her small camera bag strapped by the side of her hip.

"I haven't and you know the answer to your last question." Suhayr shrugged and started removing her phone from the skirt she is wearing, she was wise enough to remember about her phone and tucked it into the pocket, she hates traveling onto those flights of stairs for something as small as a phone. She don't like troubling the maids too.

"What the heck, dude! You have two hundred and eighty nine subscribers!" Thuraiya yelled at the top of her voice making the girls move in fright then turn to see what she is looking at only to find her eyes glued to what Tasneem is doing.

"Really? That much so suddenly?" Nafisa asked with a voice filled to the brim with elation, they are more excited than her.

"Oh, my God! She is going to hit that girl with a large rock the size of Mount. Everest!" Thuraiya's smile widened from a look of astonishment to a face filled with pride, like a mother seeing her daughter completing studies after many years.

That is when Suhayr noticed her own outfit, it is obsidian and frost box pleated skirt she is wearing with ebony shirt featuring a sweetheart neckline and bracelet sleeves. She did this Indonesian wrapping of hijab style that suit her cute pretty face, Suhayr is impressed.

"Why are you girls so excited about this? Are we safe?" Suhayr's voice cut through the jovial air, stopping them all in their tracks. They are all giving her the 'are you messing with me right now' look.

"Having two hundred and eighty nine subscribers is not a joke. Normal YouTubers don't get that in just one day so you should throw a masquerade party for you are going to win this challenge." Nafisa explained, her hands moving to imitate what she is saying.

"Whoa, I should be dancing too, huh?" Suhayr chortled in joy, she loves the sound of winning the dare already. She could detect success already!

"Oh, yes! Can you guys play some music? I feel like shaking my butt for this mini victory, I can't wait to see the look on the famous YouTuber!" Tasneem laughed with so much enthusiasm as she start looking for where to connect her phone and dance. She is the editor after all, she is happy her work is getting viewed by lots of loquacious society.

Right in front of them where a colossal television is sitting, there is also a tv set with lots of speakers from head to bottom then huge ones in the middle with buttons. She meandered to it and removed an aux from one of the drawers then connect it to her phone and then they heard the expensive beep sound of it connecting. Even the speaker is sensor, wealthy life is way more comfortable than impoverished, she had debate on that everyday. They shared wide grins before Tasneem started searching for a good songs to dance to then Suhayr interrupted with her suggestion.

"Let's all suggest which song we wants, what do you think?" Suhayr grinned, the girl sent one back to her and they started choosing.

"I want you to play 'No Candle No Light by Zayn Malik and Nicki Minaj' the best." Thuraiya beamed, Tasneem wrote it down in her phone then stared at the others, quietly waiting for them and anticipating.

"And you should play me the one I'm obsessed with now, 'Baba Fela by Mr. Real' I am obsessed with the beat!" Suhayr's smile became gigantic knowing that beat will get everyone to rock on their toes. The guy just made her night the first day she saw the video on YouTube while surfing.

"Woah, I didn't know you started liking Nigerian songs." Tasneem commented while typing the name of the song again in her phone to search it up.

"Can't help it, the beat is the most amazing one I've heard so far!" Suhayr hyped the song again then gave Nafisa time to talk.

She's been obsessing over Nigerian songs for awhile now, ever since she went to her mother in-law which seems to be ages now. The songs are just out of the world no matter how much she hates to admit it, their artistes are better than best especially the ones with rocky songs. She will get one of them to talk to her one of these days.

"Well, play me 'What type of Dance is This by DJ Kaywise." She replied, putting her phone behind her as she stood on her flamingo Nike sneakers. Suhayr envied her, those sneakers are really nice.

"And I am going for 'Toosie Slide by Drake' because I'm going left and right." And then the house rocked as soon as she closed her mouth getting the girls excited and on their feet in no time. Suhayr felt a grin taking over her face seeing the girls featuring a similar one of their faces, furnished to perfection.

"A party is going on, huh?" They all meandered to look at the intruder who suddenly ruined the hyperactive moment with loud voice that takes over the loud music, that must've been really loud.

Adam, Sa'eed, Mu'adh, Sulaiman, Shaheed and another cousin of theirs Tahir stood with their jaws hanging and you could easily tell who yelled, none other than Adam. Suhayr could easily tell where Sa'eed's attention is at, on her which surprisingly has her chest fluttering like damn river filled with water during rainy season. She don't fucking understand how his eyes could suddenly do that to her, not even Sa'ad's could dare make her feel this. Why this all of a sudden? Why her enemy of the century?

This is so not done!

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