5~ New Way Of Proposal.

I dare you to comment on each paragraph, I will follow that person.


"I won't argue with you on that seeing I'm starving and peckish, for money. But, I don't think you have enough to offer me now so I suggest you keep your mouth sealed." Suhayr lectured to Sa'eed who could only place his right hand under the right side of his cheek grazing his little gruff by the side in thought, tickling his palm in process.

"You can't ask for too much money when you don't own an empire. It's just a small company and an apartment but you are making a gigantic fuss." The hotheaded man had to butt his head in again eliciting a groan from her mouth in anger. She should really keep that man in his sit before he makes her all more pissed. She lets her cool face stay there though, she won't give him the satisfaction.

"I don't know about you, but this company is my life. And if you dare to demean this company again even in your mind, I am going to make sure you are escorted out of this place without your legs. You've heard about me right? I. Don't. Make. Empty. Threats." She smirked in satisfaction when his eyes widened a little which he tried to hide with narrowed eyes.

One thing she loves about herself, whenever she makes a threat, it makes people afraid to cross that very line she drew. There is this way that Tasneem told her about how she has an intimidating aura that makes everyone coil which she denied. Deep down, she knows about how intimidating she could be especially when the bullies from her highschool cower when she makes a threat through clenched teeth. Her head sometimes shake when she is angry and start threatening people.

Furthermore, she never makes empty threats like she's told the man. The newspapers in Chad know about her since she is the girl that sprained another girl's leg because she pushed her away from the queue in their school canteen. Just once she sprained leg, twice she broke some guys nose which had her nursing her knuckles for two weeks straight. She's went to fighting school for a year which is how she got her black belts.

Since when she gave herself that record, everyone around the school is afraid of her and she became fire to papers. She threats older people when they disrespect some other older ones. Teachers became weary of having her in their class because she causes problems when she is bored, always up to some mischief. She sometimes throw some things at the teachers which will lead her to so many punishments. She is now professional in washing toilets, all kinds of them at that. It doesn't stop her from causing problems time and time again too.

"You can't threat our employee, Ms. Khalid." Mr. Obese gave her a stern look which only brought an eye roll from her. The man is just calling for trouble with his blabber mouth.

"Sure, Mr. Obese. Now tell me what is it you are dragging on and on? My company and apartment is not just small, they have their own memories that your money won't be able to buy." She saw Mr. Obese yaw red in embarrassment when she called him that but she doesn't care. She needs money and she should really search this Mr. El-Kanemi to find out more.

"But it looks like you want to demand too much money from us, Ms. Khalid." Another one try looking like he is among but she could see that being there is the last thing in his mind. He wants to be anywhere but there.

"Search of this El-Kanemi for me as soon as possible and send it to me. I need everything that is important in a minute."

She sent the message to Salima who was quick to reply a yes and started what she should in her laptop that is right in front of her. She is also sitting with Suhayr and can't help getting entertained whilst seeing her boss's other side. That side of hers only appear when people are about to get what it has, no matter how small.

"Aww, you have way too much faith in me, Mr. Bald. But one thing you don't click is, I am not going to ask too much money from you." She emphasised the too much syrupy, tweed smile at the man before moving back to relax on her chair nibbling on the remains of syrup that is on her forefinger, "I'm going to ask for plenty of your wealth and render you bankrupt." Seeing their hopeful smile dropping, it gave her the satisfaction she wants.

She's just trying to buy time so she can get what she needs to know about the guy she is looking forward to selling her stuff to. She has this plan up her sleeve that she can't wait to execute it which is the reason for drawing the meeting longer than it should have been. Not quitting, she thought. And just then, a message pinged in her phone, it would've been unprofessional if she cared but she checked it anyways.

'Sa'eed Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi is a renowned business man that has his investments in all successful businesses in Nigeria and some other countries abroad such as; Japanese, New York, California, United Kingdom, Greece and others. The renowned businessman is said to be Royal in Maiduguri as the Crowned Prince's son. He owns a lot of houses, businesses and a self made multimillionaire, suspecting to become a billionaire very soon. The said self made man is also single from an inner source...'

Suhayr grinned widely after reading those lines, she don't need more of those. The man is clearly rich and she should have seen it coming from the way he has this air of authority, supremacy circulating him. Even his suit looks expensive, like it could buy her whole company with just it down to his wristwatch. No, even the cologne he uses is enough to buy her so many set of expensive clothes to last her a week without going to laundry.

"How much do you want?" Mu'adh asked this time seeing as if he lets his boss talk, everything shall be ruined in no time. The woman herself is an alpha, two alphas never sit in one place.

"Can I talk to Mr. El-Kanemi alone?" She gave them a saccharine smile that has everyone widening their eyes knowing that nothing good is going to come out of it when those people have their privacy. There is too much fire going on around the table.

They might create an inferno if left alone for a minute.

"Sure." And everyone stood up to leave the room for them looking unsure about their decision. They are all casting glances around, expecting one of them to pounce on the other.

When they cleared up, Suhayr adjusted herself on the sit and turn to him with scrutinized eyes while he only blankly gave her a bored look. This one is going to be a hard crack but is she a quitter? Nah, anything but that so she will just have to get him to agree with her agreement because who doesn't want to be rich? And from how desperate he looks, maybe he will be easy and maybe not. He looks like he is also oozing his own fire like her, creating a deep pit of an inferno.

"Marry me." She declared, didn't bother asking and loved the startled expression he gave her which elicits one smile from her lips knowing she finally got a reaction from the blank stoic man.

"Why will I do that?" He gave her a strange look making her roll her eyes and then plastered a too sweet smile to look real but nevertheless looked beautiful still.

Sa'eed won't hide the fact that he is flummoxed about what she is going on about, seeing as he's never heard a woman asking a guy to get married to her, but seeing this beautiful woman asking him to marry her only makes him feel uncomfortable and also puzzled. There are a lot of things he's expected from the girl from the moment she ordered them around just outside the conference room but not that. And from the way those government officials are wearily talking to her, there is more to her than meets the eyes so he asked Mu'adh to search for him about her.

'Suhayr Imraan Khalid, daredevil, prankster, the notorious girl living all alone by herself. From so many papers right when she started schooling, she has been called fire. Everyone around the school is afraid of her after she sprained a girl's leg in grade six then broke four guys' noses in grade seven. Well, she didn't stop there. She once broke an older man's nose when he tried stealing from her mother. All in all, definition of Suhayr Imraan Khalid is trouble mixed with fire. She is not one to forgive and doesn't make empty threats. An inner source have it that she has been orphaned a year ago..."

He gets what everyone was thinking when she talked about not making empty threats because they gulped. He thought they were just been pussies by being afraid of a woman, not any woman but a very young one. From the looks of it, she hasn't moved away from eighteen which makes him ask why they gave her the company, she looks so young. There is something about her that makes you move on edge, just like he is.

When she first saw him, she disliked him instantly and now she is asking him to marry her? Is she even serious about the matter or is she trying to play her usual prank on him? You can't blame him because that is what he's read that she is a prankster and loves accepting dares, even dangerous ones from the looks of it. Though young, she is reckless and never have time to think about things through, she never makes decisions with anyone from what he can see.

"You see, I was thinking about studying zoology in university so I thought I should live with one to see how much I can tame them and if studying zoology is the best choice." Her answer was dripping with sarcasm and she is hundred percent sure he's heard her and knew it was sarcastic.

"Listen, you need me and I need you so if you will fucking drop that shitty attitude of yours and get straight to the point. Every second is precious to me if it isn't to you." His tone wasn't harsh but it lacked emotion so she rolled her eyes and decided to just let him off the hook this once.

"Because I want you to. For now, I don't need your money but just want you to marry me. There is no reason why I want you to marry me and clearly, I don't like you but I still want to marry you." She offered, rambling then chuckled to herself while looking at him to see whether he understands what she is on about.

"And if I don't? Because it's obvious you and I can't stay in one place together so how do you expect us to get married when it is a lifetime commitment or are you just too young to know what you are trying to get yourself into?" He scoffed watching as she narrow her eyes trying to look intimidated. She looks like those juvenile bunnies though.

"If you don't, I won't sell this company or my apartment no matter what you do. And if there is something you should know about me, then it is that I keep my promise and threats." She crossed her arms around her chest making sure her eyes are stern to make him see how serious she is.

Suhayr wants to hit the jackpot by marrying this almost billionaire man in front of her. What is she to lose when she is not in love with anyone? This is hitting four birds with one stone in her own book because so many things are going to be solved when she gets married to this man in front of her.

One, he is not that bad looking as she vowed to never marry anyone that is uglier than her and with this El-Kanemi guy, they are going to compete when it comes to beauty. Forget about competing, he might even be finer than her but who cares when there are more things she should think about than that petty part but nevertheless, she want him to be finer than her.

Two, she will be able to fulfill Tasneem's dare with even extra, from boyfriend to husband, isn't that amazing and too daring of her? From having a petty boyfriend to having a rich, handsome, Royal husband. What could be more better than this upgrade she's got? Woah, she is on fire like her name.

Three, her life is going to change for the better when she gets hitched with him. She won't have to bother about what the future will bring when she is going to be a rich man's wife and there is no way she won't get so much money from him, that is not her. It makes her wonder how some women that are married to rich men tend to hang around looking like rags. She won't be those woman and that is a vow she is willing to go to any extent for. What is the use of marrying you when you won't give her your own share? Useless.

And lastly, the forth one, she is going to be a royal! That never really bothered her but after finding out that he is one, she will do everything in her power to become a princess. Life will be so much easier for her there in Nigeria since she has no one and nothing in Chad. Everything will change, she is not there to joke.

"Why do you want to marry me? You can't tell me something nostalgic or mushy and expect me to agree. I also don't go around marrying my business partners, I would've been married to tons of women by now. So get to the point." He bargained, there was arrogance in his voice which bruised her ego with a scratch and she keep in mind to crash his.

"Oh please, you have nothing I want but I want to because my best friend is also getting married so she dared me to marry too and you are the better candidate at the moment." A little tinge of lie won't hurt would it? She is merely concealing a small secret closed with a white lie, it's not like he will find out anyway.

She is not willing to stay married to him for forever but might as well do if she gets the money she wants. She is going to run away as soon as she gets the money that will last her a lifetime and also get to travel around the countries she's marked in her map. There are a lot of things she wants to do with money that even if she says the price for her company and apartment, it won't be enough. But this man will clearly own a private plane, why not grab the opportunity?

"That is quite surprising coming from you. But I won't give you more than we've agreed upon even after we get married. Do we have a deal?" Damn her for bringing up his weakness for wanting to build a school there.

He can easily make so many illegal acts to make her succumb to his demand but she is not one to give up from what he is seeing. She will hunt him down and cause more trouble in future so he will have to marry her. What is there in marrying her when he has nothing to lose but gain actually? He won't have to pay too much unnecessary money not that he has any financial problem but the probability of her coming back in future to ruin his plans is high.

She is also not bad looking for someone like him who has a very high taste. Nothing is going to be between them except for the fact that he needs to show her to the public as his wife. She is the type of those women you will proudly show the world but not the one you will be proud of when she opens her mouth, he will tame that. He doesn't need a prankster ruining this very enormous deal for him, he can't afford that.

"We have a deal." She grinned widely like a Cheshire cat, he only rose a brow at her questioningly. She has some great motive behind wanting to marry him and he is going to unravel it through thick or thin.

"You are very stupid to want to give yourself away to a stranger just because of a dare. When I thought you wouldn't be any more dumb after rejecting my offer." He shook his head like he was disappointed, she couldn't hold back an eye roll, she's done that a lot that day.

"Oh please, Mr, don't go around thinking I'm giving myself to you because we are only getting married. There won't be anything physical between us, get that?" Suhayr stressed with an exaggerated sigh of her own.

"What will I even do with you? You are not my type, not even close." He let his eyes wander to her chest which is closed then back to her eyes mockingly, "What do you know about married couple?" He gave a sarcastic chuckle daring her to talk like an adult and to stop beating around the bush.

"They have sex like rabbits, that is what they do. That is even at the first stage of marriage before he will start playing rabbit outside the matrimonial home. And to tell you what you would want to do with me, I'm a woman with full package. I don't lack anywhere and you will see that when we get married but won't be able to have it. So before then, keep your boasts and ego by the side." She laughed loud when she saw the expression on his face, amazement and astonishment.

"How old are you again?" He chuckled still astound by her bluntness, she is very blunt too.

"That doesn't matter but for your information, I'm nineteen. We are going to get married right now in the mosque."

How have you been people? Happy New Year everyone, may this year be filled with smiles and laughter. I hope all our wishes come true this year, Amen!

Q; What are your new year revolutions?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. I really hope you guys will comment all through this, it will mean a lot to me. More updates coming through...


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