

Two years ago.

"Jo, come and help me arrange the table!" She heard the distant voice of her mother calling out to her to come help but she is half alive and half her sense is dead along with some of the veins in her body. She is not capable of moving nor thinking correctly.

She is still in denial about the fact that the one person she's learnt to love, the one person she finally fell in love with is no more. How can that be even possible? She just talked to him twenty minutes ago and he was so happy to get dressed to come meet her mom and now this stranger is telling her he is dead and met with some accident? The nerve of him?! Maybe it is because he don't know who he is talking to, that is why he agreed to play this prank on her for some fremd peculiar reasons she won't bother finding out.

But why would Sa'ad give his phone to a stranger to prank her like this? This is not his style, this is something she would do not him which makes her start questioning whether this man is saying the truth. His voice was so serious that it left her aghast thinking of only the worst to come out of it. She's tried to keep all her emotions at bay for the first time after meeting him and think rationally but it is proving to be difficult. She can't do it, she won't be able to do so with the humanity hanging on a thread for her.

Thinking about what Sa'ad would ask her to do, she move down their memory and see whether he's talked to her about anyone dying in his family and what he has done. Then she remembered, he's told her about his best friend's death which took a toll on him, he almost slipped into depression. He also told her that his twin brother was the one who consoled him. There is something he said there that would be important to her at the moment, she let her head wander and meander into their time together.

Then she recalled, he was asked to take deep breaths and think.

"Deep breaths." She whispered to herself, her hand moving to her chest to make sure it is not beating maniacally as she could feel but it is, it beats hard and fast, like it is racing some invisible pain.

She stood up from the floor after a few more minutes then move to take the phone she threw on the floor. She walked out of the room with determined strides, she will find out if this is a prank of not. Having lived her whole life with pranks, challenges, dares and other funny stuff, she feels like everything is like she viewed it. She is thankful to that though, she wouldn't have been able to move from her position on the floor, that gave her a motive. This is all a prank, she will believe it till she is proven otherwise.

She wants to find out what the hell is going on and how is her life turning into a joke in mere twenty minutes?! Being that insecure and a lady with trust issues, Suhayr started thinking about different scenarios that won't help her case in anyway. It only made her more petrified and alarmed. The way her heart is beating erratically at a rhyme she has never felt is not a good thing. This can lead to a cardiac arrest but she is still determined to move forward to see and believe. Or her thoughts will definitely lead to her own death.

One of those thoughts is that, he wasn't with her for her or it was just some stupid bet meant to get her in his trap or something. Though she should have felt used and angry with herself, she didn't feel a thing and rather she felt disgusted for thinking about him like this which only means she has trusted him completely to not do that. This is where she decided to go out to the said address which is only five minutes or less from her home and that only means, he was on his way there to see her again and make their relationship official.

She can't believe this is happening when she only sees it in movies!

"Where are you going, Jo? Can't you wait for him to come in? Must you bring him in?" Varisha teased from the kitchen upon sighting her walking out from her room looking determined and grave.

"I will be right back." Was all Suhayr said in a forced cheerful voice to not worry her mother who is still wearing an apron around her, cooking for the so called guest that is said to be dead.

She galloped out of the street as soon as her feet settled outside their foyer, thankful that she has her feet clasped in ballerina loafers and not any leg eating shoes. Her heart is thumping in her chest, she is trying to keep her mind focused on one thing, this is a prank Sa'ad decided to pull as a payback for what she did back in the motel room that same day. She can't stay a day without performing her famous pranks, that was what happened when she thought of doing minor one to him.

She pushed him into the bathroom and switched off the light then poured soapy water all over the floor and she heard the sound of him falling. She laughed so loud when he came out and his jeans is is soaked with soapy water whilst he scowled in her direction but she merely smiled at him innocently and he said he melted. But he vowed for a payback but he said till they make everything halal which means marriage, then why is he doing now already?

He is changing his mind about making is official?

Ya Jabbar, she needs to stop thinking about the worst case scenario and move forward. Then she heard the blaring sirens that is making her ears bleed, the sounds of people talking in hush whispers, the sound of someone's voice filled with authority, demanded that everyone move backward! It felt so sudden and she got a whiplash of it, she couldn't stand the sounds of everything all at the same time. Her ears are losing blood, she could hear the sound of it pumping there with the harsh sounds.

Then she saw the cars, the blue and red glistening the whole dark canopied sky. Everything is illuminating red and blue and she knew that there is no doubt, an accident took place here and it is going to hurt her to find out who it is. She can't help but feel dizzy all of a sudden, her head lulled a little but she kept moving to where the commotion is going on, she needs to see what the hell is fucking happening that she don't know of! If the person that talked to her earlier is right, she is... She don't know.

And she felt nauseous smelling the tiny stench of blood from afar, her stomach hurled but since her stomach is empty, she couldn't vomit anything out so she calmed down and move forward. The same white car they have been using for those three days sat in front of her but that is not the only thing, another navy blue car is also beside it, both the cars beyond recognition. They seem to hit each other while trying to swerve the other lane but couldn't avoid what destiny has already planned to happen.

"Move back, Ma'am." A police man tried getting her out of the way and away from the accident but she didn't pay any heed to his words and kept moving forward like he hasn't said a thing.

"You can't go in there, Ma'am." Another officer stood in front of her but a glare she sent his way and the way her nose and eyes flared, he backed away letting her move to deal with his seniors.

"Fucking let me go see him or you join them!" She yelled when one of the senior female officers tried dragging her back to where people are surrounding them.

Some useless, good for nothing are there taking video of the scene along with some officers who are only doing their jobs. How can they remove their phones to take photos and videos for social media likes and followers when someone is dead in front of them? Are people now heartless to what doesn't concern them? Because he is not a Chadian and they don't know him, they don't feel the need to help him out when he needed them?

She just wish he died way before they arrive because if that is not the case, she won't spare any of them!

"Who are you to him?" The woman questioned, her face stern while taking in the teenager's distraught face.

"I am his wife!" And she hustled to the scene not caring to listen to what the other people are telling her, she needs to see him or go crazy in suspense.

There, she found him lying on a frost gurney, his eyes closed and his whole face is marred with blood. The bile that rose from her stomach was so strong, she turned her back and hauled out her guts. She couldn't believe the sight in front of her but there is nothing she can do about it, he is there lying in front of her on a gurney looking lifeless. He isn't the Sa'ad she was talking to few minutes ago, this one looks like he went to a war where their opponents multiply them multiple times but they are taking the risk for the sake of peril.

She heard a strain outcry filled with distress, overwhelming mental anguish, grief, incredulity, unwillingness, forlorn and melancholy but only to realise that it came from her shutting everyone surrounding them. Everyone stared, trying to get where that cry filled with overpowering fright is coming from and then they saw the girl wearing a cute dress holding the dead man's head on her lap not caring about ruining her new outfit, their hearts clenched. The sight is so heart touching, some had to look away from it.

Suhayr's head is looking aloof trying to see what is going on, wanting to shout her excruciating torment, calvary and agony to the obsidian darkened canopied sky. The tears refuse to gush out from her eyes, only strained sounds that kept coming from her lips that only she can hear. She couldn't hold it back after staring at him again on her lap, the tears rush down her eyes like never before. That is the second time Suhayr cried her whole seventeen years old of living in the vicious sadistic world.

First, it was when she was just a nine year old and she couldn't take a bruise given to her by a bully, that was when she toughened up and vowed to never cry. That oath is what she kept till then, she can't help crying atop Sa'ad's uninhabited figure. She wailed to the God above to see what she is going through.

She has finally found love, he can't just leave her like that. The one man she learned to tolerate, tell all her secrets to is now dead in the kaftan she asked him to wear to come see her mother. Her chest kept tightening with every thought of the time they spent together for the last three days. It was the best moments of her life, time filled with happiness, love, appreciation, exceptional jovial moments. Filled with laughter, colossal smiles and endless talks.

She can't believe it has ended just before it started!

He has left her when she started getting comfortable! He left her in the world he promised to help her walk around when she won't be able to. It was too good to be true. What they had shared for the past three days, it sounds and looks too terrific to be true and now the reality just hit her hard in the face. This was the man she was willing to give her life to but what happened, he just lost his on the way to get her under his wing. He was eager to come see her but couldn't!

That is how Allah does His things.

"P-Please, wake up and talk to me. If this is a prank to get back at me, I accept defeat even though I told you I won't ever do it. Just please, wake up and talk to me." She shook his body as she yelled out the last words while soaking on the tears gushing down her face mixed with mucus. She would not want to see herself in that situation, ever.

"Can't you see?! C-can't you see that I'm accepting defeat in front of everyone? Just wake up and fucking talk to me!" She cried again, her mouth closed tight so as to not do the unislamic cries.

A swift and unexpected pain seized through her as more blood rushed to her face. She was gripped with an insensibility that seeped into her bone rendering her frozen knowing he won't wake up. She clutch him to her thigh as if the force life inside him but nothing is happening.

"Do you know him?" An officer asked from above her but made no move to pry her hands away from the lifeless man.

"He is my husband." She glared at the man before returning her gaze back to her said husband.

"If you don't wake up right now, I swear I won't ever talk to you again forever. You know I can do it if you anger me so much right?" Her eyes kept blurring as more tears gush down her face, saturating her face, neck and chest with it.

She kept holding him like he is her last breathe! Her eyes blurring but she wiped the tears furiously, she won't do that. What if she never love again? Will this be the end of it all? She has lost the one person she fell for? Please no, this can't be happening, she ferried her eyes back to his again, still trying to wake him up.

"This is my last night with you, hold me like I'm more than just a stranger you fell for. But what if I never love again? Tell me who should I run to? All I ask is you, to wake up and talk to me." She sang lowly, looking like she has lost her senses along with the last pieces of stability she has for she feels like she does. It wasn't until a strong arm pulled at her shoulder, yanking her from desolation.

He has being her mentor!

Few hours later, the officers finally get to pry her away from his figure after finding out she is not married to him. They took his phone and made a call to his family whose reply is they are coming immediately. Suhayr still sat there on the floor in the middle of the two cars that crashed and apparently, the other guy isn't dead but badly injured and has been taken to the hospital. Her knees hurt but she could only stare blankly at the people passing by with forlorn and grievous faces. They don't have the right to look like that when they don't know just how kindhearted he was!

"Johara, where have you been?" Her mother's panic filled voice greeted her as soon as she stepped inside their threshold.

"He is gone! Isn't it funny how life always makes us suffer just to toughen us? I have had the best memories to live but what about him? Were those moments enough for him?" Suhayr chuckled at her own words while staring at her mother through bloodshot eyes.

She looks like she has lost it all, she did!

"What are you talking about? Come, let's sit here." Varisha guided her daughter to the sofa which they sat on some minutes ago talking about the same person they would only that, he is now history.

"Sa'ad left me." Suhayr wailed again, she can't keep it in her and if there is one person out there apart from Sa'ad that she can show her weakness to, then that is her mother.

"I thought he loves you and is willing to marry you?" Varisha furrowed her brows at this, she can't believe the guts of this man to leave her daughter hanging like that. This is not what the definition of love is, this is farcical. Almost the same reason she abhor Nigerians.

"He does, mom. He is dead, he is no more. I called him earlier to confirm it with him but someone picked the call and told me the person has met up with an accident and didn't make it. I didn't want to believe it but I went there and he was there lying lifeless on the gurney. There was so much blood, Mom!" She cried to her mother's shoulder who was too shocked to move a muscle and emollient her daughter, she is far too stunned for that. She can't think of what he daughter is going through, she really can't.

"Now what?" Varisha asked after good ten minutes of soothing her hiccuping daughter while trying to mollify her own heart from getting into a cardiac arrest. This is the same person her daughter was happily talking about minutes ago.

"Nothing. His family are coming to take him back home while I mourn for the love I almost had but lost before it blossoms." She gave a somber, forlorn smile that could dig out an emotion from the emotionless.

"Turn back to Allah my dear. He will make a way even when there seems to be none. Whenever you are facing hardship, remember three thing; it is temporary, it has been written and it's a test from Allah." Varisha move her hand behind her daughter's back to pacify her of her lost.

"I feel so lost right now, Mom. I feel like my own world is about to end!" Suhayr is hiccuping so badly now, a sob snatching itself from her mouth.

"Talk to Allah, He is waiting to hear from you. Cry to Him, he is more than willing to take away your tears. Pray to Him, he is waiting to answer your call." Varisha is also trying to be strong, she can't imagine what her daughter is going through.

They were talking about meeting him just hours ago, wanting to make everything official but Allah has already planned it all. They are not destined to be but those three days were meant for them to be close only for Suhayr's tawakkul to be tested. She really hopes her daughter will come out of this strong, this is a test she needs everything in her for.

"He has left, Mom." Suhayr kept crying like she isn't hearing a word coming out from her mother.

"If someone leaves your life, don't feel lonely but teach yourself to be independent and rely only on Allah. He is the only One that won't leave you!"

And that is how a week later, Suhayr continued being her rebel like nothing happened but a lot has changed. She started having nightmares of the night and can only sleep when she takes sleeping pills, strong ones like zolpidem and doxepin. She also buried those memories to never access and she never did for two years.

Till she met Sa'ad's family, what a coincidence!

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