44~ Oldies Love Flourishing.
Umar ibn Garbai El-Kanemi stared at himself in the mirror trying to gouge out anything that will stop any lady from liking him to the point of not getting married to him. He finally has his eyes set on another woman after so many years of being in a loveless marriage. He wants to try something new, something his father has always opened their eyes for. Being married and happily married to your spouse who equally shares the same feeling as you do, would do anything for you not just a selfish one having you for her motive is different.
His first wife is anything but loving and caring which says a lot. He married her because of connection which he gravely regretted after the deed has been done. He can't even tell anyone about his problem when he was asked not to marry her more than countless times but he went ahead and did it anyways. Now, he is paying for what he has done wrong and slowly dragging his children down with it. That is what hurt most, seeing his children losing hope because of her. She's caused enough damage in their household turning his children cold and ruthless like herself. He can't even talk lovingly with his children, not on her watch.
He's tried being the best father and still is trying but it seems like everything is just out of control for them again. His children are already grown and are adults that can feed their own family without his help, so what way could he come up with? He can't help the guilt that he has hands in ruining their childhood and probably, the beautiful coming future they would want. A mother like theirs will always be nagging at the back of their necks, he feels and is at fault. He could've stopped everything before it escalated but he was too into deserving the throne than doing any other thing.
His oldest son is already thirty, a renowned business man that owns so many architectural companies across the globe making a name for himself. Each and every well-known place is constructed by him so what better way? And not to forget, he got married to the daughter of the state governor whom he divorced without telling no one the reason. His fault here, he knew that whenever his wife set her mind on something, then it is nothing good but he couldn't stop her from adjoining her niece to his son even after knowing that nothing good could sprout out of it. He also thought they were in love but now proven wrong.
He is now married to another beautiful woman whom any man would be smitten with by the mere sound of her voice. He is not talking about the looks now, he is just seeing the quality in her eyes that she is meant for his son all along. Rumours have it that they are not in love but he would disagree to that any day at anytime. Granted, he might not know what love is but the way his son stares at the woman sometimes really said something. His eyes have this warmth he tries to fight all the time but who knows their child better than it's parents? Absolutely no one!
He might think of it as hatred, but the father knew that is wrong. Sa'eed can never be blackmailed into getting married, that is just a fact. The girl is a prankster, a daredevil, but his son would've tackled her just the way he did others if he'd wanted to but he didn't. He agreed to marry her even with so many solutions at his beck and call, he couldn't deny the pull too which the crowned prince is struggling to disallow but is giving in after a week only. His dreams are ruined with her beautiful face too, he is going to man up and make a move.
That is what soulmates are meant for, to belong no matter the situation.
That is what he feels now for the said woman named Urshia. The mere mention of her name in his mind has his heart beating widely in his chest. The beautiful woman that changed his life in a matter of seconds, who would've thought the next Shehu would be in love again. And now, he is hopelessly and irrevocably in love with the woman who clearly don't even know who he is. She kept squirming under his gaze but glared at him after a while, she got tired of his eyes on her and who is he to deny the surging fun from overtaking?
She is one feisty woman he is ready to shield under his cloak.
Her eyes were bright, her face so young and mischievous. He asked for a background check and whatever it is that he's found is under his favour for she is a widow. A divorcée wouldn't have looked too good but he is really glad she is a widow, she won't lose faith in men if hers died. He vowed to make her his the moment he entered in the chambers, he has had sleepless nights since then and having her in his arms is the only solution which is what he is going to do to help himself.
He didn't even want to go seek for Suhayr's hand in marriage knowing that they are already married and he has some important meeting with some Egyptians about the renovation of a company he invested in. He wants his son to construct for them there and that is what is going to happen because it will soon take place. His son was more than ready to accept the proposal, he loves doing it out of the country for the betterment of it all and it makes him feel less guilty. To think that at least, he is trying to do something for his children after ruining the first opportunity.
He would've regretted it for the rest of his life is he hadn't gone there that blessed evening to see such beautiful sight hidden away from the world. The way she welcomed them, her petite frame moving around gracefully to bring them refreshments. God, he knew he looked and sounds like a pervert or some obsessed person there because of the way he was staring at her but he can't help it. She is obviously the most beautiful woman in his eyes which no doubt means she is meant for him. And he shall do all that needs to be done to get her, he is not born a quitter neither does quitting exist in their family book.
His father, the Shehu of Borno State kept giving him teasing glances after they left the chamber but he acted nonchalant, he couldn't let his facade slip off. But now, he just needs her acceptance and then everyone will hear about what is going on in his heart. He is a Prince and most princes are meant for four wives even though in his family, none of them have more than one. They don't see the need for so many children and large population of females, just trouble. The competition and jealousy that comes with having a lot of women in the same house is not something they look forward to.
"Get my alkyabba." He said to the maid who just walked in after fetching his breakfast, he doesn't have time, he needs to move.
Staring at his six feet one height in front of the mirror, he took in the outfit he wore to just go see that beautiful woman. Graphite kaftan is what he wore, matching Zannah Bukar cap bowed on his head. His tall, slightly podgy figure that comes with age, he is one of the most handsome men in the Palace, his children have his genes too. His feet are enclosed Louis Vitto Richelieu men's shoes and then he is set to go after his shadow coloured alkyabba embroidered with grey is draped on him. Patek Philippe is what he remembered to adjust around his wrist and he is off.
"Ask the chief of the house to get my entourage and make sure this is concealed from all royals." His words glided out of his mouth like law, he left bedchamber and then he is out of the maids sight to his awaiting entourage, always punctual.
"To the north wing." He said to his driver, mounting inside the raven 2019 Volkswagen Jetta and then they took off.
And shortly, they arrive at the comfortable looking chamber, unlike the one he shares with his wife. No, he is not being any normal man because he finally has his eyes on another woman, the fact is just that his wife is a cold hearted woman who cares about nothing but her fame and crown. Everyone knows that and he can see the sympathetic glances his parents always give him whenever they are together, only they can know how empathetic his life with his wife has been and still is. There is no wrong in looking for happiness even as the years galloped by, he deserves it.
This is time for a fresh start, he can feel it deep down in him that this woman will change his point of view about love, happiness, happy marriage and loving family. She has two children, he don't mind making them his now and not to forget, they are all female, they need a man especially in a foreign country. And by Allah's grace, he will be the father they have ever wished for, he wants to be that. He's always loved so many children and his wife wanted that too just so the throne won't ever slip away from their hands, he don't mind. He has six children but one has passed away.
May his soul rest in peace.
His two female children are already grown, well, except the younger one whose birthday just happened the day before. And Urshia's youngest daughter is the same age as his last born so they might just become best friends and sisters. Hopefully, his older children will understand where he is coming from and share the happiness he is about to bath in. He really needs their approval, they should shelve any hurtful ego and try to support him but first things first, he needs to see his woman. She just needs to accept him, that's all he is asking for.
Parading out of the car, he made his way to the doors where the guards with serious face are guarding, just like he's asked them to. They open the doors for him after a few knocks and he entered without waiting for permission like the Royal bull he is. He didn't let anyone follow him inside and sat down on the sofa waiting for her to come out, he feels like a high schooler waiting for his crush to come out so he can ask her out to prom. His heart beating wildly, he feels young inside of him, so giddy and anxious.
Gosh, he is a grown up man for Allah's sake!
Urshia looks confused not knowing who wants to see them and she hasn't even taken bath so early in the morning. It is this so called guest that awoke her and it probably not be Suhayr or she would kill the girl but Suhayr likes sleeping in too, could it be her though? Hastily, she wrapped a crimson red robe around her body that reached down her ankle, tied the crinkled frost white veil she found lazing beside her bed. Suhayr is like her daughter, this must also mean emergency for her to come now.
If Suhayr is here early in the morning, then it means she is in trouble or trouble is chasing her. Suhayr is a strong girl who can fight her own battles and fight another person's at the same time so it doesn't make sense. She would've also barged into the room and scream out what is happening but she heard no commotion in the living room neither did her children's room door opened, it is still closed which means Suhayr isn't even there for them. But Suhayr is not sensible enough to just wait for them to wake up, hmm.
"Sus, what are..." Her words trailed off when she settled her gaze on the person sitting comfortably on the sofa looking at her.
His eyes marvelled over her frame with nothing but admiration making her feel uneasy with the attention. When they weren't together, she bathed in the attention but now, she don't feel too comfortable with him alone and she is just wearing some skimpy old night dress she wears for her husband when he was alive under the robe. Thank goodness the robe isn't see through, she would've want the ground to open up and take her away with it. She don't want to think about what will happen so she swallowed a thick gob of spit and move back a little.
This is her best friend's daughter's father in-law here.
"Oh, sorry, Mr. El-Kanemi. I will just change into something more presentable and get back to you." She didn't wait for his reply and instead fled back to her room, she hasn't gone far from the door.
He wanted to ask her to wait and that he won't take much of her time but he couldn't, that would sound so perverty coming from a crowned Prince like him so he let her be. He held onto his new boris palatnik walking stick/cane while smiling secretly, he could feel his heart drumming harshly underneath his chest. She is definitely the one meant for him, he wants to have her as soon as possible, he won't wait any longer than he has. He knows that she feels the same, the way she stared at him too.
This is the felicity he has been yearning for his whole life, and he won't let it slip off his fingers just like that.
"Good morning." Her voice yawed him away from his reverie and back to the reality of her sitting in front of him wearing a chocolate coloured maxi dress and the same crinkled white veil, she looks just perfect.
"Good morning, Urshia." He dropped his voice a little when he said her name and he could see how she visibly shuddered, her spine arching.
"What brought you here so early in the morning, might I ask?" She didn't want to add the last three words but her question came off rude to someone she needs to consider her daughter's father in-law.
"I came with a proposal." He relaxed back, examining her from head to toe with his eyes making her feel hot all over her body, she could feel her skin flushing underneath those clothes and she should not feel that. The smell of his Roja Haute Luxe isn't helping at all.
She is old enough for that, she should not!
"Uh, what proposal?" She asked, trying to desperately keep her voice steady and not let the nervousness creep into their conversation.
Such dazzling beauty, he can't let go off with the humanity in his bare hands.
"For you, to marry me." Not one to beat around the bush, he wasn't brought up like that which is why he couldn't even bite on his words before he said it, propose.
"What?" She shrieked, her words bouncing against the walls, she don't want her children to wake up so she clamped a hand on her mouth and glare at him.
"You heard that right, Urshia. I want you to marry me and I really hope you will think this through. I know you have seen the way I was observing you the day we met and that is out of my character. I got smitten by the sight of you the moment my eyes settled on your figure, I couldn't help myself. So don't worry about marriage of convenience because I really want to be with you for who you are." He explained, his words warming up her chest when it shouldn't have.
That is so bad of you, Urshia, she thought to herself.
"I don't know what to say, I mean, this totally took me off guard and I'm... Well, I don't know." She rambled, wringing her fingers around while trying to not appear as anxious as she feels inside.
"I don't want an answer right now but the moment your answer comes out, I'm going to act on it. If it's a yes, we are going to get married the next day and if it's a no, then I'll let you be. No pressure!" And with that, he stood up to his full height which she did too, feeling so small in front of him after all he's said.
"Okay.." She gulped, her eyes watching his every move while she try gouging out something negative from him but none.
"Till I hear from you, this is my personal card." He swiftly removed a card from his alkyabba pocket, she don't know where that is located and pass it to her.
She took it with shaky fingers, she feels young and giddy all over again. She can't believe this is happening, a prince interested in her sorry ass of old age? Granted, she is not that old but she is also not as young as them Suhayr and Tasneem, she has gone past that. She's been in love, felt happy, lived happy, what more could she ask for if not for the betterment of her children now? Her own life needs to hangs on hold, she needs a future for her children first. That is her to priority, to smoothen their oath in future not to start enjoying and catching cruise with a crowned Prince in some foreign country.
But what does she really feel for this man?
What Up Guys?
I am done writing this book so expect updates anyhow! I finished this book with almost 250+K words in just 87 days, I'm elated!! I stopped at chapter 86 too💀 And in shaa Allah by march, I'll focus on my two other books.
In Twenty One Days
The Hearts Reawakening!
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