43~ Best Birthday Gift.
"This is my best birthday gift, thank you." Nafisa beamed at Suhayr who is now sitting on the chaise sipping on a cup of green tea, just what she needs in the morning to refresh her head. Running around without anything hot in your stomach should really be banned, she felt like she has ran a marathon and won in just roaming around the castle. What if she goes for a real jogging?
"Whoa, today is your birthday?" Suhayr asked, keeping the small China cup aside to stare at the girl who is getting more hyper with the thought of her birthday, Suhayr don't see why though. Birthdays are just like every other days, to her though and it sometimes gets more depressing than any other day in your life, she's been there. And no, she does not have any sad memory attached to her birthday, she don't like celebrating and that's all.
"Yes, I just clocked seventeen and I'm so excited. Not only is it my birthday but also the day I finally got discharged from the hospital after so many days of torture. I'm so happy." Her eyes are now shining which states that there is clearly something behind this day as she is talking about, Suhayr can't wait to find out. It's a great thing to have your birthday attached to something worth remembering for Suhayr can't recall anything like that happening in any of her birthdays, she needs to change that.
"You were in the hospital? Why though?" She inclined her head to the side not wanting to come off too curious about the matter but also talking in a way that will compel Nafisa to talk. Oh, Suhayr, you can easily work as a psychologist without any degree, just pursue it. She encouraged herself with a laugh.
"Yes. I had thyroid cancer for a whole month but we didn't find out till a week ago and Alhamdulillah, we got to tackle it in that same week. Even with difficulty swallowing, time to time soar throat and still the swelling of my neck, it is over." Nafisa explained, happiness shining clearly in her voice and Suhayr also felt that happiness for her. She does not deserve to be attached to tubes on her birthday at such young age, she should soar to the sky.
Upon hearing the word cancer, her heart literally dropped to her chest because she couldn't stomach the thought of this lovely buoyant girl getting bedridden and the disease couldn't be any other thing but cancer? She can't handle that and thank God she didn't find out about her when she was bedridden, she would've had so many sleepless nights. She hates seeing people sick, especially youngsters whom are energetic, they don't deserve it but then again, that is their fate. Who is she to draw a line about what should happen to this or that when He has done it all from the scratch?
It's not like her loved one has ever had that disease but the way she hears about it makes her hate the thing more than she hates death. People first thought her foster mother had it too because of how rapid her death came but Suhayr knew that wasn't it, it was a mere malaria that was so persistent. Even she had the malaria few days before her foster mother picked it but she didn't get to come out of hers and died with it. Suhayr hated malaria too since then, she hates mosquitoes too more than anything living on earth. Those stupid female mosquitoes could kill person, they are deadly albeit small.
"Subhan' Allah! How are you now?" Her face got twisted into one of concern, she felt worried about the girl all of a sudden. And that is not an act, she is slightly really worried.
"I am perfectly fine now. It wasn't that intense but we didn't find out what it was soon which was why it took long to start the therapy." Nafisa is more than glad to keep talking to someone after such a long time spending her time on the hospital bed wearing that hideous blue gown. And not forget, someone her maids won't stop gushing about.
"That is good and about your birthday. No one has wished you already seeing as the room is empty? No gifts or cards?" Suhayr teased, taking a look at the room again to see if she's missed something earlier but no, there is nothing to indicate she is a birthday girl. Not that cute surprise of balloons, gift cards and boxes, it is totally empty!
"I'm so mad at my siblings right now, none of them wished me nor visit. Even grand mama and grandpa, they have forgotten about me already." Nafisa pouted, sticking her arms underneath her bosom looking like a complete brat. She should feel that way, she is the youngest amongst the five siblings.
"Well, let me wish you first. Happy birthday, dearest. May this year be filled with tranquil and happiness." Suhayr is not good with wishing people birthdays or anything of that sort so she always makes it short like that. If she adds something in a fit showoff, she'd definitely ruin English for them.
"Aw, thank you, sister in-law." She beamed and stood up to go get something from her bed which was her phone. A smile is stretched across her lips which means she is reading a text from friends.
"I don't know why you are not rude like your sister and brother? I mean, my husband. The duo are perfect fit for one another, so rude and narcissistic." Suhayr feigned a shudder even though it is not that worse since she only met Juwairiyah once but she was still very rude. How can you stare at your brother's wife and say such offensive words? Ha, she should be lucky Sulaiman was there, seriously.
"You've met my sister then? She is really rude most of the times which is why we hardly get along together but whenever we do, we are inseparable. And brother Sa'eed, that one is rude to everyone but family members since that is how he grew up." Nafisa shrugged as if describing her siblings as offensive is something cool. It is not cool at all!
"I have and it was not a pleasant one since we were almost about to show each other what we've learnt in self defense lessons till one of your cousins showed up." Suhayr explained, she wants to find out more about the family and next person is going to be Shaheed or Najaah. Nah, Shaheed is more important than that psychotic public nuisance, she is an easy target.
"What?" Nafisa laughed loudly, not at all ladylike, "I know you're talking about Ya Sulaiman, he is the only one who can stop Ju when she sets her mind." She grinned at that, she knows what has happened between them too. Oh well, Suhayr is not the only one who found their story quite interesting.
It is said that the youngest in the family always knows what goes around the whole family which is why this will be her best chance to find out about the other royal members. Right from Shaheed, to Sa'eed's breakup with his first wife and clearly the love of his life. The man loves her and the girl also loves him, why not get married and be together again with lots of kids? Oh, right, they have divorced which is the main course she is there as his wife. How could she forget about that?
A divorce between the couple in love always makes her hate the idea of marriage. Why do they like divorcing each other even though love is clearly in the air? Marriage should always be filled with love, understanding, trust and loyalty. Whenever there is none of those things in a marriage, even one of them, then it'd never work out or it'd keep shaking in the tray like jelly. Her own idea of love is just something different so she feels like after that one past, she won't ever fall in love again... it never feels the same!
"Yeah, he was the one that stopped her. Then I bumped into another reptile, well, she came to our chamber to have dinner with her supposed ex husband." Nafisa stopped Suhayr halfway with widen eyes and exaggerated gasp that escaped her lips. She is going to be her best friend very soon.
"You mean, Najaah came to your chamber to have dinner with brother Sa'eed while you are together?" Her eyes are still wide but this time around, even her jaw is sitting calmly on the floor like it is the most natural reaction to give to the situation at hand.
"Yes, she pretended that she didn't know he was married but from the look on her face, she knew about it." Suhayr explained, she don't look interested but she would want to know what Nafisa thinks of Najaah. She can't be the only one seeing right through the girl's façade, that can't be possible.
"They were happily married but suddenly they got divorced, no one knows what happened between them till today. Even grand mama tried her best to coax out something from brother Sa'eed but he didn't spit out a thing. We are all waiting in suspense that seems to never end and won't end soon." She sounded disappointed about not having the knowledge of the unseen!
"Oh. I still don't know anything about it too, I should wait alongside you guys." Suhayr chuckled, adjusting the scarf around her neck since it is now getting hot with the sun fully out. Not her favorite time of the day at all.
"Look, brother Sa'eed just messaged me." Nafisa gleam while hastily trying to unlock her phone to see what he has messaged her with.
'Happy Birthday, Kid Sis, wishing you a speedy recovery. A delivery man will be at your doorstep any minute and I will be coming later with my wife like I promised for that dinner.' Then a heart emoji which really touched Suhayr's chest. So the guy can be this sentimental towards his sister but just not her?
"What impression did you give him?" Her subconscious cackled inside her head making her annoyed, she is darn right.
"He didn't know you are here with me." Nafisa giggled as she stare at the door to her room, clearly waiting for the delivery man to knock on her door and give her whatever present it is her brother gifted to her. Waiting for gift is quite annoying, you keep anticipating like a dog awaiting their master everyday.
Now she is the one comparing stuff to dog!
Just seconds later, she heard the knock and was quick to go to the door to see the delivery man with a medium sized gift box. He gave her the paper to sign which she did hastily and took the box then went back inside the room. She sat down close to Suhayr and started opening the box slowly so as to not ruin it at all. She has a wide grin etched across her face as she open the box, her brother is never one to gift her something silly or stupid so she is anticipating something out of the world like she always does.
And truly, there sat what she has been dreaming of for the whole month ever since she got bedridden. In the box is crimson coloured the Balenciaga city bag, Stuart Weitzman pumps, Nike trainers that was released just a week ago, a thumb ring and beautiful teardrop diamond earrings. The box is so pretty, Suhayr let her eyes shine even though she has almost everything inside there in her box, she can't help letting this show of affection touch her.
Who would've thought the tartar is capable of showing this love to his dear sister? Well, not her.
"Aww, isn't this so cute?" Suhayr gushed, touching the golden box that looks expensive itself. That should be a box found deep in the Sahara desert.
"He always knows what to bring for me. I've been wanting to get these heels since ages, and the trainers too. God, I love him so much!" Her eyes brighten again with shiny eyes brimming with tears, she can't help it.
"He surely loves you too." Suhayr couldn't hide the smile away from her lips, that really touched her somewhere.
A knock rap out from the door taking their attention off the box and to the door which opened to reveal Juwairiyah and Naja'atu as they trudge in slowly with boxes in hands. Naja'atu has her hand clutching her phone wanting to take the video of the birthday girl and she did even though Suhayr showed up in the video, she can't remove it. As soon as she took Nafisa's face, she switched off the camera and stare at Suhayr, totally not expecting to see her there. Yeah right, take that bitch!
"Oh, the reptiles." Suhayr beamed at them, watching as they try keeping their distance but it seems like their ego keeps getting in the way blocking any rational thought.
"And the homewrecker is here too, what a pleasant surprise." Najaah faked a smile too, she has been heartbroken the day before and would want nothing but to hit the woman where she won't be able to stand. What happened the day before won't stop replaying in her head even after taking shots of vodka to help.
"I didn't go around kissing someone else's husband, was I the one?" Suhayr chortled when Najaah tried hiding her face away in embarrassment as everyone's eyes move to her in astonishment. Oops, not!
"Shut the fuck up! We are here to wish our sister happy birthday and not to fight with you so wait till we meet outside before you talk personally." Najaah tried taking off the attention from herself, she wants to get that done and over with before the questions brew up, they already are.
"Happy birthday, Sis." Juwairiyah kept her questions aside and gave her little sister the gift box she brought for her and gave Najaah the one she brought for Nafisa so she could give it to her herself.
"Happy birthday, Feena." Najaah smiled, turning on her camera again to take the video of her gifting the girl a gift so she can post on YouTube later after editing. She wants everyone to think they are still in touch with the royals to keep her image.
"Why are you blinding her with camera like this? Must you take everything for social media likes and fame?" Suhayr couldn't keep her mouth shut, Nafisa clearly looks uncomfortable without any scarf closing her her head and she is also not that decent to be shown around the world.
"This is not your business, that is how she works. And if you don't know about it, she is a YouTuber and this is what she does, but I don't expect someone like you to know." Juwairiyah was the one who talked this time around not wanting Suhayr to think that she is afraid of her. The girl can't just keep quite!
"What the fuck! I know who those people are and who can't do that silly job?" Suhayr breathed out, she is done taking shit from these girls and she will make them pay for it too very soon. She was only letting Juwairiyah ho because she is her sister in-law but she's crossed the line.
"Oh, really? Then become one if it is silly." Najaah childishly retorted, her words sounding straight into Suhayr's ears, she can't wait to find out if this is a challenge.
"Are you challenging me?" Suhayr rose a mocking brow, not liking how they are looking superior since they are standing atop her. She should stand up too from the couch but they'd still be taller than her so they should think they are superior only because she is on the sofa.
"Yes, this is a challenge. I have thirty thousand subscribers, I dare you to get them in a month!" Najaah challenged, her hands folding underneath her chest in triumph, like she's got to put the girl where she should be.
"Challenge accepted, booger!" Suhayr adjust her scarf around her neck again then turn to look at Nafisa whilst standing up, done with the lowlife bitches.
"I should go before my husband gets super worried. Like he said, we are going to be here later and I shall bring my gift for you and start my own YouTube channel then, huh? Be dressed nicely for you will be more popular very soon." She threw a challenging smile at Najaah and Juwairiyah, they are glaring hard at her. They don't even have good comebacks, they are not her mate.
"Yay, I'll be ready." Nafisa gave her a quick hug then sat back down which irritated Najaah because they were never that close with Nafisa even though they are cousins if not in-laws.
Everyone wants Nafisa's acceptance in the royal family since she is Sa'eed's favorite person apart from his grandparents. She has tried her best to get the girl to like her but she doesn't show her extra attention so she gave up. And now she suddenly have a large space in her heart for her brother's new wife? They have been together for years, she never gave her a hug but from the looks of it, she just met this woman but she also fell in love. Najaah even gave her a nickname which she never appreciated, she even heard her grumbling about not liking the name one time.
"We got some ass beating, get your butt to my chamber ASAP!" Suhayr said into the phone as soon as Tasneem picked the call, she couldn't wait to put Najaah in her place so that was what she did as soon ash she got back to their Chamber.
"Who is it this time around?" Tasneem asked, her voice groggy which states that she was sleeping before the phone call.
"That stupid bitch of an ex and his sister, seems like they are best of friends. Open a YouTube channel for me right now!" And she hung up the phone to get a quick bath then feed her stomach before she plans how to turn their lives upsidedown.
They will regret daring her like that!
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