40~ Caught In The Act.
"You are under arrest, Ma'am." The cop's face yawed away from that friendly smile to one that could make any regular person shit his pants but not someone like Suhayr, she didn't even flinch.
"What?" Suhayr spurted out, her brain finally circulating in her skull enough to understand what he means by that. Those were the exact words said to her husband the day before and now to her? Who the heck is this man to arrest her at a checkpoint?!
This guy must be kidding her!
"Yes, Ma'am, we found this drug inside your bag and this is a really serious crime. You have to come with us." His face is now serious, taking off that awestruck look he had when he first stared at her just few minutes ago, now he wants her arrested and to go with them. The guy is staring arrogantly at her, like he has the upper hand!
"Okay, I should talk to my husband for a minute." She requested, the guy nodded and step aside. He gave a secret look to Sa'eed who nodded his head, the work is good and done. And finally, sweet, sweet revenge from his side to tame his almost untameable wife.
"Look how the tables turned! Yesterday, I was the one going to jail and today you? I told you to watch out, didn't I? At the same hour in the afternoon, we really are destined to be together. I will agree with grand mama for once that we are soulmates." He grinned at her, his eyes shining with mischief seeing the distress in her eyes. The woman has nothing but fire in her eyes and now distress, what a great change.
"I knew you did this!" She launched at him, grabbing the collar of his jacket and yank his forward making sure their eyes are of level, she spat in his face. His eyes didn't move from hers and let her hold his expensive collar.
"You stoop so low to the level of this racketeer, how sleaze of you when I thought you were perfect. Well, thank you for this reaction, at least I now know that I'm not married to Mr. Perfect. This was the reaction we want from you, and now we've got it. I will go with them but let me tell you this, it is not over." She emphasized the last four words then smiled sarcastically before taking her phone with her and started moving to the awaiting cars.
And when he thought he just ruined her mood, she came up with another game meant only for him. They played him yet again in his own game! This is not done, he won't let her win so easily so he will make sure she drops all her weapons very soon. She kept proving to be head stronger than he thought, she won't give up easily neither would she let him win this game. Jail is not a child's play and they should just stop with the cops and station, he can't have it. The reputation of the royals is the one at stake now, it should be only between them.
And his grandmother refused to have him bailed the day before even laughing that he deserves it.
He banged his head slowly on the steering wheel with an amused smile. That woman surely took over her name, the scorching fire. Even the way she walked to the cops, she had the aura of assurance, narcissism that he sure as hell didn't have when they took him to their quarters. Her head is held up high, like she is not about to visit the jail where she just sent him the day before. Maybe this is not the first time? Suhayr has been in so many troubles and one of them must've landed her there. Surely, there must be something hidden behind her everyday smiles.
He chortled, this woman will be the death of him. He needs to go and bail her out, he don't know what her next strike will be but he should at least calm her down. She might just strike his deal, he had this thought that she added something to his food or fed him some sort of pills to have him sleep the whole morning and a headache. Since she did that, there is nothing left for Suhayr Imraan Khalid not to do, he is now frightened with what she has for him. This might only be the appetizer and he has suffered through it already, he needs no more.
He is going to surrender, the woman is way more frightening than he thought she was, she is a terrorist. But he admit, this little game of theirs is kind of fun, he gets to leave his comfort zone and do something rebelish, defiantly breaking the law to land her in jail too. She did her own part, and he did his, time for them to all keep their weapons and move on in life. He needs to concentrate on his upcoming construction and with her little pranks, he can't do nothing.
Just one week with her, his life has already took a really drastic turn. Who would've thought the wee woman will have him on his toes the moment she sighted him? She used makeup to ensnare him while he on the other hand used fake drugs, powder, her very own powder. And it clicked, they are all using makeup for this and the cops are more than willing to have them arrested. This is the most funny part of it, she would notice too soon. Using makeup and having the police officer by their sides to do their dirty works. Corruption!
"I will murder your fucking brother right underneath your nose!" Suhayr bursted out as soon as her eyes landed on Adam's sitting behind his huge desk massaging his forehead. It looks like he has finished dealing with a murder case or something.
"What happened now and what are you doing in the station again? Are you the one they arrested for drugs?" His eyes bulged out at his last sentence, he can't believe what is going on between his brother and wife anymore. Yesterday, it was his brother and now his wife in station with him for another crime? What sort of life is this?!
They are two egoistical couple that can set the whole castle on fire, not exaggerated.
"Yes, I think he put some inside but on the contrary, he stoop to our level which makes him not so perfect and innocent." Her reaction immediately yawed to that of triumph surprising Adam all over again. She hits him whenever he don't expect it and render her speechless.
"And you don't want him to be perfect why?" The woman is complicated, the more he tried to unravel her the more she open more layers of herself.
"Because I want him to have fun. Don't give me that look, I don't like your brother at all but I loathe boring people which is why I want him to live a little. He is always perfect, never late, always serious, proficient, accurate and to me, those things are mind numbing. Now he took revenge, he is just like me, his fun side is coming out and above that all... He is not flawless!" Her grin widened eliciting one from her brother in-law, she did it right.
The girl has sharp brain for a wee woman of that tender age, she knows how to deal with every situation perfectly without being violent. Even though she goes to the extreme of coming to the police station, she still handles them well enough and it always turns out to be flawless. Maybe she went to a school and studied just how to make sure your plan is never ruined, she hit two birds with one stone. Avenged her humiliation and got Sa'eed to stoop to her level, both flaws. She needs to teach him a few things too, a lot has been happening to his boring life.
"You are one intelligent woman, if only my brother knows. Now what should we do? I don't know if I will be able to bail you out so soon because this is drugs we are talking about." Adam got back to the matters at hand, he doesn't want her to spend the night there or even few more minutes more than necessary. He genuinely like her like he would his sisters!
"The son of a bitch, excuse my language and I don't even like your mother so yeah. He knew drugs will land me in so much trouble that is why he used it, douche." She grumbled, her legs moving around as she start thinking about stuff.
"You've met my mother?" Was his question. He can't imagine what would happen if Suhayr and his mother stay in the same room, that means disaster. Suhayr and Sa'eed in the same chamber is man-made catastrophe already and their mother is worse.
"Two times already, we are about to declare a war." She shrugged like it was no big deal, she don't mind fighting with anyone even her mother in-law. It's not like the woman deserves anything good from Suhayr, she deserves none.
Adam knew this is not something Suhayr should take lightly. When their mother sets out to do something, nothing on earth would be able to stop her from accomplishing it and this time around will be no different. Granted, even Suhayr is not just someone you should look for trouble of but their mother always goes to those extreme majors that will have Suhayr giving up. He already likes Suhayr, he wouldn't want any harm to come her way so with that determination, he set to give her some guards for her safety.
Oh, she is going to reject him downright but he won't even let her know about it, they should merge with normal people. Their mother is going to try her hardest to eliminate Suhayr from the face of earth, this is his duty as a police officer and also a brother in-law. He does not like his mother like every other person in the palace, it should not be surprising seeing how their mother is. None of them grew up with her so they know absolutely nothing about her.
"Let me pick this call, it's from Sa'eed." Adam showed her the phone where he saved his brother's number as 'Business Moron' Suhayr laughed at the name. They seem to be very close with each other but what about Shaheed?
Question for another day, she will find out soon though.
"Hello, Adam. I want you to bail her out immediately, don't let her stay there." He said into the phone, he didn't even plan it out with him but he knew he is the only one that can do that.
"Why should I do that when you already know drugs cannot be easily terminated? It is an enormous crime dealing with it and where on earth did you get drugs too?" Adam decided to play dumb shushing Suhayr with his forefinger across his lips. His brother is softening and he don't know why, he is just curious.
"I put it inside, you can prove that she is innocent by opening it and showing it to them. It is only white powder in there." He explained with this glimmer of guilt in his voice, Adam knew his brother is falling miserably too.
"You did that why? You are also stooping to her level and letting go of your flawlessness?" Adam mocked, he could see Suhayr giggling behind her palms as her eyes shine with mirth. She knows what they are talking about.
"Don't talk to me like that and do what I ask you to. Send her home immediately with one of your cars, I will see you later." He hung up the phone like the business man he is, he didn't like the tone Adam gave like he knew something he doesn't when there is nothing to know about them.
He drove his car to the office, he will change into one of the suits he has there, he can't be seen with casual clothes around the office or his employees will start wearing that too. He has a penthouse at the last floor of his company, he built that himself. The man loves having privacy so whenever they are having business dinners or lunches, even breakfast, he just ask them to go up there and the Cooks he hires for the day will serve them. But sometimes they order from restaurants to make it easier or if the clients want that exact food.
Going up there, he took in the penthouse he hardly visits nowadays. The place consists of two master bedrooms, a dining room, a chef's kitchen, living room, a gym and beautiful balcony that has the view of Maiduguri from above. The snow white complete set of cabriole sofa rounded the whole room with rust coloured throw pillows all over. A frost white carpet is in the middle underneath a Montrose center table.
Slate coloured artesian rectangular dining room is by the far end of it where ten chairs are surrounded just for his time to time meetings. The kitchen where every chef's heart melt at the sight of is right behind it themed shadow and white, just like a bachelor's pad. He sighed and made his way to one of the rooms where his clothes and every other necessities are in. He took another bath, the guilt of taking his wife to jail still with him.
The woman was only trying to make him have fun!
He changed into a pine coloured Giorgio Amani suit, white crispy dress shirt with matching tie and onyx Gucci men Italian leather shoes. All those are new since he hardly comes to office without getting dressed. Usually when that happens, then he must have spent the night in another country and has a meeting earlier hence he uses his private elevator that takes him direct to his penthouse which happens rarely. It comes in handy though, private matters can be conducted there.
"Sir, you have a visitor." Mr. Jonathan buzzed through the intercom as it blinked green on his table right after he sat down.
"Let them in." And then it got disconnected, he can't remember asking anyone to come but it might be Adam to come and irk him again about what he did. Or could it be Suhayr? She doesn't know where his office is and besides, why would she go to someone who just sent her to jail?
He smelt her before he even gaze up at her. It is none other than Naja'atu Haris Dantati, his first wife, first love. He stared at the beautiful woman that would look bland in front of Suhayr but pretty nevertheless. She is wearing his favorite colour of aqua blue shirt, admiral peplum skirt, denim jacket on top of it that close half her buttocks. An azure coloured veil is what she toed on her head in that complicated turban of hers that he never learnt how to do but has seen her doing so many tutorials on YouTube.
In her hand is Michael Kors silver bindle bag while her legs are closed with matching Fendi heels, adding her already tall figure. She has a wide smile across her lips as she move to where he is and sat down in front of him. A sad smile took over when she saw him skimming over her figure like he'd always done those days. The man has a way of speaking with his eyes rather than his mouth and since she's known him her whole life, she knew he is questioning her. The spark she wanted to see is absent, like the time she's seen them were only an amazing dream.
"I'm just here to be a friend, I know you have not been well since, well, since you got married to your new wife. I mean, you were in jail yesterday because of her and..." She trailed off her words, keeping her bag on the table and stood up.
"Please, that was a dare I gave her and she is a daredevil, she accepted and it happened. Don't interfere in our personal matters!" He closed his wife watching his ex wife with keen eyes as she move closer to him. Who told her about that? Well, everyone knows what happened but none gave it a bad thought. Some went to the extent of saying it was cute, the hell?!
"Oh, you were all over social media and I thought I should let you know. Maybe you can talk to the media to stop it before it spreads wider." She faked concern, she is gritting her teeth that he is now enjoying his married life leaving her stranded by the cliff.
This is what she gets for loving such perfect man. She tried been all perfect, a sweetheart to everyone and it worked but he is now married to a rebel and it looks like he loves her more than he's ever loved her in the past. Suhayr is not even his type, but no, he is already daring her and even went to jail because she won't miss that challenge? This is not the Sa'eed she knew, that one won't let anyone taint his reputation no matter what but she just did and he sat there as cool as a cucumber.
When she saw it all over the social media the night before, she couldn't keep calm and wanted to go to the jail but refrained since that will only taint his reputation further. She has been calling his office for a while now and she just had to come and see for herself.
"Thank you, I will." Sa'eed stood up and rounded the chair ready to ask her to leave already but she took him by surprise when she placed her lips on his then the door opened showing none other than his wife, Suhayr with a large smile that will make any man guilty of his actions even though it's not what it looks like.
Guess what Suhayr will do and let me know pleaseeee! And Juma'at Karim everyone✨
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