39~ Payback Is A Bitch.
I dare you to comment on each paragraph, following anyone that does..
Sa'eed had no choice but to follow the cops to the station while brooding behind like a wounded animal. He thanked the Lord that there are no much people outside except the maids and guards who are probably going to make sure that the whole castle heard about the scenario before he even arrive at the station himself. He's called Adam but the guy downright rejected his call, Sa'eed need not to be told twice to know that it was all his doing helping his wife. He will pay for it too, just not now, till he made that cuckoo little girl pay for this. She is his next target and he shall make her regret it!
Suhayr on the other hand is in another separate car, she pretended to care about his health and wants to make sure he is safe even in the station, when he knew all she wants to do is taunt him and rub it to his face. She'd break away from his hold when one of the cops started talking in his walkie talkie, she acted like she wasn't affected but he could see it. She is hiding what she feels, he knew she felt something 'cause there is no way he is going to feel that alone, it was too strong and intense.
Arriving at the station, he got down from the car and walked in like he owned the place, he won't give her the satisfaction of lagging. He can't wait to see his brother and give him some piece of words. The guy has really grown, Sa'eed could remember the times when he helped the guy stand up after falling countless times in the training background but look at him now, all grown and have the nerve to arrest him. If only he was a thug or a racketeer like his wife, he would've thrown one heck of a tantrum. He has a lot of ways to get out of the station unscathed, this is Nigeria he is talking about!
Granted, what he did the day before was uncalled for but he couldn't stop himself when he stared at her triumph eyes. He always loves challenging her and that was his way of challenging her yet again. The look of prevail didn't sit well with him so he took the silver card he's always played with his brothers with, he felt excited then. He wanted to see her throwing a fuss like she's always done, just to make sure he's gotten under her nose like she does him ever since she waltzed into his life unannounced. She has caused him more trouble than he's ever been his entire thirty years of living!
But she surprised him by saying she has a date with the person who paid for her stuff the day before. His name was at risk seeing as anyone could recognise her from the people there but the hunger for getting under her skin just took over so he did it. There is no doubt, he didn't like when she said she was going on a date. That means she does not find him appealing in anyway and she wants to go out with someone out there whilst married to him? Not going to happen, she won't cicatrice his ego like that. No woman has ever crushed his pride and ego like Suhayr, no one!
And now she just collided it with brick walls, shattering it beyond repair but he is no quitter, she will repay for that.
"Why are you doing this? You know that this is just a charade right? Then why the fuck are you supporting her?" Sa'eed enquired Adam as soon as he sat down in front of him on a comfortable office chair. He has never been to station except that one time when he bailed Shaheed.
"I don't know what you are talking about, brother. She only came here earlier seeking for my help that you've been hitting her the whole night after we left because she insulted you." Adam shrugged, pretending to check out some papers on his desk to not look at his brother. If he looks into his eyes, he might end up poignantly letting him go and his sister in-law will no doubt castrate him.
"And you believe her just like that? You think I would beat her because of that or are you just part of her plan?" Sa'eed narrowed his eyes at his younger brother who still is trying his best to look busy with the papers sprawled on his desk.
"No, I don't know about any plan. We work with evidence here, brother, not what we know. We can't work personally and get attached with emotions because we are family. What we see is what we are going to believe, law is law." He finally rose his head to look at his older brother dead in the eyes.
He looks out of place in carob Dormeuil Vanquish suit with it's matching dress pants, a beige crispy dress shirt underneath tugged collar by carob coloured neck tie. A Testoni men's dress shoes close his feet handsomely and smartly. He could see the female sergeants gawking at him like he is some piece of art they've never seen, leeches. The man is clearly married but it's not like that will stop them from staring, he is royalty after all, they would love a sight of him. And forget about married, his wife just complained about domestic violence, they should stare at him in disgust not admiration.
His wife stood by the side watching them with keen eyes all the while trying to maintain her pity, sympathetic pose. Adam didn't know she could be a damn actress too, he thought she would blow their cover with just one bad move from Sa'eed but she proved him wrong yet again. Her eyes are woeful, everyone might think it is true because he almost did when she came there earlier crying hysterically taking him off guard. She didn't let any stone unturned, everything glistened with her act. She could pass up as a damn actress every time!
"Why don't you let me talk to IG. Mukhtar Jibril now?" He rose his brow, his eyes telling his brother that he knows what is going on but will play along. Except for landing in jail, he is not going to be jailed for a crime he didn't commit even though he is guilty!
"He is busy with some other case right now in the outskirts of the city, I am the only one here and the one I'm charge." Adam explained patiently, his eyes going to Suhayr who immediately took her eyes down to keep up her act. She is shivering while closing her body with a duvet she came with wrapped around her like the lapaya she's always hated.
"I am not going into that jail, don't test me." Sa'eed banged his palms on the table in front of them for he is not joking, he won't enter no jail. He won't have his clear record tainted because of his zany and deranged wife. He also has meeting with those foreigners from Boston, he can't afford to miss it this time around!
"You have to spend at least the night here, brother. If you don't, they'd think we are not following the rules and are favoring the powerful ones. It will look so bad for our image." Adam still tried explaining, he needs his brother in the jail for the night or their plan will fail. And if it does fail, he won't hear the end of it.
"No, don't talk about it." Sa'eed started removing his tie while staring at Suhayr with nothing but loathe and hatred, she only winked again irking him further.
"Don't worry, dear husband. I request that they give you a duvet so the cold weather won't freeze you at night. And yes, they will also serve you food as per my order. They won't let you starve for three days here, it is not your dungeons." She mocked, her lips twisting into a creepy smile which Sa'eed finds funny even in his situation. He should be pissed off for going to jail because of her.
"I don't need your help here. Go home and nurse your wounds for you will get the real ones pretty soon. Wait for it!" He didn't show her how amused he is or how the way her widened eyes filled with tiny spookiness gave him joy.
"I dare you to do that. Anyways, I'm going to enjoy jumping on your bed the whole night while scattering every nook and cranny of the room." She beamed, his eyes contorted into that of terror, the guy loves his bed and room in general.
"Don't mislay my room, I will become your worst nightmare." He threatened, his eyes boring into hers feeling that zap he felt earlier and she did too since her eyes dilated but she immediately blinked, not again!
"You are already my worst nightmare, nothing you do can change that. Just spend this whole night here, it is going to bring so much peace into my life." She grinned, showing her whole teeth, his attention yawed to the pearls. Her smile is beautiful, really pretty.
"Enjoy it for it won't last long. After this night, we shall see who will spend the night here tomorrow." And he removed his tie, the cufflinks and adjust the sleeves of his suit to get comfortable. If he is going to jail, then he shall drag her down with him one way or the other.
"Don't threaten me, I don't go well with it." She narrowed her eyes, her face moving closer to his face, their breaths mingling into one and she didn't even notice how close they were.
Adam only grinned naughtily, they are one cute couple.
"Neither do I, just watch out!" He breathed, his breath hitching when he smelled her orange breath which means it was the last thing she took before going her 'makeup'.
"We shall see." She gritted her teeth not liking how he immediately bewitch her as soon as their eyes settle on one another's, she don't like this new feeling that is erupting.
Suhayr turned and left the station with the feeling of triumph. The good shall always triumph over evil and she just defeated another demon with a holy sword. She can't help but feel excited to have the room all to herself, it's been long since she last rolled around on the bed and this is her chance. Finally, she has gotten rid of her first problem, she'd cause him another if he doesn't mind his business from then, he should learn from this.
Shaheed is waiting for her outside in his car, a very beautiful car if she could say so herself. A 2020 Toyota Highlander, she loves those high cars too. She don't know when she started obsessing over cars anymore, she just find this connection with it and thank God she can drive, she would've been ruined. Opening the door, she settled inside the leather seats that made this rich sound as she place her pressure on it. The air conditioner blasting high instantly drying off the sweat away from her.
"How was it?" He asked, starting the car and pulling out of the station onto the busy streets of Borno.
"Perfect, he will spend the night there while I enjoy the bed all alone." She grinned, taking a few wipes she brought with her to clean the makeup from her face. She could pass up as a makeup artist if she ever pursue it in future, so many talents.
"You are the definition of demoness." Shaheed shook his head with a snicker and continue to drive, the woman surely is a role model.
"Let's go, my grandmother asked me to take you to some relatives and she wants us to go today." Sa'eed said to Suhayr over breakfast the next morning after he came back from the station and also went to his meeting with the foreigners, they accepted his deal. At least, there is something good in the morning.
"Why didn't she tell me about it? And who are these relatives of yours that we need to see so urgently? Is anyone of them dying already?" She fired the questions filling her mouth with Spanish friend eggs in that unladylike way that never cease to irk Sa'eed.
"They are her siblings so she wants them to see her new granddaughter in-law. It's not like I actually and to go out with you so stop being all high and mighty. Go and fucking get dressed for I have better things to do!" He snapped, tired of her questions and the way she is blocking him away from his well arranged plan.
"Whatever, this is only for your grandmother." She grumbled, slurping down the last gulp of her green tea and stood up to go get dressed. She don't like the thing much but she's trying to keep her weight low.
"At least, don't dress like a racketeer please. They are respectful people with a reputation to keep intact. They don't want you tainting it with your bad blood." He mocked behind her just to make sure she is not thinking about calling his grandmother, he would be proven wrong and it shall fail.
"Fuck you." She said through gritted teeth and continue her way up the stairs. Thank God she's already gotten dressed and Tasneem is going back to their wing later.
Suhayr removed a simple watermelon coloured floral maxi dress featuring a regular sleeves, scoop neckline and a waist belt then wore it. She added fuscia Balenciaga asics gel nimbus series to close her feet, lariat necklace just to make her look more girly, pearl bracelet around her wrist. She don't know why she is dressing up. Maybe because she wants to impress his grandmother's family since the woman likes her and don't want to ruin her reputation in front of them, just for grand mama. Or because she wants to use each item inside her boxes before she dematerialize.
She made her rouge pink crinkled cotton veil in Iranian style. She knows how to do a lot of styles so she does new one each time and always looks exquisite. Spraying some Cologne which probably belongs to her Royal husband, she left the room with her small Marc Jacobs shoulder bag. The brands are eye bleeding, she never would have thought she would use them in her life.
"Oh, Suhayr, you are so beautiful." She said to herself in the mirror, her eyes shining brightly because she felt and looked really beautiful.
"In your dreams." She jumped hearing Sa'eed's voice from behind her. He took her by surprise since most his clothes are in the wardrobe instead of the closet so what is he doing there.
He is dressed in simple pair of jeans, a white shirt that tighten across his chest and a jacket atop. His legs are closed with one of those rare seen Nike air mag, the man always looks expensive from head to toe. Even his new buzz haircut looks to be done with so much money and from a designer salon not any rich person would step in. His hair grows fast, she saw his hair just some days ago but he's already barbed again, wow.
"You are just jealous of me, you don't have to say it." She stuck her tongue out, adjusting the veil around her then cross the shoulder bag to help keep it closely.
"You are right, I am." He moved closer to her, she didn't see when he opened her bag and dropped something as she was lost in those eyes again, so was he.
After putting whatever it is inside, he stared, not able to help himself for he was right, he is jealous of her beauty. If she were ugly, it would've been easier to hate her but no, she has to be so damn beautiful. The most beautiful woman he has ever seen his whole life and he's seen a lot. The fire in her eyes, the defiance stance of her nose, the perch of snarl that says she is always ready to attack, a sight to behold.
"Let's go." She breathed out when she got the energy to move away from those for speaking eyes that always cast spell on her. This is not acceptable, it should be a sin.
Together they left the house to his car, that white eye-catching Lexus RC F. She settled in the passenger's side and kept quite still thinking about what has transpired between them just minutes ago. When did the man started having such effect on her again? She can't remember her breath hitching or feeling butterflies swarming her stomach, or the creepy pink that adorn her ears but now. Why so sudden and just when she started taking her sweet revenge? Did he bewitch her and out something in her food?
She needs to stop this, no matter what it is, it needs to be stopped very soon. If this goes on, she don't know where it is going to lead her. Probably be a horny female always wanting to be satisfied by her husband whom she won't ever be able to dot for. The man has already brought out the worst in her, he can't see the best, that is if she does have that side.
They suddenly stopped at a checkpoint where Sa'eed nodded to the few cops standing there. The road looks deserted but Suhayr didn't comment, she has way better and more important matters to handle with her head and mind. For example, how her heart is racing unnecessarily. She didn't notice when they started searching their car, going through Sa'eed's stuff for a few seconds before they start talking to her, she was yanked without her permission out of her reverie.
"Huh?" She asked, looking at the good looking police officers. Why are they so good looking when she heard they are all ugly?
"We need to search your bag, Ma'am." He said again, his eyes never leaving her face and she knows that look very well.
"Okay, sure." She gave them the bag confidently only for them to drop it on the floor after removing what they want to. Thank God she has her phone in her hands, she don't want it breaking again.
"You are under arrest, Ma'am."
What the fuck?!
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