38~ Big Bad Wolf In Jail.
"Now, how are we going to land him in jail without any crime?" Shaheed is still in the dark so as soon as they shift to the dining room, he asked the question. He wants to know everything before his brother comes back knowing he can't talk in his presence as they are not on the same page.
"That should be our dear, sister in-law's plot for I don't know what she has planned. The guy won't be held for any crime just like that, any guy but Sa'eed." Adam pointed his fork to Suhayr who has started munching on her starters which is fresh fish pepper soup with gutsiness.
"I am going to do makeup and create some bruises then blame him for domestic violence. I hope you guys take that seriously here? Because back at home, they don't get bailed that easily and I won't let anyone bail him." She explained after finishing the whole fish, she loves fish pepper soup, all time favorite. Especially when it gets that pepperish.
"What?" Shaheed laughed at that, spurting out some of the soup in the handkerchief he took off the table to close his mouth. That would've being called bad manners had his mother being present.
"I'm serious, I want him behind the bars so badly and don't worry about the makeup, it is going to look absolutely believable." She shrugged, hitting her spoon in the empty China plate awaiting the main dish which is egg fried rice. She's never tasted it but she wants to try, from the name, she would like it.
"You really hate my brother don't you?" Adam stopped pushing the fish into his mouth to stare wide eyed in amazement at the woman in front of him. When he thought she was extreme with giving his brother those sleeping pills, he don't know what to say anymore.
He's encountered many marital issues even though he is not a lawyer. Some of those married couple think that the police can save their marital problems just because the man is not spending his time with her and so on but never had a woman conceal herself in makeup just to get back at her husband. If not that this is going to happen to his brother and it would be fun, he would've think the woman is crazy. Her idea is perfect, there is no other way to have his brother behind the bars other than this.
The man is way too powerful with so many connections but with this, Adam will not let him slip off easily. Domestic violence is not something they take lightly, they make sure the person served the punishment meant for them but he knows he can't do that to his brother neither would his brother allow that. She also only wants him to be in jail and humiliate him like he did her in the market. Just to show him his place from the looks of it, he deserves that too hence, his hundred percent support.
An eye for an eye!
Sa'eed needs this spice in his life, he's always been boring and perfect, everything on time and neat so a little piece of mess won't do shit. Naja'atu is that so called dot wife, daughter in-law and princess everyone loved while Suhayr on the other hand is such a rebel someone who not everyone would like but the few that do know what they are doing. She also don't look like someone who likes lot of people, just the ones she can tolerate and the ones she will use. And she don't care who and whom don't like her, she is by herself.
"Not hate now, just a payback. I still don't like him though, he is a nuisance." She rolled her eyes, biting into another fish served to her, the egg friend rice still hasn't been done and she is almost full so she might just have to try it another time.
"The feeling is mutual." They all heard Sa'eed perfect smooth, velvety, royal voice cutting through the once light atmosphere into a maladroit one, just by his fucking voice!
"And the fucktard is back everyone, let's welcome the number one toerag who just announced his presence the best way he can." Suhayr clapped sarcastically, her mood already getting ruined by the mere presence of him, she hasn't even set her eyes on him yet. He came from somewhere behind her, she is sure it is the door.
"Always dramatic and cuckoo." Sa'eed shook his head and sat down opposite where she is on the other head chair, where he always sits. She will sit there one day and see whether he's bewitched the sit or something.
"Welcome back, brother. Heard you couldn't crack up the Boston deal today? What happened?" Adam asked, looking expectantly at his elder brother whose face immediately yawed into a scowl. Ah, he is seconds away from telling him the story behind the deal and see how the drama unfolds but he won't.
"Couldn't wake up early and woke up with a terrible headache. We are all waiting for them to fix another date for it, I hope they do because this is the most important deal I've had this whole year." Sa'eed shrugged even though something is bugging his mind, something related to that.
"That's bad, I hope they set another date. They want an apartment complex constructed by you huh?" Adam probed, his words muffling a little as he eats food.
"I hope so too." And then the table is pin drop silent, none dared to break it and even though Suhayr is suffocated, she don't know what to say.
Suhayr noticed how Shaheed and Sa'eed aren't talking though, they have their mouths sealed and look to be almost afraid to talk at all. Did something happen between them that she doesn't know? She hates when things slip right through her fingers while she is present, she likes knowing everything around her. Maybe this should be her second mission after landing her husband to jail, she will find out what is going on between the two brothers. The tension on their heads and their tensed shoulders is palpable.
She stared at the two as she eats, they are clearly avoiding eye contacts while fidgeting whenever their eyes clash. Something is definitely up with those two, and Suhayr will never let this slide without finding out. Why are brothers even tensed with each other? She read about tensed relationships but seeing it in reality really makes her pity those who are going through same thing. She can't imagine being this tensed with her family, she would love them with her all had she been apart of big family.
Shaheed shortly stood up with his hands shaking slightly beside him but a scowl is intact on his face. He looks like he has gone through a lot and would want to burst out but instead, he gave a really forced smile that seems restricted to everyone. She could see just how much he wants to yell everything out of him, she will be his shoulder to cry but not then, he wants to be alone for the time being. She's been through situations like this two years ago, she still isn't out of it too.
You'd think Suhayr is a psychologist, she don't even know the course exists.
"I will take my leave now, sister in-law. All the best with your plots, you have my full support." He grinned at her, she could see the genuineness in it before it vanished along with his looming figure before she could reply his lucky wishes. The guy could be a vampire and she won't argue with anyone.
"Well, I will be waiting for you later on or is it tomorrow?" Adam asked as he stood up also to leave, he needs to go before the fire in the place burn him too. He could feel the duo trying to keep themselves in tight leash, he don't want to be present when they explode.
"It's already late so let's do this tomorrow, I will be there in the afternoon for that." She grinned super widely in a creepy way but it only elicited a chortle from Adam. The girl is so funny and refreshing.
"Okay, see you then. Goodbye, bro." And the he also vanished into the air, not really but yeah, he disappeared like his younger brother did.
Sa'eed sat there looking at his siblings while trying to see what is going on between them. His wife looks to be so comfortable around them and having a conversation that they could never have, even sharing some secret looks he don't understand. The woman is planning something since his younger brother just said something about a plot. But what? She's always been sneaky with her moves, so slippery like some fish he tried cutting once when he was a teenager, it slipped straight back into the pond and they were faraway from each other then.
And then the incidence that happened in the morning, it was really out of character.
He always wakes up before his alarm due to sleeping early everyday and at the right time. It doesn't make sense that he didn't wake up early seeing as he'd sleep with the meeting in mind. And whenever he does that, he wakes up just at the right time like he gets injected. But this morning, he didn't wake up neither does the headache he awoke with made sense. There is something fishy that is going on, he wants to find out soon before it goes on ruining his deals.
With that in mind, he settled on finishing his food then left the place sighting Borak and Butrus, he thought they were coming to him but the darn traitors wag their tails at Suhayr. Feeling annoyed that everyone close to him is siding by her, Sa'eed hastened his steps up the stairs in irritation. Those dogs always manage to calm him down but that demoness took them away too, she knows how to wrap everyone around her little finger. But not him and she won't be able to do so ever, he is pass her level.
"What are they planning now?" He asked his personal assistant who has been on his toes the whole day after he called him more than twenty times in the morning and he didn't pick up.
"They are still thinking about it, Sir. They said they would call when they really want you to do it and if they don't, then they've changed their minds." Mr. Jonathan explained from the other end sitting on the edge of his couch with his wife next to him. He desperately want to give her his attention but he needs to tend to his boss first.
This has been something they've been working on for more than six months and all of a sudden, everything got ruined so it's not his fault that he can't even sit without feeling like he wants to pee his pants. He could just thank God that this wasn't his fault or he'd never hear the end of it, probably already jobless at the moment. With his wife expecting their third baby, he can't afford to lose his job now and he wants to give them a surprise anniversary next week, he needs to be more efficient.
"Make sure you convince them, Jonathan. I need this deal no matter what, they should not leave Nigeria without calling us." And he hung up the phone as though his PA is the one at fault.
Those foreigners left their country just to come and make this deal with him but he failed them. Now they think he is not an efficient worker what he's always called his employees, maybe karma is just biting off his ass. If there is anything behind his headache and failed alarm, he will make that person or thing pay for it dearly. He would've started the construction just a week after they sign the deal, only for them to furiously storm out of his company telling him how disappointed they are in him.
The next day in the afternoon, Sa'eed has already managed to convince them and they will be there the next morning for the deal again. He can't help the excitement filling him, everyone in the office could sense his happiness in the company so that means everyone is in a good mood as he is. With a smile across his face, he made his way out of the company wanting to go back home and rest before the next day. He will crosscheck everything he eats to not fall sick again.
He also needs to prepare another presentation for those people or he'd say goodbye to this project. If this don't take place, then so many other deals are going to go down the drain because of it. Many people are depending on this construction and if it turns out to be perfect, then he had have so many deals flooding his company. Not just normal ones for mansions or mini castles, but for seven star restaurant, hotels, apartment complexes and so on. Maybe the next year will be all his.
Billionaire, he could already smell it, this deal with break that millionaire name from his and from then, it will keep moving. He would like to see the people that say he won't make it once upon a time, especially his teachers whom didn't know he is royalty at first. He is making more than enough, the next generation won't have to work with what he will earn if Allah wills. And he wants his family to rest till the end of time, they should not worry about food.
"Good afternoon, Sir! You are under arrest for messily beating your wife, Sir." His heart thumped to his stomach upon hearing that when he settled inside his chamber. He knew he hasn't committed any crime but after listening to the word, wife in the same sentence, he is sure he is done for.
There are many police officers in his home standing all around the house while his overdramatic wife sat on the sofa looking really disheveled in makeup. He almost believed that someone has beaten her to pulp, his heart brimming with concern but that is before his eyes landed on hers, she winked at her and continued crying like someone just murdered her cat in front of her. She is being hysterical, earning concerned looks from the police officers but all he wants to do is throttle her and clean away all the façade she is wearing.
She has applied the makeup perfectly, from the scars to bruises all of them with makeup. She even drew some that looks like she's been striked with the most wicked cable to ever exist which they use on criminals while her hands have signs of hand bruises expertly drawn. The tears kept flowing down her face nonstop. His heart almost felt pity for her but that wink is alone to want to thrash her in front of the police without caring about the consequences.
"Can I talk to my wife privately?" His words are restrained, he can just call someone up to cancel this allegation but his brother is in it, he can't do shit. He knows all his brothers are behind her from what happened yesterday during dinner.
All of them are powerful in their own sides, his is in the business world while his brother has the law in his hands and he won't let this slide. They have already planned it right from the beginning which means Adam has helped her blocked all the contacts he would have with inspector general, he takes this upon himself. Sa'eed would throttle both his wife and brothers, they are all in this and want to take him down for what? A mere stranger he has married? They are backing her up and pushing him down?
"No, no, no! I can't talk to him in private, he'd hit me again and I can't bear it. I already feel like I'm dying, I-I can't take no more. I-I'm sorry p-please, don't hit me again." She shrieked in horror, her eyes shining with more fake tears. You could see the horror she pushed inside, like she is really afraid of him.
He totally forgot that he married an actress right from the scratch, their marriage was actually just action. She lied to many people before they got married, even if that one isn't authentic or genuine, the one that took place in his home is. He is really tied to this dramatic woman who has completely turn cuckoo.
Is this her revenge for what he did the day before? That wasn't his fault, she called this upon herself from the beginning.
"Just for five minutes, I am not going to hit you!" He gritted his teeth so she stood up like those ideal wives and came to stop in front of him, raising her head up to look at him in false apprehensiveness.
"What is it, dear husband?" She batted her eyelashes slowly trying to look seductive with so much makeup marring her once beautiful face.
She still manage to look beautiful, he can't help but get lost in those deep pits of light brown eyes. She really is beautiful, if only her brain and heart is like that too but no, they are the darkest shade of black or anything darker than that.
"Drop this act, you won't like it when my own turn comes." He warned, his hand instantly moving to take a hold of her shoulder gently like he is trying to help her clear some of the makeup.
Suhayr shivered, his hand on her bare shoulder felt wonderful and arousing. Unconsciously, her back arched towards him and she released a breathy sigh which only comforts Sa'eed. He isn't the only one affected by the physical contact, he wouldn't like it. Her eyes dilated immediately to a darker brown colour, her stomach churning with deep pleasure. She don't understand where that is coming from but she liked it, a lot.
"I won't drop it." She manage to say even though her rational thoughts were blocked for a moment there by his power of enchantment.
Damn the guy, he has some magic and he is trying to bewitch her, she won't let that happen!
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