36~ Poetic Justice In Action.
"Bomb! Girl, I really want to tag along with you but this is your battle." Tasneem hooted staring at her best friend's radical transformation, she looks so hot and has this celebrity look on her. Those artistes that feel like they don't touch the ground while walking and it fitted her just perfectly.
"I want to do it alone too. That woman need to be taught a lesson or two, she don't understand words. And the woman looks to be the definition of evil, no wonder her children are rude." Suhayr shrugged and push down more chips into her mouth, she needs to fill her stomach knowing the woman won't give her a thing to eat. And not to forget, she needs the energy to do all those she's planned.
"I know right. And I thought most royalties are kind, this proved that none of them like the impoverished." Tasneem shook her head, she really thought all royalties are as good as the ones she's met once from Egypt. They were so kind to her and made them feel among but Nigerian, she don't get to say.
"And they have just their perfect match. I just gave Sa'eed the zolpidem I don't use anymore. I didn't care to check if it has expired or not, I couldn't wait to exact my revenge but it's working just fine." Suhayr grinned loudly taking a huge bite of her frittata egg, she is just so happy that he is nursing a really dreadful headache. At least, she could have a calm head knowing he is suffering like he should.
When she was seventeen which was only two years ago, there was this terrible accident that took place and started having some nightmares because someone died in that accident and that person was someone really close to her. That was the time Suhayr gets a whiff of reality and that nothing is meant for forever. Not everyone will stay in your life. Every time she thinks about it, she hardly ever gets good sleep for at least a week or more which result to her sneaking out at night with Hakim to take the problems off her chest for the time being.
So when her mother found out, she will give her those sleeping pills early in the afternoon so she sleeps the whole night till morning then she goes to sleep. It's only side effect is headache if you wake up way sooner than it's wearing off time which is exactly what Sa'eed has done and result to him having that formidable headache that won't go away that easily. He is not even making her suffer waking him up, he did it himself and is undergoing the hardship all by himself. The guy thinks he is now a doctor because he owns a first aid kit.
She only wanted him to miss the meeting just for the deal to fall off like he humiliated her the day before, that is a moment she won't ever forget. No one has ever humiliated her like this, not even when she proposed to one of her classmates to become her prom date and he almost pissed his pants before leaving the classroom in a hurry. She understand where that one is coming from, he was probably afraid shit of her pranks so he left before anything happens. He was also one of those quite cliché nerds while she is the standalone bitch.
He apologized later on and said he thought there were cameras around and agreed to be her prom date but this, this is not acceptable! The man had the nerve to smirk at her when he gave her the card because he knows what he did and wasn't even remorseful about it. Then he talked about reputation? He was asking her what she had done the day, waiting to hear her rant of break the decorations in the room. She has never been happy for keeping her wrath at bay like she did the day before, he didn't see it neither did she give him that satisfaction.
He should be ready for the one that will hit him again, this is just the appetizer like she had said, the main dish is coming soon.
"What?! Why did you do that?" Tasneen don't know if she should laugh at that or feel compunction for the guy, he must be going through a lot.
"Because I heard him talking about some extremely important meeting so I put it in his food and water the night before just so he would sleep the day off and miss the meeting and that happened. Now he is just going through the last phase of it, I'm five percent satisfied." She belched when she finished gulping down the ginger tea a maid served to her just few minutes ago.
"Oh, my God! You nefarious girl! How could you do that to the guy? This might be the deal that could help him struck out his first billion, you'd be rich too. Shit, please don't play with his work again, anything but that." Tasneem groaned, the girl can really use her butt when she is too pissed like she was. She don't think about the consequences of her action, only the benefit for her.
"I don't care whether that would've made him richer than Billgate, this should make him stop all his stupidity and for once, remove the stick stuck in his ass and walk well." Suhayr rolled her eyes, she won't back out of this sweet revenge of hers, not then. When she has everything planned, perfected and structured to perfection.
"But still, you want him to be rich so you can also be rich and start your mother's brand." Tasneem argued, her palms flat on the expensive dining table watching as the maid turn deaf ears to their conversation. They look like statues whenever they are having personal conversation.
"I can wait for that, but this can't. He should not do this again, wait till I tell him I did it." She laughed at her own joke, that malicious laugh that sends chill down your spine.
"Please don't." Tasneem chortled a little, it is actually kind of funny sighting Sa'eed with a headache caused by his very own new bride. And when she tells him, he will make sure to put her million feet underground.
"Yeah, I have a lot more important things to handle today. I will also meet up with my brother in-law, maybe here." Suhayr wiggled her brows, she moved her chair back and stood up.
"Stop doing that. Take a picture of her face for me and yes, I've backed up all your social media account, including wattpad." Tasneem beamed knowing she has diverted her best friend's attention from what she was suggesting. She is hellbent on making them a couple and Tasneem hasn't moved on yet.
"Really? I wait to read those books again, I missed reading, really." She sighed dreamily, she always lost herself when she reads but this time, she will search up Nigerian books and see how they live. She don't like reading but she gets so bored there.
"I know, which is why I have downloaded so many Nigerian books for you in your library. You will get tired of reading them but they are interesting, trust me." Tasneem looks so eager to go back and read and Suhayr's curiosity perk up, she needs to say this.
"Which book are you reading right now that got you so excited?" Suhayr rose a brow hearing the sounds of footsteps that belongs to none other than her dearest husband. He sounds fine from his footsteps, she could understand that.
"One 'He is my Chauffeur', it's amazing wallah. I can't wait to read this Misfortunate, from the description, it sounds wonderful." Tasneem's grin widen, Suhayr place it in mind to search for the books so they can fangirl on the men later. She likes novel men even though she has one in her home but the naughtiness.
"I'll check that out as soon as I come back, I'm going." Suhayr left the room as soon as Sa'eed ambled in, she don't want to even face him.
Suhayr whistled as she made her way to the Chamber she went to days before, she crammed the way because she hasn't finished her mission there. She played music in a small speaker she is holding, it kept blasting while she nods her head to the song she doesn't even know while her ears are closed with an earpiece. She searched up for most recent Nigerian songs that are popular and she got them all and even learnt the dance moves on YouTube.
Yes, some might think that this is extreme but it is not. The woman opened her mouth and called her daughter in-law a racketeer which means she'd definitely call others too, she needs to stop her. The woman is a nuisance that Suhayr can't wait to teach a lesson, this will make her so angry that she might want to rip her head apart but she can't. Suhayr won't mind fighting her, she doesn't care about her age, status or beauty. She sticks to her principle, age does not matter when it comes to respect.
As soon as she landed her feet into the Chamber, every head of the maids and guards turn around to look at her. She made her way inside wanting to see if any of them can or will stop her, maybe a command from their would be Queen. If that woman dares to do that for her, she will definitely make her do something more dangerous. This is just the first but she won't promise it would be the last, the woman looks heartless and so is Suhayr. This is just for her words, for calling her a racketeer.
"Your Highness is coming through." She don't understand why they say that when she won't understand which of the your Highnesses they are talking about, but who knows.
"Thank you." Suhayr smiled at the old looking man that should be taking care of his grandchildren in his home but he is here guarding a narcissistic woman's door that could only risen his blood pressure.
"Mother in-law." Suhayr beamed at the sight of Hajiya Zainab whose face immediately yawed into a deep scowl that defines disgust but that is what Suhayr wants to see.
"Your Highness." The woman replied curtly but Suhayr didn't even pay any heed to her words and instead did one dance move that have the maids staring in amazement. She didn't know how her legs bend down to the other and she thought for a minute she was going to fall.
She is listening to 'Abule by Patoranking' and she saw how they danced the video, holding their trousers then touching their chests cross hand. The music kept booming in the Chamber becoming more louder as Suhayr push the button to increase the volume. The woman is one step away from strangling her which is what Suhayr wants, she wants to show everyone just how evil she is and if she does that, she will send both her and her son to jail for touching a single strand of her hair without her permission.
"Can you turn down the music?" Hajiya Zainab asked trying to look and sound polite but you can see it on her face, she wants to thrash Suhayr in the worst way possible. She wants to make her unrecognizable and if not for their audience, she would do that.
"I can't hear you!" Suhayr yelled over the music as she continue to dance in front of her mother in-law. The nerve!
Hajiya Zainab heard the music but she didn't know the girl could walk in with it playing so loudly. She had the nerve to dress like some street girl, as if she didn't just married the crowned Prince's son. This should not be acceptable and she will make sure the girl is punished for this, she is going to taint their reputation. She could bet on her life that her son was blind when he married her or she just use those tricks women use to get rich men, bewitching. She heard that most women are doing that nowadays and she is afraid her son will start dancing to her tunes soon if he isn't already.
If she has it her way, she will remove the girl away from the picture without having to waste her energy. She was thinking about giving her time that maybe, she will change her ways, not that that would've stopped her from throwing her away. She only wants her son married to Naja'atu and that is because they need the strong alliance of the governor of the state which is now ruined. When they finally get the throne, she wants alliances from all over Africa and she needs to start with their own state.
Their marriage can't be brought back but she knows ways to bring them back, she just needs to get rid of this sleaze being that is with her son like a gum. Now that she has humiliated her in her own home, she will make her regret it. She just touched the person whom she shouldn't have glanced at for the second time, she won't be able to hold back anymore. Hajiya Zainab could tolerate very little things, and this one is not among.
She just declared war, and that is what Hajiya Zainab wants. She don't want to always be the bad guy, she will let the kid announce it and she just did.
"Ask her to reduce the music so we can talk." She motioned to one of the maids who was really disinclined to go close to a dancing Suhayr, she looks like she doesn't want to be interrupted.
"Your Highness, she wants to talk to you. Shall I reduce the volume for you?" The woman is shaking like a leaf when Suhayr's eyes landed on her, they are filled with fire.
"Sure." She drawled the word and reduce the volume, the song has already changed so she sat down next to her mother in-law on the throne like chair just to further irk her and damn does she look irritated.
"You are doing this just to anger me huh? Then you have succeeded but you shall pay for this, I am done taking up your childish game. This is you, declaring a war and I will make sure to be at the battle field. Watch your back, I don't play nice, it gets dirty and I always win!" Hajiya Zainab thundered in a low voice that would've scared the maids but Suhayr didn't flinch but rather, raise a mocking brow in question.
"Oh, my God! I would've thought you won't play with a kid racketeer like myself but look at you declaring a war. Let me tell you how I do mine." Suhayr kept quite and sat down Indian style, her lace boots getting comfort on the soft cushion. Her mother in-law's eyes transfered there, she would have burned them if her eyes were fire.
"I like to fight with my opponent, not their minions. I always like to fight, fair and square. If you can fight me yourself, then you are highly welcome but don't send stooges. And lastly, if I win, you are going to obey me. If you agree to this, then lets go out right now 'cause I'm ready." Suhayr beamed seeing the woman's fair face yawing red in anger, just what she wants.
"Leave my chamber right now." Hajiya Zainab said through gritted teeth, she can't stand the sight of her daughter in-law. She should be eliminated sooner than she thought.
"With pleasure, mother in-law. Ciao!" She called out while increasing the volume of her speaker to 'In My Maserati by Olakira ft. Davido' she likes the song ever since she listened to it the day before at night.
"Naja'atu, we need to exclude that girl very soon. She is going to create problem, focus on her now while I think of something else." Hajiya Zainab said into the phone as soon as her ex daughter in-law picked up the phone. Her words were calm but she is pacing her tearoom because the girl rendered her restless, she really looks ready to take down anyone.
"What happened now, Aunt?" Naja'atu's question was laced with urgency, she really know that that girl is to never be underestimated right from staring into her eyes.
"She came..." And she narrated everything to her, something she wouldn't have done but this girl has taken her to the wall, she can't keep quite about it all. This has reached the extreme, no one crossed her like this.
"Woah, this girl is really taking it higher up. I have ways to make sure she is not going to disturb us again, I have a lot to deal with something I will have someone take care of her." Naja'atu has already planned what to do now, she needs to do that soon too.
"What are you dealing with now?" Hajiya Zainab is usually not this curious but this girl has changed a lot of things about her in just two days. She feels like her own life is slipping, something the girl does.
"How to get married and divorced then get married to Sa'eed again. If I don't remarry, I won't be able to go back with him ever. Nabeelah slipped it off her lips days ago and now I'm searching for someone willing to do this, it's hard." Naja'atu sighed at this, it is not easy but it needs to be done. She don't care if this is against her religion, her Angel face can help her repent.
"Get that done soon, we don't have much time now. If this girl gets pregnant, we can do nothing to her again." She sighed in exasperation, her well manicured hand massaging her forehead.
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