34~ Knight Brother-In-Law.
"Yes, your fucking grandson gave me a card that has no money and I'm here standing in the mall looking absolutely humiliated, I got reverted too low this time. Trust me, grand mama, I will make your grandson pay dearly for this. He made me a laughing stock right? He won't see what he has coming, I will fucking crumble him to the ground." She vowed into the phone as soon as she snatched it away from Tasneem, they have been talking for such long time that she couldn't hold in her anger. She needs to take some of it off, even if it is less than five percent.
"I'm so sorry, Sumara. I will also punish him for what he did, I'll send Adam immediately to sort it out. The mall you went to is not owned by someone I would like to talk to, I would've called. Just stay tight for the time being." Her Majesty cajoled and apologized again for her grandson's misdeeds.
She is used to having her grandchildren cursing, she is done asking them to stop so hearing Suhayr doing it doesn't really shake her up, she could only understand one thing, that her grandson is done for. He really crossed the line this time around and she won't be there to save him from a wife's rage, she will only watch. He has no excuse for what he has done, she won't even let him give any lame ass explanation this time around, not happening. He should know that this time around, she is not going yo support him like shed always done. She will watch by the sidelines.
Granted, Suhayr is really handful and especially when you don't get along much. She can also be a real sweetheart as soon as you get to know her, just like how she became another granddaughter of hers. She likes girls like them, always standing for themselves and never letting anyone match them, be it royalty or anyone for that matter. The like she has for the game was instant, she can't believe that wee midget manage to get her oh so holy iron bender grandson in a matter of few minutes, that is incredible and should break the books of record.
She hopes Suhayr takes her revenge though, the man need to get his head straight for once and start acting mature. He can be so childish at times and be too mature too at the same time. The guy is heartbroken, he has a really fragile heart to fall in love with that demoness named Naja'atu. She couldn't believe it when he told her about it, his love for his first wife who has been rude right from the scratch then suddenly became a sweetheart. It was do sudden that her Majesty thought she even dreamt of her been immodest. The girl was a good actress and when she found out Sa'eed values his grandmother more than his mother, she became a Darling.
She heard that Suhayr kept her end of bargain where she made them promise to act in love while Sa'eed is still slopping up until now. Everything that has transpired between Sa'eed, Najaah and Suhayr that day is in her ears by a maid she ask to monitor their moves, nothing personal. She believe that Suhayr will be the best person for Sa'eed when he keeps his ego aside and learn to appreciate who she is. You can not change someone to what you want them to be, that is not going to work. That is not how love is, you need to love that person before trying to change them from who they are.
"Tell your grandson to do that! Not that I will even stop what I have planned for him, I will go through it and you don't get to say anything, grand mama. Just watch as I give your son the real lesson he needs to learn for free." Suhayr isn't calm, she can't be after the humiliation she is facing and the people's snickers.
How dare he do that to her? Is it because she never pulled one of her pranks and troubles on him? He thinks she is a changed person or something? That she won't go through her threats or just back out because she is enjoying royal life? Oh, he won't know what is going to hit him now, he just touched the fire he never should have seen! And he shall get burnt by the sweltering, scorching not inferno he should have respected from the beginning.
"He will apologize and you will punish him the way you want, I won't say a thing. Calm down now and wait for Adam, he will be there any minute." Her Majesty said in a more soothing tone that has Suhayr taking deep breaths, the woman doesn't deserve so much wrath but her motherfucking grandson.
"Send whoever it is now please, I can't stay here for much longer." Suhayr sighed, she will deal with him but for now, she needs to calm down more than ever. She needs her brain to unravel and unsheathe her plans perfectly without loops.
"He has arrived, he just messaged me now. I showed him your photo, he will be with you instantly." Suhayr hung up after that, she will be out of there soon and teach people a lesson or two for making fun of her. They never should have stared at her and that freaking cashier.
She can easily leave the store without those things she bought but that will only mean she has given up and she is no feeble, she has never been a quitter either! If this man thinks he can match all over her because she got married to him, he has another thing coming his way. The way this will blow him to the extent where he won't ever think of messing with her, it's going to be refreshing. That is all he needs to get back to his senses, he has lost them in the pits of his ego.
"What are you planning, Su? I know whatever it is has something to do with murdering Sa'eed. Tell me." Tasneem urged the less fuming woman beside her with reddened face which could easily be seen as rage, she is so cute.
Yet again, she has never seen Suhayr letting her emotions get the best of her like she did then. No matter what she says or do, Sa'eed will definitely be in the pits of her scorching fire before the sun falls tomorrow. She knew her friend a lot to know that she won't do anything that day, since she vows to make her mother in-law pay for the day, what she says goes which means tomorrow is Sa'eed's say. Poor souls ready to face wraths they deserve!
"Station." She grinned mischievously at the mere mention of the place she needs to go first.
Though she does not know how the police work in this country, she sure as hell know just how to get them to do what she wants, this is nothing new to her. Emotional blackmails are nothing new to her, Nigerian police won't escape either. A guy almost raped Salima once, she didn't even have to give that statement to get him arrested. She wanted Salima's incident to be a secret and it shall be a secret for as long as she lives. The man is still rotting in jail, so there is no way she won't be able to do it here too.
Granted, Sa'eed might be royalty and someone extremely powerful, but she is also his wife which means everything she says goes. Whether he likes it or not, she will make him regret double crossing her, she's told him not to do it. Time for a little payback, and like it is said, payback issa bitch! She is now embittered, nothing people say will stop her from accomplishing this mission of hers. She shall make him suffer for the humiliation she is facing.
"Hello! Are you Suhayr?" She whip her head up to see who this person with familiar voice is, she wished it was who she thought though. Sa'eed so she can wring his neck in front of everyone.
A handsome Adonis stood in front of her looking ever so smart in what looks to be a uniform, he is an army then? She don't know who wear those uniforms in Nigeria but for now, she will ogle on how handsome he looks in them. The blues hanging around making a beautiful camo to the cap sitting on his head. His hands are both inside his pockets as he stood proud in his uniform, he looks to be high ranked too if the silver stuff around his shoulders are anything to go with how higher up they are with it.
There are few other police behind him, they are all surrounding him like he is some important person. She is just thinking about police or some army but look at them in front of her. Knowing she hasn't done a thing didn't make her heart stop beating this loud and hard, just by the sight of the man in front of her. She is not afraid of anything, she hasn't done a thing to be apprehensive or timid about, the man is just too handsome.
He looks like someone though, someone she really hates at the moment, her husband. Their voices are also alike, so deep, husky, profound and saturated. Her mouth dropped, why are they so alike now? Is he the so called Adam her Majesty promised to come get her? If so, then she is thankful for what Sa'eed did to her, she gets to see this freakishly handsome polite man! His smile is so heart calming that makes him look like a mpt so strict police man.
Just like Sa'eed has soft features, Adam also have it and you can't even detect any sign of arrogance around him like his brother. There is no doubt, he also have this air and charisma that says authority and royalty but there is no pride illuminating him. This is what she calls Angel face, not that excuse of a man that Najaah calls. They should change names, this one should be the Angel. His features are gruffed because of the stern look he is featuring, maybe it has to do with being a police.
"Yes, I am." She finally answered knowing she is safe in that foreign country. She can't put it out on Sa'eed to send them for her, the man is cuckoo.
"Oh, good afternoon, sister in-law. Grand mama sent me here to clear up something? Hope all is good?" He released a mischievous grin like he wasn't the one acting all stern some seconds ago.
"Everything is going well until I gave this credit card to the cashier only to find out there is no money inside, your brother is to be blamed." She has the silver card dangling between her forefinger and thumb like it is the culprit.
"My brother gave you that card?" Adam asked and from the looks of it, he is trying his besr not to laugh hard, he couldn't hold back so he let out the loudest but the most sexiest laugh she's ever heard her entire life. He looks extra handsome, way more handsome than his brother while doing so. And Sa'eed is one God!
"Yes, he did. And I know he did this intentionally just to debase me but I will make him pay for it." She glared at both the card and the man in front of her, he is making her feel stupid.
"That card says no money, golden says, lots of money while black means unlimited amount of it. So from today onwards, don't collect anything silver from my brother." Adam explained after he finished laughing off, he can't help it. The woman looks so small and young but the fierceness in her eyes assured him she will be safe with his brother.
"Oh, I will render your brother bankrupt and it'd be your fault for telling me. Now, go and clear that up so the woman can stop glaring at us." She pointed at the woman who is eying them from behind the desk, she's finished cashing out.
"Sure, sure. Idris, get that done please." He said to the man standing right beside him, also very handsome.
"So... what are you?" She inclined her head to the side as they walk side by side out of the mall with reasonable amount of space between them.
"A police officer." He grinned, looking really proud of what he is, she could already tell.
"Just what I need to carry out my plan! Do you promise to help me get back at your brother for this?" Her eyes are shining with mischief and he can't say no to this beautiful young girl, he just can't.
"Suree, but if you promise to tell me how you end up getting married to my brother in less than a day?" He bargained cheekily, she huffed like a kid then narrowed her eyes at him but gave in anyway.
"I will, it's nothing good anyway." She shrugged watching out for their monster which Tasneem can't wait to try out.
Speaking of Tasneem, where is she and why is she so quite? Suhayr ask herself before turning around to start searching for this friend of hers, she can't believe she ignored her when she sighted that handsome Adonis. There, she found her standing behind them, she looks to be in a trance which only happens when she is planning something. Suhayr could only smell out little of it, she will find out what the girl is up to.
"Tasneem, I haven't introduced you to my brother in-law. Tasneem, this is Adam and Adam, this is Tasneem." She point at them awkwardly, she doesn't know how to do that shit!
"Assalamu Alaykum." Tasneem greeted using her mother tongue, it has Adam hooked immediately but he has a girlfriend, dammit!
"Wa'alaykum Assalam." He smiled, she is also beautiful just not as much as his sister in-law but enough to know he's never seen someone more beautiful than her, other than Suhayr of course.
"We should get going, thank you. I'll call you when I'm ready to explain the plan to you." Suhayr cut into the awkward conversation of the equally attracted adults, she can't stare at that nauseating sight.
"Sure, you have my number right?" He asked again just to confirm, he really wants to help her put his brother where he belongs, the man is too arrogant. And they also have some scores to settle.
"Yup, you live in the castle huh?" Her question got answered instantly by a nod then they heard sirens, their cars came to pick him up, lucky attention seeking bastard.
"Well, see ya around." He smiled charmingly at them both before turning around on his boots and left the scene, too much attention.
"I can see the way you are ogling at him. Tell me, do you like my brother in-law?" Suhayr teased when Tasneem said she is not going to drive the monster anymore because obviously, something took away that attention in the market. She won't even concentrate if she takes the wheel.
"No, I don't!" Her reply was instant but the blush that took over her face said an entire different story, she can't hide it.
"C'mon, I thought I was your best friend and you should tell me everything?" Suhayr pouted mockingly earning a slap on the arm from her best friend for the mockery.
"That is because there is nothing to tell here. He is handsome, I get it but I can't be with him when you are with his brother, not that I want to anyway." She rambled, she doesn't even know what she is saying at that length but knew she had to close this before Suhayr gets ideas. She should have known that her best friend will try being cupid!
"Hmm, okay then. I can just ask him if he is married or not. I can kill Sa'eed to be with him ya know?" Suhayr sighed dreamily, she wouldn't do that but she needs to see some reaction from Tasneem.
"I can help you kill him but won't help you marry him." They laughed at this, she just admitted to being attracted to her brother in-law and Suhayr felt energetic to do something.
Suhayr will do anything to get Hakim out of her best friend's system even if it means using her brother in-law as rebound. Though Sulaiman gave Tasneem those eyes when they met, Tasneem didn't reciprocate while this time, they both did it. She felt the tension surrounding the duo when they got introduced, it was really too sweet she might catch diabetes pretty soon. Well, this looks like her job to bring lover together and add to her small list of good deeds and get her to paradise.
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