33~ Articles Desired For Transmogrification.


Suhayr is patiently waiting for Tasneem to come out of her room which she still hasn't seen, it is located downstairs. She didn't bother checking out the places downstairs as she was too busy dealing with the owner of the place. That man is handy, she can already imagine what the person that raised him had to go through. The guy doesn't have sense, he thinks with his foot and let his stuck up brain do the mindful. She can't deal with him, she is going on strike very soon or she'd go crazy.

She stood up abruptly from the snow white sofa after thinking about what she is going to use to go to said market and stores. She can easily call Sa'eed and threaten him again but the man is only going to get on her nerves and as soon as she gets angry, she might not want to go through with her plan so she took the safest side, that is none other than her Majesty, she will definitely help her with a ride. Suhayr hopes she won't ask questions, she won't tell her a thing.

"Hello, your Majest-" She got cut off immediately by the said person she is talking to.

"Grand mama, like every other family member, remember? I don't want to repeat myself again, Sumara." Suhayr had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, the woman told her to not call her your Majesty again but she totally forgot after that drama the day before after meeting up with another definition of trouble.

"Okay, okay, grand mama. Happy?" She couldn't help the smile that adorn her face though, the woman is really as stubborn as her husband but she is still a sweetheart unlike that stuck up asshole.

"Yes, yes, very much happy. Now tell me, why did you call me? I hope Sa'd didn't do anything again this beautiful morning?" She asked the last question with this tinge of mischief that Suhayr could only shake her head at, the woman is really what she is. For an old woman like her, her mind tend to go places it shouldn't think of going.

She still is talking about them consummating their marriage even after Suhayr told her everything about them. The last thing in both their minds is completing the marriage, that is one thing Suhayr never thought of no matter how handsome and hot she finds Sa'eed. He is way too consisted that his foul behaviour always manage to close that Angel face of his. The man's ego is enough to set any burning desire she will ever have so that is not even in her list of to-do.

She is also hundred percent sure Sa'eed doesn't have that thought in his mind, he is definitely thinking about murdering or throttling her in her sleep instead of sleeping with her. The man only looks at her with either condescension, hostility or revile, those were the emotions only displayed or lack of it. While in her eyes, there is definitely the fire she wish to burn him everyday, if only wishes were horses. He'd be ten feet underground trying to quell the fire burning him.

Well, this grand mama has way too much hopes for her grandson, such incompetent excuse of a man and waste of semen!

"I want to go out, to the market and do some shopping, you know. Those ladies shopping, I need a ride and as you can already guess, your grandson is not an option." She shrugged at the end as though she could see her but it's obvious.

"Oh, sorry about Sa'd. I'll send a driver right away, he will be your permanent driver from today inwards." Suhayr internally sighed, she hoped the woman would say this and she did.

"Thank you, grand mama." She exaggerated the grand mama in emphasis earning a laugh from the other end of the phone. They exchange more pleasantries before they hung up.

"Tee, get your ass here before I fucking come there and get you out of the room naked! You have been there for more than thirty fucking minutes, the driver is here to take us!" Suhayr yelled when she heard the sound of a car outside, a roaring engine that sounds expensive is all she could hear. Oh, good gracious!

"A driver you say? I thought we were going to take an auto, anyways, I'm coming now." She yelled back from down the hallway where she can clearly hear her fumbling with her earrings. She knows how the girl gets dressed by heart to know everything she is doing.

"Finafuckingly!" Suhayr held her hands up in exasperation whilst staring at Tasneem who gave a sheepish smile adjusting her bag around her shoulder.

She is wearing a new pair of everything from head to toe, maybe from her boxes or the one given to her from the royal family for their so called tradition, she looks beautiful and graceful like always. Her eggplant coloured wide leg pants, periwinkle surplice neckline and cuffed sleeves shirt his her upper body. Her head is wrapped in her all time favorite Emirati muffler, a mini pocket bag, Fendi moccasins seasoned her delicate feet.

Just how she always is, dressing to impress unlike Suhayr who is always plain and always wonder why men keep wanting to talk to her instead of much more ladylike hot stuff like Tasneem. She has the etiquettes and protocols like her mother in-law has put it the day before. The girl talks in a way that has any man whipping around to look at her but Suhayr, she sounds like a complete racketeer.

Her mother in-law is right in some way but she is not ready to accept it neither is she going to agree to such disrespect coming from a woman that is supposed to take her as her own child. That is how it happens in their country, you should be grateful if you are blessed with another daughter but the ones here, she can't say much about them. The other parents are crying sending their daughters away and you are expected to love that other with open arms but you are exchanging spits?

"You were talking about some driver? When did we become celebrities roaming around with drivers?" Tasneem laughed at her own joke which Suhayr only chortled at, she is right.

"I called her Majesty and ask her for it and I think the person is waiting outside, let's go." She took in a last look at her outfit in the mirror just beside the door, she grinned widely only to get stopped by Tasneem. She didn't stop her literally but she removed her phone to take a photo and Suhayr is a photo freak.

"Where did you get that phone? You didn't tell me anything about it." Suhayr raised a brow while staring at the phone Tasneem is holding, it is similar to hers because of the half eaten apple but not completely.

"Oh, I found it yesterday night in the box given to us. I wanted to tell you earlier but, oh well, you wanted to leave." Tasneem explained, taking the pictures when she close her mouth.

"Woah, these people are really wealthy, huh?" Suhayr said quietly to herself, she is sure Tasneem hasn't heard or she would've retorted.

They ferried out after some more pictures to meet frost white Mazda CX-30 roaring outside the chamber. Suhayr still can't take off the fact that she is living in a maze right inside a Royal castle, forget about the white two storey breathtaking view behind her, take a look at this car in front of her, the sight is heart stuttering. It looks like a monster waiting right out for her and it's going to be her personal car? Ya Allah, she can't stomach the perfection of this rich folks.

"Can you see this whimsical, monstrous creature in front of us?" Suhayr asked Tasneem, her mouth hanging low while she takes in the beauty in front of her. She needs to drive that fucking monster or she won't sleep well that night.

"Su, I think we are in heaven. This car is latest, it came out just few months ago, we saw it in a car magazine with Thuraiya! I drooled the entire day thinking about it and now this, I'm going." And she ran to the car, yeah, not her ladylike Tasneem but she loves cars just as much as Suhayr does.

The question is, who doesn't love cars?!

Suhayr move there too but slowly so as to not miss any detail, the engine kept howling and bellowing in delight. When she finally reach the backseat, opposite where Tasneem entered, she placed her hand gently to open it afraid she might break it if she acts recklessly. So with utter scrupulousness and meticulousness, Suhayr yanked the handle open only to hear a soft sound that could easily lull you to sleep.

Now she is hundred percent sure that this car could buy her entire country with some changes. Normally when she opened a car, it makes not so very low sound that has your heart dropping to your stomach while this, it could only lure you to it. Painstakingly slow, she entered inside to see Tasneem touching the leather seats, asking the driver dressed in white uniform about stuff. The girl sure is excited to talk randomly to just anyone because of a car. She could feel her merriment rolling off in waves.

"Can I drive this when we come back please?" Tasneem pouted, staring at the driver who looks amused by their reactions in the rearview mirror.

"Sure, you can, my Lady." He tipped his cap, he was about to open the doors for them but the way they were acting is really distracting. Seeing such beautiful ladies being so awestruck by a car is a sight to see.

With that, they drove to the said market Suhayr told him about. She gave her phone to Tasneem to help her operate it, she is not really too keen in those apple phones or it's gadget in general. When you are used to android, using an iPhone becomes a hard task that needs lesson. She should really go check on her social media accounts, she knows people really miss her never ending pranks not that she has much followers, just few people in her homeland that are jobless enough to see her endless pranks.

She hopes she can remember the passwords, she has them all written in her other phone which that fucking retard threw away for some petty revenge. That man is just clasped in old man's body but his logics are way immature than a baby's. He threw his phone himself but he blamed her and even threw hers too. He should be lucky he bought new and much expensive one for her, she would've caused him more problems than the ones she planned to destroy him.

When they arrived at the nice looking market, they got down and ask him to wait for them which he did as he wasn't planning on leaving. Suhayr looked at the roads he followed in case if she wants to come alone, who knows when that might be needed? Precaution is better than cure, she should not look weak always asking for help, that does not sound like her neither will she let it happen. Suhayr Imraan Khalid is never helpless!

They ask for some help here and there before she locates the exact shop she wants to shop from. As soon as she entered, the smell of expensive colognes float through the air mixing with air conditioner, Suhayr sighed. She came to the right shop, she's asked google all about the expensive shops in the place and this was the name given to her. She can see why, there are many expensive, wealthy elite looking women roaming around with their noses stuck in the air.

She wants to make sure to suck up her husband's money, this is her first revenge though, there are more to come. Suhayr can't wait for him to see his money yanked right from underneath his eyes, her thought went back to that card again, only God knows how much it is there. She can just use it and leave the country but she might get tracked and she is not done enjoying royal life. The calls of your Highness is still ringing in her ears, she likes it.

"Now tell me, what is it that you want? Anything around here is inside those boxes sent to you, what do you need?" Tasneem asked, staring at the clothes from racks to racks, the ones inside her boxes are way more expensive and gorgeous.

"Oh, dear best friend, I have a lot planned for my day today so let's start this now. I want to make that woman pay for what she's done, that old hag!" She gnashed her teeth when she said the old hag, the woman really got on her skin like no other in mere seconds.

"What is the plan?" Tasneem grinned, she's always loved Suhayr's idea for revenge, they are always phenomenal.

"I will dress like that gangster and slut she thought of me to be. I will make sure her protocols and etiquettes change meaning as soon as she sees me." She smirked, the smirk that say, 'I am up to no good but I will enjoy it a lot' mixed with utter mischief.

"You go, girl! I wish you took me with you, I would've helped you put her right where she belongs. I can't believe she called you that without thinking. Does she know who she is messing with?" Tasneem chortled which is filled with malevolent, the woman would surely have a heart attack after Suhayr's plan works. She surely messed with the wrong person!

"The smouldering fire!" They cheered at the same time, letting out a hearty laugh, drawing unnecessary attention that they are used to.

People kept staring probably because they recognise her or they are staring at the beauties in front of them. They look different, their skin is way too perfect to be true, flawless unlike theirs that is filled with blemish. Suhayr pushed that behind her back, she is used to getting those supernumerary attention. She didn't leave the castle since she arrived so it is okay seeing them acting like this, as long as they don't interfere.

Suhayr started choosing racks after racks for what to wear. She made her way to the artificial nails, she has searched for everything that is taboo in Nigeria and she is going to do it all. Starting from those long awful nails that can scrape a heart from it's ribcage. She took the pipe, arrow, stiletto ones, they are sharp and extremely long, just to take attention from that woman. She will be the real racketeer she is called, this is real joy.

After she's done with everything, she bought some anklets, the attention seeking ones too then made her way to those earrings. She took the complete set of it, right from the rook, to industrial and orbitals. She doesn't have all those piercings, she has only one but this one can also be fixed and removed without any piercing so it is all good. She bought some masks too, she will definitely scare the woman one day at night just for the fun of it.

She grinned!

When she was done, she made her way to the cashier and hand the card, Tasneem also bought a few things. The woman tried then gave them stinky eyes, it promised their deaths but Suhayr is never one to be intimidated, she gave back that same eyes. If she won't explain what is wrong, she won't let her win like this, her mouth should be used to talk and not stay glued. She gets the job there because of her mouth so why the heck is she keeping them close?!

"There is no money inside." The woman finally said, eliciting a growl from Suhayr. That little son of a bitch did this intentionally! He knows why he gave her almost immediately, he planned this all along.

"Call her majesty, and explain it to her." Tasneem advised, taking Suhayr by her arm to the side so the other people behind them can pay theirs.

"This is so fucking humiliating! I will kill him for rendering me helpless yet again, he will pay very, very dearly for this, I promise!" She vowed through gritted teeth, her teeth hurts from so much grinding.

People are watching them, some are judging with their eyes, others just watching to see what is going on, some even laughed lowly while some have the audacity to glare at her. If not that she is too into her revenge, she would've glared back and ask them to mind their fucking business, she is not going to do that though! Her heart kept clenching in diaphanous, undiluted anger. Her fists are tight by her side but she gave her phone to Tasneem so she can look for solution herslef, she can't do it while this pissed.

She will make him pay dearly, this is her fifth vow and the reason why she won't take long to exact that revenge that will bring him to his knees.

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