32~ Utterly Reverted Low.


"Hey, serve some fruits for me." She ordered one of the maids in the Chamber while having a staring contest with her mother in-law who has to gave up after a minute and blinked her eyes.

Hajiya Zainab didn't say a thing and watch as her maids scramble to get her what to eat, they are clearly frightened about what she could do, just like her. This girl brought to them is only the cause of their destruction, she is strong willed to whatever it is she wants from her son. But could they really be in love like she has claimed to be? They don't look near comfortable around each other when she saw the photo or maybe that is because she didn't want to believe it. But what is she to believe when her son wouldn't even bring her there himself. Is it because of their bond or because they ain't in love?

If her son is really in love with what Hausa people will call Jagaliyah, then she will disown him. How can he fall in love with her of all the people across the globe? He has his first wife who is always respectful and has all characteristics of being a princess, but he divorced her severing all the decrees, no trace of them ever going back. Then brought this half woman half fire to them, what does he see in her? There is nothing other than the face, why did he do that to himself?

Truthfully, keeping jealousy aside for the young woman, she is beautiful. Her body looks delicate unlike what her eyes spells, she would've made a great bride if she doesn't have that attitude of hers. Hajiya Zainab still won't like her, she hardly likes anyone other than herself so why a stranger? She just wanted a daughter in-law she can bend not the one that wants to bend her after their first meeting. She already has her maids promenading around the tearoom while dancing to her drums.

She stared as the woman ate fruits eagerly whilst closing her eyes in joy, she hated the sight of her smile. There is this burning anger and hatred she can't even describe in words, that's how she feels about her 'new' daughter in-law. No one dared to come into her chamber and be rude to her, not even her Majesty but this midget came through and thought she could just get away with it? She has another thing coming, no one will do that to her and sleep tight. She will be her worst nightmare!

She hates joining forces but this woman won't clearly be thrown down the pits with one army, they need a whole army which includes her ex daughter in-law. She won't attack her now or it will be obvious, she will give her time before she strikes, that is if no better things come up in the castle and took her attention away from the fiery lady. She will be in her mercy if she ever land her own trouble on her. Whenever she decided to play her own fireballs, everything comes to a standstill and await the arrival of the inferno.

Yeah, she's always busy looking for small tasks in the castle to do just so people could see how much of a great candidate she is for being the next Queen resulting to her neglecting her children. There are other wives in the castle that want that throne by nook or by crook, she won't let any stone unturned though. She manage to always squash them down to the side, the throne is theirs. Her husband is the crown prince not his younger siblings but she don't understand why they are threatening her throne.

Why bother when there is already a crowned Prince who happens to be her husband? This is a battle they should never have started, they won't win and she also enjoy watching them fail.

"Now that I am done, I think I should leave to see my beloved husband." Suhayr brought her out of her ogreish and deuced thought hearing her belch unladylike again.

Hajiya Zainab didn't say a thing and only stared hard, the girl didn't even flinch when her son will always move uncomfortably whenever she gives him that stare. It further aggravates and rile her up, this is not how she planned to meet her daughter in-law neither is this the daughter in-law she expected to see. She will keep this wee lady aside, there is something she needs to do for the throne again. If this woman comes in her way, she only needs her weakness to get her back down.

Suhayr despise the woman and when Suhayr Imraan Khalid does that, there is nothing on earth that could change her mind. This woman just messed with the wrong person, she will make her pay for what she's done. First, it is her douche son then the bitch of a sister and now this old hag of a mother. So far, each and every badge of royal family she's met, there must be one whom hated her or the other way around. No, they all hate her but the feeling is mutual.

"I shall take my leave now, your Highness. Please, don't take me to the dungeons because I will drag your douche son with me, Bye!" She grinned mockingly before standing up with more bounce to her steps as she is wearing converse.

With that, Suhayr stood up and left seeing as the woman is not ready to talk to her, she is not ready to hear a thing too. Her eyes are blazing and if that woman had added something more irrational again, Suhayr won't be blamed for her actions. She won't promise not to throw blows here and there even though the woman is royalty, her mother in-law and way older than her. She's been taught to always respect her elders but some of the elders don't want the respect and Suhayr won't beg them to take it from her.

That woman is downright rude right from the beginning, she didn't even try getting to know her. She insulted her the minute she sat down in her chamber, she will make sure she eats everything she's said to her. People always say she knows how to hold grudges and malice, she couldn't agree more. Even Sa'eed isn't off the hook, neither is his sister nor his ex-wife, she will make them beg for mercy. This Suhayr is really tolerant, she won't promise to be next time.

"Calm down now! You yelling and moving around won't help with a thing, I don't even understand where you are coming from or what you are saying." Tasneem furrowed her brows as she said that in her mother language.

Suhayr just walked in yelling and cursing at someone she doesn't know. Last she left, she said she is going to have lunch with her Majesty and it is now evening, she just returned in a really bad mood. Whoever it is that made her this mad is about to visit his or her grave in the next few minutes. Whenever Suhayr gets this mad, her foster mother will lock her up in her room so she don't created a ruckus. There was this time when she threw tantrum looking very angry and her mother was in the kitchen so she was pushed to the drawer, really tight place till she calmed down.

This time around, she don't know what will happen when her mother isn't here to stop her.

"That fucking old woman that thinks she can say everything she wants to anyone without consequences. I swear to God I will make her eat her words one after the other, she won't ever think about messing with me again. She had the nerve to look at me and ask what her son sees in me? The fuck?! The actual motherfucking fuck does she think she is?!" She kept on ranting while tugging at the head tie around her head.

"Who is this old woman you are talking about?" Tasneem asked when she finally kept quite to throw a pillow on the couch she removed it from.

"That typhoid Mary! My supposed mother in-law who is no less than a demoness with horns. She called me a gangster, I swear to God I will make sure to look like that gangster she thought of me!" She kept yelling not hearing the door opening or someone coming in.

"You went to your mother in-law today? You didn't tell me about it earlier, you only said you were going to have lunch with her Majesty!" Tasneem furrowed her brows, this mother in-law is in for a problem, a really deep one at that.

"Because I was forced to go see her today. Tha-that woman is going to face my wrath, wallah! Shee will see the hatred I have for her too. Protocols and etiquettes she said? I will show her just what those things means to me..." She was cut off by none other than the demoness son disguise in Angel's face.

"Shut it! That is my mother you are talking about!" Sa'eed gnashed his teeth in annoyance, his eyes willing her not to cross him but this is Suhayr, she does the exact opposite.

"To heck with you both! How dare she call me a racketeer?" She raise her voice higher because she was only waiting for one thing to come in her way then she had unleash her inner beast and Sa'eed happens to be the person.

"Don't raise your voice at me and don't you dare talk like this about my mother or you won't like the consequences!" He is now standing right in front of her face while bending his head to look at her so she will look intimidated.

Yes, his mother is a nuisance but he can't just let anyone and everyone insult her, she is his mother after all. Granted, she has never acted like one but he can't keep quite even if it is for publicity. Suhayr doesn't need to know about the rotten and decaying relationship between him and his mother, she will just have more things to throw at his face. Not when the first words she uttered were 'didn't your momma taught you that staring is rude?' not then.

"Then tell her to fucking mind her words when talking to me. I am Suhayr Imraan Khalid, I don't make empty threats and I will make sure she eat her words!" She spat right in his face not even bothered by his threats and blazing eyes.

When Suhayr is angry, she sees nothing but that fiery orange colour that blinds her vision through and through. Even she won't spare him, she has been keeping quite because she don't want everyone to think she is a trouble maker before a week of her stay there but they are making it really hard for her to keep all her rage to herself. If you dare cross her once, she won't let the minute slide before getting back at you but now, she is tolerant but not so tolerant.

"Watch it." He pointed his forefinger which she took and turn it around hearing the crack sound as she let it go breathing hard, she still wants to hurt him more and more till he is begging for mercy on her feet.

"Su, what have you done?" Tasneem who has been watching everything wailed, moving to see if Sa'eed's finger is broken but thankfully it wasn't but badly bruised and seems to move slightly.

None of them have the time to think about the zap their connected body gave when it made contact nor did they notice that that was the first contact they made skin to skin ever since they met. Their breaths are echoing, loud and hoarse filled with wrath and fury. They are both breathing fire as they stare down at each other, Suhayr apoplectic that he is taller than her and from everyone's point of view, she'd be a midget in both height and size.

Sa'eed is really surprised though, he didn't expect her to do that to his finger but he should've known, Suhayr won't be pointed a finger at and she will stand there watching it unfold, still, he didn't expect that. That woman is surely lunatic, she has definitely hit her head somewhere.

He is convinced she's been dropped head first on the floor after she was given birth to. Even the doctors and nurses couldn't handle her cries and drop her instead, retard.

"I dare you to cross me again like this, I will make sure to break all your fingers!" She bellowed loudly then ran up the stairs, Borak and Butrus on her tail.

"You know what? Your master is a fool, he is stupid and an imbecile. He is a limpet and also a complete asshole." She kept ranting to the dogs after she prayed and sat down on the bed.

She is dead hungry but won't go down there when that useless excuse of a man is there, she will just ask Tasneem to bring her dinner to their room. She did just that then continue to rant at the dogs that kept wagging their tails barking ever so silently, they are so small and cute. She hopes they don't grow so that they won't become like their master, that fucking douche.


With her mind set the next morning, Suhayr got up early around eight in the morning to have a bath. She is going to have to do some things that very day, her pissed off mood has gone down a notch but she must go through what she has planned. Her mind has already been set because she spent the entire night searching up on internet, they'd be shocked. The way she is going to make the palace turn into a ruction, hmm, joy! She can't wait to see people's reaction, peril shall befell the castle.

Even when Sa'eed came into the room, she didn't raise her head to look at him and continue surfing through internet with more vigor just by the sight of him. He also didn't say a thing to her but she'd feel his gaze every now and then, he was also still very furious, serves him right. Tomorrow when he is asked to point a finger at her, he will definitely think twice before going through with it. His broken hand or dislocated finger will be the proof.

After her bath, she changed into an onyx circle skirt, frost button up T-shirt and add a jean jacket on top of it. She tied her hair in a simple classic braid so she can tie the onyx veil perfectly around her head. Done with everything, she took a small moon back and slippers then she's out of the room, even Sa'eed woke up early it seems, he isn't in the room not that she cared. What he does is not her cup of tea.

"Good morning, lil bitch." She greeted the morning bird Tasneem who is already serving the food to her so called excuse of a husband. He actually smiled and thanked her, arsehole knows how to smile to everyone but her.

"Morning, gigantic bitch. How was your night?" She asked back serving the food in her plate too as soon as she sat down.

"Never been good." Suhayr grinned at the sight of food before digging right in, not even waiting for Tasneem to take away the serving spoon.

"Why are you decked up so early in the morning?" Tasneem asked looking flummoxed as though she just noticed her dressed up self. The woman can be blind sometimes.

"I'm going out and you are coming with me so take a bath quickly." She answered after swallowing her food, too good to waste talking.

"But where? Do you know somewhere that I don't here?" Tasneem is now a journalist but she can't help it. Her friend is definitely planning something, she will have to find out what.

"Just get dressed please. No more questions, I'll tell you later." And then the place is quite.

"I need money to go get some things in the market." Suhayr placed her hands on her hips as she stand in front of Sa'eed who looks to be in a hurry to leave the chamber, or is it her presence that suffocates him? Whatever!

"And you think I will give you the money why?" He has one of his perfect brows rose in question while staring down at the audacity to this wee woman. She almost broke his finger the day before and now she has the guts to ask him for money?

"Because you are my husband and husbands give money to their wives." She said slowly like she is teaching a kid which irritates Sa'eed, the morning has arrived!

"I am not going to give you a penny!" He also said that slowly as though she told him she has problem hearing.

"Then I can call your grandmother and ask her to give me some, you clearly don't have it. She will be really happy to know that her grandson doesn't take care of his wife. She will really be proud of her upbringing, that's nice." She took her phone out with every intention of calling her Majesty but he took the phone away and gave her a silver card then her phone.

"Aw, such a good boy. He wants to make grand mama proud, keep being good." She mocked then left him standing there to go eat some fruits.

Sa'eed grinned, she will reap what she sow, he can't wait to hear from her later. With that thought, he left the house feeling the upper hand. Finally, he can get back at her for all she has done to him, the time for him to to dance in joy has arrive and he shall dance perfectly to the tunes.

Suhayr one, Sa'eed one.

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