31~ Mother In-law Is A Fiend.
"Have you met your mother in-law yet, Sumara?" Her Majesty asked Suhayr in the middle of their funny conversation, they are getting used to each other and even talk about unnecessary stuff just to laugh.
"No, I haven't neither has your Sa'd thought about introducing us to each other so it's cool." She shrugged her shoulders nibbling on another grape she took from the bowl in front of them. She's been eating those fruits heartily and her Majesty don't seem to mind too.
"You should meet her today if you have time, I can ask a maid to accompany you there." Hajiya Fareedah still suggested because she knows the drama is going to take place but she'd rather want it to happen soon. She's been bored and only Suhayr could yank her out of that boredom confined place.
"Back in my home, the husband is supposed to take the new bride to meet his mother after the marriage. I can't go there all alone, she might not even know who I am." Suhayr flattened her lips not looking forward to meeting anyone again from the royals, they are really infuriating. And not to forget, way too arrogant for her.
Hajiya Fareedah is insisting only because she knows Suhayr will be the one to put her daughter in-law in her place. She's heard what has happened with Juwairiyah when they went for the last ritual so she is very sure she won't take any crap from her mother in-law either. She's never tried getting back at her daughter in-law because she doesn't want to stoop to her level but now, she has someone to join forces with, no one other than Suhayr.
"You have to go alone seeing as Sa'd is not at home now, I would've asked him to do that. Now, don't fold my hands and go see the woman that gave birth to your loving husband." Hajiya Fareedah had to held back a chortle when Suhayr's expression quickly changed to that of horror.
"Please, that man is Satan's older brother so no loving should be attached to his name. I hope she is not as consistent as her children, no offense." Suhayr made a move to stand up taking two apples and a pear with her to eat on her way, she can't help.
"None taken. You can trek there so few maids will accompany along with guards. Jakadiyah, arrange that." She said to the woman sitting completely quite by their side only chirping when asked. She looks to be completely loyal to her royal Majesty, it's refreshing.
"Right away, your Majesty." And she left to do what she is asked to do.
"Time to meet another royalty I guess!" Suhayr grumbled underneath her breath, she would want to go back to their chamber and have a good sleep which she hasn't had ever since she came, her afternoon naps.
With that, a few maids were asked to accompany her to her mother in-law's chamber who apparently lives in different chamber from her Majesty, it is understandable. But to Suhayr at that moment, it is pure torment keeping aside the stares she is getting from the people walking aimlessly around. She thought the place would be quite but how wrong could she ever be, it is too loud with people bursting around, most of them are maids though but that's not enough to calm her down.
"Your Highness, this way." One of the maids led her to the right side abandoning the left she wanted to follow as though she knows the way, she nodded and followed quietly.
There are whispers and if it was back in Chad or highschool, she would have shut them up with a glare but the people here don't know who she is and she needs to act like the perfect daughter in-law to the royalties, she is only doing this for Hajiya Fareedah and respecting her old age. This is what she define as lack of freedom, limited moves and uncomfortable outfits. Tasneem wanted her to wear that deathtrap called lapaya, she downright refused.
Isn't she already married to the family? Why on earth does she need to impress them again with her clothes? If they know who she is and what she does, they wouldn't even have agreed their son to marry, she fights for living and fun and she knows no one would want their child marrying a boxer, he'd end up in the hospital everyday. Sa'eed should be lucky, she hasn't awaken her beast, she will soon with that attitude of his that reek nuisance.
Suhayr has never been grateful when she heard the maids saying they have arrived and she is the only one allowed to go inside. What sort of stupid rule do they have in this castle again? Shouldn't the maids from her Majesty be trusted enough to go to another lower ranked royal? She shook it off not caring what they do, she needs to see this woman and leave then she won't have to meet her again, it's not like she married her, she is with her son and him too, for his money.
Her feet move along the blood red carpet closing a long corridor, she didn't bother looking around since her mission is to see the woman that gave birth to her husband and go back to Borak and Butrus. She found out she loves those little teacups and can't wait to be with them again hence her long strides. Few seconds later, she bumped into someone who happens to be the woman she met the night before, none other than Najaah. The famous woman that is ready to do everything for that douche.
"Oh hey! Look at that, the wife finally remember about the woman that gave birth to her husband, shocking." Najaah taunted with a saccharine smile making Suhayr chuckle at that.
Today she is wearing less gangster style clothes of coat and is wearing their type of Ankara. She skirt seem to be so tight around her knees that she barely moves correctly hence the reason they bumped then her blouse, the peplum is flying in the air making such curves that Suhayr would love to see who sew it and ask whether he's been to a beach with waves like that. No, it is really fascinating just that the woman who is wearing it.
She rose her head to stare at her husband's first wife for the first time after the knowledge of what almost transpired between the two. She looks like she is standing above Suhayr which is something Suhayr can never stomach but she brush it aside. Now she thinks she looks beautiful with her head tie opened up in this fan and pleats? Suhayr made a look of distaste, the woman don't know what to wear to look good or is it her hatred talking?
What does Sa'eed saw in this woman anyway? She looks pretty but from the look on her face, you know this woman is not who she pretends to be. From what Suhayr has seen about her, she tries acting nice to have everyone like her so they'd sympathize with her when the time comes and maybe they did after they got divorced. Suhayr won't let her get in her way, she is a small midget compared to the big project she is facing so she won't give her the satisfaction of having him.
So with her eyes set dead in her dark ones, she inclined her head ready to make fun of her seeing they are maids and guards hanging around the place so a bit fun will be good. She pursed her lips when Najaah raise a brow at her like she is waiting for her to talk. Suhayr would want to keep quite to irritate her further but she can't, she lives with talking nonstop so with that, she widened her mouth to imitate how Najaah talked to her with over exaggeration.
"Oh look, the ex-wife came to greet her ex mother in-law to get sympathy, shocking!" Suhayr grinned widely, she is sure she looks scary but Najaah only glared harshly at her.
"Listen here, you lowly bitch! I don't know what you want from my Angel face but I will make sure to find out, and when I do, you will suffer and beg for mercy. I won't give you any of it then." Najaah warned through gnashed teeth, her words laced with threat and only Suhayr could hear her since she made it low, she don't want people hating her black ass.
"Listen here, you cheating bitch, I don't know why you are hellbent on being with my douche but I will find out and when I do, you won't be recognizable. I will tell you this, stay away from me, from us!" She wanted to desperately leave it as stay away from me but it will sound like she doesn't care about Sa'eed, she doesn't but this bitch doesn't need to know that.
She will give her so much bitterness that she will regret ever knowing her!
"Tell me how much you want, I will hand it to you but you need to leave him alone. I don't want nothing from him, I am already rich. We are in love with each other, stop being a block road for our connected hearts." Najaah narrated, the woman won't pay heed to her threats so emotional blackmail might help.
If only Suhayr is ever this sympathetic about people that cross her, she won't think about what she wants. She is on a mission to be rich, no amount of love or words will get her to leave this huge project of hers. Granted, Najaah looks and sound rich, but what she will get from Sa'eed will be way greater than what Najaah could ever give her. Maybe even ten folds, so why ruin her fun and also project like that for something low? She is never one to settle for something sleaze especially not from someone who crossed her.
"Look, she's become a poet now!" Suhayr laughed loud at that, she can't help it then continue, "We are also in love, move on from your little attraction and get another Angel face which I doubt you ever will. You should always be with devil face, that is what you deserve." She smirked when Najaah's face fall further to the floor.
"I will make you pay for this." Najaah showed her her forefinger but then keep it down when she found out that people are staring keenly at them.
"Walk of shame!" Suhayr yelled after her, chortling at the sight of a grown woman older than her stomping her way out.
She continue her journey not letting the too much red blind her eyes, the woman surely knows how to use red colour. When a golden door adorned with vast ruby stones arranged on it, Suhayr really don't want to despise the woman before she even meets her but her using such colour only makes her blood boil. She loves red, granted but why must everyone bear that for her? Not everyone likes that colour!
An eunuch announced her presence when the door opened for her, she walked in while staring at the tea room that looks so different for her Majesty's. This room screams, come in and find out your destiny while her Majesty's is extremely homey that she can't help lying down on the carpeted floor. This room is filled with so many traditional stuff, red carpet and couches mixed with golden, the decorations on the walls are too colossal for the room, the human sized flower pots look awful there. So much for decorating a tearoom.
The room is gorgeous, no doubt but the person clearly put too much effort which overdo it all. She pushed that judgement back and settle her gaze on the woman that is watching her with judgemental eyes, something Suhayr will never let down. She gave the woman a smile that says, I am not here by choice, I am forced to be here with your narcissistic ass. She would want to say it to her face though, but for the time being. She should be like those dot daughter in-laws and see where it goes.
The woman no doubt gave birth to her husband, they look awfully alike when she thought he looks like his father. This woman is the older carbon copy of Juwairiyah and Sa'eed, which entirely drops that she is beautiful. Her face is angelic just like her children but her eyes reflect the demoness hiding inside of her. She must've been proud for her strong genes, her husband is also handsome which explains why the children are gorgeous.
She is wearing a heavy set of gold jewelry, Suhayr could only think of how much that is going to cost if she is to sell them. She is also adorned in royal wine coloured alkyabba embroidered with golden. What is with this woman and red with golden? Suhayr already hates the colour now, she don't find it appealing so she instantly change her favorite colour to blue, hmm, that will be better than red now.
"Good afternoon, mother in-law." She placed a bright smile on her face then sat down comfortably on the chair adjacent to hers, she didn't even wait to be offered the seat. The woman don't look like she would.
"Your Highness." Came the woman's curt answer which has Suhayr raising a brow in question so she further said, "Call me your Highness." Suhayr couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.
"Sure, sure, your Highness." She mocked, she don't like the woman, it is official.
"Why are you dressed like this to come see your mother in-law? Don't you know about the etiquettes and protocols?" Hajiya Zainab asked in her slick voice that lured her husband to her all the time.
"Etiquettes and protocols? I don't know about that, not that I would've followed anyway. I am not going to see the leader of Muslims in Mecca, why dress up?" Suhayr shrugged watching as the maids flinch almost unnoticeably but nothing moves from her sight.
"You are disrespectful, I can have you locked up in the dungeons." Hajiya Zainab threatened, her patience thinning like ice in scorching hot water.
"I only respect the person who deserves it, and I was merely joking here, you are just conceited. I can't see any refreshment served to the daughter in-law? Is that how you treat them all and expect respect?" Suhayr spat the word respect while cocking her head to the side to see if she will be served refreshment.
"How did my son marry you? You sound and act like a gangster." Suhayr raised a brow at this then burst out laughing much to Hajiya Zainab's wrathful gaze.
She hates the girl even before she met her and now after meeting her, she can't believe how much she abhor and loathe her. Her son really shouldn't have married this woman, she surely is out to ruin their image with the way she acts. Who goes to see his mother in-law wearing jeans, shirt and kimono on top? She thought the girl could be at least naïve and totally not what Najaah has complained to her about few minutes ago when she came to see her about the matter.
"She is going to be a hard nut to crack, trust me on this. The girl had the nerve to talk back at me whilst laughing at my suspense! I will make sure she regrets everything she did, she fucked up with the wrong person here." Najaah seethed, words interlaced with poisonous venom.
"Why are you so worked up because of just one girl?" She had asked looking perplexed at the girl filled with fury and despise.
"She is not ordinary village girl we can easily bribe, she is a public nuisance and a complete vermin! Even Sa'eed couldn't do anything, he only followed what she said like a damn lost puppy!" Najaah had yelled in exasperation albeit taking deep calming breaths.
Now Hajiya Zainab could see where Najaah is coming from, this girl is not ordinary! She is out to take blood, she stands like an alpha roaring out fire with each word. There is fire in her eyes, movement, words and actions which Hajiya Zainab is calculating with her own calculative eyes. She needs to find her weakness soon before she creates an even bigger trouble for them.
"I am a gangster, old lady. You should check up my name on internet, you won't want to mess with someone like me. And don't worry, there will be a transformation tomorrow just for you." Suhayr promised, her eyes giving the fire of a sturdy vow.
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