30~ Meet Borak And Butrus.


A yawn escaped from between her lips as she stretch on the bed while sitting up and saying her morning prayers. It feels like she hadn't woke up herself to pray Fajr, she was too tired but she did it anyway. That is the magic of prayers, it helps you do everything in plan. You just need yo ask your Lord and then everything will turn out great as long as that is the best for you and it is time which makes her wonder why people are so into Shirk.

Now she has to go down there and have breakfast but first things first, she will check what the time is. If she is late, then she will have to take a bath before going down and if she isn't, then she needs breakfast first before anything. At the mere mention of food, her stomach made a loud rumble of hunger which means she won't be able to have her bath even if she wants to. She even forgets her daily yoga, oh no!

Early in the morning, she always wakes up when the sun is about to peek from the horizon because she is never tired. She likes stretching her body to make it relaxed and sometimes exercise her body doing Judo and Krav Maga so she won't forget her moves. She has spent sleepless mornings to go learn those self defense from a totally arrogant man, so she won't ever let it go to waste. Even though he warmed up to her after she unleash her inner bitch to him when she got tired of his ignorance, they became quite close.

She needs those quick reflexes since she cause trouble more than she eats food, she will need that to protect her from so many bad people back in her home. It's not like she feels safe now in the palace, she has her guard up a notch till she knows her way around. So far, she don't have so many people to tackle with her moves except for Juwairiyah and Najaah, they are mere midgets in front of her though. She don't need to unleash anything to those two small things, not yet at least.

She sighed and checked the phone finding out it is just nine in the morning and she can go down and have her breakfast then take bath. She made her way out of the room not finding Sa'eed and she deeply hopes he is not at home at that moment, she wants some lone time with her food and best friend for the first time. Just not seeing him for the morning will be the best gift she's ever received in a long while so she has her fingers crossed with this.

Moving down to the stairs, she walk slowly but as soon as she saw Sa'eed sitting on the dining chair alone with a newspaper in hand, she hop on the banister like a kid and slide down whilst yelling in joy to get his attention and she did alright. Her giggles kept bouncing across the walls of the house, he meandered to look at what's going on only to grit his teeth in annoyance because just when he thought he would leave the home before she comes down, she came galloping on the handrail like some stupid kid.

The morning has arrive and his joy is now limited!

He is used to waking up to silence, leaving his home in silence and going to work to silence but now, everything is ruined and he won't be able to have that peaceful time for himself. He rolled his eyes and continue staring at the newspaper that still has their wedding printed on, some people jobless like this. How can they still be holding onto a news that is two days old in their newspaper and expect people to buy it? Delusional. And it's much more perfect that her face didn't show up in any of the photos.

"Woah, that banister is amazing." Suhayr said to herself when she landed smoothly on the white rug that sat at the last staircase. She wants to do everything possible to annoy that tartar, early in the morning disturbance is one of them. Drilling him up and riling him to his last straw till he leaves.

She made her way to the empty table her stomach growling as she can't see any sight of food, why won't they serve early? She stared hard and deep at the maids scattered around the place seeing that none of them moved to go get her food except the greetings passed her way. Is she going to eat their words or what? Just before she gets too cranky, she heard the lifesaving words from Tasneem that stopped a hurricane from occurring.

"Food is ready, calm down and sit tight. I will first serve my in-law then come back to you, hold your reigns." Tasneem blurted knowing her best friend is going to be irked by her words but what can she do? She can't let him hang when he's been there before her and he looks to be in a hurry.

"You are now a traitor yourself! You know how much hungry I get early in the morning, I haven't even had my bath but rush down to eat and you are telling me this?" Her teeth are gnashed, only Tasneem could hear the underneath threat glistening beneath her teeth.

"Sorry, just hold on a little longer."

"Little bitch." Suhayr mumbled underneath her breath lowly in annoyance but waited anyway. There is no much she can do about it, she won't serve herself.

After the food has been served to her, she dug in without wasting more time, she is so famished that she can't even argue with that douche. There is always a thrill of annoying him so imagine what is holding her back from doing so, yes, that is food. There are three things she can't live without, one of them is trouble, causing trouble is something she lives off. The second is food while the third is sleep, no one should cross her in between those.

Sa'eed didn't say anything but only minded his business for that day, he don't feel like entertaining her drama. He has hoped she fell down the banister then though, he wished to see her fall hard on her buttocks then she won't cause trouble for him the whole day. When he imagined her rubbing her behind due to the impact, a smile took over his face because he would really love to see her in pain. She's caused him enough trouble so a little won't hurt.

He finished eating silently hearing her chat with her best friend who really don't look like someone she could be with. She is very sensible, talks nicely and even acts with etiquette and protocols he wished anyone to have, not to forget beautiful too. No matter how much he despises Suhayr, he can't deny the fact that she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen his whole thirty years of living. Her beauty is effortless and she knew how beautiful she is that's why she does some things intentionally. She knew any man would stop by to stare so she makes it to use.

Najaah is also pretty in her own way, really beautiful before he met Suhayr but after, he don't even know anymore. Najaah is fine which is the reason why he didn't even deny when he was asked to marry her in future so imagine his surprise after seeing another woman way finer than her. He has been to other countries but still, it is like she bewitched him with something. She doesn't deserve that type of beauty, she should be ugly, hideous and grotesque. Like a goblin!

"You wouldn't have married her if she were and lose the contract that means a lot to you." His inner voice taunted making him recoil back but smiled nevertheless. The day has been amazing so far so he really hopes this woman won't burst his temper.

He didn't expect Najaah to come to his home yesterday night or even any day, that was totally unexpected. His heart ached still for her, she has been his whole for a long time and now having her away from him is taking a toll on him. He is used to having her around him all the time, Najaah there saying this, Najaah here talking about that. The woman knew how to make her way through him, she did that alright.

It was surprising living without her, he thought he wouldn't be able to pull it off. He even have some of her clothes in his wardrobe, toothbrush that is hidden in a cabinet and some other photos in his laptop. She webbed in his life like a python, twisting away everything that is defined as bad and became his supporter, his pillar. She became his shoulder for tears, pillar for breakdowns and key to happiness.

He wasn't ready to face her now or ever, they have nothing to talk about so imagine his surprise and inner turmoil when she came and called him Angel face, he couldn't believe it. That stupid nickname he has always hated but learnt to love anyway, she made him love it like that. She always say; You have an innocent face, this should be your middle name and that was it, he couldn't take it off. His siblings always cringe though, they find it uncanny.

But the way Suhayr handled her, he appreciated that. He would love for her to think he has moved on or she will keep thinking they have this silver lining of getting back together when there isn't. He won't ever get back with her, his heart really want to get back to her, it is saying something entirely different from the thoughts his mind is jabbing. It throbbed just with the thought of her name then the thought of her coming back to him.

Quickly taking off the thought from his chest, he chortled when he felt something licking both his cheeks and he knew who those things are. Thankful for the interruption of his unhealthy thought, he shift his gaze to his dogs, he has missed them. He gave the instruction of keeping them away till after all the wedding ceremonies are completed. Najaah also don't like them so they are always kept away in the backyard whenever she is around.

"Borak, Butrus." He grinned widely at them, his squash coloured Eskimo and snow white Maltese, they gaze at him lovingly while locking their lips.

"How have you been?" He abandoned the chair and kneel down beside them watching as they wag their tails barking happily at the sight of him after so many days.

Those animals are always there to make his worst days better, he should've brought them out since to take his mind off his lunatic wife. He massaged their ears to their backs watching as they keep wagging and barking innocently, the room is now pin drop silent like there is no living specie in there but there are. Suhayr, Tasneem and the maids are all there but they are now quite, he hopes she is afraid of dogs.

Oh, this should be fun!

"Are those dogs?" Suhayr asked pointing frighteningly at the teacup puppies playing around with their master who looks different at the sight of them.

"No, lions. Cute ones aren't they?" Tasneem cooed, watching as the dogs stop barking and started sniffing around probably taking the new scent in their master's home.

"They should not come close to me!" Suhayr climb atop the chair she was sitting on seconds ago when they approach her slowly but in her eyes, it was menacing.

"C'mon, they are so cute." Tasneem kept cooing while playing with the tails as they sniff her, she felt loved in between the two dogs.

"They are monsters like their master!" She realised that what she said just rhymed and normally, she would laugh in joy at that but not then when the dogs start making their way to her chair where her feet are located.

"Just let them sniff you and that is it. They won't do anything to you, get down from there before you hurt yourself." Tasneem laughed when Suhayr glared at her but she is still looking at the dogs trying to sniff her legs. She could fall off if they don't back off!

"If you don't take them away from me, I promise to match their necks and kill them!" She shrieked when the Eskimo move his paw to climb on the chair. In reflex, she mounted on the dining table rattling the plates and cutleries on it with the new weight.

"I dare you to fucking do that." Sa'eed couldn't keep quite when she threatened his babies, no one does that and live peacefully which is why he keeps them away from Najaah when she was there. He wants to hear no story from them.

It is funny watching her act like her cuckoo self because of them, that should be a sight to see each morning. They won't leave her alone till after sniffing her to make sure she is good enough for their master and for security reasons. They are always possessive over their master because they are there for security measures and sniffing people is one of them. They won't let her be without getting a whiff of her cologne to know she will be around.

"Then fucking take them away to where they are." She yelled at the top of her lungs turning to face him, not caring that the maids all look amused now with the show she is putting up, this is her life.

"My house, my rules." And he took the briefcase she didn't notice sitting on the dining chair beside him and left the room, the house all together.

"I will fucking kill him with my bare hands one day, fucker." She breathed harshly then stare down at the dogs patiently waiting for her to come down with those big doe eyes looking innocent.

"You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Just let them sniff you and then you are good to go. Don't forget, her Majesty is still waiting for you." Tasneem coaxed with a huge smile adorning her face as she try keeping her giggles at bay, it is such a funny sight.

The holy, mighty Suhayr Imraan Khalid standing on top of a dining table because she is afraid of little puppies sniffing her. When Suhayr is never intimidated by big burly bodyguards, she is afraid of such little small things. Back in their home, she chase them away and Tasneem knew she is not doing nothing because they are so cute.

"If they do more than that, I promise to kill you first then kill their fucking master." She vowed, her heart beating harshly inside her ribcage but she climb down slowly watching their moves keenly.

As soon as she safely landed on the floor, they move around to sniff her making her stand rooted on the floor afraid one of them will open it's mouth and tear her flesh. She hates scars, she does not have one and if she gets them because of him, she will make him pay with his life. When they finished sniffing her, they lie down calmly on the floor on her both feet making her heart soften instantly. She would've hated herself if she had done something terrible to them.

"See, they love you." Tasneem stared admiringly at the sight before her, Suhayr has always been likeable even with her gangster personality

"I can see that." Suhayr is talking lowly as though if she opens her mouth too widely, they'd flee.

She stayed like that for a few minutes then thought she needs to take bath and get ready for her lunch. She really would want to stay there with those cute little things but she needs to also get ready, she promised to soak herself in the bathtub. With a sigh of frustration, she move her feet a little, they stood up as if knowing what she wants. She smiled, some animals are way better than humans, she won't doubt that. Maybe that's why that asshole loves them a lot.

"What's their names?" She ask one of the maids, not even turning to see who she is talking to.

"Borak and Butrus, your Highness." And she nodded in thanks looking as their cute ears perk up at the sound of their names.

"Borak, Butrus, I need to take bath now. Stay here till I get back." She played with their ears and touched the soft furs around their bodies. They look wealthy, wealthier than she has been some days ago.

With that, she meandered away and left for the stairs all the while staring at them like she doesn't want to leave.


"You are going to meet your mother in-law, Sumara."

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