10~ More Family To Come.

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Due to Tasneem's shriek, her sister awoke and so does her mother Urshia and sister Thuraiya looking horrified at the duo. Suhayr is getting the beat of her life by Tasneem so they only shook their heads and help Suhayr or she gets bruises on that sensitive skin of hers. They are used to Tasneem's quick hands, she likes beating people for littlest mistakes but her beating Suhayr means something big which they are very much anticipating to know. What has she done for her friend to hit her like a lunatic?

"What is going on here, young ladies?" Urshia demanded after settling Tasneem on the bed while Suhayr is placed on Thuraiya's bed, they are watching them weirdly.

Tasneem is still glaring at a cheeky Suhayr both their faces flushed from having wrestled on the cold tiled floor during winter. Suhayr is used to Tasneem's lunatic self but she didn't expect the girl to go all John Cena on her for not telling her about her marriage. She thought she would be excited and demand they celebrate but totally what she didn't expect happened. She has a few choices to think why she did that though, she always has.

It might be because of her rejection from the day before by none other than their male best friend. Suhayr wanted to go to him and tell him about the marriage first but she won't do that anymore neither will she tell him about her leaving the country to Nigeria to get her dream straight. He broke her girl's heart with his childish antics, he didn't even tell her about it which he usually does. Maybe he is tired of being their friend, who knows now? She is always that insecure about friends already and this just hit home.

While she didn't expect that from Tasneem, she is glad the girl is not into full blown heartbreaking sight which is not a good one to see. To some, Tasneem might look weak in front of Suhayr but she is not, Suhayr is just too fierce for her own good making everyone a shadow of fear in front of her. Some went to the extent of saying she is related to vampire, just how stupid can people be? She don't even find vampires as cool as wolves, she wants to be an alpha King not some Vampire.

Even in front of death, Suhayr won't bow down so it says a lot about others point of view in emotions. Tasneem hates tears, she despise them even just like Suhayr. The only thing they agree to, most of their arguments are on why they are polar opposites. Urshia always calm them down when they both decide to soar into the sky in fury, she has been bruised more than once.

"She got married without telling me." Tasneem grumbled, her arms getting stuck on her chest in utter annoyance and still in shock and disbelieve that Suhayr is married.

"Because you dared me." Suhayr was quick to defend herself when Urshia furrowed her brows at them while Thuraiya widen her eyes in surprise knowing the hate Suhayr has for the other gender for some odd reasons. Not really hate but she feels like none of them are worth her time.

"I didn't dare you to get married. I told you to get a boyfriend for yourself not a husband, goddammit!" Tasneem is clearly exasperated with the matter letting the disbelieve wear off.

One thing she should have known about Suhayr is, she never lied. If she does, then there is no other way out of it or there is a tinge of truth in it and this, she is saying the whole truth. The girl just went and ruined her life because of a stupid dare and she would've back out of the dare if she had visited the day before after she got her heart broken. She can't have her girl going through that, especially someone like Suhayr.

"You mean, you are really married?" Urshia passed the question to Suhayr who is trying hard not to flee away from the room and get to the safety of her apartment which is not safe anymore because of her guests, more like her husband and his friend.

"Yes, Aunt. I just thought that since she is getting married too, I should do it so we can be equal but I didn't know she would back out." And she does not like taking blame, no matter how much of her fault it is. She hates surrendering, she thinks it is part of being weak and helplessness which she isn't.

"Wow, this is super cool!" Thuraiya hooted but when she got three pair of eyes glaring at her, she kept quite and let her sheepish face appear so the attention will leave her.

"Where is the husband? You don't even know who he is and what he does, you just got married? Your mom would've been so disappointed with this trick of yours, Susu. I never thought your pranks would get you to this, this is not what was planned for you. Your mother wanted you to fall in love before getting married because she knows how you are. I'm sorry but I don't stand by you in this." Urshia shook her head and left the room, disappointment marring her features.

Suhayr felt like she was slapped in the face by someone she never thought would. Urshia never spoke to her like that, it's either she was soft or indirect but never so straight and truth filled. The woman is too nice and kind for her own good which is something Suhayr always adore but even the nicest sometimes have to break if they are hit hard. The disappointment dripped from each word she spoke, she didn't like that thing.

She knew it was wrong of her to get married without thinking things through. She let her love for money blind her into getting married to someone who is not even in the same country as her. And Urshia is right, she does not know what he does or how he is only the fact that he is rich and has blue blood running in him. Now that she found out more about him which are really irrelevant. He is an asshole, a complete tartar, eats pizza with fork and have a sensitive skin. What else?!

Why didn't she think about just abducting him then demand hefty amount of ransom and leave the country? It would've been way easier than selling away her freedom to just a mere man that is only rich and handsome. The fact that this man just insulted her more than anyone has ever done also alleviate any good in this marriage. She also regrets this but she can't exactly say it to them.

Her mother is surely disappointed in her but what can she do in this cruel world? Without money, your life is no less than nonexistent which is not something she wants. The company is clearly failing right from when her mother is running it, she thought she could help it stand on it's feet but she couldn't. Her only option is getting married to the man knowing his money won't finish no matter what while hers would in a snap of finger.

She hardly knows how to hold money with her talk less about running the business to success on her own. There is a vow she took during the wedding though, she will make sure her mother's clothing brand is well known even if it is only by people in one country. Now that she is married, she will get the money from her husband and build the company for her. She wants to secure the future of both the company and herself which is the whole reason for the wedding.

While she gets the money of the apartment and company, she can secure her life under his roof and mingle around his money for last touches of the company. Life is not easy, you can't go easy on it or you end up losing yourself on the way. The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.

"Let me leave you two to it. But Ya Susu, he is as hot as an inferno!" Thuraiya's squeal brought her out of her reverie that is when she noticed that she is looking at her phone, probably checking the photos she took of the wedding as evidence.

"Thanks." Suhayr smiled, at least someone is by her side at this time even though the best friend she wants isn't.

"Leave this room, Ray!" Tasneem bellowed striking a book at Thuraiya's direction who was quick to dodge and left the room guffawing.

"Now what do you want me to do? I am already married and this is not what I need from you." Suhayr sighed seeing that Tasneem is giving her cold shoulders, she can't take this. They fight all the time but never silent treatments, Tasneem knew she hated that and she is doing it to annoy her.

"What do you want me to say? Congratulations on your wedding? That sounds absurd even to your own ears, doesn't it?" Tasneem is back to being a bitch which she does whenever she feel like she is in the right.

"What is done is done and I'm leaving for Nigeria in five hours." Suhayr shrugged, she is not good with consoling and hopes Tasneem is not expecting her to apologize for something she did for herself. She does not regret marrying him for being a rich man, not one bit.

"Are you serious right now? You married a Nigerian after the history your mother had with them?" Tasneem had to struck the meek wimpy side she didn't want them to follow. Tasneem saw the hurt that flashed in her eyes which makes her turn away from her and decided to take the safest side. Suhayr never does something without reason.

"Why did you do it and who is he?" She asked, her voice restrained but there is fastidiousness in it that she couldn't enshroud.

"I have to save myself somehow from this cruel world. I don't have anyone with me to help me when I'm in need, who I'm I to pass up this opportunity? He is a multimillionaire from Nigeria and also royalty in Borno State or something of that sort. He is the one that wants my company and apartment, he was desperate and so was I. I think it's just Allah's plan." She finished with a sigh and shrug trying to keep her voice from being distant.

"...just the end of this month please." Tasneem closed her mouth when she was about to talk hearing the commotion just outside their room.

"I can't do this. You have three months yet to pay, this is too much, you have to leave immediately." They heard a man's voice and it's no doubt the landlord that takes a round after each month.

They sprang to their feet and made their way to the living room where he is comfortably sitting, his legs on the center table. None other than Hakim's father who everyone is scared of in the block because of his ruthlessness. If you as much breath wrongly in his presence, he will throw you out of his building, he has a lot of them too. The people don't know that they have the right to demand notice but will just leave and end up homeless for days or weeks, sometimes even months.

No one can report him, nothing happens whenever they do so they stopped trying. Hakim has always been ashamed of being called the landlord's son, he despise being related to the pitiless man with brown teeth rotten by kolanuts. And fortunate for him, they are hardly seen together, he changes his way whenever he saw his dad.

"They won't leave without notice, Mr. Mas'oud! There should be notice before you have the right to badge in and stench their home. You will also clean that rug you just dirtied with those boots." She pointed at the brown rug he dirtied with his dirty boots. Her eyes glaze in his, you can see the surprise on his face.

"If it isn't the fiery girl. You can come work with me so we have money, the fire in you always inspire me." He grinned showing those rotten teeth she hated most about him apart from his large nose which Hakim fortunately didn't inherit.

"Like hell I will. Now take your rotten self and leave this house before I call the cops." She threatened, her mouth baring in a snarl and if she could see clearly, he looks intimidated. Good, he should know not to play with the fire in her.

"Fine, just one week." And he left the house the same way he came in but not with the same self assurance.

"I don't know what to do!" Urshia grieved lurking her head in between her palms letting her eyes fall close but her breathing was erratic, she's close to having one of those asthma attacks.

"Aunt, you should calm down first and think." Suhayr was quick to go behind her and rub her back, she won't be able to handle her when she gets those attacks neither could her children.

That helps, Urshia stopped breathing hard and focus of bringing back her breathing to normal. What can she do now that they have no money left? She has no work because of poor schools and even the babysitting doesn't bring money now. Everything is just stuck, she don't know where to place her head and being a widow, she has enough in her plate already.

There are men willing to marry her but they are perverts and also not financially stable with their first wives. How can she push herself and her children into that life? She might not even get the freedom to look for work like she does now as a single woman. Some even bargained that she won't bring her children to their home because they can't take care of their needs. She can never do that to her children, that is not possible.

Then the rich ones are her friend's husbands, they dare come to propose to her. Three of them proposed to her right in their homes when she went to visit their wives, it was obscene and lewd seeing how men are so cheap. Her friends will just leave the room to get her some refreshment but their husbands will walk in and propose one had the audacity to say it is her loss. The guts!

It makes her like the idea of being single, with no stress of a man on her head thinking what he is doing and who he is following at the office. It is disgusting to see the sight of some married men flirting with her right in front of their wives! Maybe, being married is even a scam and being single is way better than it but she only need someone financially stable. She doesn't want to fall in love all over again only for the husband to die again, she can't take that anymore.

This is why she didn't put the entire blame on Suhayr hearing the explanation she gave her daughter earlier. She didn't eavesdrop but happen to walk around the room to get some cold water for their landlord, Mr. Mas'oud. You need someone by your side to survive this bestial world or you end up like a coal tarred floor maybe that will be even more important than you are. In the world now, you need money to survive and no explanation is behind it.

If you don't have money, you are as good as dead. The economy is already hard on everyone!

"Why not come with me to Nigeria? At least I will get that I have a family I can call my own?" Suhayr proposed rendering the other occupants of the room quite, stunned.

How are you doing guys? I hope everything is well with you wherever you are. May Allah make it all easy for us and heal whatever it is that is worrying us. Amen!

Q: Do you watch cartoons? I do!

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