Chapter Three: Just Another Mission
Hey, I decided to update this! Birdflash in the media!! It has to be one of the best pieces I have seen! The author of the work did a spectacular job!
Also, I didn't want to change the bat's super hero names, so I left them... Just the bat family, Wally and Roy are assassins in this story, the rest are still the heroes we know. It should make the plot line of the story better. C:< I have plans for this story, huge plans.
A small Dick Grayson raced through the tents, a smile on his face as the wind whipped in his ears. He laughed as he ran into his father's strong arms. The boy buried his face into the older acrobat's chest.
John Grayson laughed at the young boy's behavior. "De ce fugi, micul meu Robin?" (Why are you running, my little Robin?) his father asked, looking at his young son. Dick giggled, having taken his head out of his father's chest. "Am vrut să te văd, tati," (I wanted to see you, daddy) Dick replied, smiling up at his father.
A woman walked into the room, sporting the same exact costume as her husband and her son. She smiled when she heard Dick giggling. Mary Grayson walked to her family, crouching down next to them. "Ești gata, Robin?" (Are you ready, Robin?) she asked. Dick smiled at the nickname. "Da, mama," (Yes mama) the little boy answered, but little did he know, that was the last time he spent such a peaceful moment with his family.
Dick looked in awe as his parents flipped around in the air, almost looking as if they were flying. He laughed in joy, watching as his mother flipped through the air and grab onto her father. Dick watched in complete horror as the string of the trapeze snapped, sending his mother and father falling through the air in a non graceful way.
The young soon-to-be master assassin practically flew down the ladder to the ground, running over to his mother's unmoving body. She smiled up at him when he kneeled down next to her.
"Micul meu Robin, sper să fac lucruri mari," (My little Robin, I hope you do great things) the dying Mary Grayson whispered to her son, raising her shaking hand to his pale cheek. Tears slide down Dick's cheeks as his mother's hands fell to the floor, limp.
"Mama, te rog nu pleca. Te rog, nu mă lăsa singur aici!" (Mama, please don't go! Please don't leave me here alone!) the small seven year old pleaded, shaking his mother's body, but it was too late, Mary and John Grayson no longer existed in this world, only the cold, dead remains of what was once a happy family.
At some point, the ringmaster hand come and knelt next to him, rubbing his back as the other acts came onto the utterly odious crime scene. They watched in silent horror as the police were called and they loaded the dead Graysons into their van. All through this, Dick Grayson was sobbing, crying his seven year old heart out as he let go of his mother's cold hands, knowing that it was the last time he would see his mother alive and joyful.
Later that day, Dick Grayson looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were red and tears stained, his clothes rumpled and dirty. He looked at himself one more time before he punched the mirror, running out of the bathroom and into the small room of the hotel the ringmaster had rented out for him so he could have somewhere to stay while the legal issues were worked out.
Dick let out an a grunt as someone knocked on the door. He waked over to it with a pair of slippers and pajamas on, unlocking it and gaping as he saw who was on the other side. There, stood none other than Bruce Wayne, richest billionaire of Gotham and an infamous master assassin of the name of Batman whom had worked his way up to the title of leader of the Court of Owls by committing some very heinous missions.
"Richard Grayson?" He asked, looking at the shaking boy. Dick nodded, opening the door and letting the man in, praying that he wouldn't be brutally murdered like his parents. "I'd like to take you into the Court of Owls. Help you with all of that pain inside of you right now, help you get retribution on the killer of your parents," Bruce stated, placing his belt on the single bed of the hotel room and sitting down, leaning back on his hands.
Dick looked at him with something like fury on his features, no longer caring that he was going to be killed by this person. "What you know about loss?" He asked, the images of his parent's dead bodies filling his head. Bruce looked at the young boy with a raised eyebrow.
"My parents were Martha and Thomas Wayne. They practically ruled over Gotham City with their wealth. When we were coming home from an opera, a mugger ordered my mother to give him her pearls. My father rushed forward to protect my mother when the mugger shot him and my mother. I watched as his happened, held my parent's cold bodies and sobbed for days when they were buried. And through all of that, my family friend, Alfred, stuck to my side and helped me through those times. The last straw was one of my supposed 'friends' telling me that I just stood there and watched my parents die like a coward, that it should have been me. I ran away and ran into the Court of Owls. They trained me to be who I am today," Bruce said, looking Dick in the eye as he said the last part of what he was going to say. "Nothing made me more happier than slitting the throat of my parent's killer. Wouldn't you like to do the same?"
Dick looked at him for a second. "You can help me not feel like... this... worthless, useless son who let his parents die?" Dick asked hopefully, wiping away the tears that had fallen from his eyes. Bruce looked at the small innocent boy. Something inside of him had changed that day, something had made him gain his humanity, and that something was the innocence of the young boy he had already taken a liking to and called his son later on.
"Yes, all you have to do is listen to me and to my right hand woman," Bruce stated, glancing at the door nervously. He had seconds before he got here. "Who's your right hand woman?" He asked, the innocence he had lost when he lost his parent returning and shining in his eyes. Bruce looked at the boy and blinked once. He sighed and then spoke. "Batwoman."
The window broke with bullets as the door slammed open, revealing Ra's Al Ghul. Bruce grabbed his belt as Ra's spoke. "I believe the boy is mine, Batman." Bruce snarled, drawing his sword and stepping in front of Richard. Ra's drew his own sword and lunged at Bruce. Dick ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and whimpering at the sound of things breaking as the two master assassins fought in the bedroom of the hotel room.
"Honey?" A sweet voice asked, making Dick look up at the window. There, sat a 23 year old Kate Kane in her Batwoman costume, the katanas on her back hidden by the long black cape she wore. "Come with me, okay?" She asked. Dick crawled over to her and let her pick him up. "Hold onto me tightly, okay sweetie?" she asked, smiling at him. He nodded, and burrowed himself into her side as she shot her grappling hook and swung to the nearest roof top.
They landed silently and Dick let go of the red haired woman, who smiled down at him. "Hi," she said in a sweet voice. "I'm Batwoman, what's your name?" Dick looked at her, then he smiled. "I'm Dick Grayson!" He replied with a childish smile. Kate smiled at the boy again. She and this boy were going to be great friends.
A year after this incident, Bruce had brought Dick into his study and gave him his first assignment. Dick sighed to himself as he lept through the rooftops, his hands slightly shaking. He stopped and tried to gather his nerves. He could do this. It was just one man, right? I mean, he was the son of the Batman! He could do this... all he had to do was pull the trigger once and it was all over.
He pushed the thoughts out of his mind and entered the apartment, sneaking towards the bedroom where his victim slept. He crawled into the room and pulled the safety off his gun. He looked down at his shaky gloved hand one last time.
Dick raised the gun and pointed it towards the man's hand. He pulled the trigger and closed his eyes, not wanting to see the victim die. When he opened his eyes, the man was dead with a single shot through his forehead. Dick ran to the man and put his gun into the man's head and bolted out of the apartment.
He hurried into the roof as the neighbors rushed to the apartment of the dead man. Dick gulped breaths of air to calm himself down. He had just killed his first victim.
Dick gulped as a sword was put to his neck, racking his mind for a plan to get him out of here alive. "You are going to come with me now, boy, and you are going to forget everything the Batman taught you," Ra's stated, digging his sword into Dick's neck, only with enough force to draw blood. Dick spit in Ra's face and said three words; "Rot. In. Hell."
Ra's wiped the spit off his face and glared at the boy. "You just made your last mistake, child," he spat, driving his sword through Dick's stomach.
Dick gasped in surprise and stumbled back, pulling the sword out and throwing it away. He fell to his knees as he hear a cry of, "NO!" The last thing he saw was the face of his victim, taunting him and saying that he would meet the same fate as him.
Dick shot up and winched due to the pain running up his back. He looked around rapidly, going for his knife- only to realize that he wasn't in his room and his bag was no where nearby. He was heaving, the faces of all this past victims flying through his vision. Dick shook and he put his head into his hands and tried to calm himself down, using breathing exercises that he had learned.
Wally groaned as he felt the bed rock as one of its inhabitants shot up. He brought a hand to his face, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was met with the sight of his arranged husband heaving with his head in his hands. Wally's eyebrows pushed tougher in a confused manner. The right hand man of Ra's Al Ghul sat and awkwardly put a hand on Dick's shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked, his voice a cruel imitation of sincerity for the assassin had no sincerity left. All of his emotions were put on hold when he was kicked out of his parent's house by his father.
Dick nearly jumped when Wally spoke, having not notice that the latter had put a hand on his shoulder. The Talon nodded once and then took a deep breath to calm his emotions. He couldn't have them on a mission. Emotions were a weakness to an assassin- they could not have them in missions, it could lead to their demise.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Dick lied as he pulled his head from his hands and looked at Wallace. Dick nearly glared- the bastard didn't have a single emotion inside of him! Dick grabbed the bottom part of his armor and slipped it on, walking to one of the many dressers of the large and luxurious League room. Dick pulled out a pair of regular jeans and some undergarments.
Dick swiftly walked/limped to the bathroom and took a nice, long deserved shower. Afterwards, he dried off and pulled into his undergarments and jeans. He shuffled across the room in his socks, making his way to the dresser where he kept his shirts. He pulled out a fresh blue tank and slipped it on.
Wally watched as Dick walked over to the bed and picked up the pieces of his armor, setting it in a separate drawer. Dick pulled out a duffle bag from the drawer below the one that contained his armor. The right hand man of Ra's Al Ghul watched one as Dick stuffed the duffle bag with a smaller bag- which held two .49 caliber Glocks- a katana, and a small dagger/knife.
Wally raised an eyebrow at the weapons that Dick put in the duffle bag. Dick looked over to him and shrugged. "You never know what could happen on a mission," Dick simply stated, putting a few other things into the bag and zipping it up. He slung the blue bag over his shoulder, slipped on his blue kicks, and then took on last look at Wally.
"So you're still taking orders from the Court?" Wally asked. Dick looked at the assassin, miffed. "Of course! I have no intention of cutting all ties with my family, thank you very much!" Dick exclaimed, opening the door of the room. "Good day, Wallace," he said over his shoulder as he slammed the door, leaving Wally in the room alone.
Dick walked through the hallways of Nanda Parbat, grumble to himself in Romanian. "Asasin prost puțin, nu avea nici o emoție. Prost Bruce, lăsându-mă aici cu asta și apoi să-mi dea o misiune...." (Stupid little assassin, not having any emotions. Stupid Bruce, leaving me here with that idiot and then giving me a mission....)
Dick was so caught up in mumbling to himself that he didn't notice that he bumped into someone. When he realized who it was, he bowed his head in respect even though he didn't want to be here.
"That is not needed," Ra's Al Ghul said, looking at the boy. "It is an honor having you here. I have heard you are an excellent assassin, Nightwing," Ra's said, his expression blank. "So I've been told," Dick replied, looking the demon's head in the eye. After a few second of silence, Dock spoke again, "If you'll excuse me, my lord, I have a mission to finish."
Ra's nodded and let the man go and finish his mission. The demon head watched the retreating back of the young assassin with glee. He had finally gotten Bruce's most treasured thing; his first son.
Dick sighed to himself as he walked into the hotel room of Alan Michael, his new target. "So why are you here, baby?" the drunk man asked, walking over to Dick with a loopy smile on his face. Dick glared at him, not in the mood to seduce this idiot.
Dick slipped his hand into his bag and grabbed one of his Glocks, bringing it out and pointing it at the man. Dick glare at the man, speaking, "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed. Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head."
The man shook as Dick pointed the gun at him and spoke two last sentences before he was going to pull the trigger. "You have been identified as an enemy of the Court Of Owls, prepare to pay for your crimes against the Court. Any last words?"
Alan Michael opened his mouth to scream for help when Dick pulled the trigger, shooting the man in the head once. For good measure, he shot him in the chest also. When he was sure the man was dead, he put they safety on the gun and put it back into his bag, getting out his gloves. He searched through the hotel's drawers and by sheer luck, he found a Glock in the man's bag.
He took out the Glock and pulled the man into a sitting position, positioning the gun so it looked like the man had killed himself. As he heard footsteps, he threw his gloves into his bag and threw the bag to a nearby rooftop with ease, then he ran to the corner, expertly avoiding leaving any evidence.
He started to fake cry and hyperventilate, making new it look like he was witness to a suicide. The door flew open and a few cops barged in, taking in the scene. A blonde haired female cop walked over to him and asked what happened. In a flawless imitation of a shaky voice, he told the woman.
"He invited me out for a drink," he started, wrapping his arms around himself to add to the already flawless act. "I had a feeling that he was too drunk, but never enough to kill himself!" Dick burst out in fake tears, burning his head into his hands. The blonde cop, Artemis, gave the man a smile.
"Please, continue," she asked, putting her fun down and comforting the sobbing man. "When I had my third drink, he said, 'Let's go to my hotel room and finish this.' We were kissing and I pulled away, things that there was no harm in it. I helped him up the stairs and then into his room. But, when we got in the room, he started blubbering about his parents and how they kicked him out and stuff- I don't remember it all. Then, he said he's was better off d-dead," Dick told the girl, bursting into another round of fake tears.
Artemis frowned at this. The world truly was a cruel place. "Then what happened?" She asked, not wanting to make this poor man anymore upset, but she needed to do her job.
"He p-pulled out a gun," Dick said, wiping the fake tears away before he continued. "He said that he was done with this world and I tried to stop him, but he shot himself in the chest and fell to the floor. I saw that he wa still breathing and I was so relieved. As I was about to pull out my phone and ca an ambulance, he pulled the trigger one time and it was aimed for his head. So much blood. Gods, there was so much blood!" Dick blubbered, still shaking.
Artemis sighed and nodded, standing up. She walked over to her partner and told him everything the man in. The corner said. The other cop sighed, looking at the dead body, shaking his head.
"It's sad that people do this to themselves," her partner, Thomas Wilson, said. Then, he looked over at Dick, who was still hyperventilating and sobbing his heart out. "Okay; we have out statement and Forensics already classified it as a suicide by looking at it. Let the poor grieving man go, the get his name and number so we can call him and tell him when the funeral is."
Artemis nodded and looked over at Dick, who had stopped sobbing, but was still hyperventilating. She walked over to him and knelt next to him. "Okay, we're going to let you go home and relax, but we just need your name and number. Can you write them down for me, please?" Artemis asked, taking out her notepad and a pen, handing both of them to Dick's shaking hand. Dick wrote down a fake name and number that had been disconnected. He smiled on the inside as Artemis looked at the pad. She wasn't going to find James Hunter alive- the guy was his next target.
Artemis looked at the man once and then the notepad. James Hunter, 980-877-6890. She nodded at him and then helped him up, his hand slung over her shoulders as she helped him outside. Dick smiled and nodded to him as she left.
When he was sure the police had left, he made his way up to the building's roof, grabbing his bag and quickly changing into his Nightwing suit. He attached his katanas to his back and loaded the gun into their holsters on his waist. He strapped the knife on the outer side of his left thigh and put the extra rounds for the guns in his belt pockets.
He grabbed the thick, black scarf that was attached to his suit and wrapped it around his head ninja style. All that was left in the bag was Dick's tank, his jeans, jacket and Kicks.
Dick made a quick trip back to his small car- which he used to get here- and pulled up the front seat, stuffing the bag underneath the seat and pushing the seat back into place, the fabric at the bottom of the seat covering the bag. Dick closed the door and the used his grappling hook to swing up to the roof of the nearby building.
Dick almost laughed out loud as he practically flew across the roof tops of the city, the feeling of joy making. Itself known in Dick. He landed at a small apartment building complex, plodding his gun quickly and making his way to James Hunter's window. He had to do this quickly before the cops called and James would be alerted of his presence.
He pried the window open and slipped inside, smirking under his mask and walking to the living room, where James Hunter was watching T.V, alone. Dick smiled to himself and pulled out his gun.
"Quite dangerous to be alone, James," he said, startling the man into jumping out of his seat and pulling out a gun also. "Oh, you brought your own gun!" Dick said, smirking under his ninja scarf. "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed. Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head."
James pulled the trigger of his gun as Dick put his away, easily dodging the bully shot. He pulled the gun out of James's hold and spoke once more. "You have been identified as an enemy of the Court Of Owls for stealing from us. Prepare to pay for your crimes against the Court. Any last words?"
James nodded his head as he glared at Dick. "Yeah. Rot in hell, bastard," the man growled, spitting in Dick's face. Dick wiped the spit off and pulled the trigger once, effectively killing him with one bullet to the chest.
Dick went to work, putting the gun in James's hand, making it look like it he killed himself. He quickly calculated where the first bullet shot would be and then pulled it out, putting it into one of his many unity belt pockets. He took out a mini packet of plaster, using it to patch up the wall, thanking his luck that the wall was white.
He put the packet back into his belt and then he looked through his desk, making sure to memorize the order he had to put them back in. He looked through all of the papers and then pulled out a fresh piece of paper and used his skill for copying down people's handwriting flawlessly.
He wrote a few sentences on the paper. I'm sorry. I can't deal with the fact that I couldn't stop a man killing himself. I... I can't live with myself anymore.
He walked over to the man and used his hand to make sure fresh fingerprint ended up on the pencil. He put everything back into y's place and then slipped the note into his victim's hands. He smirked to himself as he leaped out of the window and onto the rooftop, hiding himself from the approaching cops.
He watched as they filled into the complex and as an ambulance arrived. Dick watched as they loaded the body of his victim into the back of the truck, as the cops walked out of the complex with their heads down. Dick smirked to himself. Another job well done.
However, he want the only assassin there that night. There was another, of the name of Slade Wilson. "So, is this the best you could do, Ra's?" He whispered to himself, leaving the scene as he planned out how to kill Ra's Al Ghul's right hand man and his new husband. He was going to get the throne of the demon head even if it killed him!
TADA! Another long chapter done!
~Dani :)
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