Chapter Four: Memories of the Past

I just needed to update this story, even though I stayed up till midnight to do it, but hey, who needs z-scores and measures of central tendency when you have readers to please? Also, quick warning, midterms are coming up, so it's time for me to binge study! Deathstroke up in the media. Quick question, should Wally be a speedster in this?



"Wallace, a word," Ra's Al Ghul said as he entered his right hand man's room. Wallace looked at the head of the League and thanked his luck that he managed to get on underwear and a pair of sweatpants right after Dick left.

"Yeah, sure," Wally replied, slipping out of his bed and pulled on a red shirt. "It seems the Talons are hiding something from us," Ra's began, crossing his arms behind his back and stepped forward, his face a mask of blankness. Wally simply nodded in agreement. "So I want you to find out whatever you can from your little... whore," Ra's spoke, his face turning into disgust as he mentioned Dick. Wally on the other hand felt a pang of anger at the word 'whore.' Dick was far from that! How dare Ra's call him that! Dick was...  Oh dear lord, did he just defend a Talon? Well, not spoken, but still, he defended Dick. 

"Wallace, was that an aye or a nay?" Ra's asked impatiently. Wally regarded the old assassin for a second, thinking about all the ways he could wrap his arms around the man's neck and assassinate him for allocating such an insolent word to his husband's name. However, Wally held himself back for three reasons: Ra's would kill him before Wally could strangle him; it would cause the assassins in the League of Shadows to be antagonized; Wally didn't think that Dick would even consider that Wally would kill for him.

"Wallace, I demand an answer," Ra's vocalized, his voice hading Wally to give an answer before Ra's did something very rash and made the situation much, much... unsatisfactory. Wally once again looked at the Demon Head. "Aye," He uttered in one word. "I will do the deed."

"So it is said, so is it done," Ra's said eerily. Wally sighed to himself as Ra's Al Ghul left the room. 


Nightwing sighed as he walked through the halls of Nanda Parbat, his bag slung over his shoulder. His footsteps made no noise as he approached his room due to his specially designed boots. He had them made so that he could sneak around in them.

"I don't know Roy, this is different. If it's Slade, tell Ra's I absolutely want to go," he heard Wally say as he stopped at the door. "Wally," Wally? Who is this person and how is he so comfortable around his emotionless menace of a husband? Dick though for a moment, deciding to let the mystery person finish his sentence before he barged in and did something reckless.

"I get you want to get this guy, but you have other priorities right now," The person spoke, and from the volume of his voice, Dick could tell that this guy either was near the door, or just spoke very, very loud.

"What, like the slut I'm married to?" Wally snorted. Okay, enough is enough. Wally could call me anything he wants, just not that. Anything, but that. That's what he said before it happened. Dick's eye became the size of a large pizza as the memories of that horrible night came back to him.

"NO! Please, NO!" He could remember himself screaming, right before it happened. "Too late, slut. You belong to me now." His attacker was quite proud of himself for raping a sixteen year old. Dick shuddered. He still remembered his voice. "Who knew a bat was so easy to break?" Six years and that man still haunts him. Bruce never could find him, so that meant he was still out there. He still track Dick down and- Dick shuddered at the mere thought of meeting the man again. Looking into his cold eyes once more... Dick decided that he had enough of memory lane and pushed the door open, building his walls back up and getting ready to confront Wally.

"Gee, I'm sooo glad that an assassin thinks of me as a slut," Dick snarked, even though he hesitated a bit at the last word. He dropped his bag unceremoniously on ground next to the dresser and ripped his mask off. "Not like I haven't been called worse. Whore, bitch, but don't you ever call me a slut!" Dick started, raising his voice, his hands starting to shake a bit. Wally snorted and looked at Roy, nodding to show him to leave.

Roy looked sceptical, but nevertheless, he left, closing the door behind him. Wally got up off the bed and approached Dick, snarling.

"If you disrespect me like that again, I'll make sure no one will recognize you again when I'm done with you," Wally hissed, grabbing Dick's arm. Dick startled and ripped his hand away from Wallace, pulling it close to himself.

"Don't you ever touch me without my consent, EVER," Dick yelled in a hysterical panic. He backed into the wall and put his head into his hands, closing his eyes tightly. Wally, on the other hand, just stood their confused and not moving.

Meanwhile, Nightwing was trying to keep himself from a full blown panic attack. Deep breaths, Dick. Deep breaths. Dick repeated this mantra over and over. This hasn't happened in ages! Why here? Why now? Dick thought as his breathing began to even out. Why me? He dared himself to think. 

Wally watched as Dick seemed to curl into himself, his breathing still erratic then slowing down a little bit. In a split second, Dick rushed past Wally and locked himself in the bathroom. 

Dick slipped down the door and put his head back in his hands. His breathing had began to even out, and soon enough, the panic attack passed. However, Dick refused to leave the small comfort he had in the bathroom and go back into his room. 


"What do you know about panic attacks?" Dick snarled when he shuffled his way to his side of the bed and sat down. Wally stood in front of him and crossed his muscular arms.

"I know a lot them in fact," Wally snapped back, his stance not breaking. Dick snorted at said assassin and jumped up, glaring at Wally since he was shorter than the ginger. "What, it's not like your parents never cared about you," Dick quipped nonchalantly.

Dick gasped as Wally slammed him up against the wall, growling. Nevertheless, he smirked. "What, did I hit a nerve, West?" Dick snarled at the assassin. Wally grabbed the bird's wrists and pressed them against the wall, tightening his hold on them.

"You seem one to talk about parents, Richard, Where are yours now, hmmm?" Wally paused for a minute to give the bat a toothy smile, but it held anger, not happiness. "That's right, dead. And do I need to mention the fact that you didn't do a damn thing to help them? Oh, I guess I just did."

Oh, that was a low blow, you son of a gun. Dick thought as he struggled against Wally's hold which only seem to get stronger. "What do you know about parents?" Dick shouted, tears coming to his eyes. "What do you know about having everything you love torn away in a cruel moment?" He whispered. Tears glistened in his eyes as he spat what he had to say out.

"I know a lot about that in fact," Wally whispered back, easing up his grip on Nightwing's arms even though he had already let bruises form on each wrist. Without thinking, Wally surged forward and claimed Dick's lips, his hands having now fallen to the younger's waist. Dick, though mildly surprised at the speedster's actions, allowed himself to press back against Wallace's lips. Nightwing dropped his hands to Wally's shoulders, opting to wrap them around the assassin's neck.

"I'm sorry," he whispered against Dick's lips after ending the kiss. "That was a little bit harsh, even for me." Dick looked up at the redhead with a smile. "It's fine, I'm used to people having anger issues. Besides, I was really asking for it, ya know, acting like a brat and all," Dick comforted Wally, making the master assassin crack a smile. At that moment, Wally knew that he was going to have a problem breaking this guy's heart after he got all the information he needed.


That's it for today folks! Enjoy your day!

Bye bye!


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