Touya stood in front of me rubbing his chin as I stood still letting the people pick some clothes out putting it over my body to give him a vision. "Hm...I don't know, what do you think princess?" There goes that stupid name again, I sighed pushing the clothes away gently "I don't need new clothes, I have enough clothes in my closet" I said.

"You know what, get me every piece of men clothing for me, in uh....small size-" "I'm a medium" "really? Make it a medium" I sighed walking by him as he looked around the store "oh look at this, you should wear this on our wedding night" he said showing me the black lingerie.

I scrunched up my face in disgust "absolutely not" "why not? You'd look cute" "oh now you think I'm cute?" I said crossing my arms as I glared at him while he laughed "well maybe not your face, but your body is" my face dropped staring at him surprised until I frowned turning away. My face isn't cute? Am I really that ugly? What ever, he must have no clue how fucking hideous he looks.

"where you going ?" He said as I walked away "Home" "why? We haven't gone over all our plans yet princess" "stop calling me princess! I'm not a princess!" "Yeah you are, you're my princess" "oh shut up" I walked out of the building about to leave until a hand grabbed me "don't leave me, we were getting along just right"

"Yeah right" Touya chuckled walking me to the car where he held the door open for me. I stepped in crossing my arms as I looked out the window ignoring eye contact. "Hm...where would you like to go to next?" "Home" "besides that" "Look I know we're gonna get married but I do NOT want to be spending my day with you, I need to get home and study"

"Study? For what? You have me, I have a lot of money you know?" "I can see that". He sighed driving out as I stayed quiet, "look I'll take you out to eat, then I'll take you home. Sounds good?" "Fine" "good, wouldn't want your dad to think I didn't treat you to anything"




After getting something to eat, Touya had driven me back home. He stepped out the car walking over to my side opening my door, I got out making my way to the front door about to open up until he stopped me. "Our wedding is two days away, and although I've been treating you as best as I can, it does not mean I love you"

"So don't expect this princess treatment to last forever, I'm only putting a good reputation for my father and our gang, once we get married it's over, got it?" I frowned pushing him away "like I care, I don't like you anyways" I said before slamming the door in his face.

I leaned against the door sighing, who does he think he is talking to me like that? I don't care about his feelings or anything, I didn't even like any of this 'princess' treatment, it didn't even feel like that it felt like I was getting punished by the devil.

Stupid Touya, stupid Enji they're all stupid putting me in some marriage like that. It's not my fault they chose to be enemies, and I shouldn't give up MY love life just for a truce.

Then again...this marriage did depend on my dads life....ugh, I wish I wasn't born into this life, couldn't I have a different one? One where I didn't have to go through something like this?

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